Sewage in kettle

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This is one of the most entertaining threads I've read in a while!
Yes I know and was hoping no one else would notice. Somewhat somebody pointed this out to me the other day that my handle looks like I smell weird. This is very disappointing as I’ve been working on paperwork and various things for what I hope will be a successful brewery. But too late to change and I’m not sure too many people will notice I think it just happened to make a connection because of my issues with sanitation. I hope.

I'm the smelliest, weirdest guy I know, my brewing brother. So you can just say you meant me. :)

Edit: OMG, I had no idea until reading some of the previous posts. I'm sorry, I'd never intentionally trash another guy, wasn't trying to do that at all. And having started a restaurant, I know how much of your blood and sweat has gone in to this. Sincerely, you have every best thought from me for your success.
If it tasted good, I think I'd buy a beer from "I Smell Weird" Brewery before I'd buy one from "Is Mell Weird" Brewery.
I'm just going to throw in my 2 cents here. I can appreciate the point our professional chef has made about being totally safe and replacing the kettle. And, we also know from science that metal instruments/surfaces can be sterilized. If I could successfully clean the kettle and fittings I would certainly boil, bake, or apply flame to sterilize the surfaces. I also would probably keep the incident to myself.
Of course, my mother set an interesting example for me in my formidable years. She accidentally dropped one of her dentures in the toilet (just water, thankfully) fished it out, scrubbed it, gave it a soak in something scrubbed again with a new toothbrush then popped them in her mouth... Ewe, gives you the Willies right? It did me too. Now maybe if she felt she could throw away a few hundred $ and had the time to have a new one made, she may have tossed them. Not quite the same as sewage in a kettle, but at least the kettle can really be sterilized. ��
We had a tarping competition in town and I saw a flyer in the post office that was handmade and really cool. I found the artist in the next town over and asked her to design my logo in a few beer labels to start. I had her do it all lowercase and pushed together like my handle is here. So unfortunately that cannot be changed. She charged me for the artwork and then an additional cost for the rights to it.

So, I just have to ask. Are you trolling us?
After filling out tons of paperwork,
After paying for the development of a logo and the rights thereto,
You finally realize that "I Smell Weird" is maybe a bad name for a brewery.
And after all that effort, expense, etc., you are going to hang your hopes for success on "maybe not too many people will notice"??
You're not troubled enough to change it?
You inherited tons of high end brewing gear but can't hook up a pump properly?
If all this is true you have no head for business, let alone brewing beer thats good enough to stay in business. Sell your inherited gear before you taint it all with your fecal business sense.

Edit: you smell a lot worse than weird. Weird would be putting it mildly.
Edit 2: WTF are "cutting edge" ingredients?
Edit 3: I just googled, and "Is Mell Weird" isn't even a thing.

Is this some kind of HBT game I'm not privy to?
I realize I'm now voluntarily feeding a troll, but what gives?

Edit 4: I wish your brewery all the success in the world, but unless I have to resort to, and eventually get bored with dry-hopping my own piss, I won't be buying any of your beer.
I'm really sorry to say this, but there's absolutely no way I'd ever use that again. Sewage potentially contains a host of serious pathogens. You're making a food product. To ensure we kill everything, and not just most things, we autoclave or cook under pressure. You didn't say you had sanitary fittings but I suspect not, based on omission. That's a lot of reasons you may be introducing serious illnesses into yourself and others.

I am sorry, but as a former chef, I'd advise - if in doubt, throw it out. This one doesn't even have the doubt factor.

Just one opinion. I hope you find a good solution, whatever you end up doing.

You obviously don’t have kids.
So, I just have to ask. Are you trolling us?
After filling out tons of paperwork,
After paying for the development of a logo and the rights thereto,
You finally realize that "I Smell Weird" is maybe a bad name for a brewery.
And after all that effort, expense, etc., you are going to hang your hopes for success on "maybe not too many people will notice"??
You're not troubled enough to change it?
You inherited tons of high end brewing gear but can't hook up a pump properly?
If all this is true you have no head for business, let alone brewing beer thats good enough to stay in business. Sell your inherited gear before you taint it all with your fecal business sense.

