The Walking dead

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Kinda hard not to kill someone by bashing them over the head with a baseball bat repeatedly.

I'm pretty sure it was Abraham as well. We saw him telling Sasha that he would be willing to have a kid with her and things were finally looking up for him in his life.
Hoo boy, hell of an episode. Let's dive into it.

The Alexandrians Are Outnumbered
So, it's pretty obvious from the second encounter on that Rick and company are vastly outnumbered. The Saviors may be less competent than the Rickites overall, but they've got numbers by the boatload. The fact that Negan can risk so many people just to ensure that Rick and the rest get the message is a clear sign of how many people the Saviors have.

Who Are the Knights?
For lack of a better way to describe them, who are the knights that come up to Morgan and Carol? They ride horses, have armor and use spears, so I'd call them knights for the moment. Do they trade with the Hilltop folks? Or do they make their own spears too? Either way, it's interesting to see Morgan give up his "no killing" credo to save Carol, could he be coming around?

Enter Negan And the Wider World
Negan made his entrance, spending roughly 10-15 minutes lecturing Rick and the other survivors. The sheer numbers that Negan brought out indicate his reach and his power. With the main cast on their knees he had them shaking from fear all while making jokes about it. Clearly, Negan is a man who doesn't consider Rick and company a threat so much as an annoyance to be tamed.

So Who Got the Bat?
It's a question that is plaguing Walking Dead fans and will continue to plague them for months, who did Negan kill? The only clues we have are who isn't dead, of the "main" cast Carol and Morgan are straight out; and Negan (from the victim's POV) threatened to take out Carl's other eye if someone tried something, almost certainly indicating Rick and Carl are out...but that leaves us with a lot of people. Based on what happened in the past few episodes, I think there are three candidates: Abraham, Daryl and Eugene. A lot of folks said Abraham, but there are some strong indicators in favor of the other two. For Daryl, we have the fact that Norman Reedus has his own reality/stunt show now and the fact that he's killed a lot of Saviors, plus Daryl doesn't exist in the comics. Eugene in this last episode had some indicators pop up too, not only has he been saying "I'm a survivor", but he gave his most important information, how to make bullets, to Rick. Of course, Abraham is already dead in the comics and he's killed his fair share of Saviors too, plus he had that whole "I'm ready to have kids" discussion with Sasha, so it could be him. My strong suspicion is still on Daryl however, if only because that is a character that I think would have the most impact (pun intended) with the TV viewing crowd.
My first thought was Abraham because the way neegan said, "taking it like a champ", it seemed as he was the only brave one on the line.

But, I think Maggie. Everyone went on the road trip because they cared so much for her. Her being pregnant symbolized hope and a future. To me everyone connected to her, and if she is the sacrifice, next season would start with everyone broken and hopeless. Maggie is the only one I can think would tie them all together and matter the most.
Maggie and Eugene are good bets, too. I'm not somsure Maggie would have survived the first hit, though. She was pretty sick looking. If we're to believe it took all the black screen whacks to kill the chosen one, that builds a case for it being Abraham.
Then again, killing Maggie frees up the group. They're no longer slowed down by tending to a sick pregnant woman, and won't have a new born slowing them down. Not that Judith has slowed them much recently. They've got some stellar child care options in the ZA.
But once we learned Darryl had his own show now, my wife and I were like, hmmmm?

That's just him riding around on a motorcycle. Not another actual series.

I still say Glenn. It's time a true heavy-hitter gets taken out, and there are only a few of the original crew left.
I'm betting on Maggie. The group has already shown a strong emotional attachment to Maggie - trying to get her to the Hilltop and Glenn's outburst. Negan has already decided that Rick's crew is now working for him so it wouldn't be too smart to kill off some obvious "earners" like Abraham or Darryl. Glenn is too predictable. Eugene, Sasha, Rosita, Arron(sp?) aren't big enough characters. Rick is out of the question and Coral wouldn't produce compliance from Rick.
That's just him riding around on a motorcycle. Not another actual series.

I still say Glenn. It's time a true heavy-hitter gets taken out, and there are only a few of the original crew left.

I agree. Norma Reedus new "show" is not something that will compete with TWD for his time. I also think it's Glenn that death is a monumental moment in the books it has to happen. That said Daryl's death would be equally devestating to the group and the show.
I am thinking, as much as AMC diverges from the comic, that to go forward from here they will have to keep some things the same. Anybody dying sucks, but Glenn would be a true heart wrench-er.
I just remember early in the talking dead they mentioned there were hints as to who gets killed off. Of course those hints could be anything, but anyone think about the walkers that were chained up in the road and made to look like some of the group? There was one that looked like Michonne and one that looked like Darryl for sure. Anyone catch any others?

I realize the show is pretty dark and all, but I'm not sure it's dark enough to have a pregnant Maggie bludgend to death. Anyone who gets close to Rick seems to die so It could be Michonne. They also mentioned in the talking dead that the next season will be strongly based off the groups emotional reaction to the loss of the character, so I thing it would have to be someone fairly important.
Way too much talking. I seriously wanted it to end. My only question is how long they let Negan last before Rick kills him?

