Pliney - meh?

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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2010
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Palm City
So, I've been wanting a Pliney the Elder BAD. I finally got two on a trade, and while its good and I appreciate how smooth it is, I dont think its that incredible?

I also got some Pipeworks Ninja vs Unicorn recently and I would take those hands down before a pliney trade now... or a zombie dust before pliney.

Am I the odd one out? The ones I have are bottled 1/12/16 or so, so its still pretty fresh?
The ones I have are bottled 1/12/16 or so, so its still pretty fresh?

No not that fresh. Pliney changes really fast.

It really is a fantastic beer at the brew pub or in a bottle in the first week or two (if kept cold).
I agree, its a Fantastic brew, when fresh.

3+months old, would you consider your HB IPA fresh at that time>? I wouldn't...
Pliney is a little more than "one persons" rave review... that might also have lead to the disappointment.

Maybe Pilney is not that "extreme" in 2016... but a few years back it was mind blowing for a lot of people that tried it.

That being said Pilney is unbelievably well balanced and hides it alcohol better than most 8% beers.
To me it's quite boring. I'd take about any Stone IPA over it for instance.

IMO when fresh I place pliney and enjoy by at the same level for enjoyment.

I picked up pliney once on the day it was delivered to the bottle shop (right place, right time) I think it was 1-2 weeks old.
Would I pick it up again? Yes.
Would I spend time searching it out or make a trip only for Pliney? Nope.
Would I pick it up again? Yes.
Would I spend time searching it out or make a trip only for Pliney? Nope.

This^ There are beers easier to find and just as good or better. I had Pliney and followed it up with a RuinTen, the stone was actually better IMO.

Still, If I saw a pliney on the shelf, I'd grab another... :rockin:

Fresh Maharaja FTW~!!!
So, I've been wanting a Pliney the Elder BAD. I finally got two on a trade, and while its good and I appreciate how smooth it is, I dont think its that incredible?

I also got some Pipeworks Ninja vs Unicorn recently and I would take those hands down before a pliney trade now... or a zombie dust before pliney.

Am I the odd one out? The ones I have are bottled 1/12/16 or so, so its still pretty fresh?

Sorry, you still haven't tried Pliny. Such a different beer fresh.
You all can feel free to correct me on this.

I wan to say reasearch has shown 120(?) days of freshness only at refrigeration temps and at room temp it's only 30 days(?). Room temp is defined as 70f and void of light.

Thanks big beer for doing the research for us. :)

Edit: Also bear in mind that is not for super hop forward beers (pliney, enjoy by, heady...) just a general guide for pale ales and lagers.
That being said Pilney is unbelievably well balanced and hides it alcohol better than most 8% beers.

Very true. It definitely doesnt have that feel for its gravity. It was good, I'm definitely not saying it wasnt. As someone else said, I would grab one if I saw on a shelf. But I wouldnt go out of my way or wait in line to get it...

I know someone going to the area that scored a group of elders and youngers from the brewery on last visit, said he'll bring me back one to try. I'll give it another go around for fresh.:tank:
I guess fresh would be better - Pliney or any other "great" beer does not have to be great for everyone however.

I have had Heady Topper a few times and while I appreciate what it is - it does not do it for me. I would reach directly over the top of Heady to get some Treehouse SAP or Alter EGO. Honestly, a Hop Nosh on tap is more appealing to me.
Doesn't get much fresher than this, just go to the source. Was just there last Sunday.



Maybe Pilney is not that "extreme" in 2016... but a few years back it was mind blowing for a lot of people that tried it.

I think this probably has a lot to do with it, Pliney being one of the first well done double IPA's that was still very drinkable and had a lot of hop character.

Now there are plenty of breweries doing these type's of IPA's, so it's not quite as unique. I don't think it necessarily makes Pliney any less, it's just that for most craft beer drinkers, if you haven't had a Pliney yet, then you've probably had something similar if you frequent IPA's.

I'm the same as most others in this thread - I'll gladly pick up a Pliney, but not something I'd go out of my way to get.
I'd go out of my way for it, but just how far is a different question. It may be my favorite IPA still, but you have to consider that its legendary status has inspired many beers of similar styles. These days there are plenty of beers with similar characteristics.

For the money and availability I'd probably rather try a few new and exciting IPAs rather than buy a bunch of Pliny. Never know what you're gonna get.
I agree it is a good beer, but I too would take a Ninja vs Unicorn or Zombie Dust over it any day (Caviet, I would probably get these beers a hellava lot fresher). My brother and some friends went out to CA for a few weeks and say it is awesome fresh. They even hauled some back. It was great fresh, but we had one a few weeks ago (it was a few months old) and it wasnt the same. The Clone I make, which is straight from Vinny's recipe in Zymurgy, with the exception that I use hop extract for my bittering, tastes great.

Ive had the hyped up beers, some are great, some are run of the mill. Like stated earlier, I will get them if I can, but the effort I put into it varies.
I can get Pliny pretty easily here (once you know where and when) and fresher is for sure better. I've misplaced a bottle or two in the fridge, and while still good, it's much better most other IPA's. I think there are plenty of other IPA's out there that are just as good, and I'll continue to buy them...and Pliny :)
I'd love to get my hands on some Zombie Dust or Heady. I also know what a let down it can be to look so forward to getting my hands on something and then not being all that.
I can get Pliny pretty easily here (once you know where and when) and fresher is for sure better. I've misplaced a bottle or two in the fridge, and while still good, it's much better most other IPA's. I think there are plenty of other IPA's out there that are just as good, and I'll continue to buy them...and Pliny :)
I'd love to get my hands on some Zombie Dust or Heady. I also know what a let down it can be to look so forward to getting my hands on something and then not being all that.

I will keep you in mind. Next time I get some fresh ZD, or head up to FFF, maybe we can do a swap.

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