Edit: you smell a lot worse than weird. Weird would be putting it mildly.
Edit 2: WTF are "cutting edge" ingredients?
Edit 3: I just googled, and "Is Mell Weird" isn't even a thing.

Is this some kind of HBT game I'm not privy to?
I realize I'm now voluntarily feeding a troll, but what gives?

Edit 4: I wish your brewery all the success in the world, but unless I have to resort to, and eventually get bored with dry-hopping my own piss, I won't be buying any of your beer.

I'm sniffin' I just a gotten' hornswoggled.

I stand: If your stockpot was once full of human crap, don't make lobster stock in it. Especially with health inspectors all neat-freaky and such.:ban:
This is the only True answer. Though if you have a 2015 join date you wouldn't understand....
I'm sniffin' I just a gotten' hornswoggled.

I stand: If your stockpot was once full of human crap, don't make lobster stock in it. Especially with health inspectors all neat-freaky and such.:ban:

Lets carry this to its logical conclusion: Say for example, in the course of doing the paper work after performing a bodily excretion, you some got poo on your hands? Would you then advise cutting your hands off? What would the health inspector advise?

I am suggesting the OP treat his brew pot the same way you would treat your hands. And given the fact that you have the added advantage of being able to heat-sterilize the brew pot prior to use, you have gone above and beyond the level of due diligence you would have taken during a potty mishap.:D
Can someone explain the Fred the cat reference?
I would say soak it in a bleach/water bath and then rinse it very well then boil water for quite awhile... I would feel safe using it after all of that. Just my humble opinion.
Lets carry this to its logical conclusion: Say for example, in the course of doing the paper work after performing a bodily excretion, you some got poo on your hands? Would you then advise cutting your hands off? What would the health inspector advise?

I am suggesting the OP treat his brew pot the same way you would treat your hands. And given the fact that you have the added advantage of being able to heat-sterilize the brew pot prior to use, you have gone above and beyond the level of due diligence you would have taken during a potty mishap.:D

Pretty much this.
My dog got sick a month ago and sprayed diarrhea all over the house. :eek:
now I did toss the throw rug but I didn't rip up my hardwood.
I cleaned it.
really really really well.

i'm sure metal is less porus than wood floors so yeah scrub it out and boil it clean.

also, they make booze in toilets in prison so........
Bleach is not good for stainless steel. Benzalkonium chloride, a.k.a. "quaternary ammonia" is a better disinfectant. But how sanitary does a boil kettle really need to be? I think clean is probably good enough.

I also think we've been trolled, but it has been an interesting discussion.
I don’t understand why this conversation is trolling but appreciate those who have given me honest advice. I am new to this and have had a very bad first experience and where I live I have nobody to ask questions of. I plan to take a step back and do this all the right way. My buddy was the one suggesting the brew session and he’s the one who messed with my plumbing. And I guess he learned his lesson as he got very sick from what he saw. I will update you as I continue the journey.
Don't let one little setback discourage you. Brewing is a hobby of many potential spills just waiting to be avoided.
I'd seriously reconsider my choice of a brewing partner. Need one with a little more common sense.

As for the pot, I'd throw out any plastic/rubber parts like gaskets and "O" rings. Clean the metal, sanitize, do a water boil, and call it good.

Edit: And why isn't anyone talking about what to do with the pump? If it's a stainless head, you need to completely disassemble the head, throw out and replace the plastic impeller (and all other plastic pieces), then clean the metal parts just like the pot. If it's a plastic head, just replace it. Hoses need to be tossed, and any other metal plumbing parts need to be treated like the pump head.

