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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2005
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So, what do you all think about Rafael Palmeiro?

Just looking at the numbers he has are pretty convincing in of themself. I never believed him when he stated in front of congress he had never used steroids.

Honestly, as much as Canseco may have 'extended' the truth, I believe a lot of what he says. I do believe the names he mentioned in his book used 'roids.

The question really is what to do with the HOF. I say ban anyone who tests positive for a controlled substance.
Shmohel said:
So, what do you all think about Rafael Palmeiro?

Just looking at the numbers he has are pretty convincing in of themself. I never believed him when he stated in front of congress he had never used steroids.

Honestly, as much as Canseco may have 'extended' the truth, I believe a lot of what he says. I do believe the names he mentioned in his book used 'roids.

The question really is what to do with the HOF. I say ban anyone who tests positive for a controlled substance.

I feel pretty much the same way you do.
I seriously wonder why Palmeiro at this point in his career would do roids. He's accomplished everything he needed to.
However, I don't believe for a second that he didn't know he was taking it. I think MLB really needs to step up this suspension if they ever want to fix the problem. Congress wanted a 25, 50 and then lifetime suspension for each time you got busted. 3 strikes and you're out, and I think that would help. 10 games is a slap on the wrist. We pretty much have McGuire, Canseco and Giambi all admitting they took roids. We know there are others out there.
If this doesn't get fixed, its going to TOTALLY kill baseball's already shaky rep, IMHO.
I'm afraid as part of its new CBA, the NHL will fail the same way MLB has in this dept. I've not returned to MLB since the 94 strike (and my Mets went to the Series, and I watched not a pitch), yet I think each of the major sports (I know, I know...hockey is not a major sport...) needs much stricter enforcement and punishment here. The NHL will test players only 2X per season, yet not when it counts: during the second season. Palmeiro is obviously a fool with an even worse PR rep. Unknowingly ingested them? Please. :rolleyes:

You guys are absolutely right, what else is there to accomplish, that you're the best? Tell that to someone who'll listen to a 'roider.
With my position already stated that I agree with the stricter penalties and ban from the HOF, let me state the only counter-argument I can possibly sympathize with.

At the time, there was no real policy against. Therefore, it is tough to retroactively ban someone from the Hall of Fame, since at the time he was not told this was a possibility.

Granted it is not a strong argument, and I would rather not seem him in the hall, but it is an argument that can hold some water.
Part of my frustration is that MLB wont tell the player or public what he tested positive for. Steriods is a generic term. Cortisone cream can make you test positive for steriods and that is just a topical medication. The players occasionaly get steriod injections for localised inflamation in their shoulders and knees. So where is the line? Obviously enhancement steriods are wrong but what about the guy w/ bad jock itch who puts corisone cream on his jock to cure the problem.

Secondly the tests they preform are so sensitive that im sure they get false positives. Dont get me wrong, i think there are a bunch of jucied up a**holes out there in MLB, but they need an outside/ independant corp to do the monotoring.

my 2 cents
I read in the paper yesterday that an "unnamed source" revealed that he tested + for Winstrol. Winstrol was, and may still be, very popular with pro bodybuilders. Up until just a couple of years ago you could find trace amounts of steroidal substances in protein powder supplements you could buy at places like GNC. And depending on the sensitivity of the test, you might test positive if you took supplements. It happened to a Chicago Bears QB awhile back.

But there's no such thing as 'accidentally taking' Winstrol. That's like saying I accidental took some Viagra.
Stanozohol (or something like that) is a rather potent steroid. They say that it is extremely easy to test for. It also exits your system within a month. So, if he took it, it was extremely recently.
i think the congress should focus its attention elsewhere, on more pressing matters that will actually impact the future of the u.s.

biesbol died long before 'roids. at least the babe was just drunk when he smacked the cover off the ball. :)

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