Styles of Beer You Just Can't Stand

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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2014
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If you're like me, you love just about all styles; except for a very select few. What are they for you?

For me:

White IPA - to me this completely disregards the entire concept for 'balance' and personally I think it tastes disgusting.

Coffee IPA - I do like the taste of coffee and I do like IPA's for the most part, but together, not so much.

Pilsner - because of my days drinking bud and miller, I just cannot put these up to my nose. I can't do it.
Totally with you on white IPAs. Wheaty and hoppy. Gross.

Sam Adams Uncle Fizzywigs christmas ale is disgusting. Ive not really had a single spiced ale I have liked.

Belgian doubles. Too sweet and yeasty tasting and heavy as hell.

Honey wheats. Gross.


Pretty much anything else I am cool with.
I know it's crazy, but I just can't like Saisons. I like most other Belgian styles including funky beers and lambics, but just don't love Saisons.

I also don't care for porters. They always seem like just a stout gone wrong to me. Like someone wanted to make a stout, but only had enough dark or roasted grain to add some color. They taste like a thin, watered down, non-roasty stout to me.
Lager. Most commercial examples I try have enough sulfur to them that I can't handle it. I've enjoyed a few well crafted ones, but it's very few.

That's so broad!! Does that include:

Baltic Porter?

For me, I don't like many belgian beer styles, but particularly I don't like

Belgian Wit
Belgian Blonde
Pumpkin beer
Honey Wheat
That's so broad!! Does that include:

Baltic Porter?

For me, I don't like many belgian beer styles, but particularly I don't like

Belgian Wit
Belgian Blonde
Pumpkin beer
Honey Wheat

Sadly it does include all of those. It really makes me sad, I want to like them. Now, use a clean ale yeast instead, and I'll be pretty happy, but any sulfur aroma and it takes me back to my days on chemo and I can't take it.
Sadly it does include all of those. It really makes me sad, I want to like them. Now, use a clean ale yeast instead, and I'll be pretty happy, but any sulfur aroma and it takes me back to my days on chemo and I can't take it.

Wowser! I can't detect any sulfur in most of those, I'm sorry man! That's a rough reason to have a sensitivity
Black IPA. Roasty and bitter/hoppy? No thanks

As a whole i'm not a huge fan of a vast majority of beglian style and actual belgian ales i've had. The ester profiles typically found in those strains are not pleasing to my and i've found that with beglian styles fermented at both high and low temps. It has nothing to do with production quality or brew process either. I worked for one of the top rated producers of belgian style ales in the US who's quality, consistency, and attention to detail were absolutely on point and even there I found myself enjoying their american ale yeast portfolio over the belgian yeast portfolio.
Anything "yeasty"/"ester-y", including Hefe's, Saison's, Belgians, some English and Wheat beers. I like clean, American Ale yeast or Lager yeast. Nothing expressive. I do like Sours, though, strangely enough.
There aren't any beers that I "just can't stand," but there are a few that I don't care for much. One is American light beers (as a subset of American light lagers including Coors Lite, Bud Light, Miller Light, etc.). I can "stand" them. I just don't like them. I wouldn't go so far as to say "they taste like water" (since I like the taste of water), but they are ridiculously thin and the flavor that they do have isn't pleasant for my personal taste.

Okay... I got it...

I think the closest to "can't stand" that I get is American "malt liquor." I've only had it maybe twice, but I had to try to force myself to gag it down and in the end, I ended up pouring like 80% of it down the drain. That stuff is nasty. I can't understand the appeal. And, yes, it is beer, even though "beer" isn't in the title. I don't know why malt liquor is made that way.
The beers I can't stand are American lagers. Every one of them is completely disgusting, IMO. I like flavor and something that will grab my attention when it comes to beer, so that leaves out the likes of Budweiser, Coors, and other such nastiness.
I don't like most Belgians I've tried. I keep trying them with an open mind but I rarely go back for a second. The exception being Central Waters Bourbon barrel quad.
I'll await the lynch mob on this one...but I dont like IPA's at all, I just can't get into them try as I might, occasionally I'll grab a "must try" IPA and every time I remember why I only do it occasionally. So far the only ones I've really been able to even stomach are the varieties of Sculpin.

