StrangeBrew Elsinore - Raspberry Pi based brewery controller

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Ok, I cleared out my cache and reset the browsers. I just get this now.

event.returnValue is deprecated. Please use the standard event.preventDefault() instead.

Do you still have the 12 4 being displayed when you start the timers?
Doug, I switch back to the master branch and use my old config and the timer works fine.

Can you do a get status from the master branch?

The only think I can think of is there's an edge case in the javascript. I'll update the code tonight to display any errors.
Can you do a get status from the master branch?

The only think I can think of is there's an edge case in the javascript. I'll update the code tonight to display any errors.

{"brewday":{"mashStart":"2014-01-28 15:47:11 -0500"},"kettle":{"elapsed":1390942043612,"scale":"F","temp":65.975},"mlt":{"elapsed":1390942043858,"scale":"F","cycle":0.0,"d":0.0,"duty":100.0,"status":"off","p":40.0,"temp":67.325,"gpio":"GPIO11","setpoint":175.0,"mode":"off","i":0.0},"fermentation temp outside":{"elapsed":1390942042908,"scale":"F","temp":65.1866},"pumps":{"pump1":false,"pump2":false},"fermentation water temp":{"elapsed":1390942043362,"scale":"F","temp":66.3116},"herms":{"elapsed":1390942043175,"scale":"F","cycle":0.0,"d":0.0,"duty":100.0,"status":"off","p":40.0,"temp":66.42500000000001,"gpio":"GPIO10","setpoint":175.0,"mode":"off","i":0.0}}
And you checked that the pidfunctions.js in the XML branch matches the one I linked to earlier?
And there's no error messages being generated when you get the gray box?

No error message. I'm looking at everything but can't figure this out. I thought it worked before but had other issues when you first started the xml branch.

Edit: I hit Reset Mash and everything comes back to normal.

Ok so I am pretty sure I've nailed it, run a pull on the xml_branch.

I have *no* idea why the original branch works, but Firefox is sticking to the spec for creating a date and it didn't like the format I was providing them in.

I've tested in firefox to get a slightly different error, but I hope it'll now be fixed properly. There was no error for me either.

If it still happens, please let me know which version of chrome/firefox you're using.
Doug, So I changed the config file from:

<timer id="Mash"/> and <timer id="Boil"/>

To: <timer id="mash"/> and <timer id="boil"/>

And it worked.

Looks like I'd left some toLowerCase() calls in from my testing time :S Removed them now. Try pulling again.
Ok so I am pretty sure I've nailed it, run a pull on the xml_branch.

I have *no* idea why the original branch works, but Firefox is sticking to the spec for creating a date and it didn't like the format I was providing them in.

I've tested in firefox to get a slightly different error, but I hope it'll now be fixed properly. There was no error for me either.

If it still happens, please let me know which version of chrome/firefox you're using.

Doug, Did the Pull and all works in Chrome. I changed the timer back to Mash and Boil and it started right up. Great Job.

But getting this now in the ssh console:

Doug, Did the Pull and all works in Chrome. I changed the timer back to Mash and Boil and it started right up. Great Job.

But getting this now in the ssh console:

Sorry, I left some debug information in, I'll remove it tonight.
Debug info removed from that branch.

I'm still perplexed that I missed the timing issue in Firefox. Ho Hum.
More updates: I finally found out why my touchscreen wasn't working and fixed (the case wasn't letting the cable connect properly), as such I spent the evening working on a script to launch Elsinore from any location (as long as you point at the script), I fixed a few issues related to this (well, one issue really, it was an easy fix since I've done it before).

the XML_Branch (which I'm going to rename TESTING) now has a script called (feel free to rename this, but leave it in the directory where you have the Elsinore files), which will prompt for root permissions when it launches (if it doesn't have them).

I used this on my system to create a launcher and I use the "onboard" on screen keyboard (Don't use xvkdb, it's a pain in the ass since it sends multiple keypresses) to control everything.
you need to switch to the master branch, the xml_branch is deleted and replaced with testing for future changes.

Master has all the current changes.
TESTING branch updates!

I've modified (and hacked) the app to use JSON data when updating the PIDs, I still have to do this for the rest of the inputs (pumps, brewday, etc...) but this was more me hacking with NanoHTTPD to accept JSON as a post value.

I've tested it tonight locally, and I've fixed a crapload of "WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING!?!" when writing the original code. So the PID data is now isolated, and there was a bug where you could select one PID, (PID A) change some values, set the mode (i.e. Manual), then select another PID (PID B) with a different mode (i.e. off) then hit submit on PID A and it would select 'OFF".

I know it's not a typical case, but I realized today it was a bug.

Anyway, I think it's time for some Beyond The Pale Party Animal!
I've been getting way too many questions, does anyone want to help me writing up some documentation?

