Upgrade Fermenter (Go Conical?)

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Apr 16, 2013
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Hello All,

Looking to upgrade my starter fermenter I got with my starter kit.

I have been eying some of the ones from SS Brewtech so that I can use the FTSs. I have been looking the brew bucket for $225, but I see the conical is $395. I don't plan to harvest yeast, but the idea of dumping yeast/trub and using it as a secondary is appealing.

In your guys opinion, is it worth the extra $170 for a conical, or should I just stick with the brew bucket and my glass secondary?

I went with a brew bucket and don't regret it. Much like you, I don't intend to harvest yeast. Also, I don't like super hoppy beers or fruit beers (at least not enough to brew them myself) so secondary is a non-concern as well. Further, a conical is more to clean. Fitting in my existing fermentation chamber was icing on the cake.

Before spending the extra, think long and hard about whether the extra expense is worth it for the dump valve.

Good luck!
If you have the extra coin to spend I wouldn't think twice. I've noticed with this hobby as well as others that it's best to get what you really want now as you won't have to upgrade again later. Doing it this way will save money in the back end if your like me. Buying the lower end item just to upgrade it a year or 2 down the line.
Hello All,

Looking to upgrade my starter fermenter I got with my starter kit.

I have been eying some of the ones from SS Brewtech so that I can use the FTSs. I have been looking the brew bucket for $225, but I see the conical is $395. I don't plan to harvest yeast, but the idea of dumping yeast/trub and using it as a secondary is appealing.

In your guys opinion, is it worth the extra $170 for a conical, or should I just stick with the brew bucket and my glass secondary?


If I had the funds I would go with a conical. Probably this little one from Stout Tanks. Brew Bucket looks like a nice piece of equipment but having the ability to dump yeast/trub and secondary makes a conical more versatile.

Either way you should look into saving your yeast. It's crazy easy and saves a ton of money even for a guy like me who uses dry yeast.
It's kinda silly to discuss saving a "ton" of money re-using yeast because one bought an expensive conical. :)

One can ferment in a bucket with freshly bought yeast many, many times before matching that kind of financial performance. And it's still possible to harvest and re-use the yeast from a bucket!

I think conicals have a great cool factor, but personally I don't believe in the premise of a "starter" fermenter. A fermenter is one of the least sexy pieces of equipment in the brewing process. You can ferment in anything with the right size and a lid, basically, and make it work.

I'm sure this won't dissuade anyone, but I still wanted to chime in. :)
It's kinda silly to discuss saving a "ton" of money re-using yeast because one bought an expensive conical. :)

One can ferment in a bucket with freshly bought yeast many, many times before matching that kind of financial performance. And it's still possible to harvest and re-use the yeast from a bucket!

I think conicals have a great cool factor, but personally I don't believe in the premise of a "starter" fermenter. A fermenter is one of the least sexy pieces of equipment in the brewing process. You can ferment in anything with the right size and a lid, basically, and make it work.

I'm sure this won't dissuade anyone, but I still wanted to chime in. :)

Technically, you don't even need the lid.

OP: what do you hope to accomplish that your current fermenter isn't capable of doing? That's the first question I would ask myself before even considering an upgrade.
Here's my question, do you only want to ferment one batch at a time? Can the brew bucket with FTS keep beer warm and cool? For way, way way, less money you could build a fermentation chamber. By the way I re pitch and re use yeast a lot. small beers to create a starter for big beers etc... I have a conical {fast fermenter} it's nice to use, but doesn't fit well in the fermentation chamber, so IMHO I would build a $150 fermentation chamber out of an old dorm room style refrigerator. Especially if you are not re using the yeast. Conicals are not great for fruit beer etc... They limit the contact with the fruit, oak, peppers, etc... That's just my 2 cents.

