Things about your co-workers that annoy you

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When I get phone calls saying that they won't be in today because they got their period and horrible cramping and blah blah blah. I don't wanna hear the @#$/^&* details! A simple I won't be in today is all that is necessary!
When I get phone calls saying that they won't be in today because they got their period and horrible cramping and blah blah blah. I don't wanna hear the @#$/^&* details! A simple I won't be in today is all that is necessary!

The thing is they probably don't have anything and just want to make you uncomfortable so you don't ask anymore questions :D
I had a few mates at high school that would tell the male gym teacher that they could go swimming because they had their period. Every time they would get out of gym with no questions asked... this would happen every week!
The thing is they probably don't have anything and just want to make you uncomfortable so you don't ask anymore questions :D
I had a few mates at high school that would tell the male gym teacher that they could go swimming because they had their period. Every time they would get out of gym with no questions asked... this would happen every week!

"Don't trust anything that bleeds for a week and doesn't die." Especially when it's WEEKS at a time! Haha
People hate me for sure. I figured out that I can call my own voicemail, record a message, then flip it over to someone else's extension. So they're just sitting there, and *POP* - red light starts blinking with a message from me without actually talking to me.

"Oh, hello Mr. Doofus, this is Mr. Paulster. Please do this for me and let me know when it's done. Thanks!"

fuzzy2133 said:
Make some color copies of a $20 to leave around the office. See if they catch all the serial numbers are the same...

Try that - modern copiers won't work.
I just found out some passive agressive jerk I work with his been complaining about me on some dumb homebrewing site. The nerve. ;)
The other is the "I've done that" girl. She's not a one-upper, per se, but she has tried/done/seen/smelled/watched/touched everything. And she joins any and all conversations to contribute her anecdotes.[/QUOTE]

We had one of those guys - we almost had a party when he was canned
They're needy and they don't listen...

I said they're needy and they don't listen...

Again... they're needy and they don't listen...


smccarter said:
They're needy and they don't listen...

I said they're needy and they don't listen...

Again... they're needy and they don't listen...



We work together, don't we?
How about the co-workers who play jokes on people, but when you play jokes on them..... they will get upset and become crybabies.
How about the co-workers who play jokes on people, but when you play jokes on them..... they will get upset and become crybabies.

they get upset and become crybabies because the practical jokes played on them are usually really good ones, like 100x better than anything they've been able to come up with
How about the co-workers who play jokes on people, but when you play jokes on them..... they will get upset and become crybabies.

there are 2 things in life I'm serious about 1) my family. first & foremost. 2) my work. whatever I may be doing, I plan on doing it well since I take pride in my work.

about 2 weeks ago, a joker at work did a no-no & switched my welder from 2 step to 4 step while I was welding and in a difficult position. got to the end of my weld & let go of the trigger. the wire kept coming and was arcing as I pulled the nozzle away from the steel. I went into instant fury mode. I now had a tight spot that needed extra cleaning that I couldn't get to with a grinder.

something I think we can all agree on: don't flocc with someone's family and don't flocc with their work.
there are 2 things in life I'm serious about 1) my family. first & foremost. 2) my work. whatever I may be doing, I plan on doing it well since I take pride in my work.

about 2 weeks ago, a joker at work did a no-no & switched my welder from 2 step to 4 step while I was welding and in a difficult position. got to the end of my weld & let go of the trigger. the wire kept coming and was arcing as I pulled the nozzle away from the steel. I went into instant fury mode. I now had a tight spot that needed extra cleaning that I couldn't get to with a grinder.

something I think we can all agree on: don't flocc with someone's family and don't flocc with their work.

Sometimes, workplace jokes go way too far.

At an engineering job I had years ago, there were a number of jokers who would look for anyone whose desktop PC was left unlocked. Internet access was fairly new then, and some people ran fast and loose with the systems. Anyway, the prankster would wait for someone to step away from their desk for a few minutes. The joker would send out a cute or slightly embarrassing email from the victim's computer to several people in the company. Mostly harmless...until one day, some guy sent out a bunch of nude pics, and didn't realize that when he copied it to the whole engineering group, the recipients included the engineering VP.

Hilarity did not ensue. It put the victim in a tight spot for a little while, but when they determined that someone else was responsible, that funny guy wasn't laughing much as HR escorted him to the door.

Needless to say, that little tradition ended right away.

there are 2 things in life I'm serious about 1) my family. first & foremost. 2) my work. whatever I may be doing, I plan on doing it well since I take pride in my work.

about 2 weeks ago, a joker at work did a no-no & switched my welder from 2 step to 4 step while I was welding and in a difficult position. got to the end of my weld & let go of the trigger. the wire kept coming and was arcing as I pulled the nozzle away from the steel. I went into instant fury mode. I now had a tight spot that needed extra cleaning that I couldn't get to with a grinder.

something I think we can all agree on: don't flocc with someone's family and don't flocc with their work.

