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My wife has been in Thailand and Laos for the last two weeks.

HB wheat saison. This one turned out great, but next time I think I'll use galaxy hops and some acidulated malt to up the tartness. For some reason it doesn't travel well, every time I've taken it somewhere it foams like crazy even after sitting for 2 days.
Plain water for me tonight. Had 16 days off between mid-December and early Jan. During that time I managed to polish off more than 10G of home brew. Between that and the 3lbs of butter I went through, it's time to lose some of this extra fat before I break a personal record I don't want to break.
Late entry: this was my Christmas present from a friend that I opened on NYE while dog-sitting for the same friend:


Sooooooo good! It was everything I liked about the BCBS with none of the stuff I didn't like.
lol. I had vodka & the new Sam Adam's seasonal Crystal Pale Ale. Tastes pretty good, but I'm starting to hate how their beers are all under carbonated.
Lagunitas bitter oats. Wow this is amazing. Like a bigger version of sucks and at 10.5% there is little to no alcohol presence. These guys are incredible I have yet to have a bad beer from lagunitas.
Modern Times Lomaland Siason. Only 2 or 3 saisons I would actually buy again. Seems more balanced with all the flavors from yeast and hops.
Failed attempt at a 'session ipa'. I mashed low to compensate for low atenuative English yeast. Still ended up 5%

I can't figure out from photobucket how to post a pic.
Failed attempt at a 'session ipa'. I mashed low to compensate for low atenuative English yeast. Still ended up 5%

I can't figure out from photobucket how to post a pic.

Holding the cursor over a pic in your library,a set of horizontal lines should appear in the upper left corner. hold the cursor over that & a list should appear. Click on share image, then on image
Diet orange crush with a 600mg ibuprofen. Cookies & milk compared to meloxicam. Waiting on another bucket of bottles to soak. 1 more batch of those, & it's on to tubing.
Probably just gonna keep it on the cheap side (I.E. Natty light), until I get my pipeline rolling. Then I'll just keep dumping more money into that for now. I have to drive forever to get actual good beer selections.