Psychotic Exes Thread

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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2007
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Odenton, MD
Ok, so in recent threads discussing nuptial bliss (or a complete lack thereof), it has struck me that there are a large number of brewers here that are married for a second time, more happily so. A common theme seems to be that the ex-wives were psychotic (mood swings, violence, constant accusations of infidelity).

As someone who is about to get married (but who is hopefully not psychotic), I am just curious about the divorce rate around HBT. So anyone who is willing to share (humorously or not) about their ex, please go to town (so I know how NOT to act and what crap to not accept out of HWMO). :mug:
yeah, what he said!!!!!

but, i will add, post nekkid pics of em too!


ok, i have no story to tell. no psyco exes in my closet.
yeah, what he said!!!!!

but, i will add, post nekkid pics of em too!


ok, i have no story to tell. no psyco exes in my closet.
Um, jmull is a woman and from what little I know of her, a damn fine one who is probably about to make someone happy.:D

But seeing as this thread is not about happiness, I'll chime in. I have a psycho ex. There was some abuse of a sordid nature in her past, which I only learned of after the "I do" part. As Adam Sandler said in "Wedding Singer," that's information I could have used before.

Got married stupidly at 23, really 24 as I was two weeks from my birthday. Was separated within three years after she cheated while I was on a business trip. This after she was seriously suspicious of me, and anyone who knows me knows I don't make a promise without keeping it. Got back together, separated again, finally got officially divorced after six years.

Shortly before the divorce, I met my now wonderful wife on an 18-seat plane. We didn't know it at the time, but discovered in the course of conversation that my best friend from college was engaged to her sister. So now my best friend is also my BIL.

My first marriage feels like a life lived by somebody else. I tend to view it as somebody would a movie.
Um, jmull is a woman and from what little I know of her, a damn fine one who is probably about to make someone happy.:D .
Aw, shucks, sheck. :D

Shortly before the divorce, I met my now wonderful wife on an 18-seat plane. We didn't know it at the time, but discovered in the course of conversation that my best friend from college was engaged to her sister. So now my best friend is also my BIL.

My first marriage feels like a life lived by somebody else. I tend to view it as somebody would a movie.

That is a bit similar to my mom's life - she divorced my dad when I was about 5 (separated when I was 2), and remarried my stepdad, whom she met before the divorce. Honestly the best thing to ever happen for me, because my dad was not a top-knotch father. My stepdad is an awesome man and has always been there for me.

I am glad you found someone that was right for you, and that is just kick ass that your best friend is now your BIL! :mug:
Aw, shucks, sheck. :D

That is a bit similar to my mom's life - she divorced my dad when I was about 5 (separated when I was 2), and remarried my stepdad, whom she met before the divorce. Honestly the best thing to ever happen for me, because my dad was not a top-knotch father. My stepdad is an awesome man and has always been there for me.

I am glad you found someone that was right for you, and that is just kick ass that your best friend is now your BIL! :mug:
Cool about your mom and stepdad. Fortunately, I have no children from my first marriage. Made things a lot less difficult.

My wife rocks. I tell her when I think I'll be home and if it doesn't work, that's good, too. No suspicion, just trust and open communication. That really is the key.

We often meet people who ask us how we met. Everybody thinks it's some TV movie kind of thing. We sort of get sick of telling the story. But when I think about it, there is some romance to it.:)
Never married, current SWMBO and I don't see a point in marriage and needing some piece of paper with a couple signatures to tell us how we feel about each other.

