New Yeast Company to Launch in Late October

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Ben58 said:
Hopefully you will have your strains available to the savages to the north!:cross:

Unfortunately, we will be unable to ship to Canada. I think your best bet is going to be to get a group of people together from Canada, connect with someone you trust in the US, and organize a buy through them in which they can then ship the yeast to you. Unfortunately that's all I can recommend right now before we put together a mechanism to accept Canadian orders. Still, an expedited shipping to Canada, which you would likely want to avoid massive transit time, is going to be really expensive.
You beat me to the punch. I have been thinking about of resurrecting a few commercially unavailable cultures that I checked into a large culture collection a decade ago. I am rooting for you. The yeast market has become quite stale. Every new offering is little more than a "me too" clone of an existing commercially-available culture.

For the evaluation that is happening for your wild yeasts, are they mostly testing it as a primary strain, secondary strain, or both?


I would gladly be willing to be a middle man for you. I would just ask you to cover the extra shipping charges. PM me for contact info if you are interested and we'll come up with the easiest arrangement.

For the evaluation that is happening for your wild yeasts, are they mostly testing it as a primary strain, secondary strain, or both?


I would gladly be willing to be a middle man for you. I would just ask you to cover the extra shipping charges. PM me for contact info if you are interested and we'll come up with the easiest arrangement.


I am currently doing evaluation of the Brett strains as primary fermenters. However, the beer was made using ~40% white wheat and 60% 2-row and I did conduct a protein rest and mashed on the slightly higher end. By doing this, I was attempting to leave enough residual material for the Brett to use during secondary fermentation in the bottle to produce some characteristic funky flavors that typically shine through in many strains of Brett when used as a secondary fermenter. They may be slightly overshadowed by the fruitiness of the beer as a result of using Brett in primary, but I think I will be able to get a good feel for the flavor and aroma that will be produced by each strain, flavors and aromas that are likely more restrained in primary and less so in secondary.

I make and all Brett beer with Brett B and L, and I certainly notice that the bottled beers with yeast remaining in the bottle get more funky with time, and that these flavor compounds are able to shine through the fruity esters of the beer that are rather intense when the beer is younger.

plumber_bob said:
I just checked the site out. Everything for the homebrewer is sold out.

Must be a good thing.?.?.?


I think biobrewer doesn't have all the loose ends tied up yet. Here's hoping that everything gets sorted!

Just for the record, biobrewer seems like a class act, and for me that's a good reason to at least consider him as a supplier. He has never bad mouthed his competitors (just the opposite really) and that speaks well of both him as a person and his confidence in his own product.
I think biobrewer doesn't have all the loose ends tied up yet. Here's hoping that everything gets sorted!

Just for the record, biobrewer seems like a class act, and for me that's a good reason to at least consider him as a supplier. He has never bad mouthed his competitors (just the opposite really) and that speaks well of both him as a person and his confidence in his own product.

I agree with everything you said.
I think he is going to be a standup business man, and will develop an excellent reputation, based on what I've seen so far.

I book marked his sight and will keep an eye out for when more yeast comes up for sale.

Might check to see if I can back order some too.

Since it sounds like biobrewer won't be posting anything new on here, I figured that I would take the liberty to post this message that he sent out earlier today:

Dear Yeast Bay Subscriber,
Happy holidays from all of us at The Yeast Bay! It’s been too long since our last update, and we wanted to send you all a progress report on our launch activities. Over the last two months, we've been busy and have a lot to update you on regarding the launch of product on our website.

As you likely know if you have been following our progress, White Labs will be banking and contract manufacturing/packaging all of our product strains. In mid-November, wanting to solidify our relationship with White Labs prior to our launch, we took a trip to San Diego to meet everyone and get a close up tour of where our yeast will come to life. It was really great to meet Neva Parker, the lab crew and the front office folks we've been in close contact with for so many months prior. The tour of the facility was very educational and full of lab-related nerd banter, and it was pretty awesome seeing where our yeast will be manufactured. We’re sure this relationship will continue to grow as we get up and running and look forward to developing it as we move forward.

