Things about your co-workers that annoy you

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If I know people at all they'll say you're the d**k for being insensitive to someone with a disability.

This reminds me of a time I was in high school. I had just saved up and bought a new (to me) trumpet for our high school jazz band and was super careful with it. One morning I set it down on a tom tom drum to pull my sweater off. Then this other trumpet player who was in a wheel chair was rolling through the class room and grabs a hold of the drum and pulls it out of his way. Well my trumpet started sliding off of it but both my arms were still caught in my sweater so I just watched it fall to the ground (seemed like in slow motion) and I shouted out. I quickly got out of the sweater and picked up my trumpet which now had a nice bend in the bell and started yelling at the kid. Then i realized that the whole room was staring at me like I was a monster... So I held up the trumpet so everyone could see and mumbled something like he needed to be more careful. I never did get an apology from the kid. I still feel mix emotions like I was justified at being mad but its not like he wanted to be rolling around having to move things out of the way so he could get through. Good times.
I think you were right to be upset. I know I would have been. Yeah he didn't want to be in a wheel chair, but it wasn't your fault that he was. Still gotta be careful.
Not necessarily true. I'm an engineer, and got a slightly higher verbal score on the SAT than my math score. The skills aren't mutually exclusive.

Engineering just selects for math regardless of verbal skills, and verbal skills are highly visible, so the unbalanced folks stick out.

Yeah, I was told upon my admission to a fairly prestigious engineering college .. oh, what... over 25 years ago, that only two people who were accepted had higher verbal SAT and ACT scores than math in my class.. for the first time in over 10 years... and it turned out that the other person in the class became one of my best long term friends. He scored higher than I did. I was good enough though. I accepted being the dummy in the top 1%.

It is actually sad when you have the skills that you are often tasked to translate "engineerese" into English-- and at the same time have to be a teacher of Engineering to explain it to management. It's fun for about the first 15 years though.. but I tire of it now, actually.
Preach to us all year long about how important a strong military is, thank you for your service, respect our troops, pray for our troops, etc etc etc etc

Then schedule full workdays for Memorial Day & Veterans Day.
I just told the brand new boss..."Let me lay out all the data before you start solving one off items." Was that bad? Sigh.

How is being a pro-active employee bad? Many people in that sort of position take the "it looks broke on paper so lets fix it" approach. Was their any response? I would unfortunately bet your attempt to help the new boss look good fell on deaf ears.
It is actually sad when you have the skills that you are often tasked to translate "engineerese" into English

My wife's an engineer. Sometimes I think she married me because she needed a proofreader! But it all works out, I hate to think how much more I'd be paying for a mortgage if somebody who does more calculus in a week than I've done since leaving college didn't run over the numbers a time or two.
How is being a pro-active employee bad? Many people in that sort of position take the "it looks broke on paper so lets fix it" approach. Was their any response? I would unfortunately bet your attempt to help the new boss look good fell on deaf ears.

Actually, it bothering me because he kinda looked shocked that any one would ask him to wait a moment and not interject with his 1.5 weeks of experience. Sigh.
This reminds me of a time I was in high school. I had just saved up and bought a new (to me) trumpet for our high school jazz band and was super careful with it. One morning I set it down on a tom tom drum to pull my sweater off. Then this other trumpet player who was in a wheel chair was rolling through the class room and grabs a hold of the drum and pulls it out of his way. Well my trumpet started sliding off of it but both my arms were still caught in my sweater so I just watched it fall to the ground (seemed like in slow motion) and I shouted out. I quickly got out of the sweater and picked up my trumpet which now had a nice bend in the bell and started yelling at the kid. Then i realized that the whole room was staring at me like I was a monster... So I held up the trumpet so everyone could see and mumbled something like he needed to be more careful. I never did get an apology from the kid. I still feel mix emotions like I was justified at being mad but its not like he wanted to be rolling around having to move things out of the way so he could get through. Good times.

