What BJCP style to categorize my chocolate milk stout?

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Jul 30, 2014
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Ive been brewing for a few years now and this will be my first BJCP competition. I plan on entering a chocolate milk stout.
From everything ive read normally this would fall under category 13B sweet stout. But i have added a few ingredients to boost the chocolate flavor to kick it out of this category. Ive added cocoa nibs and vanilla beans soaked in vodka into the secondary. Ive also added some ghirardelli unsweetened cocoa powder during the boil. Could i enter this beer under 21A spice/herb/vegetable? Im for sure it fits in the 23 category, but so many people enter that category and would like to give myself better chances in placing or winning. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

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Ive been brewing for a few years now and this will be my first BJCP competition. I plan on entering a chocolate milk stout.
From everything ive read normally this would fall under category 13B sweet stout. But i have added a few ingredients to boost the chocolate flavor to kick it out of this category. Ive added cocoa nibs and vanilla beans soaked in vodka into the secondary. Ive also added some ghirardelli unsweetened cocoa powder during the boil. Could i enter this beer under 21A spice/herb/vegetable? Im for sure it fits in the 23 category, but so many people enter that category and would like to give myself better chances in placing or winning. Any feedback is greatly appreciated!

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Well I can tell that if it's out of style, you definitely don't stand much of a chance of winning in any of the stout subcategories. At this point only you know what it taste like, it doesn't matter what you used in it, it's what it tastes like.

I would probably enter it into 23A and I would send it to at least 3 competitions to get some consistent feedback.
23 for sure. If you put it in 21, you'll get knocked down. It might fit into 13b but that's difficult to say without trying it for sure. Why not enter it into both 13B and 23 and see how you do?
i like the idea of entering it in 13b and 23. low level chocolate is fine for the style and the vanilla might be perceived as complementing the creaminess. it depends on balance and how it tastes.
23 for sure. If you put it in 21, you'll get knocked down. It might fit into 13b but that's difficult to say without trying it for sure. Why not enter it into both 13B and 23 and see how you do?

Why would it get knocked down in 21?

Vanilla applies to that category and so does chocolate (cocao)

This category may also be used for chile pepper, coffee-, chocolate-, or nut-based beers (including combinations of these items).
If it has chocolate in it do not enter it in 13. It should probably be under 21a although could make a case under 23. Either way I wouldn't worry about which category is bigger, because the best beer to style will win. Looking at your recipe though it is clearly not 13a and you will probably get a really low score if you enter it there.
Why would it get knocked down in 21?

Vanilla applies to that category and so does chocolate (cocao)

My understanding was that the vanilla was muted and not the dominant flavor or aroma in the beer. It sure looks like chocolate is accepted in SHV so perhaps he'd be just fine with 21.
If it were me, I'd still enter it in 13B, but there should be a space allowing you to add comments to your submission. There you could describe any additional characteristics for the judges to account for. Be aware that anything listed there the judges must be able to detect, otherwise you may be penalized some points. I don't think cocoa and vanilla beans qualify as "spices," but I'm not 100% positive.

Any certified judges want to weigh in? I could be mistaken.
S/H/V all the way if the beer has a noticeable (non grain derived) chocolate and vanilla flavor. Those "special ingredients" should be easily picked up in the beer or the judges could knock it a bit. If those ingredients are background you can get away with entering it as a Sweet Stout and not mentioning them.
Vanilla is a spice and noticeable amounts would be considered a fault in 13B. Chocolate notes are allowed, on the other hand a strong chocolate profile would also be a fault. Simply noting them in additional characteristics wouldn't keep them from being a fault in 13B.

If the chocolate and vanilla are barely perceptible, the kind of thing you wouldn't notice unless someone told you, then 13B, otherwise a spice\herb\veg beer.
If you have added anything besides water, grain, hops and yeast it should be entered as a specialty beer. I would not enter as a sweet stout.

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if you have to say "well technically it's..." then just enter it as that....
Absolutely 21A. The purpose of 23 is as an experimental category, where beers that do not fit any other category go. Per the guidelines, vanilla & cacao nibs are termed spices. Full stop. Same goes for coffee, dried chilies, tomatoes, coconut, etc. The new style guidelines explicit state that if you have to use the term "technically," it doesn't fit. The BJCP is using the culinary use as the definitive use, not the botanical. This is to relieve the the confusion surrounding peppers, coconut/other nuts & cucumbers, which used to end up in 20A (Fruit Beer) fairly often.