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Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2010
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yes, they have their own brand of beer at Walgreens now called Big Flats and it is 3 bucks a sixer. Haven't tried it and don't plan on it.
Wow! I have family there. Genesee River is sooooo dirty. JW Dundee's Honey Brown is from there. Gross.
The BA reviews are a hoot.

Cheap American Adjunct Beer at its best!

A: It's yellow and has little bubbles, like beer.

S: Nothing bad. Smells like Cheap American Adjunct Beer.

T: Nice clean adjunct beer taste with no bad aftertaste.

M: Medium to high carbonation.

D: I'd buy it again for $2.99.

If you're in Walgreens, you're probably there to get a prescription filled, toothpaste or shampoo for the wife. Bland, boring shopping at its worst. As you're walking toward the register, you spot a display of Cheap American Adjunct Beer for only $2.99 a six-pack, which is about all you've got left after paying for the exciting tube of wart removal cream. Thank you Walgreens. Marketing genius and Cheap American Adjunct Beer at its best.

Serving type: can

Reviewed on: 12-17-2010 18:53:56 | id: 1343317

DannyDan ( Traverse City, Michigan )

D / 2.2
look: 3 | smell: 1.5 | taste: 1.5 | feel: 2 | drink: 5
rDev: -15.9%

Pours into a pee colored light yellow with a 1" head that has no retention or lacing. It has very high carbonation. it hardly has any smell at all, maybe a little bit of an yeast and corn smell. The taste is very watery with rotting corn, and other vegetables. The taste makes me feel sick drinking it. it also tastes like some musty mildew or some old hay was in the brew when it was being made. The mouthfeel is very watery with a little bit of chalkiness, and because it is light bodied and watered down like most beers of this popular American style makes it very drinkable. It is the ideal beer for someone who is low on money and wants something cheap to get drunk off of and at $2.99 a 6/pack at Walgreen's you can't beat a deal like that.

Serving type: can

Reviewed on: 12-17-2010 05:38:10 | id: 1343119

alcstradamus ( Davenport, Iowa )

D+ / 2.5
look: 2 | smell: 4 | taste: 2 | feel: 3 | drink: 2
rDev: -2%

Pours a crstal clear lighter-than-straw yellow with 3 fingers of foamy head and no lacing. Barely any color at all.

The aroma is corn heavy with a pleasant earthy tone and hints of citrus. Clove, pineapple, and watermelon rind deep in the background. Not a bad aroma for the style, actually.

The flavor is incredibly musty. This one was served at higher than cellar temp so I think some cold might have masked the mustiness a bit. But I want to taste the beer, so I chose to serve it this way. After a few sips, the watermelon notes begin to peek out ever so slightly, as well as some banana peel. Then, after a few more sips, it begins to just taste like water. Typical flavor profile of the style.

The body is light, perhaps medium for the style. Carbonation is a tad stinging.

Overall this beer is exactly what you would expect for the price. Not much. But screw it, its Walgreens beer so kick back your feet, pound a sixer, and enjoy a taste of corporate America.

Serving type: can

Reviewed on: 12-15-2010 02:22:52 | id: 1341163

OhYesILoveBeer ( But I Really Hate Living In Lawrenceville, Georgia )

F / 1.45
look: 2 | smell: 1 | taste: 1 | feel: 3 | drink: 1.5
rDev: -75.9%

Let me start by saying that I'm kind of pissed that i didn't review this in time to add it to BA... PISSED!!! Anyhow to the review..

12oz can, bought at Walgreen's in Snellville GA @ $3.49 a 6pk. Yes its my birthday today so I said to myself, "Wtf, might as well"! States that this beer is brewed by "Brewmasters Choice". Honestly I'd rather trust a product clearly labeled as a Genesee brew than something Ive never, ever, ever heard of. Served into my Fischers .4l tulip (Oh yeeeaaa!!)

Pours strait up piss color, with a fizzy white 1/2 finger head that dissipates immediately.