But, of course I've had a bad relationship before. Pretty similar to everyone else, the ex was fine at the beginning but got extremely possessive and jealous. There was a time when my father and sister had come in to town to visit and I just had a little S10 pickup truck that would maybe fit my father, sister and myself into the micro truck. Yet, somehow this psycho expected to tag along any time we went anywhere. She wouldn't even let me hang out with just me and my dad doing some father/son bonding (drinking). And she had the nerve to get slopping drunk while my dad and I were out and started getting physically abusive when we got back. I've taught martial arts so this was especially stupid. Luckily, she got it out of her system quickly and I was able to dodge most of it. She had never done this before and to pull that when my dad is in town staying with us was totally fouled up. And the next day, she felt she was totally justified since she wasn't with us the previous day. Not even sorry. ( It's funny that if you're in a relationship with some psycho, and she starts swinging and you defend yourself, the cops haul YOU away for domestic violence. If it was a total stranger, they'd be hauling THEM away for assault and it would be considered self-defense. This is why I chose not to do anything when she decided to go off on me. I saw it happen to a friend)

I brought up the subject of going to a counselor and she wasn't going to have any of that. So basically the entire time I was with her, I didn't really have a social life or many friends and my dad was convinced she was beating the hell out of me all the time. Oh, and her long-term goal was to drop out of college, quit work and have kid(s). Yeah, sign me up for some of that.

Anyways, now I've been with current SWMBO now for a few years and things have been great. Drama is part of life but it's nice when the drama is kept to a minimum.
Cool about your mom and stepdad. Fortunately, I have no children from my first marriage. Made things a lot less difficult.

My wife rocks. I tell her when I think I'll be home and if it doesn't work, that's good, too. No suspicion, just trust and open communication. That really is the key.

We often meet people who ask us how we met. Everybody thinks it's some TV movie kind of thing. We sort of get sick of telling the story. But when I think about it, there is some romance to it.:)

If there was a Lifetime Channel for men, that would be the crossover story to draw women to the network.

Sorry, cold meds have me tripping just a bit. Keep coming up with weird stuff. Lifetime for Men.

Wow, I never knew men were such whinners. I am a middle aged woman who has been married to the same man since high school & he is the emotional one in our relationship. I think all the crazy ex problems stem from the same issue, lack of self confidence by one partner & the other one not knowing theirself. If you find a woman or man that needs you to rescue them & take care of them, and you are not the nurturer, run like the wind. Needy people are fun when you are in the mood to be needed and miserable when you are not. I have been married longer than many of you have been alive & I have never once called around looking for my husband. Most people that are needy need to find their own interests & friends & get a life and they won't stress so much about their partner needing a few hours a week on his or her own.
Rather than get all bent thinking about the ex by posting a long detailed sordid account, I'll keep this brief.

I once married someone who I was with for eight years. About a 1 1/2 year into marriage, she started changing, found out she started cheating. Tried counseling. She laughed in the session. At that point, I knew it was done.

I am now remarried and couldn't be happier. I found someone who shares my interests, and I don't have to babysit her.

Plus, she bought me my first homebrewing kit and recipe, so you know she's a keeper!!
Well, where to start? I'll skip to the stories and replay a couple. Found out a lot during and after the divorce. We'd go visit her mom and I'd take the kids to the park to play and she'd go meet her ex-boyfriend at a hotel. I used to like playing slow-pitch softball. She suggested I join a league. League had already started but it turns out a friends team just happened to need a player. Turns out she's messing around with the friend who needed the player. That's one way to know where I am. She would always need to know where I was and played it off as missing me. GAG!! While still together yet working on marriage I get a visitor at 3:00AM and it's the guy she's cheating on me with complaining to me that my wife is cheating on him. :D Wants me to get a life outside of home yet rags on me and belittles anything I want to do. Would explode over any accusations. One time her and her "boyfriend" and my youngest son went to Yosemite. Our daughter invited a neighbor friend over to watch a movie. Neighbor is female btw. Ex calls home to talk to kids (actually to check up on me) and neighbor yells Hi to ex and Ex goes ballistic on the phone. She could make a sailor blush, btw. :D Turns out she's a predatory sociopath. She's a Borderline with narcissistic tendencies. She's on her 6th marriage now, I was #3. I guess that's enough for now. ;)
jeez hb!
i got lucky! all i can say.

to my fiorst post, my foot is clean, so i could care less about the taste damnit!

