So who's brewing this weekend?

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Brewing a 5 gal BIAB Deschutes Red Chair NWPA clone this weekend and testing some water treatment stuff for the first time. Hope it all goes to plan!
I brewed my Magic IPA. I'm leaving for the beach for 2 weeks so this bad boy will be waiting for me to dry hop and keg when I get home! Nothing better to soothe the post vaca blues than a fresh keg of a big IPA!
Have a couple in line for this weekend. 1. Biermuncher's Centennial Blonde - with just a bit more hops (~28 IBU's), and 2. EdWort's Haus Pale Ale - but not all Cascade. I use the flipped version of the CB, Cascade early and Centennial late with ~41 IBU's.
I can't brew again until I bottle 1-2 batches that are ready currently. All 3 of my fermenters are full and I will need to buy more bottles (craigslist, here I come!) to fit it all in...
I just got a new Bayou Classic propane turkey-cooker. Gonna try it out tomorrow but haven't decided what to brew. Something simple with the stuff I have already, but I haven't decided whether to go SMaSH or add just a little dark crystal malt.
was supposed to brew today but i went to make a starter on monday and didn't have enough DME. fail. next friday is the day though!
Kegging Biermuncher's Centennial (added more centennial and tried some lemongrass during the last 5 mins), brewing a west coast IPA. Made up the IPA recipe and this is my first all on my own, so hopefully it turns out well.
I just got a new Bayou Classic propane turkey-cooker. Gonna try it out tomorrow but haven't decided what to brew. Something simple with the stuff I have already, but I haven't decided whether to go SMaSH or add just a little dark crystal malt.

That's what I did last weekend... started out as a 2-row, Cascade Smash, but because I was worried about the "looks like urine" comments I added some Crystal 40.
I'd love to do some Biermuncher's Centennial Blonde this weekend, but, I'll have to wait until next weekend I guess, this one is just too busy.
Doing Jamil's Hefeweizen (again). I love these recipes that I've done over and over because I have the process dialed in, I have good notes, and I hit all the numbers dead on.
In the middle of a step mash right now. A Munich Helles.

Pils/ Munich/ Acid Malt/ Melanoiden 81/ 12/ 5/ 1

German beers. can't seem to get enough of em these days.

3 Warsteiner Dunkel last night. Good stuff gotta add on to the list.

Next an Alt, last brew two weekends ago a Kolsch.
Brewing up a session IPA right now! First brew in the basement brewery...crossing my fingers everything goes well :)

Getting started on a quick IPA, shooting for that 'old skool' citrus/grapefruit kinda IPA and no dankness. Magnum for bitter, amarillo and citra through the rest.
I brewed a Trappist refectory ale last month that never made it to the keezer - we picnic-tapped it in the carb/conditioning fridge for samples and then ran through that puppy in two weeks (with no less than six other beers on tap).

It's an emerging star in our constellation of recipes.

Soooo...I'm gonna fire up the big kettles and brew up a double batch tomorrow. The 4L wy3787 starter is crashing, just gotta make four pounds of Belgian Candi tonight and the morning lift-off will be good to go...

Cheers! :mug:

[edit] Done And Done!

It's All About The Pipeline! :mug:
I've got the grains steeping for 5 gallons of a Belgian Cherry. Had gas station tacos for lunch, listening to baseball, and brewing. It's going to be a good Sunday :ban:
Put a batch of cider in fermentation yesterday afternoon. Finished a batch of KolscheRyeWeizen at about 12:30 this morning, sitting beside the cider.
Just pitched a batch gone awry... Such is life with new equipment.. Sigh.. I was going for an deschutes red chair clone with an OG of 1.068. Ended up with an OG of only 1.050 due to too much volume and a MUCH lower than expected BIAB efficiency. Hopefully it still comes out drinkable
Just finished up a small IPA with galena nugget and citra. Overshot my gravity, my efficiency was above my normal 75%. Whirlpooled with galena and citra. The hydro sample was very tasty. I am gonna dry hop or with citra and something yet to be determined. Maybe nugget. Dunno
Just finished a 5 gallon extract Pale Ale. I used some mystery wild hops a friend brought from the Pacific Northwest. This was the first time that I used whole hops and they sucked up about 1/2 gallon, which I did not account for. So, I actually got 4 1/2 gallons. Using S-04. Looking forward to see how it tastes.
Did my first SMaSH beer today for a buddy wanting to drink some Homebrew for the Aldo v Mcgregor fight on July 11, here's to hoping it can be ready in time. First brew since my back surgery last month. Felt good to brew again, also got to use my Father's Day immersion chiller gift today, I can't believe how much time I wasted with ice baths.
Brewed my once-every-three-years hop bomb, an Imperial IPA (seriously, last hop bomb I brewed was in 2012) yesterday, already chugging along happily. Tomorrow (yay holiday), two brews a little more my style, doing a Wee Heavy and Scottish Export/80 Shilling. Targeting 21°P for the Wee Heavy and 12°P for the Export, should work out to respective 8.5% and 4.5% ABVs if attenuation does what it should. Doing a blended runnings partigyle, with a larger grain bill, collecting first, second, and third runnings, blended to give me the right preboil volumes/gravities for both batches. More consistent than simply first runnings for big beer and subsequent runnings for small beer, and hopefully better flavor to boot.
I brewed a Cascade IPA on Sunday. I overshot my efficiency a bit, and adjusted the hop additions to compensate. I went through all of my harvested yeast on the last batch of Yooper's Stone Ruination IPA so I started up with a clean 1056. My OG was 1.060 and it is chugging away in my new fermentation keezer with my newly built STC-1000 temp controller. Interested to see how truly controlled temp works out on my beers, and glad to be done with water baths and frozen water bottles.