Trying to make a "7." Dubbel and a half?

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Active Member
Sep 4, 2012
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I'm trying to draw up a beer that falls in between a dubbel and a quad for my next brew. After looking at a couple of recipes, skimming BLAM, and adding a little "just because," I have come up with this:

All grain
5.5 Gallons
OG: 1.070

4.5# Pils
4.5# Munich
1.0# Wheat
1.0# - 1.25# CaraMunich
0.5# Aromatic or Biscuit or Victory
0.25# Special B
2.0# Homemade Amber-Dark Candi Sugar

BIAB Mash @ 152F

I could use a few suggestions on the yeast and the hops, I have no experience with Belgian yeast. Looking for to make it decently dry, little bit spicy, and a little dark fruity.
Yeast is fairly easy. Any of the Trappist yeasts will work pretty well, and you can pick the one you want based on which Belgian beers you like. All those yeasts are quite robust in my experience, and you'll get great attenuation. Chimay is very good for dark beers, but really, whatever you like. The important thing is not to go too hot. I would start out in the low or mid 60s and not let it free rise until a few days in. Hot temperatures can lead to fusels, especially in stronger beers.

Hops--for a dubbel or a quad, a single bittering charge is really all you need. You can have a very small flavor addition too if you want (Styrian Goldings would work). I would not aim to exceed 25 IBUs.

Grain bill: One or the other should be fine. My own personal preference with dubbels is to lean more on the dark sugar than on the dark grain--I don't feel like you get the right flavor profile from things like aromatic or Munich. For example, I would definitely not use half Munich; that's getting into Belgian Bock territory! And I would also not use a pound of caramunich. But this is your call. BLAM has far more information on it than I can give.

Anyway, looks good. Good luck!
I think I get it, too much dark malt "weight." How about something like this? More pils, cut and swapped Munich for Vienna, more total basemalt, cut CaraMunich.

7# Pils
3# Vienna
1# Wheat
2# Homemade Amber-Dark Candi Sugar
10oz CaraMunich
6oz Biscuit
4oz Special B

BIAB Mash @ 152F

1oz Styrian Goldings @ 60min
10z Styrian Goldings @ 10min

Yeast: Freshest Belgian at LHBS