I predict the entire next season will be Rick plotting & major characters dying. It's going to get worse before it ever gets better. This cliff-hanger death is only the beginning.

They MUST do something drastic or we're all going to be tuning in elsewhere.

Just like the zombies are now only an afterthought. They've got to ratchet up the hatred before next season can ever be a success. THAT or this series goes the way of Glee.

My $$$ is on Eugene. They did everything but put a target on his forehead leading up to this scene. He had emotion-laden interactions with 2 different characters saying goodbye. His reaction to his new found manhood behind the wheel. Even Negan commenting he was now a tough guy taking the hit to the head.

Then let's add what we now know about Negan, he 's a mega-maniac. He is intelligent, evidenced by the vast army he as accumulated, but he loves to hear himself talk. He wants to keep Rick alive to demean him, compete against him, feed his own ego. He hates Eugene, he hates what Eugene represents, somebody who's smart enough to mess up Negan's plans but who is so weak he gives up Rick's location without being torchered very much at all. Eugene was beat up just a little, he gave up the goods without much fight. Even Negan's comment at the end, "Oh, so you're a tough guy?" hints to his understanding of Eugene's easy betrayal.

I'm even more interested in Carol. Sure she's gonna save the day, but how? How are they going to weave her into the plot? What role do the Knights play? Two bullet wounds are child's play to her............... it will only slow her down a little. :rockin:
I just remember early in the talking dead they mentioned there were hints as to who gets killed off. Of course those hints could be anything, but anyone think about the walkers that were chained up in the road and made to look like some of the group? There was one that looked like Michonne and one that looked like Darryl for sure. Anyone catch any others?

I realize the show is pretty dark and all, but I'm not sure it's dark enough to have a pregnant Maggie bludgend to death. Anyone who gets close to Rick seems to die so It could be Michonne. They also mentioned in the talking dead that the next season will be strongly based off the groups emotional reaction to the loss of the character, so I thing it would have to be someone fairly important.

I think it's easier right now to rule people out.

Rick and Coral are an obvious nope based on Negan's dialogue ("if anyone screams, cut out the boy's other eye and feed it to his dad").

They probably want someone whose death would cause an emotional impact; Aaron has been pretty scarce the last few episodes, and Sasha and Rosita are mostly treated as side characters.

I'm not sure killing Maggie would be too dark for the writers, but it appears they have been setting up her comic book plot of taking control of Hilltop, and it seems dumb to abandon that now.

I'm still voting Abraham (whenever a character starts becoming hopeful and planning for the future, they're usually toast), followed by Daryl (maximum fan impact) and Glenn (comic book accuracy).
So, is Maggie just preggers sick, miscarry sick, zombie baby sick or is she going to give birth to a new kind of human?

All 4...

Im betting on miscarriage sick... But then again, she would have eluded to that, presumably, to the group with her symptoms of bleeding, etc, before embarking on such a dangerous trip.

Then again, pulseless, dead zombies squirt blood so anything is possible.
I'm thinking eliminate Maggie from the running also. It could be too much speculation, and I may be reading too much into it, but when they interviewed Lauren Cohen for Talking Dead last week, she kinda let slip the fact that her and Enid were going to continue to grow this sisterly relationship they have starting up lately.
So, is Maggie just preggers sick, miscarry sick, zombie baby sick or is she going to give birth to a new kind of human?

I want that baby to be dead, clawing is way out. They could have that dead baby inside her for days or weeks. No teeth!

They missed the chance at the nursery school. Go for it, cross the line!
I want that baby to be dead, clawing is way out. They could have that dead baby inside her for days or weeks. No teeth!

They missed the chance at the nursery school. Go for it, cross the line!

Wasn't that what happened in the Dawn of the Dead remake?
I think I want it to be Glenn. To me that would have the greatest impact. Yes, we know from the comics what his fate has been, but I think the audience would get the pay off finally. It would then allow them to develop Maggie into the leader they want her to be.
I have gotten angry EVERY time Glenn has escaped death this season. Really? A dumpster high enough off the ground to crawl under? Surrounded VERY closely by a walker horde with you back against the wall (literally) to be saved at the last second? Can he PLEASE die already?
So, is Maggie just preggers sick, miscarry sick, zombie baby sick or is she going to give birth to a new kind of human?

Well, there's no way the fetus is anything close to a baby yet. At 2 months (maybe 3) the "baby" will be so small that it's smaller than your fist, it's basically a jellyfish with no stingers so it can't hurt anything that way. FYI here's a diagram:
Fetus Diagram

My bet is on a miscarriage with a mix of hemorrhaging and/or toxic shock, though the Walking Dead might not express it in those terms. Untreated any of that could be deadly so it really is urgent she gets medical care.
Well, there's no way the fetus is anything close to a baby yet. At 2 months (maybe 3) the "baby" will be so small that it's smaller than your fist, it's basically a jellyfish with no stingers so it can't hurt anything that way. FYI here's a diagram:
Fetus Diagram

My bet is on a miscarriage with a mix of hemorrhaging and/or toxic shock, though the Walking Dead might not express it in those terms. Untreated any of that could be deadly so it really is urgent she gets medical care.

