The 2014 NHC First Round - Results/Speculation Thread

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Everyone try and exercise a little patience.

There are a lot of entries in all of the regions. We had 91 IPA's in Sacramento. We judged them on 4/4. Please consider palette fatigue. It's a real factor when judging a comp of this magnitude.

I've been judging since 2002. There are a gozillion more homebrewers now - so if you cannot judge, please consider being a Steward or volunteer.
We had judges that traveled hundreds of miles to help - from Nevada to the South Central Valley from the Bay Area and from Chico and Portland, OR.

You can't streamline the BJCP test too much, because we need competent judges.

Cheers everyone and good luck!!

Annie Johnson

PS. All results have to be sanction in Denver by the AHA to be official. So add that time on - don't trust anything until it's OFFICIAL!
And this whole idea of rebrewing now - good god, the competition is in JUNE! Second round entries last year had to go out about 10 days before last year's NHC. So, I would surmise 2nd round entries not due until end of May. That's plenty of time for most beers. If you sent your last two pilsners - well, that was probably not too bright but you still have 7 weeks.
Everyone try and exercise a little patience.

There are a lot of entries in all of the regions. We had 91 IPA's in Sacramento. We judged them on 4/4. Please consider palette fatigue. It's a real factor when judging a comp of this magnitude.

I've been judging since 2002. There are a gozillion more homebrewers now - so if you cannot judge, please consider being a Steward or volunteer.
We had judges that traveled hundreds of miles to help - from Nevada to the South Central Valley from the Bay Area and from Chico and Portland, OR.

You can't streamline the BJCP test too much, because we need competent judges.

Cheers everyone and good luck!!

Annie Johnson

PS. All results have to be sanction in Denver by the AHA to be official. So add that time on - don't trust anything until it's OFFICIAL!
Annie, it was a pleasure meeting you at the Sac judging site. I'm the guy wearing the A's cap that came from Santa Barbara.

Agreed, the volunteer effort was outstanding, but we need more. Judges, Stewards, Volunteers. Thanks to all who took part!
Annie, it was a pleasure meeting you at the Sac judging site. I'm the guy wearing the A's cap that came from Santa Barbara.

Agreed, the volunteer effort was outstanding, but we need more. Judges, Stewards, Volunteers. Thanks to all who took part!

I remember you! It was nice to meet you, too.

I'm in Seattle today and going to the A's game tonight!

We could always need more judges, stewards and volunteers. AGREED! :mug:
So it sounds liek SD is writing on the score sheet if you advanced?

My ESB went to mini BOS but nothing about placing/advancing was written on my sheet. I heard some regions were not writing on the sheets if the beer advanced to finals but it sounds like SD did write if the beer advanced on the sheet? Wondering if I can finish off the last few bottles of this beer or if I should save?

My scores:
Blonde Ale = 36.5
Wit = 35
APA = 34
ESB = 34.5
Not stellar scores but happy with both the apparent consitency of my process and the consistency in the scoring from the SD judges.
Hey im new to the board and I have been brewing for about a year and some change. My results were:

Pale Ale 35
Amber ale 29. - Judge said this had "No Hops!" haha

I was pretty impressed with where my pale ended up given that it was a single hop pale. I got a lot of comments on ester with the amber but I used east coast ale yeast which I should have probably used something cleaner. The pale had a slight ester profile but nothing too bad. The second judge even said the ester profile complemented the hops.
I got the email this morning and the mail came about 15 minutes later. The two beers I expected to do well only scored in the mid 30s but my barley wine that I decided to throw in scored 2nd place! The biggest negative comments were that it didn't have enough hop flavor and aroma. Not bad for a beer I made in December of 2008!
No one is supposed to write on your score sheet about advancing. I dunno, maybe SD did things differently but I would doubt it.

Here's the break down. We did 30 beers in category 6. We had six judges - each in a pair judging 10 beers. Every beer that scored above 30 advanced. A different set of higher ranking judges came to do the mini BOS. In this case - I sat in with David Teckam, GM IV and Janis Gross, Certified - AHA Comp Director. I am a lowly National. We picked the 1, 2 and 3.

