What do you drink other than homebrew?

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Well-Known Member
May 2, 2010
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I know not everyone only drinks their own beer. So my question is what else do you drink?

I personally am a scotch fan myself.

Some macallan 15. For the cost can't beat it!
Macallan 15 is a nice bottle to drink. I can't normally afford that. I have been drinking a fair amount of the small batch liquors made by some of the Iowa distilleries. The bourbons and ryes aged in Oak are always nice.
I like a bottle of 6th glass occasionally too.
Outside of homebrew AND commercial beer, you mean?

I also love a good single malt, but I wouldn't call The Macallan a favorite (although it's not the worst, either). My current favorites would be Lagavulin 16, or Laphroaig Quarter Cask on a bit more of a budget. Balvenie DoubleWood is great too.

Also like Ireland's answer to a single malt, Redbreast.

I also like tea. Most any varietal. Lately it's been a few Scottish blends (if you can describe a tea as "malty", these are the ones). I've been craving Lapsang Souchong lately but haven't gone to get any more. And I keep various Mate blends around (since I prefer em to coffee and they pack the same punch). Moroccan mint is good. Mango Ceylon or Ginger Peach, too. I've got an Assam with chocolate blend that's really good. Earl Grey with lavender that's fantastic. And a jasmine silver needle that's fantastic. Among others.
Still haven't dabbled in the Irish whiskey, I really feel as if I need too though. Lagavulin is an islay malt am I correct?I'm I am more partial to highland and speyside though.
Still haven't dabbled in the Irish whiskey, I really feel as if I need too though. Lagavulin is an islay malt am I correct?I'm I am more partial to highland and speyside though.

Both Lagavulin and Laphroaig are Islay. I tend to prefer the Islay ones, but I'll enjoy any region depending on the distillery.
I enjoy a good bottle of wine, mine or commercial, big bold reds are my go to wines.
I enjoy a Top shelf vodka and 7up a bit too much, more vodka than 7up.
Crystal Light, and water if I have to...lol
I drink a lot haha

More specifically whiskeys of various types, bourbons, scotches, canadian, irish, sour mash, ryes etc. Usually scotch as it's my choice but I like others as well. I almost always have a bottle of Scotch. I am trying to get more into wine and mead. I enjoyed mead in the past but didn't drink it often. now I'm finding some good craft meaderies and enjoying their wares. Wine is tricky I have no clue what I like there. Cause I rated wines I tried at a local place, and I liked both the dryest and the sweetest ones.
Scotch mostly. Although lately I have been drinking some oak aged tequila. The exact name escapes me right now, but it's the tequila aged for 3.5+ years. Incredibly smooth and easy to sip on. I have a bottle of Don Julio 1942 I will be enjoying with family tomorrow.
--distilled water
--java monster; irish blend (miss the russian one)
--complete starbux wh0re, venti iced quad white mochas w/o whipcream is my go-to drink.
--mt.dew on occasion, have cut back on that sh*t immensely over the last few years..
--whiskey, have a drinks worth of single barrel jack on the shelf and a 12 year Bushmills to finish, think i'll get the 16 year next... and i've gone through many a bottle of Crown..
Mostly water for me, or protein shakes.- I'll do a nor'easter cause it reminds me of Boston, as well as gin, grand marnier, and dirty gin martinis. I'm trying to get into brown liquor but it's a struggle, and drinking wine takes away from drinking beer.
Water and coffee mostly. If I drink a soda it's a decent root beer/ginger beer. And Pendleton whiskie straight. That's about it.
Vodka (partial to Tito's), Irish whiskey (Bushmills 16 and Redbreast are a couple of favorites for sipping, plain old Jameson is good with ginger beer/ale), occasionally tequila (Corralejo, if I can) and rum (plain old Bacardi).

Like coffee a lot too, the straight varieties that tend to be roasted ligher to medium, like Kenya, and still hard to beat a good Columbian.
Other than beer (both homebrewed and commercial) I drink mostly whiskey. Scotch, Bourbon or other. A personal favorite all around Scotch is Highland Park 12.

