So who's brewing this weekend?

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I am preparing for next weekend brew- Dunkelweizen with double decoction mash.
It is going to be long brew day.
Brewed a cream ale yesterday. Not a style I would normally choose, but I had a lot of people asking for a lighter (colored) beer, so I thought I'd give it a try. It's not all that light in gravity (1.051, right near the top of the style), but the color is as light as can be, which seems to be what a lot of people wanted. Go figure.
Brewed a cream ale yesterday. Not a style I would normally choose, but I had a lot of people asking for a lighter (colored) beer, so I thought I'd give it a try. It's not all that light in gravity (1.051, right near the top of the style), but the color is as light as can be, which seems to be what a lot of people wanted. Go figure.

Same thing as me. Even down to the og. Going to add some vanilla at bottling.
Same thing as me. Even down to the og. Going to add some vanilla at bottling.

Don't do it! I started making this style for my wife but have really come to appreciate it. Our local brewpub added vanilla to theirs and it was terrible. Jamil even mentions this in Brewing Classic Styles it is so common. Cream Ale should be clean, dry, refreshing and simple, like a slightly malt forward American lager. Ah, what ya like! That's what makes this hobby great. But try it first. Go buy a Genesee and add some vanilla to see if you like it. IMO it doesn't have the body or flavor to support the vanilla and the beer is completely overpowered.
Don't do it! I started making this style for my wife but have really come to appreciate it. Our local brewpub added vanilla to theirs and it was terrible. Jamil even mentions this in Brewing Classic Styles it is so common. Cream Ale should be clean, dry, refreshing and simple, like a slightly malt forward American lager. Ah, what ya like! That's what makes this hobby great. But try it first. Go buy a Genesee and add some vanilla to see if you like it. IMO it doesn't have the body or flavor to support the vanilla and the beer is completely overpowered.

I was going for a summer solstice type thing. maybe 1 teaspoon pure.
hopefully making revvys rye kentucky common ale this weekend if my lhbs has everything,
Monday is close enough to the weekend, right? Taking a break due to lightning while brewing my Koelsch recipe.
Bottling a generously cascade hopped steam beer (cal common).... Why avoid lagers just my lagering setup isn't finished yet? Hybrid beers have feelings too!
Brewed a Maris Otter-Columbus ale today. BIAB, nearly a SMaSH, but I didn't have enough grain. It has 1 lb Briess Golden Light, 4 lbs grain in a 2.5 gallon batch. Shot for 1.057, got 1.053.
Not brewing (did that yesterday), but am going to hit up the LHBS and grab ingredients. 55lb of Maris, plus specialty grains and misc. hops for a Quad, and English Barleywine. Will brew the Quad probably the following weekend, along with an Ordinary Bitter to build up a nice cake to harvest from for the BW.
WesleyS said:
Friday evening I'll be mixing up my first batch of Skeeter Pee.

I am thinking about doing the same. Need to get something that my wife will enjoy. She dreads brew days so anything that gets her a bit happier to see me brewing is all for the better!
bluelimbo said:
I am thinking about doing the same. Need to get something that my wife will enjoy. She dreads brew days so anything that gets her a bit happier to see me brewing is all for the better!

Same here. And the good thing is it will take a fraction of the time a brew day takes to mix the skeeter pee up.
Brewin a graff with my pup!

Why wait for the weekend? Going to brew in an hour! Hefeweizen on-deck!

Been tired & achy lately,but I def gotta take a FG test on the Berlin Wheat,as it should def be ready to bottle by now. It's had some time to settle out as well. then I need to brew the 2nd kit of this same beer. The Wyeast 3056 Bavarian Wheat Blend did a great steadilly fermenting job. Temp got a little high at one point when weather heated up,so the lil extra conditioning time was likely needed anyway. So I'll def be brewing the 2nd kit of this beer this weekend. That'll be 5 batches of 4 beers in the ol' pipeline. Thinking of taking the malt part of the Maori IPA recipe & add some of the hops like mosaic from the SA Latitude 48 IPA for my own version next.
Brewin' an all-grain Green Flash West Coast IPA clone on Saturday. Just got the yeast starter up on the new diy stir plate and tomorrow doing a once over on the gear to clean it up and get it ready.
Tomorrow is a dunkel day.
I'm brewing dunkeweizen with Hochkurz double decoction, it is going to be a long brewday.
This weekend is 11 gals of Biermuncher's centennial blonde and 20 gals of my amber ale. Trying to get to the point where I have amber on reserve and can experiment with new recipes.
Fordmi said:
This weekend is 11 gals of Biermuncher's centennial blonde and 20 gals of my amber ale. Trying to get to the point where I have amber on reserve and can experiment with new recipes.

Wow 31 gallons?!? How long does that last?
Brewing up a 3 gal batch of Dead Ringer IPA! Using my new 5 gal Igloo MLT for the first time and only my 2nd AG batch.. first was BIAB style.
Brewing a 5 gal all grain batch of a Sam Adams Summer Clone...... and enjoying fruits of my labor in the process Belgian Dubbel from the keg
Wow 31 gallons?!? How long does that last?

Not as long as you would think! :)

I split the batches with my buddy who I brew with. Between the 2 of us there is about 5 gallons left of the 20 gallons of amber we brewed on 5/6. So far it's our best beer and the one friends are always wanting some of. Always taking a growler here, few bottles there, etc.
No brewing this Weekend Going on Vacation to Vacation Land. For all of you who don't know thats Maine!! Gonna stay for a week and going to see The Sox as well. Any new beers I should try while i'm up there? Aside from Shipyard that is.

When I get back I'm going to brew and extract brew with all home malted barley should be yummy!
No brewing this Weekend Going on Vacation to Vacation Land. Any new beers I should try while i'm up there? Aside from Shipyard that is.

Atlantic Brewing Co. is a buddy of mine's family business. I like the Coal Porter and they have a seasonal Coffe Milk Stout he's pretty proud of. They make a braggot that I'm going to try if I have to make him ship me a bottle! Tell Alex hello from Alamosa CO if you take the tour and I bet he buys you a pint!
This weekend I plan on brewing a Centennial Blonde, a sweet cider with DME, terrified wheat, and C20, strawberry wine, a Cab/Sauv, and if I'm lucky and the storm didn't take too many off the trees, a Mulberry Wine. (not to mention my bottling this weekend)
Probably on Sunday, Saturday's to busy. But I finally got the shipment, Sunday it is.........

From Midwest:

Hop Head Double IPA Ale ALL-GRAIN Kit
Citrusy American hops mingle with a screaming alcohol by volume (ABV) percentage and malt profile (twice the normal IPA) that is the one of latest and most popular craft styles: The Double IPA.

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