While we were down in San Diego, we also decided to pop into Modern Times Brewery and meet with Alex Tweet, one of the brewers. We sent a number of our strains, primarily Brettanomyces, to the brewery in July when Mike Tonsmeire (aka The Mad Fermentationist) was down there. The strains have since been used in a number of beers in their barrel-aged program that we got to sample while we were there, and seem to be progressing nicely. Not only did Alex give us a tour of the brewery, he went one step further and gave us an awesome beer tour of San Diego, taking the entire day to show us a bunch of his favorite beer spots. Thanks to Alex, we got to see a lot of San Diego beer culture, which we hope to play a more active role in as we launch. If you’re in the San Diego Area, check these guys out. The beer is great, and the brewery is an eclectic and welcoming atmosphere in which to drink the day away with some good friends.

Regarding the launch of homebrewing vials, White Labs just finished banking and evaluating all of our Saccharomyces strains, and are wrapping up their banking and analysis of all our Brettanomyces strains. We’re anticipating that every strain will be banked by the end of the year, and that Saccharomyces and Brettanomyces strains and blends will be available in mid-late January. For commercial sales, we should be prepared to start taking orders by mid-late January as well, and all of the commercial pitch prices are now on the commercial section of the website. You can click on the links below to view the descriptions of the Saccharomyces strains. The descriptions of the Brettanomyces strains should be up on the website shortly.

We continue to get flattering comments regarding our logo, and have been receiving a lot of inquiries regarding the sale of merchandise such as koozies, t-shirts and sweatshirts. I can tell you that while we’re planning to offer a number of items with our logo in the future, our primary focus in the present is on getting yeast up on the website and continuing to isolate and evaluate new strains. Once we settle in and begin selling our yeast strains and when our isolation efforts begin to slow down, we’ll start exploring merchandising opportunities.

We can’t wait to start serving the homebrewing and craft brewing communities, and we’ll send out all of the information about the exact product launch date in the coming weeks. We will also be passing along information regarding the launch of our Facebook page which is currently under construction. This will be a great way for all you subscribers to keep in touch with The Yeast Bay in real time!

Thanks again for subscribing, and feel free to pass this update along to any yeast enthusiasts that you know who currently are not on our mailing list. Cheers!

Nick Impellitteri

I'll post again if I notice that they have opened shop.

Cheers! :mug:
Dear Yeast Bay Subscriber,

The time is upon us to start selling the yeast we’ve been isolating over the last year! Our yeast banking process is complete, and we have the green light to start ordering yeast from White Labs. While many of you have likely seen descriptions of our “clean” strains, we’ve recently finished in-house evaluation of our Brettanomyces blends as well. Click on one of the products shown below to see some of our funky offerings, or go directly to the website to check them all out.

Regarding the launch of homebrewing vials, we’ve just placed our first order for homebrew scale yeast and will have ~500 vials up for sale in the near future. We anticipate that they will be available in the coming 1-2 weeks, and when we know the exact date, you’ll be the first to know.

As for commercial sales, we’ll begin taking orders for yeast (1bbl and up) on February 3rd, 2014. Since we're just starting up, taking and fulfilling commercial orders might be a little slower than we’d like, but we’re going to try our best to bust these orders out as quick as possible. As always, we encourage our commercial customers to do some fermentations on a smaller scale before scaling up their batch size to ensure that the yeast they have chosen is provides the desired profile. With respect to blend components, we know breweries might want blend proportions slightly different than that of the blends we have available, and we’re working on a system to make individual isolates from blends available on a five-gallon pitch scale. This service will be available to breweries only, so that they can play around with the individual isolates and create their own custom proportions to perfectly suit their beer.

We’ve also officially launched our Facebook page. Come by the page, like us and invite others to join in the yeast enthusiasm! It’s going to be a great way to keep up with us and see what we’re up to, hear about new products and enter occasional giveaways.

Thanks again for subscribing, and for all of the support and patience that you’ve shown as we got ourselves up and going. As always, feel free to pass this update along to any yeast enthusiasts that you know who currently are not on our mailing list. Cheers!

I'm pretty excited about this new venture. Just have to decide which strain to try first!
Just saw on Facebook that they will start selling the homebrew vials on Friday. I'm stoked to try some new yeast strains and blends!
It's our pleasure to announce we'll be releasing our very first homebrew vials for sale on our website Friday, February 21st. We're pumped to finally be getting our strains in the hands of homebrewers, and will have stock of all of our products. Click on one of the products below or go to our website to check out our full product line. We've also begun selling commercial pitches to a number of breweries. So if you're a commercial brewery looking for some exciting new strains of yeast, check out the commercial orders page of our website for order details.