But your thinking is right on the money, controlling fermentation temperatures is a key, if not the key to making great beer.
$350 or so buys a lot of buckets, hops, and grains. Not that I am knocking the conical and stainless steel but given generally how cheap it to buy, replace and simple it is clean a plastic bucket, why upgrade? A good brew kettle, burner, and chilling equipment, sure spend the bucks. This is a good article http://www.fledglingbrewer.com/equipment/4-reasons-im-not-getting-a-conical/
I'm with sailingeric. For the price of one conical you can buy 3-5 buckets and all the ingredients to make enough beer to fill em. Just get some buckets and spend the rest on ingredients or build a ferm chamber.
The other thing I don't like about conicals is that they look like a huge pain in the butt to clean.
If some folks want to spend the cash on shiney SS brewing gear I think thats great. If you are at all concerned about the expense, don't get what you don't really need. Temperature control and an extra fridge for long term beer storage would be a better use of funds than a conical.
I'd also add a grain mill, storage containers for grain, kegging set up, and keezer to list of things to get before a conical.
You can always get a conical later on.
I have a brewhemoth. I cool it with glycol. I love it. I would never want to go back to better bottles. If you can go with a conical I think you should. I built a glycol chiller out of an ac unit and a cooler and I use a black box to control a hf pump in the glycol bath. To heat it I use a seedling heater wrapped around the conical. The beauty is the space savings.

You can use a lot of "sub par" hot side brewing equipment and make great beer if your fermentation is dialed.
To offset what I said about cheap fermenters being adequate and the high cost of a conical, I'll definitely admit that - if you have integrated temperature control - a conical would rock. The expense and effort required to make that happen is, for me, at least now, too high an investment. I can carry a carboy to any room or closet in my house and ferment at a particular temperature.

However, a conical (or any fermenter) that sits in one spot and has effortless cooling control would be rad.
I have spent a lot of money on homebrewing, but one area that I have never considered dumping cash is fermenters. I exclusively use better bottles(other than barrels) and really think any marginal gain in performance from a conical for the huge price difference is just plain not worth it.

Not sure where you are in brewing experience or equipment, but I'm guessing there is a high probability that there are a handful of other ways you could deploy that money that would result in better beer. A conical fermenter will not improve your beer.
Technically, you don't even need the lid.

OP: what do you hope to accomplish that your current fermenter isn't capable of doing? That's the first question I would ask myself before even considering an upgrade.

Ideally I would like something easier to clean (I hate carboy brushes) and something easier to get hops in and out of for dry hopping.

I know people are going to say "buckets!", but would like something a bit more robust.
Ideally I would like something easier to clean (I hate carboy brushes) and something easier to get hops in and out of for dry hopping.

I know people are going to say "buckets!", but would like something a bit more robust.

Do conicals really look easy to clean to you? With a carboy you just put some oxy in it for a few hours then dump out. I am pretty sure that a conical will take a lot more effort. All those moving parts don't clean themselves.
Ideally I would like something easier to clean (I hate carboy brushes) and something easier to get hops in and out of for dry hopping.

I know people are going to say "buckets!", but would like something a bit more robust.

Have you looked at spidel fermenters, or the cheaper big mouth bubbler.

Maybe I would understand if I had one, but I can't see any reason to spend $200, $300, or even $400 on a fermenter. I have the money to waste - convince me! I'm still using the HDPE fermenters I started with 30 years ago, and a couple of thick glass carboys - I haven't found anything better.
Hello All,

Looking to upgrade my starter fermenter I got with my starter kit.

I have been eying some of the ones from SS Brewtech so that I can use the FTSs. I have been looking the brew bucket for $225, but I see the conical is $395. I don't plan to harvest yeast, but the idea of dumping yeast/trub and using it as a secondary is appealing.

In your guys opinion, is it worth the extra $170 for a conical, or should I just stick with the brew bucket and my glass secondary?


I can appreciate your enthusiasm to grow w/ the hobby but I have a couple of questions for you to consider:
1- what have you brewed since you started
2- how are you controlling ferm temps & how do you plan on doing so w/ a brew bucket or conical
3- what other upgrades might benefit your brewing more
I just looked up that fermenter. That is an expensive bucket; and I don't see any handles on it. It claims 3 advantages (doesn't seem to push the Stainless aspect of it):

- It is stackable - How many of these are you planning on getting?
- It has a domed bottom to collect yeast. Not sure any of their advantages with this hold water. I think racking with a shallower yeast pack would be better.
- It has a tap at the bottom with a rotating inlet to vary the level at which you take the beer from. If you can't see the trub, you don't know where to set it.

