Noob from Southeast TN

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New Member
Jun 16, 2013
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Greetings all. I've been intrigued by the idea of homebrewing for many years and after touring the Yazoo and New Belgium breweries I decided it was time to try my hand at it. After receiving most of the equipment to do my first batch back at Christmas, I finally made my first batch yesterday June 16th. Long story involving knee surgery to explain the delay, but finally it is done! And I sure have quite the learning curve ahead of me.

First batch stats:

  • Rogue Shakespeare Oatmeal Stout kit by Brewcraft USA
  • 8 hours from start of cleaning/sanitizing to pitching the yeast (whew!)
  • Scorched the grain bag on the bottom of the kettle, so lots of grain I had to attempt to filter out and I got most of it. Learned that I need a much better heating system.
  • Yeast- White Labs English ale yeast
  • O.G.- 1.063

Now to learn about wort chillers, better heating equipment, and the ultimate decision to bottle or keg.
Scorching the grain bag on the bottom could be due to the pot as well. If it is too thin it could be heating excessively. Welcome and good luck!!
Welcome to the group, from CO. Read the forum stickies and the wiki, great free advice. Then ask away, this is a super helpful community.
There is an absolute treasure trove of information on this site. It's a bit overwhelming, but I'm glad it's there. I think the next step in the learning process is reading enough to be able to intelligently ask the correct questions.

The stout is fermenting away much better than I expected. I have the fermenter covered by an upside down cardboard box centered over an air conditioning vent with some vent holes in the top. It's been 36 hours since I pitched the yeast and the fermentation head of foam is about 1.5" thick as of this morning. The bubbles coming through the air lock are driving my dog crazy since the bubbles squeak as they rise through the air lock. I'm pretty sure she's convinced that cardboard box that I won't let her near is full of mice!