Don't forget to like us on Facebook to receive more updates about Yeast Bay happenings. As always, please pass this message along to any yeast enthusiasts that are not currently on our mailing list.


Nick Impellitteri
The Yeast Bay
I wanted to buy some, but shipping is the same price as a vial. I didn't have time to check if the shipping is flat rate. Does anyone know?

At this point, ~$16 for one vial of yeast seems really steep, even though I'm very interested in the strains they have available.

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Someone else posted on a similar thread, that this initial offering is smaller, but will help them identify future production needs. I think you'll be seeing them available again soon.
Someone else posted on a similar thread, that this initial offering is smaller, but will help them identify future production needs. I think you'll be seeing them available again soon.

I have a strong feeling you're right about that :)
Just wanted to share that The Yeast Bay has a lot of their offerings up right now that they just restocked. More to come again next Friday according to their Facebook as well.

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What is yeast bay? A place I sell yeast or another yeast bank?

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It's a small yeast company that is based in CA. Offers a lot of commercially unavailable strains. They contract manufacture their yeast through White Labs, so you know the quality is there! There's a lot of info on their website. Just google them :)

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Just ordered three strains! Vermont Ale, Wallonian Farmhouse, and Saison Blend. Can't wait to try these!!
I'm waiting to see what Lochristi does in conjunction with wine yeast. I'm going to do one using funk town soon as well.
According to The Yeast Bay Facebook page, they are coming out with 4 new yeast blends in July (including their first with lactic acid bacteria) that look pretty interesting:

"We're pleased to announce that we're in the final stages of banking some new isolates with White Labs, and we'll be adding 4 new cultures to The Yeast Bay lineup in the near future:

Mélange ---- A sour ale blend that is a diverse mix of organisms, intended for use in the production sour beers in which a balance of funk and sourness is desired. This blend contains two Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolates, Saccharomyces fermentati, eight Brettanomyces isolates, Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus delbreuckii and Pediococcus damnosus.

Amalgamation ---- A blend of six of our favorite Brettanomyces isolates. This will produce a bright beer that is well attenuated with pleasant fruit forward flavors and some nice funk on the nose.

Dry Belgian Ale ---- A single strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolated from a unique golden strong ale, and a real beast. The profile is a complex and balanced mix of fruit (apple, pear, light citrus) with some spicy and peppery notes. The apparent attenuation of this strain ranges anywhere from 95-100%. For a yeast that's as dry as it is, it creates beers with a surprising amount of balance even without the use of specialty grains or adjuncts. While we haven't completed our own tests in house, this yeast is used at the brewery from which it was isolated to make very big beers in the neighborhood of 12-16% ABV and quite dry. Use this as a primary fermentor in any big Belgian beer, or to unstick that pesky stuck fermentation.

Farmhouse Sour Ale ---- This is a blend of two of our farmhouse/saison Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains, Lactobacillus brevis and Lactobacillus delbrueckii. This blend can be used for the production of farmhouse/saison style beers in which a sour/lactic character is desired without Brettanomyces funk.

We're hoping that the banking process for our new isolates will be completed soon and in time for us to include these new products in our next order. It's currently looking like the early July time frame.

Cheers, and thanks for your continued support!"
Are you guys just pitching multiple vials of these mixed sacc, brett, bug vials? I mean, you can't make starters of these since the sacc will multiply and eat all the food before the others get much going, i.e. Youre not going to grow any Brett or lacto in a starter of these mixed vials, right? Or are we saying there's enough Brett and bugs in the vial as shipped? Which seems unlikely. What am I missing fellas?
The guy from Yeast Bay said on another forum that small starters were fine for these blends, it wont throw off the ratios too much. I don't think they've done enough experimentation yet to even know what a good ratio would be. All of these yeasts are new and barely tested yet.
Have the Wallonian strain on its way this week to make a saison. I'm hoping it'll survive the hottest week on the east coast so far this year. Bad timing on my part.
Here's an update that I got on the email list:
We have a lot of Yeast Bay developments to update all of you on, including progress with merchandise, international availability of homebrew vials in Canada (OntarioBeerKegs), the UK/Europe (The Malt Miller) and Australia (Barleyman), beta testing results and new product availability. To break up all of the exciting things we have to share, we'd like to focus this mailing on the launch and availability of our four new cultures: Mélange, Amalgamation, Farmhouse Sour Ale and Dry Belgian Ale. See the links below to check out the descriptions of these new products.

