Swollen Taste Bud

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Feb 10, 2004
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Anyone ever gotten a swollen taste bud before? Mine has turned white as well.

It hasn't grown so I don't think it's anything sinister but debating on if I need a Dr. to check it out or not. Maybe a home remedy? I read about someone using pin to pick it out but that seems painful.
Ouch! I had one of those once. Hurt like hell. I popped it with a pin. That hurt even worse, but made it go away.
I've torn it them out with a pair of tweezers. Again, it hurts like hell but they go away quicker. Time to man up and do a little self surgery.
I get them a few times a year... usually I just kind of 'chew on it' with my front teeth if possible. Also, sucking on some ice may not hurt. Eventually it goes away...

Definitely not anything to be concerned about unless your tongue swells up or something serious, but that's never happened on this end.
I know this may sound stange but mouth soars heal really fast if you swish around a crushed up vitamin C and a little water in your mouth. I've never tried it with a swollen taste bud but the above "treatments" sound kind of painful so what do you have to lose?
I've torn it them out with a pair of tweezers. Again, it hurts like hell but they go away quicker. Time to man up and do a little self surgery.

All the time. Just clip it off with a pair of good nail clippers. The clip doesn't really hurt (no worse that it does now) and it feels better instantly.
I've had it happen. Before you go and clip it off or anything else that's inherently painful, try gargling with a strong salt and warm water mixture. If done right, it tastes like salty ass, but works wonders.
I learned how to get rid of these from Ren and Stimpy... just get some 36 grit sandpaper and start licking it with very long slow strokes until your tongue is bleeding profusely.. then gargle with some isopropyl alcohol. Wait 5 minutes the slowly chew up 3 tablespoons of salt.
Oh thank god I was the only one that got those white tastebuds! I get them a few times a year and I've tried all the above remedies. Nurmey, does that treatment work well with sore throats? I get those alot because of my allergies.

Or maybe it's tongue herpes :p
Ewwwwww!!! there is no way I am putting nail clippers in my mouth.

You must never have had one of these things....

I've had it happen. Before you go and clip it off or anything else that's inherently painful, try gargling with a strong salt and warm water mixture. If done right, it tastes like salty ass, but works wonders.

Been there, done that. Salt, listerine, peroxide, you name it. Either let it hurt for a week and fix itself, or get rid of it.

As for clipping it; The nerves in that thing are about as peaked as they can get. Assuming you don't miss and pinch a perfectly healthy one, it really does not hurt. I'd guess the taste bud is already pretty well necrotic because it doesn't bleed either. And the relief is INSTANT.
Tx, I get those several times a year from smoking cigars. Rinse with this stuff twice a day and it should heal in a few days...

My best guess: cold sore presenting on your tongue.

Which is a nice way of saying: you prolly got the herpes. But then, so does 75% of the US and most of them got it from their mom or Dad.
A couple of days?!? Not me. How about a couple of seconds...

Seriously, if you can stand to pull out a splinter you can tolerate the clippers.
I've had them on several occasions. Annoying, but they've always gone away after a week or so.
I get them sometimes and I get Canker sores on them all the times. The dentist told me to rinse three times a day with proxide and water solution, Seems to work pretty well.
I know this may sound stange but mouth soars heal really fast if you swish around a crushed up vitamin C and a little water in your mouth. I've never tried it with a swollen taste bud but the above "treatments" sound kind of painful so what do you have to lose?

Vinegar works for this too...I usually just dunk a q-tip in the vinegar and swab it around a few times.
I get them sometimes and I get Canker sores on them all the times. The dentist told me to rinse three times a day with proxide and water solution, Seems to work pretty well.

If you get canker sores/mouth ulcers often, switch to a toothpaste without SLS (Sodium Laurel Sulfate). Biotene is one such toothpaste. I used to get them about once a month until I made the switch. Now it's about once a year.

This thread is worthless without pics...

View attachment 5606

Not like that big nasty thing. We're talking about one single tastebud that swells up, turns white, and hurts like a mother.
I get the white taste buds all the time. I concur that you should either a) bite it with teeth, or b) pinch with tweezers, or c) snip with clippers. The fact is, you can wait days to get relief with those liquid treatments, or you can do the deed and get relief in SECONDS! I usually brush my teeth or use listerine right after, just in case, but the pain is nearly instantly gone using the no holds barred approach.

Pocketknifes are for splinters too.
Nothing wrong with a little self surgery. Hell, with the way healthcare is going, better get the practice now. I feel like homebrewing has given us a better appreciation for microbes, so go ahead and heat sterilize that pin.
I get them occasionally too, happens after eating certain foods (strawberries mostly). I vote for the cutting it off path. That is what I have always done. I am slightly relieved in a weird way that other people do the same thing.
I am slightly relieved in a weird way that other people do the same thing.

I never thought to look until this thread, but if you google it you'll find that cutting is recommended quite frequently. I was surprised...
All the time. Just clip it off with a pair of good nail clippers. The clip doesn't really hurt (no worse that it does now) and it feels better instantly.

I have to say, if I couldn't get it with my nails or teeth I usually just had to deal with it. The clipper thing was awesome. It bled a little, but the pain was gone instantly. I had like 3 or 4 all bunched together. Thanks so much for the tip.
I have to say, if I couldn't get it with my nails or teeth I usually just had to deal with it. The clipper thing was awesome. It bled a little, but the pain was gone instantly. I had like 3 or 4 all bunched together. Thanks so much for the tip.

Interesting first post.

Anyone ever gotten a swollen taste bud before? Mine has turned white as well.

It hasn't grown so I don't think it's anything sinister but debating on if I need a Dr. to check it out or not. Maybe a home remedy? I read about someone using pin to pick it out but that seems painful.

uh oh, you got the tongue herpes :D

i've had those little white guys lots of times. they're a pain in the ass (i always rub them against my teeth by impulse and they get irritated) but they go away pretty quick.
I wonder what the cause of these things are because I remember a year or two where I'd get them constantly but I haven't had a single one in like 5 years.

They're called Lye/Lie Bumps. You get them from telling lies (so said my Grandfather when I was a kid). Txbrew must've been fibbin'. ;)
I have to say, if I couldn't get it with my nails or teeth I usually just had to deal with it. The clipper thing was awesome. It bled a little, but the pain was gone instantly. I had like 3 or 4 all bunched together. Thanks so much for the tip.

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