That's how it should go across all regions. In the case of IPA's where there were 5 gozillion - we had 8 in our flight and pushed up everything above 30. From there it went to a mini best of table - then those three winners went head to head with the other best beers from the other IPA tables finally taking 3 hours to get it down to three! Whew
A friend got a score sheet back from a local comp, where he advanced to mini-BOS but didn't place. Yet had "3rd" marked on his cover sheet. Presumably because he was third in his flight prior to mini-BOS. Would make me doubt any placement written on my sheets.
Here's the break down. We did 30 beers in category 6. We had six judges - each in a pair judging 10 beers. Every beer that scored above 30 advanced. A different set of higher ranking judges came to do the mini BOS.
I'm a little confused by this and the way you spoke of 5 gozillion IPA's. In category 6 there are four sub-styles. I was under the impression that for NHC, each sub-style was judged separately for advancement to the finals.

Or do you only advance in a category, so AZ_IPA could have won American IPA, but possibly still not advance because he wasn't in the top three of the category?
I'm a little confused by this and the way you spoke of 5 gozillion IPA's. In category 6 there are four sub-styles. I was under the impression that for NHC, each sub-style was judged separately for advancement to the finals.

Or do you only advance in a category, so AZ_IPA could have won American IPA, but possibly still not advance because he wasn't in the top three of the category?

My understanding was that winners place and advanced by category, not subcategory, like they do in every other competition. IF AZ_IPA won with an American IPA, he won for all of category 14, not just American IPA.
IF AZ_IPA won with an American IPA, he won for all of category 14, not just American IPA.
That makes more sense. It's just that I've seen competitions where grouping was done by the number of entries. They might give an award for IIPA and English IPA combined and then a separate award for American IPA.
I'm a little confused by this and the way you spoke of 5 gozillion IPA's. In category 6 there are four sub-styles. I was under the impression that for NHC, each sub-style was judged separately for advancement to the finals.

Or do you only advance in a category, so AZ_IPA could have won American IPA, but possibly still not advance because he wasn't in the top three of the category?

I posted earlier that we had 91 IPA's in the comp. We judged that cat 14 on Friday, 4/6.

On 4/5 one cat I judged was 6. Light Hybrids. Sorry for the confusion. :drunk:
Groupings -

It depends on how many entries are in a category. Each beer is judged individually. Cat 14 would be all IPA's - English, American and II IPA. In my flight of 8 we had three English and 5 American. One of the English IPA's was pushed forward.

AHA NHC Comp is unlike any comp I know... Good points and not so good.
From San Diego:

APA: 38.5 box marked "advanced to mini-BOS" round
Irish Red: 28. Most comments were flat, not carbonated. I bottled each style (on separate days) off the keg using BMBF but was drinking when I did the Irish Red so probably user error.

Both styles they commented were dry, which makes sense as I like my beers dry and mash quite low. This is my first competition (been brewing since 1986), and I just sent in what was on tap. It was interesting, and I was surprised how much I was anticipating the results.

For the APA, I assume if it didn't score in the outstanding category that it is over. :mug:
Latest Nashville info per Music City Brewer's Facebook page:
I have just completed entering all the scores into the software, but I have to send the flight summaries into the AHA/NHC Competition Coordinator, Janis Gross, they are due to her by 4/17. They will be in the mail tomorrow. It is all on the AHA at that point. They will review the flight sheets, to ensure the scores were entered correctly and then I think they are supposed to release scores once all the sights are done judging and have submitted all their info. I would anticipate between the 17th and 20th. As for scoresheets, we are required to have them mailed out by May 2nd. I hope to have that done long before that. I am hoping I can get them out by the 20-21st. But I cannot guarantee anything. And dont worry you are the 25th person to ask me

Warning: Rant Alert (With all due respect)
Jumpin jehosafats! What ever happened to the good ole' days of GET ER DUN?!
"They are due to her by"?
"required to have them mailed out by"?
I'm all for procrastination when it involves one's self, but there are a lot of excited folks out there waiting to hear how good, or in my case, how bad, they did.

It sounds like this Nashville debacle is created by one of two things. Either this guy is flat out all alone in his solitary volunteer bubble because nobody is stepping up to help him OR he is creating this situation because he doesn't want to empower anyone to help him. Either way, even with the best of intentions, a lack of leadership is becoming more & more apparent. The fact that they extended judging beyond the three day time frame & into the next week should have been embarrassing enough, but to exhibit this lack of expedience now that everything is complete is mindboggling.
Citing "due by" dates in response to inquiries is unacceptable imho. ESPECIALLY when nearly every other site has shown reasonable turn around times. Cute how he said that he was the 25th person to ask... OF COURSE!! People are excited about this & when you have judging centers taking 3 days to get entrants' scoresheets back to them, Nashville is going to stick out like a sore thumb!

