Samuel Adams Noble Pils

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In my current state of hop overdose, I was a little disapointed.

I shall continue my hop fasting and try it again in 3 months or so.

I just came out of a hop fast. I was so burnt on hops it was scary sad. A couple of kegs of Porter took care of it real quick.:mug:
I had this beer after 1 amber ale so I should really try it again with a totally fresh palet but I could not even taste the beer. It tasted so bland that I was disapointed, I guess this just may be the style for a pilsner or something.
I really like this beer. sorry to see it's a spring seasonal that will be gone soon, really like it if they add it to their regular line up. I could drink that stuff year round.

hope the sam summer beer is better than last years!
Where do you get 22 oz bottles of Sam?

Not to derail... but you actually CAN get the "regular" Boston Lager in bombers. I don't think they're the standard bombers, they look more like 23-24oz to my eye. But yeah, our local big box liquor stores have them...

Certainly never seen any of their other offerings in these bottles, however.

Carry on.. :)
Only had this on draft (twice now). I just can't get behind it. I get a sense of disconnection between the hop flavor and pils flavor. This beer also seemed to change significantly as I drank - likely due to the temperature changing as others have attested to. It's interesting to me that I am seeing this available in more and more BMC-heavy places (I drank mine at a hockey game and a pizza joint) since I see it as more interesting to craft drinkers. I do like most of the other SA offerings (not their white, though).
Just stopped at Friday's to grab some appetizers. The manager reduced the price of Noble Pils pints to 2.50 cause nobody buys them!

I had two!
i liked it, but it had a wierd saltiness to it. the hops were definitely there, but i missed the malt profile of a pils. the hops tasted more like domestic to me than noble european (doesn't say much for my pallet). i like it much better than most of their seasonals, though.
just ran out to get some more (haven't had it in a few weeks) price was marked down to 12.99 per 12 and was sold out! DANG IT! I don't remember any saltiness and hop profile was pretty much dead on just a lot of it... more than most simple pils.

hope i can get more esp at that price. really like this mass offering. better than jim jones koolaide from the BMC camp!
I just don't like it. It's just somthing about Sam Adams. They all have this taste that I can't explain. I don't know if it's the yeast or the hops thy use, but it has a fake flavor... If that makes sense.
I just don't like it. It's just somthing about Sam Adams. They all have this taste that I can't explain. I don't know if it's the yeast or the hops thy use, but it has a fake flavor... If that makes sense.
Its in your head.
At like zombie? No, there is somthing they do that I don't like. I like all of shivers beer, heck even alot of Stones, but Sam Adams just has this after flavor that doesn't suit me.
I'm acually not a big sam adams fan either...although I feel the noble pils is one of their best...
I'm really enjoying the combination of hops in the Noble Pils. My wife, who just gave birth last month, is putting a pretty good dent in my case. Yes, my case! Oh well, she back to drinking all my beer. :mug: What a great session brew.
I've noticed that it tastes much much better cold. As it warms, there's a very noticeable diacetyl presence.
I've noticed that it tastes much much better cold. As it warms, there's a very noticeable diacetyl presence.

Methinks you got a bum batch. I've drank several sixers and different taps of Nobel Pils this Spring and SA definitely has some variability in their production. Kinda surprising.
Man, I gotta pick this up after reading this thread. All I found at walmart were 12 packs, and I didnt want to commit to 12 beers I might not like. Might have to go for it though!

EDIT: Just picked up a sixer of this. Gonna crack a few open and do a review for this thread with pics later tonight.
Methinks you got a bum batch. I've drank several sixers and different taps of Nobel Pils this Spring and SA definitely has some variability in their production. Kinda surprising.

This was at the Top of the Hops Beer Festival in Lafayette, LA this past weekend. Most beers were warm-ish, unfortunately. Of course, they served in small plastic cups. I emailed them suggesting they hand out a small glass mug instead and provide little leashes that attach to the handle and your wrist. I found it annoying that even after rinsing my plastic mug, I'd taste a bit of the previous brew. But I found noticeable diacetyl in many of the lagers there. And all were served warmer than usual--maybe by 10 degrees. It makes me wonder if the breweries figure that their beers will be served ice cold, and so to hell with the extra work of removing the diacetyl. Who knows...
Is the supply of Noble Pils drying up? I live in a dry county - no alcohol sales except at a couple of "dinner" clubs - so it's a forty mile RT west or south for beer. The big dealer to the south had just one 12 pack of SANP (ever notice how close that is to SNPA?) so I grabbed it and a couple of other ales. Hope that it's not gone for the summer - I really like this stuff much better than any other SA.
Is the supply of Noble Pils drying up? I live in a dry county - no alcohol sales except at a couple of "dinner" clubs - so it's a forty mile RT west or south for beer. The big dealer to the south had just one 12 pack of SANP (ever notice how close that is to SNPA?) so I grabbed it and a couple of other ales. Hope that it's not gone for the summer - I really like this stuff much better than any other SA.

