Watnees Cream Stout

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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2011
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Ok, this is my first all grain batch of brew. And my third overall batch. So considering, everything went ok! I started off with the 1.25 quarts per lb of grain for the strike. Which seemed a tad too little but it worked out. Being a bit cold today I heated the water to 175 and then poured in the tun. After adding the grains the temp was down to 158, then after stirring for about 5 mins it hit the 152 and then I left it for an hour. Meanwhile I heated the 5.75 gallons the directions recomended for the sparge to 170. The directions also stated that the sparge should take anywhere from 30 to 90 mins. I thought I would shoot for 60 since I had to guess anyway. I did a fly sparge method and I had to use a bit more water to get the wort to around 7 gallons. Took about 80 total mins after all said and done to sparge. I forgot to take a reading before I boiled but I got it down to 5 gallons in about 80 mins, instead of the 60 it said. Now the SG is supposed to be 1.044-1.048. I measured after I put it in the fermenting bucket and got 1.059! There were a good amount of unsettled hops in the sample. Couldnt help that at the time. So I let it settle and measured again it was 1.059. Still had some sediment. Didnt know if this would have affected it or not. All in all though I dont mind the extra gravity, guess Ill have to be less efficient next time?? What yall think?
I think you'll have beer and probably very good beer. Ferment it toward the cool end of the yeast's range for a week and then bring it to room temperature for another 2 weeks before you do anything to it. Check your gravity and if it is where it should be and the beer is clear, you can bottle or keg.

Thanks! It looks and smells wonderful! I have an issue keeping the temp down right now. Looking at swamp cooler set up. I started at 66 degrees, but now its at 72. My other beer fermented in a 5 gallon carboy. I put that in a bucket of water and did the trick. This is my first time using the 5 gallon bucket, so Ill have to improvise.
Your yeast are eating the sugar and giving off some heat among the other things they do. Try your best to keep it cool. Got a laundry basket that holds water or some other container like that? I find the buckets fit fine in those and you only need it for the first 3 to 4 days.
Dont have a basket, but I can get one. Looks like the fermentation has slowed greatly though from last night. Could barley keep the lid on last night. Now its bubbling contently. How off of a flavor will it be if its slightly higer that it should be?
Hey guys. Checked the gravity last night and it hit 1.018 (from 1.059). I was lucky as I didnt know that muntons yeast had a bad rap. After reading some about it I thought I was doomed. I tasted a sample last night too. Of the 3 beers I have going right now, this one actually tastes great now! All it needs is carbonation. This is also the only one not from extract. I have to say that even though this is only my third brew, after going all grain on this last batch, I dont think Ill ever go back.
I do have a question though. Being that this is around 5% how soon could I bottle? I know I have read to let the beer sit in the primary for 2-4 weeks. I was thinking of letting it sit for 2 weeks, bottle then let it condition for another 2. When would a beer like this be at its prime?
I do have a question though. Being that this is around 5% how soon could I bottle? I know I have read to let the beer sit in the primary for 2-4 weeks. I was thinking of letting it sit for 2 weeks, bottle then let it condition for another 2. When would a beer like this be at its prime?

I know you're going to love this. I suspect it will be very good in only.....

3 or 4 months and may hit it's peak in 9 to 12. I couldn't wait that long to sample my first all grain and I doubt you can either but do try to save at least a little for 4 months just so you can see how it changes.
I know you're going to love this. I suspect it will be very good in only.....

3 or 4 months and may hit it's peak in 9 to 12. I couldn't wait that long to sample my first all grain and I doubt you can either but do try to save at least a little for 4 months just so you can see how it changes.

OMG! Why so long?? Because its a stout? Youre right, I wont be able to wait. I thought lower alcohol mean shorter wait?
Yes because it is a stout. There are lots of dark roasts that make up a stout and these take time to "come together".

You didn't ask when it would be good to drink, you asked when it would be at its prime. I'd try to leave it in the bottle for 4 to 6 weeks before I started drinking it, but the emphasis is on try. The oatmeal stout that I brewed on October 14th is getting pretty good but I do sample it occasionally just to see how it's coming along.
There is a combination that is nice to know about. As your beer gets darker and higher alcohol the time it takes to mature increases. You could be drinking a wheat in 2 weeks and it would be good. A good barleywine might take 6 months to a year. An IPA would be quite good in 2 or 3 weeks but an Imperial would take longer because of the higher alcohol content.
There is a combination that is nice to know about. As your beer gets darker and higher alcohol the time it takes to mature increases. You could be drinking a wheat in 2 weeks and it would be good. A good barleywine might take 6 months to a year. An IPA would be quite good in 2 or 3 weeks but an Imperial would take longer because of the higher alcohol content.

Ah, Im getting the picture now. Ok, so Im guessing the saison all-grain kit I ordered should be fast?, (1.056 OG).
Hey guys, I have a question about this brew. I wasnt concerned until I read about airainting the wort post fermentation. After the initial fermentation, I saw that the gravity was hanging around 1.020ish, and after only pitching one packet of muntons dry yeast, I though I may have underpitched. So I pitched another packet, and in doing so I shook it up to get some oxygen to those yeast. In a days time the gravity was arould 1.018-1.019. Thought that was good for a cream stout (.5lbs maltodextrin). Am I ok here?
Keep in mind for a good stout you should be fermenting about 4 weeks in the primary. It sounds about right for a cream stout.
Hey guys, I have a question about this brew. I wasnt concerned until I read about airainting the wort post fermentation. After the initial fermentation, I saw that the gravity was hanging around 1.020ish, and after only pitching one packet of muntons dry yeast, I though I may have underpitched. So I pitched another packet, and in doing so I shook it up to get some oxygen to those yeast. In a days time the gravity was arould 1.018-1.019. Thought that was good for a cream stout (.5lbs maltodextrin). Am I ok here?

It's the oxygen that is bad for your beer after fermentation has stopped. If you didn't open the fermenter and stir in air you will be fine. The fermenter was filled to the airlock with CO2 which will not hurt the flavor of your beer.
Good stuff. Yea the beer is in a 5 gallon carboy. When I repitched I just poured in the hydrated yeast put the airlock back on and shook. Thanks!
Keep in mind for a good stout you should be fermenting about 4 weeks in the primary. It sounds about right for a cream stout.

Yep I plan to. Then Ill bottle and leave for another 4! Man I picked a hobby for being ADD...
Cream stout sat for a month in the primary and has been bottle conditioning for a week. I think its time to crack one open...for "experimental purposes". Ill keep yall posted...if anyones interested!
Ok its been 3 weeks in the bottle now and it has developed somewhat of a sour taste? Also it has carbonation but fizzes out very quickly.
Can anyone clue me in on this? I poured another one last night. Had good carbonation and head for like ten seconds, then it started rapidly bubbling away. Tasted even more sour. ??