The Walking dead

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Also, in the comics the Hilltop does not bury it's dead and took offense to Alexandrians doing so. Note: In the comics only Glenn died at the hands of Negan. The ginger got taken out by a bolt (crossbow) prior (and no, not by Daryl).
When is Rick gunna lose his hand? I was for sure Negan was taking him into the RV to chop his hand off. Sorely disappointed when that didn't happen...
When is Rick gunna lose his hand? I was for sure Negan was taking him into the RV to chop his hand off. Sorely disappointed when that didn't happen...

They've pretty much said it won't happen. For one, it's a pain in the butt to have an actor need to hide his hand and it usually requires some time in the makeup trailer ahead of time. Merle kinda did it, but it was pretty obvious the actor just had his hand in the rounded cup of his knifehand thing. Secondly, Robert Kirkman said he kind of regrets the whole "Rick loses a hand" thing, he didn't think through how much trouble missing a hand would be.
When is Rick gunna lose his hand? I was for sure Negan was taking him into the RV to chop his hand off. Sorely disappointed when that didn't happen...

For those who didn't know, he lost his hand in the comics by the Governor. He did later get some weird two-prong hand thing later on though but nothing like Merle's.
A few non-spoilers for those of you who have not read the comic series.

1. Judith died a while ago in the comics, so anything here on out is developed by the show. Maybe they just don't give a **** about her anymore...something should've ate her episodes ago; that would've been worth watching.

2. In the comics, Carl goes to the Saviors hideout on his own.

3. In the comics, Jesus goes to the Saviors hideout on his own (kind of / sort of).

4. The Wolves don't exist in the comics.

5. There are overweight people in the comics, too (in particular the lady that manages the armory/food).

eff the comics
from what I remember, one of the first things Deanna told Rick was Alexandria was created at the beginning of the SHTF, and most of the people had never been outside the walls

and if they're enjoying having lights and running water, maybe finding survival necessities (food & shelter) is not a high priority. seems like they had plenty of food, so fat people are still fat

and GD HOLY BALLS do I want to strap Coral down and shave that emo hair off his friggin head
from what I remember, one of the first things Deanna told Rick was Alexandria was created at the beginning of the SHTF, and most of the people had never been outside the walls

and if they're enjoying having lights and running water, maybe finding survival necessities (food & shelter) is not a high priority. seems like they had plenty of food, so fat people are still fat

That's more-or-less the case.
I think maybe you took my post waaaaaaaay too seriously. I still think bringing the comics version of it in this thread is super dumb

I don't think you took my post seriously enough.

I didn't post one thing about the comics. I didn't post anything close to a "spoiler". I was talking about the show.

An episode that was all about Tara and world building tonight, but will any of it pay off? At least this one had a bit more action than some of the world building episodes.

Kill All Outsiders
I get that these people are traumatized and all that, but killing everybody who is an outsider is not a great long-term plan, especially when your group is like 99% female. I'm not sure I saw any boys in the camp at all (though it sounds like there may e some) and at some point if your group isn't going to simply die out from age if nothing else, reproduction has to happen. As a side note, why did the Saviors kill every male in the group while Rick's group only had a couple of casualties? Sounds like Negan himself wasn't involved in that one since there was no mention of a "vampire bat" so it must have been the satellite station thugs, perhaps a bit overzealous?

Tara Keeps Her Word
Despite all the crap she finds out, all of the grief she must feel at the lost of two of her friends and her significant other, Tara keeps her word, that's pretty impressive moral fortitude there. But eventually the beach ladies have to come back into play, one would hope given that we just spent an entire episode with them, so how do the Alexandrians find them without Tara telling them? Additionally, why the hell doesn't everyone just live by the beach? Seafood abounds, even if the locations may not be the most defensible, as long as you're far enough back to avoid hurricane surge you're fine.

Where's Heath?
Clearly Heath least long enough to get the RV they took rolling, but he never made it back to Alexandria. Is Heath dead? Is he going to get his own special episode too? My suspicion is that the showrunners will keep that up in the air. Right now, the actor, Corey Hawkins, who plays Heath is very much in demand; Hawkins played Dr. Dre in the well received "Straight Outta Compton" and he's the main character on the upcoming 24 revival called "24: Legacy". I wouldn't be shocked if we never find out what happens to Heath because the actor suddenly has such a busy schedule, or that he only comes back once his schedule dies down some (similar to what happened with Morgan).