I find that disabled people do not want to be coddled and treated like they are fragile. As such I will treat them exactly as I will those who are 'normal'. You would be amazed how often you will be thanked for treating them like a person over a charity case. Then again there are also those who use it as an excuse for being an asshat and you are screwed either way.

Thankfully most of my coworker gripes have been rectified aside from the boss who decided to completely change how we do things in my department without any real idea of how we operate. He got another person in on it with even less relevant experience than himself.
You would be amazed how often you will be thanked for treating them like a person over a charity case.

I got invited out to dinner by a friend's uncle. This uncle is in a wheelchair (I never asked why). Apparently, over the THREE TIMES I met him, he's decided I'm the one friend of his neice/nephew-in-law that doesn't talk down to him or patronize him.

Free steak :D
"My dog maimed an armadillo last night. I had to try and keep the dog away from it, because I didn't want it to get leopard venom."

Um, what?

"You know, leopard venom. What armadillos have that makes other animals sick."

Are you... are you trying to say 'leprosy'?

"Yeah, that."

OK, I just learned armadillos can spread leprosy to humans*, but shouldn't the dog be safe?

"leopard venom" is a lol

*which seems to be a thing Texans know
Hazwoper training today. You all should have An IC. A two person response team. A two person standby team. A person dedicated to attend each person suiting up. A safety person. A two person decon team. A two person support team. Oh, and road guards.

We don't have that many people in our department, let alone here on shift at one time! Come on. If you're going to consult and train at our facility, take some time to learn about us.
When my co-workers are SUCH screwups that I actually lose track of my recently acquired 'don't give a ****' and start to stress out so bad that I get that muscle cramp/headache in forehead between eyebrows.

(And that is compounded by the trend that management thinks I am SOLELY responsible for fixing my co-workers.)
Need some opinions here. My problem report did something completely confounding. We work in a lab and every month I go through the paperwork to rectify any errors for traceability. This person has very few errors regularly. Well, this one she doctored a document after I had highlighted the error to make it look as though she didn't make any errors.

So she comes into my office asking why I recorded it as an error and I said without flinching, "It wasn't like that when I reviewed it". She is incredulous and asks why she would try to change something so minor. I look at her and say "you tell me".
This person does good work 90+% of the time but there have been a few recent incidents that make me question her honesty. Her annual review is due and I'm not quite sure how to address the issues as it is my word against hers.
I thought about taking a picture before giving to her to archive, definitely will be documenting all future issues with photos. This crap takes up way more brain space than it should.
Need some opinions here. My problem report did something completely confounding. We work in a lab and every month I go through the paperwork to rectify any errors for traceability. This person has very few errors regularly. Well, this one she doctored a document after I had highlighted the error to make it look as though she didn't make any errors.

So she comes into my office asking why I recorded it as an error and I said without flinching, "It wasn't like that when I reviewed it". She is incredulous and asks why she would try to change something so minor. I look at her and say "you tell me".
This person does good work 90+% of the time but there have been a few recent incidents that make me question her honesty. Her annual review is due and I'm not quite sure how to address the issues as it is my word against hers.
I thought about taking a picture before giving to her to archive, definitely will be documenting all future issues with photos. This crap takes up way more brain space than it should.

Definitely get some sort of copy with your highlighted error. I would mention in the review that there seems to be changes made when errors are found (need proof to back the accusation). Hopefully it is not being done intentionally or can shed light into what is going on.

People do strange things when they are under stress or have other things on their mind. Was this on a night of a full moon?
Need some opinions here. My problem report did something completely confounding. We work in a lab and every month I go through the paperwork to rectify any errors for traceability. This person has very few errors regularly. Well, this one she doctored a document after I had highlighted the error to make it look as though she didn't make any errors.

So she comes into my office asking why I recorded it as an error and I said without flinching, "It wasn't like that when I reviewed it". She is incredulous and asks why she would try to change something so minor. I look at her and say "you tell me".
This person does good work 90+% of the time but there have been a few recent incidents that make me question her honesty. Her annual review is due and I'm not quite sure how to address the issues as it is my word against hers.
I thought about taking a picture before giving to her to archive, definitely will be documenting all future issues with photos. This crap takes up way more brain space than it should.