Everything else I'll basically drink, might not love it, but I can drink it.
X2 on the Malt Liquor, tastes like I should be cleaning engine parts with it instead of drinking it.
Asian style lager like Lucky Buddha... It may be the only beer I have ever poured out. The bottle is cool though... :)

Pacifico Clara- Mexican pilsner-style beer...almost forgot about about this one... I know I poured it out as well.
I wish this thread had a Styles Poll..

Anything overly hopped usually is only good for one pint in my palate, your typical craft brew IPA will make me get sour locks. Some are quite nice but just too much zesty-tang, I don't even bother trying anything advertising their over-use of hops. Not a fan of beer with citrus flavors either - but I try them.

Fan of conditioned Stouts and fresh Hefes.
Chile beer - a novelty to try but I couldn't do more than the sample in the flight I got.

Bacon beer - tasted like drinking a rotten slim jim.

Scotch Ale - I've only ever had Oskar Blues Old Chub but that was enough to make me not want to try another one. I like scotch and I like ale but this one together literally made me feel like I was going to spew.

Double IPA
Most Russian Imperial Stouts I've encountered.

If Stone makes it, I'm probably not a fan.
The only beer I have ever regretted having a sip of was a milk stout that I had at Brewers Bowl in Scottsdale AZ last year. The tasting cup didn't hold very much beer, but I don't think I even finished it. There are plenty of bad beers out there and I have had milk stouts that I have appreciated, so since we are taking about styles: Session pale ales. It's not that they taste bad, it just feels like I'm getting ripped off.

"The cake is a lie!"
Off the top of my head i'd have to say fruit beers. I once had a some kind of orchard cherry beer and it might as well have been slightly beer flavored cherry should just not taste like that. Sam adams cherry wheat isnt the worst though but still wouldnt be my pick.

Double IPA
Most Russian Imperial Stouts I've encountered.

If Stone makes it, I'm probably not a fan.

I think the easier question for you is what WOULD you drink :)
Spiced beers are about the only thing I struggle with consistently.

Sure, there are some that are decent just like there are a few non-spiced that I find completely offensive. But spiced beers, more often than not, are a miss for me (include most of the pumpkin abominations).
Chile beer - a novelty to try but I couldn't do more than the sample in the flight I got.

Bacon beer - tasted like drinking a rotten slim jim.

Scotch Ale - I've only ever had Oskar Blues Old Chub but that was enough to make me not want to try another one. I like scotch and I like ale but this one together literally made me feel like I was going to spew.


Try Founders Dirty Bastard one time before you write scotch ales off! :mug:
Try Founders Dirty Bastard one time before you write scotch ales off! :mug:

Gotta try Scotty Karate if you haven't already.

"I like scotch and I like ale but this one together literally made me feel like I was going to spew."

First, I think he needs to abandon the connection between the the beer and the spirit. "Scotch Ale" does not mean it is fortified with scotch, nor does it mean it has been aged in barrels containing the spirit. Old Chub has no Scotch in it, nor was it aged in any barrel containing scotch. The bourbon barrel aged version is labelled "Chubourbon".

"Scotch" refers to Scotland.

Beyond that, I'd recommend Belhaven Scottish Ale. Unless you just do not care for malt forward styles with smoked malt nuances.
I pretty much can't stand heffeweizens. Banana esters can be nice as a component of the yeast profile in Belgians, but not as a dominant flavor.
Tried a Gose a while back. Remember back in the day when you learned that if you sprinkled salt on your beer you would get a huge head? Tasted like that, only hoppier and worse.

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