I don't know flocc about welding, but that sounds like it borders on dangerous

would not blame you one bit if you 4 step welded the joker in a difficult position. if that's a thing you could do and it would hurt
There is a big difference between a prank and being mean or dangerous. I have been known to find a unlocked computer (still) and draft out a email stating the persons undying love for the boss and NOT send it, then lock the workstation and continue on as if nothing happened. Harmless but gives the "Look what could have happened" message to the person. I always get a laugh out of the messages people post on friends and family's FB accounts when they leave it logged in (harmless and obvious that it did not come from them). Then there are pranks like clear tape on the mouse ball (or optical sensor) which makes the mouse not move and the Ctrl-Alt-Arrow key to rotate computer screens to have that direction be up.

Now there is a line and that is drawn to messing with someones tools, or other equipment where someone could get hurt or damage someones property.
DrunkleJon said:
There is a big difference between a prank and being mean or dangerous. I have been known to find a unlocked computer (still) and draft out a email stating the persons undying love for the boss and NOT send it, then lock the workstation and continue on as if nothing happened. Harmless but gives the "Look what could have happened" message to the person. I always get a laugh out of the messages people post on friends and family's FB accounts when they leave it logged in (harmless and obvious that it did not come from them). Then there are pranks like clear tape on the mouse ball (or optical sensor) which makes the mouse not move and the Ctrl-Alt-Arrow key to rotate computer screens to have that direction be up. Now there is a line and that is drawn to messing with someones tools, or other equipment where someone could get hurt or damage someones property.

Yeah, harmless pranks are one thing...stuff that could hurt someone, damage products, or get someone fired aren't cool.
There is a big difference between a prank and being mean or dangerous. I have been known to find a unlocked computer (still) and draft out a email stating the persons undying love for the boss and NOT send it, then lock the workstation and continue on as if nothing happened. Harmless but gives the "Look what could have happened" message to the person. I always get a laugh out of the messages people post on friends and family's FB accounts when they leave it logged in (harmless and obvious that it did not come from them). Then there are pranks like clear tape on the mouse ball (or optical sensor) which makes the mouse not move and the Ctrl-Alt-Arrow key to rotate computer screens to have that direction be up.

Now there is a line and that is drawn to messing with someones tools, or other equipment where someone could get hurt or damage someones property.

A guy at work had his VOIP ringtone change to a Justin Bieber song and sound turned all the way up while he was away from his desk - as soon as he sat down he got a phone call and the hilarity began!
On the welder one I have heard some old-timers recall having their steelcap boots tack welded to the platform they are standing on - better prank than messing with their workmanship
A guy at work had his VOIP ringtone change to a Justin Bieber song and sound turned all the way up while he was away from his desk - as soon as he sat down he got a phone call and the hilarity began!
On the welder one I have heard some old-timers recall having their steelcap boots tack welded to the platform they are standing on - better prank than messing with their workmanship

Haha the ringtones. We used to change people's to the porn sax and creepy voice saying "hello" as those were the worst available and we weren't able to load new ones.
A guy at work had his VOIP ringtone change to a Justin Bieber song and sound turned all the way up while he was away from his desk - as soon as he sat down he got a phone call and the hilarity began!
On the welder one I have heard some old-timers recall having their steelcap boots tack welded to the platform they are standing on - better prank than messing with their workmanship

one guy I worked with (quite a while ago now) was hated in that shop for being a super big ******. people were always messing with him. it got so bad they welded his hand tools to the table (solid weld, not just tack), crapped in his hardhat, and he even got dosed with LSD in his coffee.

pranks can go sour real fast. it's just best to leave them out of the work place. too many people hate their jobs as it is. floccing with them (especially repeatedly) is a heightened potential for them to snap.
Gesus the LSD is a little much. I'm an aircraft mech for the gov ( hooray working for free) anyhow we screw with each other every day. Our favorite target is our scheduler he's a prior fighter weiner and we work on cargo planes ( most heavy guys hate
fighter guys and vice versa). His phone has a feature that says the name of the person that is calling. We always change it then call him when he's in meetings. We have changed it to " your gay lover" "your penis" and so on. We also tape an air horn to the bottom of his chair so when he sits down it goes off. And one time we filled his whole office from floor to ceiling with balloons.