Time for ethics training! I just had to do a four hour ethics in the lab training. Fun. Although it's interesting the load of hurt you can get into by falsifying records, particularly in a public health lab.
Need some opinions here. My problem report did something completely confounding. We work in a lab and every month I go through the paperwork to rectify any errors for traceability. This person has very few errors regularly. Well, this one she doctored a document after I had highlighted the error to make it look as though she didn't make any errors.

So she comes into my office asking why I recorded it as an error and I said without flinching, "It wasn't like that when I reviewed it". She is incredulous and asks why she would try to change something so minor. I look at her and say "you tell me".
This person does good work 90+% of the time but there have been a few recent incidents that make me question her honesty. Her annual review is due and I'm not quite sure how to address the issues as it is my word against hers.
I thought about taking a picture before giving to her to archive, definitely will be documenting all future issues with photos. This crap takes up way more brain space than it should.

Obviously I don't work in a lab, but I always like to remind my employees that mistakes are okay. It's a part of being human, and they are unavoidable to a certain extent. The important thing is that 1) they are detected, 2) they get fixed, and 3) they are not repeated.

Mistakes are only a problem when they are not caught, they are not fixed, and when the same ones continue to occur over and over.

And lying about mistakes is never okay.

Lying in general is not okay in my work. We handle large sums of money on a daily basis. If you can't be trusted to be truthful about something so minor, I can't trust you to work here.
Need some opinions here. My problem report did something completely confounding. We work in a lab and every month I go through the paperwork to rectify any errors for traceability. This person has very few errors regularly. Well, this one she doctored a document after I had highlighted the error to make it look as though she didn't make any errors.

So she comes into my office asking why I recorded it as an error and I said without flinching, "It wasn't like that when I reviewed it". She is incredulous and asks why she would try to change something so minor. I look at her and say "you tell me".
This person does good work 90+% of the time but there have been a few recent incidents that make me question her honesty. Her annual review is due and I'm not quite sure how to address the issues as it is my word against hers.
I thought about taking a picture before giving to her to archive, definitely will be documenting all future issues with photos. This crap takes up way more brain space than it should.

Your word against hers: looks like you'll have to let her get away with it this time. but document everything from now on and let her know that
Need some opinions here. My problem report did something completely confounding. We work in a lab and every month I go through the paperwork to rectify any errors for traceability. This person has very few errors regularly. Well, this one she doctored a document after I had highlighted the error to make it look as though she didn't make any errors.

So she comes into my office asking why I recorded it as an error and I said without flinching, "It wasn't like that when I reviewed it". She is incredulous and asks why she would try to change something so minor. I look at her and say "you tell me".
This person does good work 90+% of the time but there have been a few recent incidents that make me question her honesty. Her annual review is due and I'm not quite sure how to address the issues as it is my word against hers.
I thought about taking a picture before giving to her to archive, definitely will be documenting all future issues with photos. This crap takes up way more brain space than it should.
As others have said, once you've made your review, sign/initial it with the date, and photocopy or scan it. It would be even better if you could get the person writing the report to initial/date it when they submit it for review - then your copy would have all of that information.

The simple act of signing your name or your initials and putting the date on a document holds a lot of weight in court, should it come to that.
Thanks everyone. I've questioned this person's documentation in the past. I don't know if it's a cultural thing (indian) or what but she doesn't take criticism well. I sign and date all forms at the end of the month. I make corrections as needed and document the errors not as a punitive thing but as a fyi, try not to make them in the future thing. Tough having a staff member that you don't feel that you can trust but does good work.
I have explained your job to you at least a dozen times. Also physically stood there and told you what to click to get to the reference information. Today I said I was super busy on stuff for day and half....