appears i am the lucky one here, married 10 years, still in love like it was week least y'all move on (i hope). too many people that dont suck to stay alone out there. i have a few friends that are alone for no f'n reason. the other sex is not evil, the ones you have experience with may well be however!

dont give up, cuz............... look at the alternative!!!
(the alternative is only cool if your a hot chick who finds another hot chick and you let me in to watch/participate (with SWMBO's apporval of course)

anyway. im druck, and time to go to bed.
26 years married to the same woman. I don't know what she sees in me...but I'm pretty sure we'll be rocking on the porch when we're in our 90's.

It can be done.

And this is the same man that only sanitizes with bleach fellas -- none of that fancy iodophor or star san! Old school! congrats BM :mug:
Oh man, don't even get me started about Bitchface/Plumpy McPsycho. There's been several ranting threads of mine about her that I won't go into here. I now have someone much better who's the anti-crazy.

I just now got an email from her saying why the kids don't really want to see me anyways even after she's absconded with them to BFE Utah. Yes. Now. At 1:30 AM.
Ok, since you asked, I'll share. This will be the Cliffnotes version:

Got married at 21, just a few weeks before I began med school. Started out okay, except there were a few tell-tale signs of control/need for possession (well, tell-tale NOW, that is!). Had the occasional raging fight where he would chuck my **** out of the apartment. I thought everybody did that every now and again.

In residency, I took on not one, but TWO moonlighting jobs in addition to my residency duties. I worked, on average, between 85-100 hours per week. He, meanwhile, dropped out of grad school with one year left, but then again he was already into his 6th year of a 4 year program. His big dream was to start an eBay business. Well, that's what he said. Apparently, his bigger dream was to sleep until 2pm, then fool around on the internet until time to berate me when I came home. And since he'd slept all day, he had all kinds of energy to pick a fight with me until the wee hours. (Typical fight: Once I came home, post-moonlighting, after working for over 36 hours straight. He asked how my day was. I said, "Good. A long day, but good. I'm tired." He began to huff, saying "Oh, I guess this means you aren't making dinner again tonight, either." This conversation occurred. I **** you not.)

Anyway, his narcissism went rampant after he quit his grad program and he started taking it out on me more and more, getting slowly more threatening. Meanwhile, I sure wasn't seeing any of the money I was out making. We were still living check to check. Sad thing is, I was too busy/addled to really notice that part until later. Eventually, he got physical and I had him thrown out. It took 3 cops to do it.

Being a responsible person, I immediately wanted to know about the bills he was handling, when they were due and all. I didn't want to get dinged for late fees. Never dreamed I'd find what I did: he'd been to the boats. A lot.

$75,000 worth of blackjack losses.

Oh, but what hurt much worse was several charges for "Asian massage parlors". And I actually still have in my possession an actual, Honest-to-God receipt for an escort service. I'd have never dreamed it in a thousand years. He was the Bible-thumper! (I haven't set foot inside a church since, by the way.)

Believe it or not, tossing him out was only the beginning. He would not let go. The divorce process took over 2 years and he demanded (and got) spousal support. I haven't spoken to him, except through a lawyer, since I chucked him out, but he still emails and calls my cell phone pretty frequently. I never answer him. He never knows if I get the messages or not, but he continues to persist. (and yeah, this IS the short Cliffnotes version!)

Happy ending (pun! Think Asian massage parlor...): I met and married the man of my dreams. I never knew life could be this good. And it is all about respect for each other and giving each other space. We are like peas and carrots! And he helped me assemble my new kegerator!:ban:
I got married at 19, because I thought I found my "dream man". He was more of a nightmare, and yet I stayed because I thought it was my fault that things weren't good. We ended up having two children, and I finally divorced him after 16 years. I was totally broke (he spent more than we made), with two kids under 9, working full-time, and in a community about 800 miles from my family.