Bonus: Savior Pep Talk
A lot of people wondered, given all the sadistic violence and psychological torture he inflicts, how Negan remains leader. Well it looks like we get a peek at that in the preview for next episode, in which he declares they are "bringing civilization" back to the world. Looks like next week we'll get a glimpse of some of the Saviors inner workings.
I liked the "we used to work for the Saviors, then one day we just decided to leave" part. Why the hell doesn't everyone just do that?
I thought that some of the prior seasons were bad for the occasional good episode and then a few episodes of filler. The only thing that Tara's visit to Oceanside could add is that she now knows where a huge arsenal sits.

And I've also wondered many times why other communities don't just leave. Seems like a pretty simple solution.
I feel like if our group were to roll up on Oceanside and seize their arsenal, that would make them just like the Saviors. We don't have anything they could offer in exchange and it seems that the people at Oceanside really aren't willing to negotiate anyway. I don't see how we can benefit from Oceanside and still be on the "good" side.
I feel like if our group were to roll up on Oceanside and seize their arsenal, that would make them just like the Saviors. We don't have anything they could offer in exchange and it seems that the people at Oceanside really aren't willing to negotiate anyway. I don't see how we can benefit from Oceanside and still be on the "good" side.

Not to mention, Rick and company don't appear to have an arsenal right now.
I feel like if our group were to roll up on Oceanside and seize their arsenal, that would make them just like the Saviors. We don't have anything they could offer in exchange and it seems that the people at Oceanside really aren't willing to negotiate anyway. I don't see how we can benefit from Oceanside and still be on the "good" side.

And that could be how we see how Savior like Rick's group really is. Everybody's got a choice. Saviors offer choices. They offer order and rules and a society. They offer people to join. Rick's group does all that, too. You can join, pay the cost, and things will be one way. You can refuse, pay that cost, and things will be another way. Rick's whole group is just a kinder gentler Negan. And they are all Rick.

He and his group may truly mean well, especially for themselves, but they use a lot of the same means to an end. That ethics is a lot of what the zombie apocalypse mythos is about.
Guess it really is just a "kill or be killed" world. I know Rick is definitely a killer and most in his group have become that as well. But at least they don't savor the kill like the Saviors do, taking pictures of their victims and whatnot. They do what they have to and move on.
And that could be how we see how Savior like Rick's group really is. Everybody's got a choice. Saviors offer choices. They offer order and rules and a society. They offer people to join. Rick's group does all that, too. You can join, pay the cost, and things will be one way. You can refuse, pay that cost, and things will be another way. Rick's whole group is just a kinder gentler Negan. And they are all Rick.

He and his group may truly mean well, especially for themselves, but they use a lot of the same means to an end. That ethics is a lot of what the zombie apocalypse mythos is about.

Interesting, North Korea vs. U.S. tactics (or pick your example), societal microcosms I suppose. I think the writers must of had this in mind.
And that could be how we see how Savior like Rick's group really is. Everybody's got a choice. Saviors offer choices. They offer order and rules and a society. They offer people to join. Rick's group does all that, too. You can join, pay the cost, and things will be one way. You can refuse, pay that cost, and things will be another way. Rick's whole group is just a kinder gentler Negan. And they are all Rick.

He and his group may truly mean well, especially for themselves, but they use a lot of the same means to an end. That ethics is a lot of what the zombie apocalypse mythos is about.

Well, I think based on what we're seeing, that Rick is going to go more "United Nations" on this one. He's fully aware he needs numbers, and he can't get them by being all Ricktator anymore. This whole season is building to a united alliance against the Saviors, I think, I would be shocked if Oceanside isn't involved in that.
I can't imagine they would go through all that trouble to show Oceanside and then not incorporate it into the overall story.
An episode that was all about Tara and world building tonight, but will any of it pay off? At least this one had a bit more action than some of the world building episodes.

Kill All Outsiders
I get that these people are traumatized and all that, but killing everybody who is an outsider is not a great long-term plan, especially when your group is like 99% female. I'm not sure I saw any boys in the camp at all (though it sounds like there may e some) and at some point if your group isn't going to simply die out from age if nothing else, reproduction has to happen. As a side note, why did the Saviors kill every male in the group while Rick's group only had a couple of casualties? Sounds like Negan himself wasn't involved in that one since there was no mention of a "vampire bat" so it must have been the satellite station thugs, perhaps a bit overzealous?