Smells like ****, honestly... Smells like a stew of rotten veggies soaked in lingering fart residue, not regular fart but a foul intoxicating fart from a illegal immigrant who just finished off 2 1/2lbs of guacamole spiked with rotten olives. I honestly have never smelled a beer like this. I'm wondering if a employee farted in this can before the top was slammed on it.

Now im dreading tasting this stuff. Holy cow! Tastes like water with a punch of rotten veggies, closely following the horrid nose. A slight touch of goat piss, a wee bit of rotten corn husks, and something else thats definatly beyond freshness date.

The mouthfeel is decent for a adjunct brew, kinda fizzy with medium carbonation goin on.

Overall, if your homeless and looking for something to help you throw up that 3 week old ass burrito you found in that Taco Bell dumpster this beer is for you. Otherwise stay away from this beer, its only for the true pennyless drunk looking for something to keep him/her company while passing out under the I285/Sandy Springs bridge. Cheers!

Serving type: can

Reviewed on: 12-13-2010 22:56:11 | id: 1340032

tim28 ( Ballwin, Missouri )

C / 2.95
look: 3 | smell: 3 | taste: 3 | feel: 2.5 | drink: 3
rDev: +13.6%

Found this one at the local Walgreens. $2.99 for a six pack of cans. Poured into a pint glass

A: Very light, straw yellow in color. Small head.

S: Standard adjunct lager. Not much to smell.

T: Actually, not that bad. Somewhat sweet, malty finish. A lot better than I expected.

M: Thin. Somewhat watery.

D: A very easy drinking beer. I don't know how many I'd actually want to have in one session, but I'm sure someone would like to pound a bunch of these.

Overall: Not a horrible beer, but not good. You get what you pay for. For $2.99, I didn't expect much, and that's what I got.

Serving type: can
The review by OhYesILoveBeer made my day. I didnt know walgreens sold beer.
fascinating, the kinds of descriptors used without semblance of reality; for example, what exactly does "Goat's Piss" taste like? Did the reviewer sample goat piss to have such a point of reference? Saddled up to an illegal's ass to sample the "foul intoxicating fart" as described? Come on, if we are to respect beer (and be taken seriously), we need to keep reviews as objective as possible, and with some standard conventions for ASTMD.
BA is ridiculous. It is a forum for showcasing the worst aspects of beer snobbery anyone involved with craft beer can possibly have. I wouldn't go to that website for reference on anything other than the extreme levels of self-righteousness some people manage to maintain and still somehow function in society.
My head wants to explode evrey time I go to a BA event...and some hippster starts in or his/hers critique....just shut up drink you beer and move out of the line so I can get my beer....:mad:
Overall, if your homeless and looking for something to help you throw up that 3 week old ass burrito you found in that Taco Bell dumpster this beer is for you.

That's funny..
I picked up a sixer of this last night. I actually expected a little more than what I got. I took two swigs off of it hoping that by the second, I would actually 'be used to it'. Nope, down the drain it went.

It had an 'off' sweetness to it that hit me like an unexpected dose of wasabi to the nose. That being said, I like wasabi! I just have to be ready for it.
Overall, if your homeless and looking for something to help you throw up that 3 week old ass burrito you found in that Taco Bell dumpster this beer is for you.

That's funny..

Its the MAN keeping the ghetto the ghetto. Or this could be the new PBR or Rainier for the hipsters.
Still looks less ghetto than the 7-11 beer.

I have refused to by BMC and thus forcing myself to brew my own beer. but the wife did bring home a some of this for me she said at $2.99 I figured it wouldn't be to much down the drain.

ice cold it goes down just fine. I told the neighbor about it and saw him leave and return with several 6 packs himself lol.

Yeh... my cousin grabbed a couple of 6ers of this last weekend... on sale for 2/$4...
which is a steal... He said it was probably the most generic beer taste he'd ever had... and it went down a lot like Miller High Life watered down... with some strange caramel-esque kinda taste in it... but that if he took it to a party... it would be consumed no problem. Mich Ultra is about as cheap as I get... so I have no basis for comparison... but I pretty much refused to try it. If I get brave this week... I'll just get some and take one for the team...