I unburied myself from the debt, kept my kids on an even keel, and we did fine. I met Bob a couple of years later, and we've been together 9 years. Of course, I was about 36 when I met my second husband, so I was a grown up and knew that he was right for me.

My kids are doing well (one in college, one still in high school) and I'm happy. Bob is happy. My ex is still a miserable bastard but it doesn't affect me at all any more.
OK, as long as we're sharing ...
After a series of bad relationships, I met my now ex at a bar. Breaking my rule of never getting serious with a woman that I met at a bar, we eventually got married.
The first couple of years were great. Eventually, she started getting bent out of shape every time one of my friends would mention something that had happened in the past, especially if it involved a woman. Soon, she started creating a wedge between me and my friends.
It got to the point that any time she found out that another woman TALKED to me, especially in a bar (keep in mind, 90+% of the time that I went out drinking, we were together), she would fly off the handle, and soon started getting violent.
One night, she got pissed at me when I helped a drunk woman, a regular at our favorite bar that she knew, up off the floor when she fell on the way to the washroom. In her mind, I should have left her there. Thw argument started while I was driving us home, quite a bit over the legal limit. When I told her that she was being ridiculous, she started screaming at me, and grabbed the steering wheel from me and pulled on it. The only way that I could get her hands off the wheel was to stiff arm her so that her head slammed into the car window. The next day, she woke up wondering why she had a headache. There were other times where she would attack me, both verbally AND physically. To this day, she refuses to admit that any of these incidents ever occured.
Part of our agreement was that she would pay the bills. I dropped my paycheck every week into the bank, keeping out my expenses, and she would take care of our bills. One night, about 2:30 in the A.M., we were awakened by repo men at our door because she hadn't paid the car loans in 4 MONTHS, which caused us to file a chapter 13 after I found out that we were $45G in debt sue to her not paying ANY bills for months. For that, I will take partial blame for not paying closer attention to our finances.
The only reason that I stayed as long as I did was because of my kids. However, shortly after I left, I knew that getting a divorce was the right thing after talking to my kids. When I asked them how things were going at home, My son said, "It's weird. It's real quiet now, with out mom yelling at you all the time."

I met SWMBOnow thanks to my son. Her son and mine are good friends, and we met at their middle school wrestling meet. I laid out everything from my past, including ex g/f's and my substance abuse past. I knew that she was the right one when she told me, "What happened in the past doesn't matter. We all have a past. The important thing is that it IS the past."
She's also the one who bought me my starter kit, and encourages me in this hobby/obsession that brings all of us here. When I was still married and I brought up the idea of getting into home-brewing, my ex refused to let me spend the money, and said that making my own beer was a "stupid idea", when I could goto the store and by beer.
I have had 2 that had an impact on my life.
#1- I was young, and rented an apartment on the beach in Ft. Lauderdale.
I had a great time, had fun with a couple different girls, nothing serious. At my job, a woman(I was 24, she was 36)started hanging out after work. I was YOUNG. Thinking with the wrong head, she gave me a sob story about her parents and her living situation, and I let her move in. Me had a lot of fun. She was a nut in the sack. She wanted to move her cat in, I am allergic to cats. Lets get a dog-She buys me a bulldog.Dudley.
She starts complaining about my apt. Then she starts complaining about money.
Then her car craps out, and she tells me she has no money to fix it. I always have a new car, so we make it on one car.
Sex slows down, and she starts spending time with her family(I'm told.)
I come home one day, key won't let in. Huge fight, I leave. She keeps my dog.

I was engaged to a woman for almost a year. Our families got along real good, her kid had no father(she got pregnant on vacation in another country)
and everything was splendid.
My brother passes away- brain aneurism- a few WEEKS later- at dinner, she drops a bomb- I think your parents should pay more for our wedding, because your brother isn't here. GTFO. Have not talked to her since that day.

I like being single- that way I'm not tied up with one woman, I can share!:D
My brother passes away- brain aneurism- a few WEEKS later- at dinner, she drops a bomb- I think your parents should pay more for our wedding, because your brother isn't here.