Tara Keeps Her Word
Despite all the crap she finds out, all of the grief she must feel at the lost of two of her friends and her significant other, Tara keeps her word, that's pretty impressive moral fortitude there. But eventually the beach ladies have to come back into play, one would hope given that we just spent an entire episode with them, so how do the Alexandrians find them without Tara telling them? Additionally, why the hell doesn't everyone just live by the beach? Seafood abounds, even if the locations may not be the most defensible, as long as you're far enough back to avoid hurricane surge you're fine.

Where's Heath?
Clearly Heath least long enough to get the RV they took rolling, but he never made it back to Alexandria. Is Heath dead? Is he going to get his own special episode too? My suspicion is that the showrunners will keep that up in the air. Right now, the actor, Corey Hawkins, who plays Heath is very much in demand; Hawkins played Dr. Dre in the well received "Straight Outta Compton" and he's the main character on the upcoming 24 revival called "24: Legacy". I wouldn't be shocked if we never find out what happens to Heath because the actor suddenly has such a busy schedule, or that he only comes back once his schedule dies down some (similar to what happened with Morgan).

Bonus: Savior Pep Talk
A lot of people wondered, given all the sadistic violence and psychological torture he inflicts, how Negan remains leader. Well it looks like we get a peek at that in the preview for next episode, in which he declares they are "bringing civilization" back to the world. Looks like next week we'll get a glimpse of some of the Saviors inner workings.

Hopefully Hawkins does go, I don't particularly like the character but I his acting is subpar when it comes to the zombie scenes. He does the drama stuff great but looks like crap trying to survive. I could totally see him wanting to pursue other avenues if hes being sought. We may see him walking past as a zombie and get a cut scene of how it went down or some basic thing.. He doesn't seem important to the story development at this time..
I wouldn't be surprised if they do a Negan backstory. Show you how messed up his life was, make you feel sorry for him. Then you remember that he's a maniac and Rick kills him at the end of the season.
I wouldn't be surprised if they do a Negan backstory. Show you how messed up his life was, make you feel sorry for him. Then you remember that he's a maniac and Rick kills him at the end of the season.

Hasn't JDM signed for next season?
An interesting set up for the mid season finale, how will Coral's failure hurt the Alexandrians?

A Little Serial Killer in the Making
Negan's interest in Carl is...bizarre to say the least. After Carl shows...initiative by killing two of his men and nearly fighting off two others, Negan shows a disturbing interest in him. Does this save Carl's skin? I'm not so sure. Either way, clearly Negan likes Carl, perhaps he sees him as a potential successor?

Management 101: Negan Style
We get a nice peek at how Negan manages the chaos around him. He offers both a (literal) carrot in the form of "free" food when extra becomes available to his followers, and he threatens with the stick, which in this case is a red hot iron to the face. This is the sort of thing that real life dictators present, they give out generously when they can, but punish harshly. We also get a picture of how he can be coercive, he offers to let Amber leave his harem, but in exchange she, her former husband (who gets the iron later) and her mother all have to work "the same job", presumably zombie wrangling; it's infuriating but effective, technically all the women in his harem say "yes" but only because the consequence is a one-way trip to zombie town for them and their loved ones.

Disparate Paths
Throughout all of this, different members of the group are taking different paths, Jesus is apparently scouting out the saviors, someone lets Darryl out of his cell, Michonne is trying to find Negan, while Spencer scavenges to try to supplicate the tyrant and Rick and Aaron look ready to do something dangerous to get what they need. It's all supposed to come together somehow next week, but I can't help but wonder how it will all turn out and whether or not we might not be looking at some more shattered skulls.

Side note: Best line of the night comes courtesy of Father Gabriel "What you're saying doesn't make you a sinner, but it does make you a sh*t."
Man, that iron scene where Negan is pulling it away from the guy's face and then a piece sticks to the iron and then slaps back to his face leaving a divot. That was some great makeup/effects work there...
Man, that iron scene where Negan is pulling it away from the guy's face and then a piece sticks to the iron and then slaps back to his face leaving a divot. That was some great makeup/effects work there...

And the CGI used on Coral's eye... not so great. The fake non-eye was wiggling around not in sync with the actor's fidgeting.