Pets...And Why We Love Them (Pay Homage Here)

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Gunner... aka Big Hump! Lets just say there's no stoppin a 150# Rot when he gets the urge.

Lilo.... aka Beep A rescue kitty I found under my car one day when she was only a few weeks old.

Hunter... aka Big Ole Rescue kitty from a no kill shelter.
New edition to the house. Chloe a 3mo old Chow/Shepherd mix. That's Rufus on the left.

I guess I better put a picture of all of my pets, what better way than a holiday greeting. By the way it's hard to get a cat, dog, and rabbit to cooperate for a picture.

This is Sterling, He is going to be 4 yrs this month, first pic is the day we brought him home, the rest are current. He has gone to work with me every day since he was a pup.
SWMBO has 2 cats, Streak & Magick although the one likes me better, as soon as I sit in the recliner he jumps up and lays on me.




Uhh sorry Thats a horse, not a dog.
Here's my 9 month old pup Beaker:

^ That was when we first got him, 4months old-ish.

Here's a bit more recent one:

SWMBO entered him in the x-mas contest on and apparently he won, call me a dork but I'm proud :) .
Our latest addition: Fergus the frightful. He is 8 weeks old and is going to require a lot of training.

I think he is part cat, he climbs like no dog I have seen.

Fergus small.JPG
Haze and Sha-Baby. Two great additions to our family. We had two cats that came after Hurricane Katrina, Bonnie and Clyde. Outdoor cats Clyde ran away, Bonnie got hit by a car during Hurricane Gustav. Bonnie had a great few years, just way to hard to keep her inside. It was the only cat we have ever had that walked the mile loop with us when we took the dogs.


I found out that Penny likes both cognac and scotch. Naturally I don't let her drink it in any actual amount, I just gave her a drop on my finger. The scotch was a taste, then some thought, then back for more. The cognac was like liquid gold (or tennis ball I guess) for her.
This is our newest addition. We picked him up the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. He is part Maltese and part long haired dachshund. He is handful and drives me nuts sometimes, but there is no way I can be mad at that little face. I think he looks like a stuffed animal. He had a little trouble with potty training but I was in the hospital for four days, three days after we got him, so he went from his old home, to a new home, to a different home, and then back all in a week. So I am sure that screwed him up. He is much better now and only has rare accidents now.

I'm sorry the pictures are so huge. I changed them on photobucket, but they still show up here huge. If someone can fix that, please do.



Had to throw my "Home Boy" out here. My girls (wife & two daughters) where on me about getting a dog since we finally bought a new house. They where hell bent on getting a biscuit dog, so I figured the best defence is an offence. I found my bro in at a boxer rescue in Arkansas, and knew he was meant to be a part of our family. Once my girls heard his story (actually very sad) and meet him..... it was all gravy from there. Besides, who couldn't love this big ole 75 pound white boxer?

I know it sounds sad me pulling a fast one on my girls, but I am the only guy in the house. I'll be damned if I will add a lap dog to my estrogen full home...:D

Only problem is he is more hard headed than my girls. Just made him go out to use the bathroom a few minutes ago and I swear he gave me that "Piss Off"

I love boxers. My sister-in-law's family has one. Last time we stayed over there we were sleeping on the pullout out sofabed and I woke up to find his snout about 2" from my nose. We looked at each other and he seemed expectant so I asked "Do you want on the bed?". He said "snurf!" so I made room and he climbed up and laid with me with his head on my pillow.
A week ago I lost my best friend when his house burned. John was found near the door and his basset hound passed away at his side.
Kenny the Cat.

Named him kenny cause he fell off a banister on one floor down to the second floor when he was a kitten. I thought he was dead, then he came running up the stairs. TaDa! back to life. (southpark) (he's got a big orange coat).



Here's my Darling
She is such a loving dog. She likes to sneak up in bed and try to sleep on my pillow in the middle of the night. =)
Laziest dog on planet earth.


Nikko is our english bulldog we rescued last year. Our first E. bulldog we had to put down at a very young age.
These are my family's new brew-ducks that came in earlier this week. Our former flock either took off for greener pastures or got eaten by coyotes last fall, so here is the new starter population. With their poop, healthy hops will be grown.

Great thread.

Here is my menagerie:

Foster, our Chow, Spitz mix (this is after he had minor surgery on his leg and we decided to have a little fun with his collar):


Mr. Cat, our 19 year old:


Ozy, my tormentor and all around brat:


Sadie, our misfit goth cat:


and Tommy, the king of the whole brood:

This is Foster again doing his plaw bow. This highlights his mane a lot better. He is very vain about his hair and hates to get it wet.

That's rad. You can really see the bobcat in the left kittay, with the ears and the big paws.

Yup, that's the male, Stitch. His sister, Lilo, has all the brains. Never seen such a smart cat. Opens doors, leaves faucets running, flushes toilets for fun... We had to put child locks on all dressers and cabinets.
Gotta give props to my two canine pals, Otto (the boxer) and Goodman (the white "labra-moose"). Both are rescues...Goodman from an animal shelter and Otto from a busted puppy mill (He has some scarring from burns as a very young pup. They don't bother him, though I'm mindful not to get them in pics):


We also have four (!) cats...but this is the most photogenic of 'em. Also a rescue, her name is Trub:

Check this little guy out. We got him today at a traffic light. He was underneath the car in front of us that was waiting at the light. He was covered in mud and soaking wet from the downpour that was going on. He ran under the car to get some shelter.

This is him after a bath and all day tlc:


I don't care whether you are a dog or cat person this little guy is cute as heck.

Update: This is a little Girl and she got a clean bill of health from the vet.
Chloe the pup on the right (circa Dec, 2008) is getting bigger.

bigger in size although not that big at 40#. But certainly a bigger pain in the butt at 7 months now.
Check this little guy out. We got him today at a traffic light. He was underneath the car in front of us that was waiting at the light. He was covered in mud and soaking wet from the downpour that was going on. He ran under the car to get some shelter.

This is him after a bath and all day tlc:


I don't care whether you are a dog or cat person this little guy is cute as heck.

Jesus- I love him. I got one of my cats when I found him in the street chasing butterflys. I had to stop my dogs from getting him.

I have 3 big awesome dogs- but I love my 2 cats as well.