The "Dear" , "Sincerely" thread

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Dear work day

Having a private investigator video tape the disassembly of a piece of equipment while a mechanical engineer, lawyer, and an equipment expert look over your shoulder was nothing I expected after the shower sex act I totally performed on to start the day.

Everyday pays the same.
Dear toilet paper,

Thank you for years of service when people just wipe **** all over you.

Right hand
Dear Cellphone Driver,
Take the phone off your ear and concentrate on driving, your phone conversation is not more important than the rest of our lives.

The person you cut off this morning with your distracted driving.
Dear Beer

Why do you always make me wait? You know I love you, Baby. I want us to be together forever. I want you so bad. But it's always, 'wait another day' with you. Or even 'wait until next week.' I made you what you are you know. Before I came along you were nothing but a bag of grain.

Sincerely, Frustrated Brewer
Dear Northern Brewer, Bargain Fittings, Spike Brewing, MoreBeer, Brewers Hardware, and LHBS,

Thank you for relieving me of the burden of my hard-earned cash and all my free time and replacing it with liquid deliciousness,


Guy who can't stop "improving" his brewing setup
Dear Kansas state football team,
thank you for not winning tonight. I know it was rough but someone had to lose and you did it well.
sincerely Auburn football fan.
Dear HBTs that don't like IPAs or think its a fad;

We get it, they are hoppy...we already knew that. We don't need to hear about it in 5 new threads a week. Just talk about what you like.

HBTs that don't create "too malty" or "too yeasty" threads
Dear morning runners who run in the bike lane instead of the sidewalk on a 4 lane highway,

Just wanted to let you know, the bike lane is for obnoxious bikers, not obnoxious runners.

The morning commuter that could easily move two feet to the right and rudely interrupt your Barry Manilow mix by running your ass over.
Dear digestive system

I'm sorry for taking you to the world food festival. $1 samples allowed me to put every continent, sometimes twice, into you within an hour. Please be gentle when allowing the Heinz 57 of a meal exit

A man hoping for a kind ending
Dear Roger Goddell,

you said you are responsible and you are accountable. Well, do us all a favor and do that by getting the **** out of here, as the Commissioner.

Sincerely, 90% of all football fans
Dear Horsers,

Please either pick up after your animal like every other pet owner, or keep your filthy horse off the trails. Would you like me to bring my dog to dump on your sidewalk?


Tired of Hiking and Riding Through Your Horse Excrement
Dear Weekend Biker,

Please refrain from roaring your new Harley at 120dB along my quiet country road with twenty of your friends every weekend. I understand that you've waited a long time for your mid-life crisis and that you've worked hard to earn enough disposable income to afford this phallic symbol but frankly, none of us here are favorably impressed.


A horser who keeps his ride and the offensive byproducts at home
Dear clown who decided the fillet knife in this set should be serrated,

What the hell?

Sincerely, Disappointed End User.
Dear Parent at "Meet the Teachers Night" in September:

I'm here tonight to tell you about the course I'm teaching, what is expected and how your child can flourish. I have no idea which one is yours and how they are doing so far. That is what Parent-Teacher conferences are designed to accomplish and they come later in the year.

Your Child's Teacher

A horser who keeps his ride and the offensive byproducts at home

It was a tough brew day for me today, and only your use of "horser" (and a few home brews) could make me laugh. Agree about the loud motorcycles too, but I know I'm unusually sensitive to noise.
Dear BK, Is it asking too much for you to be self cleaning? Sincerely, Ah, it'll just have to wait until tomorrow
Dear wife,

Thank you for tolerating my hobby. Thank you for not grouching at me when the kitchen looks like a meth lab, and allowing the garage fridge to be full of hops, grain, washed yeast and cold crashing buckets. Thanks for tasting my creations and telling me it's the best batch yet.


Grateful hubby