Phrases that need to die a quick, excruciating death

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Anyone who uses the word "hella" needs to be high fived, in the face, with a cinder block.

they hella tried, son. I tried hella harder. my smile ended up hella prettier.

Why do we have to have a hyped up name for a winter snowfall.
We used to just call it WINTER, now suddenly post 2009 snow has to have a fancy name to drive the hysteria, and cause a run on beer/liquor, smokes, milk, bread, and the meat counter at the store. At least our priorities are clear.

Also a run on bottled water, which I never understood. I think there is a way to convert snow into potable water.
I was going to stay out of this threads, precisely for the reasons stated by a member early on in the thread:

me being mad about it is going to make people stop doing it, so why get riled up? People do things I find dumb/pointless/ridiculous all the time, but I generally just chuckle inside now instead of getting angry. Makes things a lot more pleasant.

But I gotta say - for me, the one that really grinds my gears is when people start a story/monologue/whatever with "So,...."

I know it's dumb, I know it's petty, I know its inconsequential, but it makes me see red for some reason. It's bad enough when spoken, but then when people do it in writing, it's even worse.

Rant off! Carry on! :mug:
I don't know what it is, but when someone says trending, or when something is trending, I want to smack them silly. It's usually a TV reporter saying it, so you don't need much of a reason to want to smack them.
... YOLO would probably take second, but I don't believe that one to be harmful in any way. Just incredibly annoying...

YOLO: The new, dumbed-down way for kids to say "Carpe Diem".

Also, to add to Airplanedoc's list of unnecessary suffixes, I'd like to nominate -gate. Every new issue that comes up does not need to be inflated in this kind of way. Sometimes a snow storm is just a snow storm. Sometimes emails are just emails.

Finally, "You never know." It only irritates me when it is used as an excuse to justify taking some absurd action related to a circumstance or event that is not physically possible or to rationalize an otherwise completely irrational belief. Sometimes you do know, and telling someone otherwise doesn't make your cockamamie idea or suggestion any less cockamamie. Flying monkeys? Yes, I do know they aren't waiting in the trees outside my front door right now.
I hate "think outside the box." My son once asked me if I think outside the box. I responded "No, but that's because my box is bigger than everyone else's."
See, when I hear that phrase I think of "Terry Tate Office Linebacker"
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When the Mrs starts a line of questioning with, "So..." I know right away I need to plead the fifth and retain legal counsel.

A phrase not yet mentioned that annoys me is the statement starter, "I mean..." It appears to be the new "Like..."

Not a word or phrase but an affectation common to NPR personalities & similar "smart" people that are supposed to be professional speakers is the constant stuttering and re-starting, repeating "um" and "the - uh", etc. I don't know why these people who speak for a living can't complete a simple sentence end to end without verbally tripping all over themselves.
"....Things happen for a reason"

No. "Things" happen because of an action. Your stupidity will increase the odds of a worse scenario.
When the Mrs starts a line of questioning with, "So..." I know right away I need to plead the fifth and retain legal counsel.

A phrase not yet mentioned that annoys me is the statement starter, "I mean..." It appears to be the new "Like..."

Not a word or phrase but an affectation common to NPR personalities & similar "smart" people that are supposed to be professional speakers is the constant stuttering and re-starting, repeating "um" and "the - uh", etc. I don't know why these people who speak for a living can't complete a simple sentence end to end without verbally tripping all over themselves.

Not just NPR types - listen to a post game interview with just about any pro or college athlete and you'll hear "I mean" over and over.

While I'm at it, "y'know" is another one of those. I listened to a post-game interview with Eddie Lacy. I counted nine "y'knows" in the span of about 30 seconds.
My god uber literal, homebrewers complaining about sarcasm, memes, and other phraseology....such first world problems...but you know. YOLO.
Had to add this one after a recent conversation.

People who begin a reply with "Honestly..." or "To tell you the truth..." It makes me wonder if I've been lied to up until that point.
Why do we have to have a hyped up name for a winter snowfall.
We used to just call it WINTER, now suddenly post 2009 snow has to have a fancy name to drive the hysteria, and cause a run on beer/liquor, smokes, milk, bread, and the meat counter at the store. At least our priorities are clear.

Also a run on bottled water, which I never understood. I think there is a way to convert snow into potable water.

I agree, except I do think last year's "Hothlanta" was pretty clever.
I know right??

Ugh... if I stated something, I don't need you asking me in return to confirm!! Often I'll just reply "yeah, I know right??". It can end up quite the conversation back and forth. LOL
"YOLO" and "bae"... I dont even know what the **** bae means... I had to google "smh" and Im only 28! Seriously, YOLO and bae though. And people who where a Rosary like its hip.
"Fail" as a noun. And "win" when intended as the opposite of fail.

"Self-licking ice cream cone."

"Myself" when another first person pronoun is grammatically correct - usually when someone is trying and failing to be somewhat formal.

"Could care less." It's "couldn't!"


"Ain't nobody got time for that."

"Boo" when referring to a significant other.


"Vaycay" and "staycation."

"Me three."

"Do what?" instead of simply, "what?"

it goes with out saying, if I can be honest, that I personally feel the ultimate life hack is YOLO. to be fair, it's generational to think outside the box and gift someone an app. I know, right? seriously? it may or may not be a reach out, but I got news for you. :hashtag:YOLO, yo.

You are a GOD among men

Its called pregnant. Prago is a sauce
Not a phrase that needs to die, but along the same lines. Freaking "Baby Bump" pictures.

I don't go around posting photos of my overweight gut. I don't want to see pictures of you when you LOOK like me.
Twin that with "With all due respect"

Of course, that means they are about to disrespect you.

With all due respect, you are a total bell end. I'm not surprised your wife left you, I bet your skin would do the same if it could.

I like to use that 'all due respect' one on chat forums occasionally. Along with, "of course I mean this in the kindest, gentlest, most positive way possible, but..."

What can I say, aside from admitting I'm a dick sometimes? :p
"Social justice"
"Social responsibility"
"Fair trade"
"Gluten free"

those ones really piss me off.

Empowerment- used a lot by femi-nazis. often in the same anti-male speech generously frosted with "equality". most of the time it's used is in the same sentiment as the femi-nazis. you can not have "empowerment" and "equality" at the same time.

Gluten Free- it may not be necessary to label bottled water, condoms, and motor oil with "Gluten Free!"

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