Today is the 11th...he's "hoping" to get them mailed by the 20th?! In 9 days? ASK SOMEONE FOR HELP! THROW A LIFELINE!
This was the 1st judging center to judge & they will be the last to send out scoresheets.
Ok, I'm just kidding. It's not a big deal. My whole rant was a joke. I think Nashville is a great place. I love Elvis. RDWHAHB
Received my scoresheets today from SD. Received a 40.5 and went to Mini-BOS for 16E and placed 1st. I thought this was the best beer I've ever brewed and that's why it was entered.

I haven't received any emails or anything though.
Received my scoresheets today from SD. Received a 40.5 and went to Mini-BOS for 16E and placed 1st. I thought this was the best beer I've ever brewed and that's why it was entered.

I haven't received any emails or anything though.

That's awesome! Congratulations. The SD judging was very cool to witness. It was my first time stewarding, but will not be my last. Good luck in the final round!
Got my sheets from SD. 34.5 for my Munich Dunkel. Advances to mini BOS but didn't place. Overall I'm pretty happy with the scores. Comments noted that it was pretty dry, so next time I'll probably mash higher.
New York scoresheets didn't go out last week as reported, because there was nothing in my mail Today , Massachusetts.

A simple email list with updates etc would be nice. Then we wouldn't have to wait by the mailbox and speculate. A 900 entry site pulls in $12,600 and it is run by volunteers?

Pay some people to organize and get out timely scoresheets etc. Pay a stipend for high ranking judges to be there, so more people take the BJCP and advance.

Just some thoughts on how to improve the process.

Sent from my iPhone using Home Brew
I got my NY scoresheets in the mail this morning at my apt in Cambridge, MA.

My two entries got 1st place for 14C with a score of 36 and 2nd place for 7C with score of 38.

The mini-BOS check box was marked for 14C. Not really sure what all that means as this is my first NHC, but I'm wondering if I'll need to send bottles to the second round. If so, I need to rebrew the 14C because I drank it all :)
New York scoresheets didn't go out last week as reported, because there was nothing in my mail Today , Massachusetts.

A simple email list with updates etc would be nice. Then we wouldn't have to wait by the mailbox and speculate. A 900 entry site pulls in $12,600 and it is run by volunteers?

Pay some people to organize and get out timely scoresheets etc. Pay a stipend for high ranking judges to be there, so more people take the BJCP and advance.

Just some thoughts on how to improve the process.

Sent from my iPhone using Home Brew

Seriously? I was there and I saw the envelopes being stuffed as flights were completed. I know we didn't get all the categories judged on Saturday, but seriously? Two weeks and the score sheets haven't even been mailed out? I'm willing to give them the BOD for one week, but two weeks is just insane, especially considering the quick turn around from some of the other sites. In addition, it would seem that michaeltrego was lied to. According to him, the NYC coordinator said that he should have his sheets by yesterday, so while not a guarantee, I take it to mean the sheets were at least in the mail, which it would seem they are not. I won't be able to check my mail until I get home from work tomorrow morning, so I don't know for sure, but all indications point to sheets not being in the mail.

EDIT: In light of the above post, I rescind these comments
My two entries got 1st place for 14C with a score of 36 and 2nd place for 7C with score of 38.
36 point and 1st place? I would have thought that IIPA would have been more competitive than that. Congratulations!
I got my NY scoresheets in the mail this morning at my apt in Cambridge, MA.

My two entries got 1st place for 14C with a score of 36 and 2nd place for 7C with score of 38.

The mini-BOS check box was marked for 14C. Not really sure what all that means as this is my first NHC, but I'm wondering if I'll need to send bottles to the second round. If so, I need to rebrew the 14C because I drank it all :)

You'll be contacted later, after the official results are released with instructions for submitting your beer to the second round. Also, congrats!
I got my NY scoresheets in the mail this morning at my apt in Cambridge, MA.

My two entries got 1st place for 14C with a score of 36 and 2nd place for 7C with score of 38.

The mini-BOS check box was marked for 14C. Not really sure what all that means as this is my first NHC, but I'm wondering if I'll need to send bottles to the second round. If so, I need to rebrew the 14C because I drank it all :)

Mini-BOS means your beer advanced to the same judging table for a "second judging". Basically, all beers are judged & given scores. Then the highest scoring beers advance to a smaller panel of beers & go head to head to determine the best 3. Plan on rebrewing, that way, if worse comes to worse, you'll just have more beer to drink. :)

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