That has to be the worst goddamn thing I've ever heard. :mad:
I don't have any psychotic ex-wives. I'm still working on my first marriage.

Most of the time, when a girl showed the slightest sign of craziness, I hit the road. I did have one girl that stalked me for about 5 years after I broke up with her. She was the last red head I ever went out with.
I didn't marry (or even date) this guy, but..............

He met me at the physician's office I was working in at the time. He was cute and charming and I was sort of tempted to go out with him when he asked me, but I had a sort-of boyfriend.

He sent roses to the office. I was intrigued. He started sending faxes to the office, love letter sort of faxes. I was getting weirded out. He sent me a birthday card (how did he know it was my birthday?). I started getting long emails about how much he loved me. (How did he know my email address?). I had notes in my car, stuck in my door at home, at work, etc. I was jumpy and scared. I finally contacted him (I knew where he worked) and asked him to meet me in a coffee shop. He was thrilled and brought candy and flowers. His face lit up when I walked in. I told him, "NO more faxes, emails, notes, letter, flowers, phone calls." He then said, "Well, can I sent love notes via carrier pigeon?" I said, "No, Dean. No contact. Leave me alone." He told me that he would still write to me every day, but save them on his computer and not send them.

He did leave me alone, until about a year or two later when he found out I met Bob and was living with him. He went nuts and yelled at me and said things like, "You never even gave me a chance!". He threatened me, and threatened Bob.

About two years later, he came into the hospital while I was working. He told me he had rectal cancer, and had about 6 months to live. He told me that staying away from him was a good move on my part. He died a couple of months later.

To this day, "Crazy Dean" makes me nervous, although he's dead. I wonder if I had been vulnerable and gone out with him what would have happened. He may have really hurt me. He was totally psycho.
My mom had a stalker years ago. Some nut job used to watch her and call her and leave notes. It all ended when he showed up shortly after I was born. He was beating on the door and my mom called my grandpa. He made it there at about the time that the knocking stopped. Granddad said that he didn't see anybody, but knowing how he was, I always wondered if he killed the guy and disposed of his body somewhere. Grandpa's been dead about 25 years, so I guess I'll never know. But nobody messed with his family...nobody. Also, when he was a young man, he was pretty friendly with some of the Purple Gang, so he probably knew how to get rid of a body if he had too.
On marriage #2... check.

Psycho ex-wife... check.

No need to expound upon it. I deal with her only because I have to for my kids. I've moved on and I'm in a *much* happier place now.
Holy hell, you guys have been through a lot! It's scary that there are that many crazies out there, and that they make their way through a good portion of the population.

Hoss, it sounds like you should be glad you got away with your skin! I thought my mom had been married a lot (3x), but SIX?? Wow. Bedlam, I'm glad you got out of that marriage and found someone who appreciates you!

Yoop - your story sounds a bit like my mom's - she was married to my dad for 17 years, and they finally got divorced when I was five. She then married my stepdad (also Bob!), and it's been awesome since then.

Thanks to everyone for sharing their stories, both the bad and the good. I am so glad there is such a high incidence of people that had crappy first marriages finding a great partner and being happy. And I also love hearing about the long-term marriages that have been successful. :mug:
Hoss, it sounds like you should be glad you got away with your skin! I thought my mom had been married a lot (3x), but SIX?? Wow. Bedlam, I'm glad you got out of that marriage and found someone who appreciates you!

Ya, my dog's been very loyal. ;) I'm happy just raising my sons right now. :)
I was going to type out the long story about the last red-head I dated, but I figure the possibility of her stalking me on here is too high.

She was crazy. Certifiable. Great to date & do "other" things with, but good gawd...

I'll stop now.

I'm UBER happily married now, no kids, just to spoiled rotten dogs.
Its kind of like drinking BMC, you have to start with the mediocre stuff to appreciate the good stuff. In other words you just have to get the first couple out of the way.