Seems to be at least here in CO. It's dried up at all my usual haunts on tap, but there's still a sixer or two on the shelves of most liquor stores.
Is the supply of Noble Pils drying up?

Yup. seasonal release. hopefully they will do it again next year.
Local Piggly Wiggly was clearing out stock of noble pils 10.99 a 12pack. by the time i got there they where all gone.

Hope the summer beer is better than it has been... sucked last few years....
I guess that's all she wrote. Checking around I located 6 six-packs of SANP - bought 'em all, but it's gonna be hard to ration 'em out. I see that AHS has a Noble Pils kit - might be worth trying as soon as I can start cookin' again - maybe Friday??? :(
I finally got to try this recently, and I have to say-liked it alot. I had a few in bottles, and also tried it on draft. out of the bottle I did indeed get some onion aroma, and a little oniony flavor, but I still dug it. thought it gave it kind of a cool earthy funk to it. love it. on draft, it fell a little flat, and I got no onion, which I kind of missed. good beer.
Found a 12 pack this week - of which I've saved two for comparison to the AHS NP clone. I'm sure it's the only SA that I really like, and I may have figured out why. Every other SA has a foul after-taste - kinda like a coating that hits the middle and back of the tongue. (Maybe it's the yeast?) Anyway, NP doesn't have that after-taste and finishes clean - IMHO.

Edit - Side note: SA Summer Ale has so much after-taste that I couldn't finish the 6 pack. Disgusting!
I agree they should have kept the white ale, the last noble pils I had off the tap had some off flavors that made it taste flat.
I agree they should have kept the white ale, the last noble pils I had off the tap had some off flavors that made it taste flat.

I wouldn't call out the brewery for that. Where did you get the beer and do you trust them to know how to keep their system balanced and clean, and to not serve you old beer? I am very wary of where I will buy beer these days.

I finally tried this the other day on draft, and I was impressed. This is a super nice beer for the style, and I would probably have drank more of it were it not 5 bucks a glass at the place I was dining at. All in all, though, I liked it.
drinking some right now.. it's like eating hop pellets.. and i taste really good...
the 6pack i jsut had wasnt bitter or hoppy at all

I tried this year's release and I agree with you. It pales in comparison to last year. It just doesn't have the hop presence of last year. It was relatively bitter, but the hop flavor was very disappointing.

This allows the malt to come through, but it is a more generic 2-row maltiness... not a pilsner maltiness like it should be. It seems like they made some changes in hop additions. I realize hops can vary year to year, but they should be able to make adjustments to keep a consistent flavor profile. This is far too different than last year.
I tried this year's release and I agree with you. It pales in comparison to last year. It just doesn't have the hop presence of last year. It was relatively bitter, but the hop flavor was very disappointing.

This allows the malt to come through, but it is a more generic 2-row maltiness... not a pilsner maltiness like it should be. It seems like they made some changes in hop additions. I realize hops can vary year to year, but they should be able to make adjustments to keep a consistent flavor profile. This is far too different than last year.

It's much better on tap. Just had it yesterday and it was very much how I remembered.

Bought one of their American Classics packs (or whatever it's called) and will try a bottled one today. I'll report back with my findings. Also, I love their new Revolutionary Rye especially since it's convinced SWMBO that we should try making a RyePA.
Bought a sixer last week, it is one of the best SA that I have drank, and A friend of mine that pretty much only drinks coors light or BPR even liked it.
I tried this year's release and I agree with you. It pales in comparison to last year. It just doesn't have the hop presence of last year. It was relatively bitter, but the hop flavor was very disappointing.

This allows the malt to come through, but it is a more generic 2-row maltiness... not a pilsner maltiness like it should be. It seems like they made some changes in hop additions. I realize hops can vary year to year, but they should be able to make adjustments to keep a consistent flavor profile. This is far too different than last year.

This is how I would describe the sixer I bought a few weeks ago.

However, I took a gamble and grabbed a case on Sunday - it's substantially better. I've also had it on tap once, and it was better still.
I thought a lot of this beer the first time I had it on tap, so I grabbed a sixxer the next day. Tasted totally different. I've had it twice more on tap and neither time was like the first. This is great beer if you can get it fresh and on tap. Otherwise it's just average.

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