We’ll be out yeast wrangling in mid-August and will not be shipping any homebrew vial orders placed through our website between August 8th and August 17th. We’re getting our first shipment of new product stock in on August 6th, and we know a lot of people are anxious to get their hands on these new cultures. So while we typically only ship Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday, we’ll be making an exception and shipping on Thursday August 7th to ensure people can get some new products in their hands before we resume shipping again on August 18th.

We've also decided to do a presale for our new products starting at 12 PM PST on August 1st which will allow you extra time to purchase some new cultures prior to our break in shipping. Please keep the following in mind when ordering:
Orders placed between August 1st and August 6th containing new cultures (Mélange, Amalgamation, Farmhouse Sour Ale and Dry Belgian Ale) will ship out August 7th.
Orders containing only our current product line up will go out as usual through August 7th.
All orders placed between August 7th and August 17th will ship out as usual on August 18th, after which point our normal Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday shipping schedule will resume.
We're really excited about these new additions to our product line up and think brewers are going to be very happy with the beers they produce. Mélange is our inaugural leap into complex mixed cultures, and we're especially looking forward to further expanding these types of offerings in the future.

We’ll be sure to post a reminder on Facebook about the presale as it approaches. Cheers, and remember to keep those fermentors full!


The Yeast Bay
Here are the descriptions from the website for their new products:

Mélange - "If you dig using a diverse array of unique organisms to create balanced sour beers, this delightful medley of microbes is sure to please!

Mélange is our most varied mix of fermentative organisms, intended for use in the production of sour beers in which a balance of funk and sourness is desired. This blend contains two Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolates, Saccharomyces fermentati, five Brettanomyces isolates, Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus delbreuckii and Pediococcus damnosus.
Expect this blend to take 3-6+ months to create desired levels of funk and sourness, depending upon the temperature. We recommend starting with a fermentation temperature of 70-72 ºF for the first few days, and then raising the temperature to 75-80 ºF to encourage development of funk (Brettanomyces) and sourness (Lactobacillus, Pediococcus). "

Farmhouse Sour Ale - "Farmhouse Sour Ale is a blend of Saccharomyces and Lactobacillus. It was formulated for brewers wishing to create a saison with a balanced acid profile that complements the complex esters of our unique farmhouse/saison yeast strains, but without the Brettanomyces funk.
This blend contains two farmhouse/saison Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolates, Lactobacillus brevis, and Lactobacillus delbreuckii. The two Saccharomyces strains will combine to create a delightful ester profile of grapefruit and orange zest, accompanied by a mild earthiness and spiciness. The two Lactobacillus strains will produce a balanced acid profile, given a suitable supply of accessible carbohydrates that remain after the bulk of fermentation has been completed by Saccharomyces.
Expect this blend to take 1-3 months to begin creating appreciable levels of acidity, depending upon the fermentation temperature. Higher mash and fermentation temperatures will produce elevated levels of acidity."

Amalgamation - "Amalgamation is the union of our six favorite Brettanomyces isolates from our microbe library. Each isolate produces a unique bouquet of bright and fruity flavors and aromas, and the combination of all of them into one blend results in the coalescence of these unique flavors and aromas into something truly special.
Expect this blend to create a dry beer with a bright and complex fruit-forward flavor and aroma, accompanied by some funk on the nose."

Dry Belgian Ale - "Dry Belgian Ale is single strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolated from a unique golden strong ale. The profile is a complex and balanced mix of apple, pear and light citrus fruit with some mild spicy and peppery notes. The apparent attenuation of this strain ranges anywhere from 85-100%, depending upon the mash profile and the grist composition.
For a yeast that's as dry as it is, it creates beers with a surprising amount of balance even without the use of specialty grains or adjuncts. While we haven't completed our own tests in house, this yeast is used at the brewery from which it was isolated to make big beers that are in the neighborhood of 12-16% ABV and sufficiently dry. Use Dry Belgian Ale as a primary fermenter in any big Belgian beer, or to unstick that pesky stuck fermentation.
To achieve high attenuation, we recommend fermenting with this strain at 70-71 ºF for the first 2-3 days, and then bumping up the temperature to 74-75 ºF for the remainder of fermentation."
They are currently having a sale on their Northeastern Abbey. $5.50/vial. Good deal of you like to brew Belgians.

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