Lately I've been drinking some Beer Barrel Bourbon from New Holland Distillery. First they age Dragons Milk ( basically a RIS) in Bourbon barrels. Then they put some Bourbon that had already been aging in new oak into the freshly emptied Dragons Milk barrels. Its easily the smoothest Bourbon around.
Other than beer (both homebrewed and commercial) I drink mostly whiskey. Scotch, Bourbon or other. A personal favorite all around Scotch is Highland Park 12.

Lately I've been drinking some Beer Barrel Bourbon from New Holland Distillery. First they age Dragons Milk ( basically a RIS) in Bourbon barrels. Then they put some Bourbon that had already been aging in new oak into the freshly emptied Dragons Milk barrels. Its easily the smoothest Bourbon around.

What is the name of this? It sounds amazing! Do you have a picture of the bottle?
What is the name of this? It sounds amazing! Do you have a picture of the bottle?

Its called Beer Barrel Bourbon. Its made by New Holland out of Holland, MI. I'm not sure what kind of distribution their spirits get. I am currently out so I can't take a pic but if you search I'm sure you can find one.
In order of volume:

Iced Tea

I have not purchased a store bought beer for home consumption in about a year.
Tea, coffee, scotch, bourbons, rum. I haven't had a soda in years, except for the occasional cream soda. I also enjoy wines and meads--especially my own.
I know not everyone only drinks their own beer. So my question is what else do you drink?

I personally am a scotch fan myself.

Some macallan 15. For the cost can't beat it!

I second that! I 'learned' on that. Never even tried beer till I was 20 and stationed in ft Eustis VA and never enjoyed it until I found there were other beers besides the big guys several years later.
All kinds of commercial brews.
occasional wine
occasional Irish whiskey or Scotch
once or twice a year, some tequila
iced tea
and very rarely, a can of soda
Commercial cider since making a good one with some age takes a while and is a PITA when you just want a few honest ciders. Scotch, bourbon, brandy, cognac, tequila, calvados, ouzo VERY occasionally, normally as a digestif. Lots of wine, both my own mead etc. and all the good wine of the central AZ wine industry, mostly because of discounts :). I'm also a big proponent of water! Water good! and I'm a hideously addicted Pu-ehr drinker, going to great lengths to have my regular couple of cups to get me started in the morning. As a matter of fact, people are afraid of me until I've had my tea.
Tea. Mostly assam tea occasionally a english breakfast.
Vodka. High end, usually Jewel of Russia.
Gin, Bombay Saphire or Van Gough.
Commercial beer, coffee and a lot of water. If I goto a bar then usually whisky coke.
1 cup of coffee/day
8 cups of water/day
~All the tears of my enemies/week

Beer/vodka reserved for fri/sat/sun.
Kombucha - been to busy to learn to make it myself, but recently fell in love with the stuff
Whiskey - mostly bourbon, Irish, and Scotch
Teas - green, black, herbal, mate, I like it all
Wine - dry reds only, too impatient to make it myself
coffeecoffeecoffeecoffeecoffee - blacker than satan's butthole
commercial beer - I'll buy anything I haven't already tried at least once
tons and tons of water. I'm a firm believer in hydration

I avoid pretty much anything else except on special occasions
I drink a lot of water.
I am also a big coffee fan. I stick to very dark roasts and brew it strong.
I am a big bourbon fan. Some of my favorites include Knob Creek (several of their varieties), Woodford Reserve, Maker's 46, Booker's, and Angel's Envy.
I have never been a big Scotch fan - always seemed too "peaty" (not sure if that is a word) for me. That said, my brother-in-law recently got me a bottle of GlenMorangie Nectar D'or. I have really enjoyed that stuff. Nice citrus notes and it doesn't taste like it was filtered though a bed of cigarette butts like a lot of Scotches seem to.