Strange Stuff in Yeast Starter

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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2010
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I made this yeast starter last night for a beer I'm doing friday. I made it like any other starter I've ever made and used Wyeast 1084 (Irish Ale). I aerated a bit before bed, and when I woke up today I noticed this blackish brown stuff floating on top of the krausen. It smells fine, but I've never seen it before so I'm a bit worried. I couldn't get a pic of it this morning, but I decided to aerate it more and check when I got home. There are still a few bits floating around but not nearly as much. Here's a pic, which sucks, but it's the best quality my camera can get. It's the dark colored spots floating around on top.
I am curious about what answer you'll get, so I'll weigh in for the fun of it. I was wondering if you heated the starter in a erlenmeyer flask and if you could have had some scorched bits that came loose?
Nah I did it in my 5 gallon pot. Everything was mixed up really well. I only noticed the black sludge stuff the morning after I made it. I've been aerating it still and it seems to have disappeared when it was shaken. I still have extra yeast just in case though.
It appears there is an infinity sign in your starter. Very intriguing.

Seriously though, last time I made a starter I used my brewpot as well, and specs of the scorched solids came up leaving some floaties. The pic is a bit blurry, but my chunks were noticeable large pieces, like when you crack an egg and the shell gets in. Those look awfully small.
I ended up using still. I cracked the lid on the bucket after 1 week and it didn't look like there was hardly any krausen during the fermentation. I'll take a gravity reading in another week to see what's up.