Saison tastes like cider

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Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2009
Reaction score
Taichung, TW / Portland, OR
So my second attempt at a Saison has produced something that would certainly be refreshing for a days' work harvesting hay, but isn't exactly what I was hoping for. My goal was to make a moderate ABV easy-drinking saison with not too much bitterness or hop character and just let the malt and yeast shine. What I have is a beer that is somewhat thin, watery, and dry almost to the point of tart and cidery. No off flavors that I can detect, some yeast fruitiness but not too deep of a yeast presence.

Is this just another case of 3711 laughing at my high mash temp and proceeding to strip away all of the malt character? Or was there not enough Pils in this recipe to provide a strong enough malt presence? Or have I maybe gone too far in trying to stick close to historical accuracy on this recipe, and realized that I am not a Belgian farmhand, hence may have different standards for what makes a good Saison? :D

Any suggestions for next time or interpretations of any specifics in the recipe and/or process below that might be particularly responsible for this outcome would sure be appreciated.

For 6.5 gal post-boil:

5.5 lb Belg Pils malt
2 lb rolled oats (Bob's Red Mill)
2 lb White wheat malt
1 lb rolled spelt (Bob's Red Mill)

Mashed at 155 for 70 minutes, batch sparge with no mashout. Just straight to kettle and on the heat shortly after each set of runnings were collected.

29 g Saaz (6.6 % AA) as a FWH

Pitched 3711 from a 1.5L starter, decanted. Pitched and fermented at 75 deg. F for 6 days, bumping up to 77 for a few days toward the end.

OG 1.058, FG 1.006 after 8 days or so. Let it sit at 75 for another 5 days, then unplugged aquarium heater and let water bath fall to room temp, about 65 for another 3 days, then kegged to 3.1 vol.

Note that this beer is still pretty young, just over 3 weeks since brew day. I am expecting many replies telling me to let it sit and evaluate in a few weeks. But that takes patience and will power, neither of which are my strong points...

Thanks y'all
Were you able to get the carbonation fairly high.

Make the same recipe again with 3724 from wyeast or 556 from white labs. Ive never used 3711. Just let it sit hot for 3-6wks.
i would have fermented at the lower end of of the range, 65 and mashed lower, under 152, too. i use this yeast quite a bit and i've never had a bad beer out of it.
Thanks Eastoak, I was hoping to draw out more yeast character by staying at the upper end of the range. But maybe a lower temp ferment would get me closer to what I was aiming for. The last Saison I brewed was mashed at 152, with the same OG and still finished at 1.006, go figure.

Yes Chuck, I am currently force-carbing it on the higher side, although I don't think I'll go all the way up to the planned 3.1 vol as that will probably just dry it out more. I'm going to back off the pressure and see where it equilibrates, also give it a bit longer to age and then re-evaluate.

I wanted to get good and familiar with 3711 before moving onto working with 3724. See if I can get what I want from 3711 which sounds to be much easier to work with than 3724. But DuPont is so tasty so maybe I'll need to crumble on that one.
To give you a better answer. I think your right, probably trying to turn a historical recipe into something it isnt. If you want a really thick mouth feel I doubt youll get it.

I made a 100% munich saison. Lots of Bread/Malt character with yeast character, but still is dry

Maybe go simple so you know what your lookin at 100% pils and 30ibus for bittering. I think that will be more of what you might be lookin for, but will probably still be dry and possibly thin.

I think the extra carbonation will make it a bit drier, but might help with the thinness?

Good Luck

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