As far as the mechanics one guys filled another guys roll away tool box with a couple of hundred crickets. Then we have taken people's lockers and flipped them around so the top is now the bottom. And if you cry to management it only gets worst. That's where the old saying "maintenance eat there own" comes into play. People have got me plenty of times and I just get them back. It makes for an interesting work place.
The trick where you make a screen grab of the person's desktop and save it as a wallpaper was a classic. Be sure to hide their icons so the image is all that displays. Lots of laughs watching the poor schmuck clicking away on icons and nothing happening.
Try that - modern copiers won't work.

Learn something new every day. Now just to see if and when the FBI show up.

The trick where you make a screen grab of the person's desktop and save it as a wallpaper was a classic. Be sure to hide their icons so the image is all that displays. Lots of laughs watching the poor schmuck clicking away on icons and nothing happening.

Taping pop-rocks to wheels helps bring out peoples first reactions well.
The trick where you make a screen grab of the person's desktop and save it as a wallpaper was a classic. Be sure to hide their icons so the image is all that displays. Lots of laughs watching the poor schmuck clicking away on icons and nothing happening.

That's always a good one. Also a small post-it note with "HAHA" on it on the bottom of an optical mouse. Sometimes the simple ones are the best.
Learn something new every day. Now just to see if and when the FBI show up.

Taping pop-rocks to wheels helps bring out peoples first reactions well.

I think you are referring to those paper twists that pop when you throw them on the ground. In college I used to use those and set them on top of the door. When my roomates would come home the doorframe would knock them off and they would pop behind them. Worked brilliantly.
I think you are referring to those paper twists that pop when you throw them on the ground. In college I used to use those and set them on top of the door. When my roomates would come home the doorframe would knock them off and they would pop behind them. Worked brilliantly.

Yep those. Hmmm I need to give that one a try... :D
People who pretend to know what they're doing, even if when they don't.

If you don't know how to do something, just ASK. No one will get angry if you ask. If you just do it, and you screw it up, then people are going to be upset.
People who pretend to know what they're doing, even if when they don't.

If you don't know how to do something, just ASK. No one will get angry if you ask. If you just do it, and you screw it up, then people are going to be upset.

...unless of course you lied on your resume saying you were an expert at whatever it is. Then people will be upset regardless and you may as well go hide in the copy room.
I'm don't mean to stereotype on races or anything like that but....

We share the third floor, and bathroom, of an office building with a new software company. There is a middle-aged Asian man who work for other company that is constantly blowing his nose and emptying his mucus membranes in the sink. He doesn't wash out or wipe out the sink when he's done. He just leaves his leavings in the sink for everyone else to deal with. First of all, that's ****ing disgusting. I don't care if it's culturally acceptable in Asia, but this is America. We have tissues. We do not blow our noses into public bathroom sinks that we use everyday. Perhaps, I'm a terrible person, but SARS and Avian Flu didn't happen that long ago. Use a tissue like everyone else or do you business on some other floor's bathroom.
I'm don't mean to stereotype on races or anything like that but....

We share the third floor, and bathroom, of an office building with a new software company. There is a middle-aged Asian man who work for other company that is constantly blowing his nose and emptying his mucus membranes in the sink. He doesn't wash out or wipe out the sink when he's done. He just leaves his leavings in the sink for everyone else to deal with. First of all, that's ****ing disgusting. I don't care if it's culturally acceptable in Asia, but this is America. We have tissues. We do not blow our noses into public bathroom sinks that we use everyday. Perhaps, I'm a terrible person, but SARS and Avian Flu didn't happen that long ago. Use a tissue like everyone else or do you business on some other floor's bathroom.

I seem to really like keeping up with this thread but in the same topic I worked with some people of a different ethnic descent from myself and they would wash their hands, then use those hands to spoon water into their mouths/faces then spit it back into the sink. After that they would go back to work. If your mouth is touching your hands you should wash em again and NOT touch my food thankyouverymuch.
I seem to really like keeping up with this thread but in the same topic I worked with some people of a different ethnic descent from myself and they would wash their hands, then use those hands to spoon water into their mouths/faces then spit it back into the sink. After that they would go back to work. If your mouth is touching your hands you should wash em again and NOT touch my food thankyouverymuch.

It bothers me severely, because:

A) It's a public bathroom and I have no other choice besides to hold it, or drive down the street to the nearest gas station.
B) I'm sure as hell not going to use that sink to wash my hands after it's been befouled and contaminated. I'm sure most people would choose not to either, so it's a public health issue.
C) I feel terribly for the poor cleaning lady who has to clean that out. First of all it's disgusting, she's not getting paid anywhere near enough to deal with that, and she's being exposed to whatever was in that guy's nasal passages.
D) I'm all for being sensitive to different cultures, but this is a no brainer to me.

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