The Walking dead

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Ok, predictions.. Does Herschel finally come around on the danger of letting the walkers be or does he freak out and kick them all off the land? Why did he keep letting them go out on search and rescue missions for the girl when he knew she was in the barn all along?

At least the living get to eat more chicken now.
Ok, predictions.. Does Herschel finally come around on the danger of letting the walkers be or does he freak out and kick them all off the land? Why did he keep letting them go out on search and rescue missions for the girl when he knew she was in the barn all along?

At least the living get to eat more chicken now.

I don't think he knew that that was the girl that they were looking for. I don't ever remember the group showing Herschel picture of her.
Yeah, I guess he wouldn't have known. Otis was probably just told to add any strays into the barn. It seems like the walkers really travel in packs so why haven't they shown up on the farm in any big numbers?
My guess is since walkers aren't so bright they just end up getting bogged down in the swampy areas surrounding the farm.
Why doesn't the group just squat on another farm next to Herschel's?
I understand their goal is to find others, but I would supply myself and move from base to base. Someone mentioned the water truck, why not just take the truck AND locate a fuel tanker? Oh, and by the way... find a sporting goods store and quit worrying about the "bag of guns". BTW... where does Daryl get all the bolts for the crossbow, he always seems to have exactly, one.
So many questions. Instead of spending lazy days reading and drinking iced tea, why aren't they fortifying their compound and collecting supplies? How many rounds of ammo are in that RV anyway?
So many questions. Instead of spending lazy days reading and drinking iced tea, why aren't they fortifying their compound and collecting supplies? How many rounds of ammo are in that RV anyway?

This is the South, man! Things are a bit slower down here... no reason to be in such an all fired hurry!
This is starting to look like a half assed J.j. Abrams Lost series. I have so many unanswered questions, and it looks like the writers are going to give us cop-out answers in the end.
BTW... where does Daryl get all the bolts for the crossbow, he always seems to have exactly, one.

I think he has a few bolts that he keeps reusing...I remember in the episode when he shot the walker hanging from the tree, he complained that it "was a waste of a perfectly good arrow."

I had been wondering about the ammo situation in general. Granted, until this episode there hadn't been much shooting this season, but those are still a lot of guns to keep stocked with ammo. Either way, I was glad to see things finally start to pick up, even if we have to wait until February for more. :(
It's cool that they taught the kid how to shoot or rather not be scared of the gun, but I'd rather save the ammo for someone that can place the head shots. When they were mowing down the barn walkers, I did see about 10 too many useless body shots.
SPOILER: I was so glad they ended the little girls story arc, I was worried that the show would end up all lovie dovie with the girl being okay hiding in a car trunk or something. The comic book is brutal - and I had hoped the show would be similar in as many respects as possible.

now we just have to wait for Carl to shoot Shane....oh please ....I hate that guy.
I wondered about the ammo for awhile also, but that's an easily explained question. Besides Herschel's people, and the few they encountered in Atlanta, there doesn't seem to be many survivors. The group must have been able to stock up on ammo pretty easily along the way by hitting up gun shops, Walmarts, hell, even people's homes (not like they are in my anti-2nd Amendment area). Besides, didn't they raid the police station in the first season anyway? Im sure that netted them a ton of ammo.
I am glad they ended the little girl's story. The one thing I have really disliked about this season is that they are stuck in one place. They are trying to build up the characters here and really moved slowly doing so. Killing the little girl did two things; gave them a reason to get back on the road and, hopefully, pissed off the old man... which should put them on the road.

Now I want to see what else is out there. That is my favorite part about zombie movies/dystopian tragedies... seeing who it makes and how they do it. Bring on the trip to Fort Benning!
My prediction: Carl shoots Shane in the final episode in the spring.

Would it be to much to ask if he were to off Andrea at the same time? God... she has to be the dumbest thing on two legs. Seriously some of the walkers seem brighter.

I am so glad they finally got the story moving again. They were on the farm way to long. It will be interesting to see what happens with Herschel in the next episode... my guess is they will be moving on and his step daughter runs away with them.
Would it be to much to ask if he were to off Andrea at the same time? God... she has to be the dumbest thing on two legs. Seriously some of the walkers seem brighter.

