What are you doing instead of brewing this weekend?

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I hung out at the bike shop I frequent on Saturday then went to a friend's for dinner and homebrews that night. Sunday, I went on a 6 mile hike.
Going to my sister's wedding. Her soon-to-be husband is also a homebrewer, so I guess she can keep him around.

Might be brewing Sunday if I can.
This weekend I'll be laying in a hospital bed. I'm getting my left hip replaced. I had the right one done a year ago. I'll be out of the brewing biz for a little bit but I have a few kegs to tide me over. If last year is any indication, I won't be too up for drinking anyways. Cheers!!
This weekend I'll be laying in a hospital bed. I'm getting my left hip replaced. I had the right one done a year ago. I'll be out of the brewing biz for a little bit but I have a few kegs to tide me over. If last year is any indication, I won't be too up for drinking anyways. Cheers!!

Best of luck. I hear homebrew speeds the recovery process! :cross:
Celebrating my 10yr anniversary with my wife on Saturday and on Sunday heading to the gun range.

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Work today, tomorrow we're dogsitting for my in-laws' 18-month old Golden/Irish Setter mix while they go to the Packer game. So tomorrow I'll be hanging out watching football and playing with a puppy. There are better ways to spend a Sunday, but not many.
Was inspired today to start writing book two of my home brewing experiences. " Tippy Tippy Tappy II:Historical styles & Struggles". Found a bavarian hefe in the back of the fridge to celebrate.:mug:
All my stuff is still in storage. Still Looking for that home that fits our family. 6 months and counting. Not expecting to brew till spring...heck now I am not expecting to find a house till spring as this is the absolute slowest time of year for homes to go up for sale.
Well, I'd made a comment about how John Henry stood for blue collar workers everywhere with his strong beliefs. 38 people +1'd it & some said if I wrote a book about him & blue collar folks, they'd buy it. So I did the cover, title page a a few pages of chapter one so far. I love what he's alleged to have said upon seeing the steam drill he was going to race," If the Lord say machines ought to take the place of livin', then what's a substitute for Bread & beans? I ain't seen it! Are engines rewarded for their steam"? So it's been a pretty decent day. Even had a beer & the last couple shots to celebrate.
Holding my newborn son or doing other chores around the house. Fortunately I brewed two batches the weekend before he was born so I've got some supply. I think I'll be back on the wagon next weekend.
Sadly no brewing this weekend but I had an awesome 5 hour jam yesterday with some good friends and great homebrew. We killed a keg of pilsner and another filled with pale ale but luckily have 10 gallons cold crashing that will be ready for kegging in a few days. I love the satisfaction of seeing people who brought store bought booze leaving it in the fridge in favor of my homebrew.
Woe is me. With two full fermenters, even if I wasn't working day shifts, I couldn't brew.
I did start making wine earlier in the week...
Bottling 5 gallons each of pale ale and Russian Imperial stout. Also some holiday shopping.
Playing with my new toy!


Got engaged!

Dude congrats! I just got married in July. Trust me, the next year or so will be the most busy time of your life, but it will also be the very coolest most exciting time as well. Being engaged is freaking awesome! But being married is even cooler (all of the older guys here are gonna give me crap for that haha). So major super congrats! Enjoy? Cheers!

I'm gonna be volunteering at my church this weekend giving out Xmas trees to the troops. Oh, and building my new single tier brew stand
In Napples getting ready to go grab the high speed ferry to the keys. Drinking and eating there for a few days for a break in the nasty cold crap I live in. :mug:
Went to the Society of Akron Area Zymurgists' Christmas party. Sampled an absolutely amazing sour, some awesome meads, and some great beer!
Worked yesterday and then went for a guys' pizza night with a gang of old high school/college buddies. My throat hurts from laughing so much.

Today it's watching the Packers and smoking a couple racks of ribs.
I need to get spring water to brew my ESB again. Been working on 4 books in the works while trimming more fat out of the computer.:mug:
Doing our Christmas cards... we incorporated out engagement into our silly cards this year.

Well, because I brew more beer than I can drink and I have run out of empty kegs, I will be bottling my Maris Otter/Fuggles SMaSH this weekend. A couple of days ago I made a new bottling bucket using a replacement spigot that I bought several years ago and a Lowe's five gallon food grade bucket. I despise bottling, but I don't want to stop brewing. I guess I'll just have to man up and get over it. :mug:
Doing our Christmas cards... we incorporated out engagement into our silly cards this year.

Good job!
Either that ring is half way camouflaged or I'm half way lit! :drunk:
It took me a bit to find the ring. I was looking for one in the normal size range! :smack:

Wish ya'll the best of luck,... and the best of beer! :mug::mug::mug:

Christmas shopping. I've done none yet. This weekend will suck. Serves me right for procrastination.