I'm really disappointed that's a link to a legitimate medical source. I was hoping for a self drawn stick figure or some kind of depraved shock porn.
I thought it was rather lame, and gratuitous. I also think they've written themselves into a corner. What's the way around this? An alliance with the Hilltop and the Horsemen? Not enough. Fleeing may be an option. Otherwise Rick had best discover a cache of nuclear weapons. I can't see the series going on with Rick's group as serfs.
I thought it was rather lame, and gratuitous. I also think they've written themselves into a corner. What's the way around this? An alliance with the Hilltop and the Horsemen? Not enough. Fleeing may be an option. Otherwise Rick had best discover a cache of nuclear weapons. I can't see the series going on with Rick's group as serfs.

I think it could be interesting to see Ricks group being vassels to Neegan for just a little bit and then maybe slowly building a resistance with the other groups. Whatever happened to the wolves? Surely there's still a fair bit of them left. It will be interesting to see if they reappear. Wasn't it them that caused the building to fall and knock down the wall at Alexandria?
Rick lost his balls. We all saw it. I see an alliance with the horse people. Maybe the wolves. What gets me is the shear number of Saviors. Not enough elitists in Rick's group to take them out without supplemental ordinance. Without reading the comics, once can only assume Negan will meet the business end of Lucille. How we get there, no one knows...
I'm sorry - but I kept expecting Negan to start singing Bohemian Rhapsody


Several of the Alexandrites are out on various things. I think Carol and Morgan will befriend the horse people, and possibly form some sort of alliance. Doctor Denise's GF is out on a run, and I don't think they showed her in the last few episodes. Will be interesting to see how she reacts.

With the Wolves and the Zombie hoard that swept thru Alexandria, I think most of them have become fighters on some level, albeit inexperienced when compared to Neegan's crew.

The question is, will someone like Gabriel lead them to attack Neegan and company and rescue some or all of Rick's inner circle?

My bet is on Eugene dying this next season. I have never liked his character, he is a total dweeb and he just smack-talked Abraham - the same guy who protected him and his BS secret of 'oh hey guys, I don't know a damn thing, I just wanted to be part of your group and your protection'. Time for Eugene to meet Lucille... He is a weak guy trying to project strength. Time for a healthy does of reality.
So - did anybody watch the sneak preview?
Does the Blood splatter on Ricks face provide us with a clue of who got lucilled?

I actually must say, that I personally think, this was the worst cliffhanger in TV history because I actually forgot completely that I was worried about who gets killed. It is almost like - I don't care anymore - lame - just don't kill daryl because I am done with the show then.

okay. T -54h until Season premiere - guess I'll brew to kill some time :)
I'm not so sure the blood spatter tells you much of anything, they could have moved people around or it could be from a completely different point in time. I guess we'll have to see.
I actually must say, that I personally think, this was the worst cliffhanger in TV history because I actually forgot completely that I was worried about who gets killed. It is almost like - I don't care anymore - lame

I agree. Although even at the time I didn't really care who it is. Now it's been so long that I really, REALLY, don't care.

I just hope they fill us in on all the different sub-groups and not focus on the Negan stuff the whole time. There's a lot going on elsewhere. I mean, what about Jesus?! Gabriel? The King with the tiger?! I don't even remember where Carol is (I'm sure someone will remind me)? And on and on. If they make this opening episode 50 minutes about Negan and Rick staring at each other, I'll get bored. I'm not that excited by the Negan character or Lucille -- maybe I should be, but I'm not yet. Anyway, as well all know, this show is way more about character development than gore, and we already have like WAY too many characters. So I don't really care who got smashed. I want to see what's happened with all the other groups and how they'll find out and what they'll do about it. And then hopefully several of them will die quickly as well so that my brain doesn't swell from the confusion of all the 75 different characters that we're supposed to try to keep track of and care about.

Like you said, all we really care about is Daryl anyway. And maybe Carol. And maybe Rick. Those are my top 3. I don't much care about most of the others. My bet is still on Abraham, or maybe Glenn, and I don't really care about either one of them. Yeah....... there's just WAY to many dang characters for me to care about more than a half dozen of them. But anyway.

My personal opinions aside, I'm still very much looking forward to Sunday nights once again. I just want to get this Negan crap over with already so we can move on to the stuff that I find even more interesting.
well, Rick didn't die he was in the preview...
also when you look up the actors on imdb... Sasha is listed for all coming episodes, so is Eugene and Rosita. However neither Glen, nor Daryl, nor Maggie are listed for all of the following episodes of season 7...


and yes, if they take Daryl or Carol of the show, I'll quit it.
I just hope they fill us in on all the different sub-groups and not focus on the Negan stuff the whole time.

The way the writers do in this series it might be three episodes before we know who got smashed. :D

They like a lot of time/place traveling in my opinion.

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