Brew on :mug:
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Stainless? Clean it, boil. Clean again. Again again again.
I agree with processhead! This is supposed to be fun!! The forums are supposed to be informational, helpful advice while still being FUN!
I'm new to this too! I've taken the standpoint of is this is people giving advice from their experience and knowledge, you can choose to follow suggestions or not; as I have. Most of these blokes are genuine and trying to give you the best advice and suggestions they know of. I love this site and all the chats! Slainte to every last one of you!
Someday when I am doing this at full scale I will look back and laugh about it. The sewage and the vomiting and the issues with the police?? I have another set of ingredients and going to get back on the horse as they say tomorrow. Tomorrow is another day as they also say. I’ve been googling instructions and listening to podcasts. I think I will be good and the “secret” ingredients will be killer in this stout. Very cutting edge I think.
Sorry, but I feel this advice is driven more by emotion than science or logic, yuck factor not withstanding.
Yes, sewage can contain dangerous pathogens, as can food, ordinary household surfaces, and the air.
Knowing this, we take rational steps to clean and sterilize the things in life we expose ourselves to, including brewing equipment.
If the sewer backs up in a restaurant, do they tear it down?

I completely agree with this. Driven by emotion was a nice alternative to saying "ignorance." I've heard over dramatized statements by other food preparation professionals as well. Food safety classes seem to cater to fear mongering, instead of basic biology.

Assuming you don't scrub in and glove up every time you take a ****, do you ever get said **** on your hands while wiping your ass? You don't autoclave your hands NOR cut them off and have new ones installed, so what did you do? You washed your hands with soap and warm water (maybe 110º out of your faucet--not hot enough to kill any food borne pathogens, let alone brewers yeast), and went on preparing food for your customers. You **** on your hands WAY more often than this guy (hopefully) sh!ts in his brew kettle, yet you still make a living serving food and (probably) not poisoning your customers by following a very, very basic (and most likely half assed) cleaning regimen of warm water and soap. Watch a surgeon scrub in for surgery some day. No food professional washes their hands like that.

Like others have said: PBW soak and scrub EVERY piece of equipment that came into contact with your sewage. After cleaning, boil EVERYTHING for 5-10 minutes. After boiling finish with starsan following the manufactures' directions. Star san will create an environment with a pH of around 3, which will absolutely kill everything it comes in contact with, not that much (if anything) will be alive after boiling at ~212º.


Edit: processhead, I just found your reply saying what I said in a much more eloquent manner. Are you my long lost brother? Or is it just the hivemind?
man, this **** is funny.
and if it is for real, and not a troll, at least lie to the world and say you’re gonna trash everything that got shat on.
remember, this is public info on the www.

I for one will not buy a beer with ‘ismellwierd’ on the label after reading this.
announcing to the world that you finally shat (instead of got off)
the pot for your brewery is not a grand opening.
sounds like it was a soft opening.
I'd seriously reconsider my choice of a brewing partner. Need one with a little more common sense.

As for the pot, I'd throw out any plastic/rubber parts like gaskets and "O" rings. Clean the metal, sanitize, do a water boil, and call it good.

Edit: And why isn't anyone talking about what to do with the pump? If it's a stainless head, you need to completely disassemble the head, throw out and replace the plastic impeller (and all other plastic pieces), then clean the metal parts just like the pot. If it's a plastic head, just replace it. Hoses need to be tossed, and any other metal plumbing parts need to be treated like the pump head.

Brew on :mug:

Yeah, I was wondering about the pump too.
I agree with doug293cz, the pump is also a dumper. No pun intended, get rid of that thing....

I understand you had the pump hooked up backwards, but this should NEVER happen with proper plumbing!!!! Even with the pump hooked up incorrectly.

Even had the pump been hooked up correctly, this could still happen if the waste system surges.

You need to find someone qualified to play with pumps and sewer lines!!!! Please
Nom nom nom. Troll hungry. Need food.

Hehehe. Feces in brew pot. What i do next? Plz halp.
Wow, regardless of the pump being backwards or not a proper air gap on a drain virtually eliminates any possible chance of back flow into a system, why do you think old claw foot tubs got banned?
Wow, regardless of the pump being backwards or not a proper air gap on a drain virtually eliminates any possible chance of back flow into a system, why do you think old claw foot tubs got banned?

Claw foot tubs? What's special about those?
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