Specifically the Raspberry Pi...
Please Note: I am still paying attention to this thread and messages sent to me, I'm busy working on a rewrite of StrangeBrew itself which should allow for Android tablet support.

To anyone who has told me I should/must/have to make an image available containing everything you need to go, I'd like to reply.

It sounds simple creating an image, but then I need to maintain it, whenever a new release of the OS comes out I need to update the image. Whenever I update Elsinore I need to update the image. I need to find a place to store it, then people will demand I support the image itself and blame me if it doesn't install first time or throws an error.

I *do not* have time for this extra support, I'm not being paid to write Strangebrew Elsinore, this is literally something I wrote for myself and I made available for free for other people.

I've seen people installing apache/sql/php/random packages. This concerns me deeply since it's not mentioned anywhere in the readme in the repository, so immediately I'm concerned because it's obvious the documentation isn't being read.

I'm very close to making it such that on first startup it forces you to read the README by hiding a word in there that you have to push into the startup commands.

Please refrain from sending angry messages to me, that will immediately stop me from helping you.
Documentation and version control are labor intensive. Folks should not expect to have these types of projects served up on a platter for them. The idea behind these efforts is to pool knowledge and resources and help with the sticky parts when they pop up. Nobody should be expecting a commercial-off-the-shelf product here.

Keep up the great work DougEdey!
Wow, I can't believe people would actually do that....actually I can with the increase of the entitilement culture that is ever increasing, I just thought the beer brewing community would be a little different.
Hello DougEdey,

I would like to make public, as I made on Cank thread, my gratitude for your kindness in offer to everyone, and without any interest, your piece of work. Its a great attitude. For that, i wish to thank you here. I've seen as well, your concerns about people harassing you for their frustration in not be, nor diligent or at least interested in learn more about raspberry pi to feel confident to make questions that then could maybe be solved. I was helped a lot for Cank and amazed with your nice work, so, please, keep helping those that you first aimed when you decide to freely offer all your knowledge. They are here supporting your ideas! Thank you very much!
Sorry to hear you're getting so much crap for making such a great piece of software. I've been following this thread closely and am about to make a Pi based implementation of it. I'd be happy to help out with some documentation as I go but admit I don't have much free time.

Have you considered this site's wiki? If you start a page or two and then ask people to contribute/update that might go farther than constantly re-answering the same questions. I know I'd be happy to contribute as I do my install as well.
I just wanted to say thanks too. This is above and beyond. I can't imagine how much work has gone into this, and to offer it for free. Let me know if I can help in any way.

And to the other people that don't understand it or can't get it to work: read, search, try other raspberry pi projects and become familiar with it. There are tons of tutorials about controlling things remotely and even setting up sensors. Go check them out and get the basics down.
Just an update, I've gotten Strangebrew Entirely rewritten in QT, I'm currently fixing bugs and working on a website to make it easier to follow.

Now I'm focusing on getting Elsinore working with Mash Profiles, so you can send a series of mash steps to Elsinore which allows it to step up values after specific times and hold for specified time periods (whilst showing what it's currently doing)
I got to agree with raymadigan. I definitely don't read his post as a hijack.

Sorry, but I didn't understand why he felt the need to tell everyone about his application in this thread. StrangeBrew Elsinore (and StrangeBrew QT) are both opensource projects, anyone can contribute.

StrangeBrew Elsinore has nothing to do with QT at this point. And, no I will not delete my previous message.

Maybe it's the tiredness of people expecting me to hand deliver this software on a plate, and if that's going to continue, I'll have to just leave Elsinore as the Github repository and not try to help the community.
A moderator has received complaints about me, so I've requested my account be deleted.
A moderator has received complaints about me, so I've requested my account be deleted.

Hey DougEdey,

You can of course do as you please.

I have appreciated your contributions. I rather enjoy seeing the hobby progress, and your hard work is taking hobby brewery control into some interesting directions.

The thread seemed to be taking a turn and maybe thats why the mods came in.

What ever your decision, Cheers to you for the work you have done.
Unfortunately I feel that creation of this thread has prevented me from enjoying my hobby, since I have to trawl various threads to find issues people have and people that contact me clearly do not read any documentation or instructions I have provided.

I have updated the documentation to be as accurate as possible on the github respositories for all my applications. Unless I see any issues being raised on the repositories I will not be aware of any issues.

Sorry to everyone who has been a positive aspect on this journey, but unfortunately I do not feel as though HBT is the right avenue for me to support Elsinore.

Edit: This is the second time I've left a homebrewing community as a result of negative feedback, I fully accept this is my fault.
Man, that sucks.
Doug, I hope you reconsider. You have been an inspiration.

Either way you decide, thank you for the contribution you have made to automated brewing and the people you have helped on this forum.
That sucks.. Doug, I to have been inspired by your works and hope you can stay here. ! By all means drop this thread as a support forum but stick around as as a great contributing member.

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