I am so glad they finally got the story moving again. They were on the farm way to long. It will be interesting to see what happens with Herschel in the next episode... my guess is they will be moving on and his step daughter runs away with them.

sorta my thinking as well. or maybe hoping... man is she easy on the eyes haha

anyways, just started watching this show on sunday night when my roommate put it on. I've since completely caught up, only to have to wait until february??? BRUTAL!
sorta my thinking as well. or maybe hoping... man is she easy on the eyes haha

anyways, just started watching this show on sunday night when my roommate put it on. I've since completely caught up, only to have to wait until february??? BRUTAL!

:mug: Good on you running the marathon! Both seasons???

Feb will be here soon, but not soon enough.
Ok, predictions.. Does Herschel finally come around on the danger of letting the walkers be or does he freak out and kick them all off the land? Why did he keep letting them go out on search and rescue missions for the girl when he knew she was in the barn all along?

kick them all off the land? They have the guns and the brawn. They should kick Herschel out. haha

But, a bunch of folks living in a farm house is not very fun to watch. Unless you think they will evolve this show into a run of the mill sitcom with the occasional zombie stopping by for comic relief. I have a feeling that the second half of the season will focus on them moving on to Ft. Benning.
...It seems like the walkers really travel in packs so why haven't they shown up on the farm in any big numbers?

Probably the same reason the group has stayed on the farm so long.

Production budget.

Cheaper to film a small cast stuck on a nowhere farm caught up in a melodrama, than to follow them from one special effects location to the next with hoards of zombie extras blowing up everything in their path.

Maybe they've saved enough the last half dozen episodes to ramp up the sci-fi faction in February.

But agreed - epic finish.
I've been following both the television series and the graphic novels.

About half way through the graphic novels, I began to lose interest and get annoyed with the characters. This was with more purchased. I hated to waste cash and toss them aside so I read on. It picked back up, but I wonder how far they can really take it without irritating me again and again.

As for the series, I like that it does not follow the graphic novels completely. It does annoy me that some of the characters are not the same as they should be in my opinion.

I'm a zombie fanatic so I'll stick with the series at the very least. All in all, it's sweet to see something like this on television at all.
kick them all off the land? They have the guns and the brawn. They should kick Herschel out. haha

But, a bunch of folks living in a farm house is not very fun to watch. Unless you think they will evolve this show into a run of the mill sitcom with the occasional zombie stopping by for comic relief. I have a feeling that the second half of the season will focus on them moving on to Ft. Benning.

Totally man, don't see why they wouldn't just take the the farm.

Although the show is called the WALKING dead, so they best get walking. Farm life is definitely stagnating, I'm sure they'll move on for whatever reason soon (I have not read the books, but I'm fairly confident we don't just hang at the farm forever).
Herschel will boot them, and Rick will make everyone respect that decision, Shane and Blondie will go their own way.
Shane and Herschel get into a fight in the barn. A forgotten geek bites them both. The others lock them in the barn.

Hahahahahahaha! I like this, speculation about what unlikely scenarios might play out.

I think Rick wakes up and we find out this was all just a bad dream . . . .


Carl begins adolescent angst, shoots both of his parents, and begins a Lord of Flies kingdom


The zombie virus runs its course and all the walkers die, but not before all the humans die except for Herschel and his step-daughter, who must then procreate to repopulate the earth. Millions of viewers turn off the television in disgust.
In all honesty, I wouldn't be surprised if this was how it ends.

That would be kind of crazy if that is how the show ends. Better yet Rick wakes up from the dream gets ready for work, opens the front door, and there at the bottom of the steps stands a walker. He pulls out the mag, and turns the walkers head into a canoe. Then the scene fades to black.
Having to wait until February for the second half of the second season sucks! I hadn't watched to 6 webisodes yet so at the usual walking dead time I watched those. They helped my fix a bit but not enough!

I wanna see Shane die!

I wanna see the Japanese chick with the katana I keep hearing about.

I wanna know why the next episode is called "Nebraska."

I wanna see how Herschel reacts to the barn slaughter.
I'm looking forward to its resume as well. I had fallena month behind with a newborn at home. I finally caught up last week only to find I had a few months to catch up. Bummer about a midseason break like this.

They should have an All Star Game or something...
If this was George RR Marting, I would be willing to put up with all of these long waits. But ASoIF it is not. They better give me some good stuff or they have lost a viewer.
I hope the second half of the season is as good as my APA. Anyone else giving the second half another chance.
Yea, hopefully they can redeem themselves for that stint at the farm. Even bad as that was it was still better than most everything else on tv.