....but no, let me put EVERYTHING on hold again, immediately for you, to explain it A F#$K!NG'GAIN!!

Right, sure, I will send you the damn email I used so that you don't have to write a damn email for the damn thing you didn't do tht we have been talking about for WEEKS...right, let me RE-STOP doing my stuff...lose focus again and hold your damn hand again in under 10 minutes!!!
My Co-worker gave me a card of an Apps specialist who was recommending jobs for his company (a fortune 100). My buddy gave me his card, as, to him, was best qualified and knew the software more than anyone. So I applied. Come to find out he applied as well, yet asks me software questions and function questions everyday and even mocks me (does it seem ironic I ask these questions ) bc he knows we both are at the same level in the interview process with the company. Im too nice to call him out, and know technically I will beat him in a tech interview, and he knows this. My salary will doublem his will raise by 10k. His wife makes 150k a year. He doesnt need the job. IF he were more qualified then I wouldnt mind as much. But Again, I had to walk him through tge software for a THRID time today.... He isnt backing down. Since the major company discarded college degrees, He has a great chance with his experience. I have less experience, but 10x the knowledge and knowhow. Plus I have papers Ive wrote. On top of that he ACKNWOLEDGES I know more than him and still have to teach him the software.

Yet he isnt backing down. One of my best friends... He isnt one that I grew up with as they arent like this.

I feel confidient in my knowledge and experience, and hope it bites him in the ass.
Today I asked one of the guys that is working for me how things were progressing.

He responding by saying really good. Left streaks on the toilet.

Not at all what I meant but totally expected it. Not appropriate for a professional environment.
What I hate are the summer kids who think it's ok to "dip out early because my buddy's totally throwing this party". Thanks. We're already scheduled to be here all night, and now we have fewer hands on deck.
I just lost 30 minutes of my day because I was obsessing over how badly written an email was. In fact, it was so badly written it took me 15 minutes of that time to realize that the first sentence was not only a run on, but the punctuation was so bad it masked that the entire thing was a sentence fragment.
Is that what passes for business writing now? Because, someone actually responded with an affirmative. I still have no idea if the email said the task was done or if it still needed to be done. None.
I just lost 30 minutes of my day because I was obsessing over how badly written an email was. In fact, it was so badly written it took me 15 minutes of that time to realize that the first sentence was not only a run on, but the punctuation was so bad it masked that the entire thing was a sentence fragment.
Is that what passes for business writing now? Because, someone actually responded with an affirmative. I still have no idea if the email said the task was done or if it still needed to be done. None.

Yes, just like an important announcement I got yesterday that we are now going to be servicing company E. Then gave us no details on what we will be servicing or if we need to carry any different parts specific to company E.
My Co-worker gave me a card of an Apps specialist who was recommending jobs for his company (a fortune 100). My buddy gave me his card, as, to him, was best qualified and knew the software more than anyone. So I applied. Come to find out he applied as well, yet asks me software questions and function questions everyday and even mocks me (does it seem ironic I ask these questions ) bc he knows we both are at the same level in the interview process with the company. Im too nice to call him out, and know technically I will beat him in a tech interview, and he knows this. My salary will doublem his will raise by 10k. His wife makes 150k a year. He doesnt need the job. IF he were more qualified then I wouldnt mind as much. But Again, I had to walk him through tge software for a THRID time today.... He isnt backing down. Since the major company discarded college degrees, He has a great chance with his experience. I have less experience, but 10x the knowledge and knowhow. Plus I have papers Ive wrote. On top of that he ACKNWOLEDGES I know more than him and still have to teach him the software.

Yet he isnt backing down. One of my best friends... He isnt one that I grew up with as they arent like this.

I feel confidient in my knowledge and experience, and hope it bites him in the ass.

He's not going to let you have a position he stands to gain from. Why would he? It sounds like he has skills "different" than yours. You may know more technical stuff than him, but he has the skills to get you to help him through it. In the end, same result. It's naive of you to think he would let you have the job because you're more qualified.

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