If you do get one. At least upgrade to the one with the thermwell in it.
I love my temp controlled stainless conical for 10 gal batches, and I agree with sandy it's actually quite easy to clean (less time spent than cleaning 2 better bottles for me).
I use a blichmann conical and I wouldn't go back to carboys for anything. Being able to drop trub before pitching yeast and removing yeast before transfer is awesome. Another big plus for me is transferring to kegs under pressure makes it super easy and there is less chance of introducing oxygen. You can remove the entire top so I think it is much easier to clean them a carboy. As always though, to each their own!
Hello All,

Looking to upgrade my starter fermenter I got with my starter kit.

I have been eying some of the ones from SS Brewtech so that I can use the FTSs. I have been looking the brew bucket for $225, but I see the conical is $395. I don't plan to harvest yeast, but the idea of dumping yeast/trub and using it as a secondary is appealing.

In your guys opinion, is it worth the extra $170 for a conical, or should I just stick with the brew bucket and my glass secondary?


If you're really set on a conical, maybe consider the https://www.thefastrack.ca/main/fastferment

Personally I'd rather stick with $6 buckets and spend that money on ingredients rather than worrying about what my beer is fermenting in :mug:
Get yourself a sankey and get one of these kits. In my opinion this is one of the best ways to ferment. I have three setup this way, and would never go back to BB. You get the advantage of SS, your can transfer under pressure, you can ferment 10-15 gallon batches in one container, and it's cheaper than a conical. Build yourself a keg cleaner, and you have no issues with cleaning. The only advantage I see with conicals is the racking port to allow you to take easy samples of your fermenting beer. Just my two cents.
I have an SS Brewbucket: it's easy to clean, easier to rack off of, and more durable than my bucket fermenters. I like it a lot, but there's a long list of stuff that I would replace if it were stolen before that. Kegging equipment is number one, as I would never have the time to bottle enough beer for my continued life satisfaction. Fermentation control would be number two. My stir plate and erlenmeyer are third. I'm assuming you already have a burner, a mash tun, a full-sized kettle, a chiller, and the other things needed for AG brewing.

So, anyway, my two cents on SS stuff: unimportant but convenient.
I just looked up that fermenter. That is an expensive bucket; and I don't see any handles on it. It claims 3 advantages (doesn't seem to push the Stainless aspect of it):

- It is stackable - How many of these are you planning on getting?
- It has a domed bottom to collect yeast. Not sure any of their advantages with this hold water. I think racking with a shallower yeast pack would be better.
- It has a tap at the bottom with a rotating inlet to vary the level at which you take the beer from. If you can't see the trub, you don't know where to set it.

If you do get one. At least upgrade to the one with the thermwell in it.

It does have handles on the sides. They make it both easier and more difficult to carry than a bucket (just a difference in where you grab it).

I can take or leave the stacking and the conical-like bottom. The racking valve is really useful, though. No need to siphon to a keg or bottling bucket. You put it in a horizontal position for fermentation, then slowly rotate it as the level goes down (you will see it) making sure it remains above the yeast cake.

For me, I wanted a stainless fermenter that fit in my existing fermentation chamber. The Brew Bucket fit that.

Everything is a compromise and only you can decide if the features offered are going to benefit your process.
I have some conicals and I love them. If you have the means, sure get one. Do they essentially do the same thing as brew buckets and carboys? Yeah. There are a few convenience factors. The Ss brew tech temp control is nice. With the right cold water source you can maintain temps easily and do things like cold crash and ferment lagers (50F range) easily. You can also do this with carboys and some DIY ingenuity but the temp control conicals do make it easier. Dumping trub is nice. You can harvest yeast or just blow the cone and use your primary as a secondary. I don't think the Ss brew bucket has a dump valve but the bigger conicals do. I find cleaning the conicals easier than a carboy but probably equal to a plastic brew bucket. They look sexy as hell to, some people don't care about that but I'm shallow and I do. Hmm what else, I think it makes it easier to do hydrometer readings, no need for a wine thief, just pour a little from the racking arm. Oh yeah if you put it up on a table then you can rack without a siphon since the racking arm is near the bottom. Anyway these are convenience things, you could also make awesome beer in a bucket or carboy with some basic temp control hacks. I love my conicals though.