what a great christmas!

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Jan 3, 2009
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Hey guys, noob here from Cincinnati Ohio.

Well I offhandedly mentioned to my sister that I might like to try to homebrew at some point in my life and then quickly forgot about it. As I opened my xmas presents from her I was shocked to find an ale pail, red baron capper, recipie kit, siphon hose, and air lock.
Then from my parents I got The Joy Of Homebrewing which I've already read and quickly learned I needed some more gear.
Fortunately my Girlfriends father had a ton of stuff from making wine back in the day, and I picked up a carboy, hydrometer, bottle washer and drying rack, thermometer, and a few other things.
I thought that was a lot but now I realize I need even more! I fortunately have the Listermann Store very close by, the bank account on the other hand...

Needless to say, with my first batch happily bubbling away, I think this is going to be a long, very rewarding hobby.

Glad I found this site as I am learning much already about sanitization and different equipment, so thanks!

Ramble over.
Welcome to HBT! This website is your best brewing resource, come back often! (Like you'll really have any choice, against your will you will be here for hours a day for the forseeable future) ;)
Well here it is, one year almost to the day since I started. Recently I switched to Kegging and bottling, have a keggerator, a designated lager fridge, and am looking to go all grain soon. More importantly, I just got a job at the local micro brewery! My hobby has definitely turned into and addict.... uh carreer!