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I think a brewery heated by bitcoin miners is a great idea. Kale beer, not so much (have tried it).

I know it's confusing and I covered this in another area but it's not a metal you can mine, it's a cryptic currency which makes no sense yet, at least not for me. Maybe someone with more knowledge will start a separate thread on this so we finally have a way to understand. I would certainly direct my buddy Pedro to it, he's the one who lost all the codes.
Hi all. I think I'm all set. I found the organization for look-alikes and when looking at their team pictures there's a good chance I found the guy. Won't publish his name publicly but pretty sure he's one of the blond haired guys on this page (will be obvious when you look... picture with longer hair/wig)

Maybe a long shot, but will let you know how I make out. Anxious to get this over with so I can move on to future plans (and from this messy thread you've all made)
Sorry to spread rumors and especially sorry for anyone I may have hurt who participates in rodeo, I googled a bit and aside from I think a few areas it is most definitely legal and in fact beloved but I was thinking about another one that has been happening where animals are taught to fight for hundreds of years, something I find highly offensive as I am a dog owner myself. I have no issues with rodeos or the ones who rodeo, when they lasso the horse I guess it's a special knot and a lot of thought about the knot, so why would I try to stop it. Bull fights however, that's a cause I can get behind. EDIT: Before you jump on me about this last comment, please read my next comment

Don't worry. I don't think that rumor made it past anyone who read it.
Sorry to spread rumors and especially sorry for anyone I may have hurt who participates in rodeo, I googled a bit and aside from I think a few areas it is most definitely legal and in fact beloved but I was thinking about another one that has been happening where animals are taught to fight for hundreds of years, something I find highly offensive as I am a dog owner myself. I have no issues with rodeos or the ones who rodeo, when they lasso the horse I guess it's a special knot and a lot of thought about the knot, so why would I try to stop it. Bull fights however, that's a cause I can get behind. EDIT: Before you jump on me about this last comment, please read my next comment

I would pay you good money to get in front of a bull fight, but then I might have to stop laughing at this thread...
Pictures, or it didn't happen.

Are you sure about that? :) I'm not sure, but "was" looks correct to me, because "the ending" is singular

Yes, I'm sure. I know "the ending" is singular, but this is kind of a special case. It's called subjunctive.

If you've ever watched Fiddler on the Roof (or heard songs from it), you probably remember a song called "If I were a rich man."

Here's a description of the subjunctive in English:
When you're a pedant, you're a pedant all the way.

"Though you left AM off at the end, the rest of the sentence still requires the same grammar as if the ending was there. "

That should be: "Though you left AM off at the end, the rest of the sentence still requires the same grammar as if the ending were there."

I now owe you a beer for lasing me through the walls of my glass house.
I hate to derail the track the thread has taken, but I checked imdb and Kato has an entry for an episode in a documentary tv series in October of last year. That seems to be too early to be what you're looking for, but I thought I'd mention it just in case.
Someone owes me 30 minutes of my life back. I’ll gladly take payment in ‘cryptic-currency.’

Also, OP is high. I’ve got a smooth and crisp $20 saying if you’re interviewed for any movie that has even half a chance of ever making it big enough for this candyland bullschidt he’s talking about with getting piles of real money, someone had him sign a waiver or he won’t be in the film and his claim is prematurely nullified. If he in fact signed a waiver, he knows who the production company is and could call them tomorrow. It is fun, however, to gain insight into the minds of folks like this. Uncle Grandpa Cliff would be proud.

Carry on with the trollery, fart whistle. But, if you wanna own this super successful progressive kale/sewage/cupcake brewery at some point in this fairy tale, it might be wise to learn how to type.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! Man, I love bulldogs. We have a beloved lab, but my wife especially has always wanted the tough little street brawlers. Have to show her this one. We're probably screwed.:D

We had a bulldog (looked like the one riding the rocking horse actually). Had to put the little fella down last year, unfortunately.

He was a freaking clown and made us laugh all the time! They are smelly, slobbering and expensive dogs to own but worth every bit of it!

To keep this post on track, if I were a time traveler I would go back to the day we got him and name him Kato!
We had a bulldog (looked like the one riding the rocking horse actually). Had to put the little fella down last year, unfortunately.

He was a freaking clown and made us laugh all the time! They are smelly, slobbering and expensive dogs to own but worth every bit of it!

To keep this post on track, if I were a time traveler I would go back to the day we got him and name him Kato!

THat's awesome. I think they're just the coolest, sweetest ever.
Just join in on the fun... I read your next comment first.
My dogs, bulls and horses never live to be hundreds of years old. You’d be amazed what they can do on a speak and spell though.
Someone owes me 30 minutes of my life back. I’ll gladly take payment in ‘cryptic-currency.’

Also, OP is high. I’ve got a smooth and crisp $20 saying if you’re interviewed for any movie that has even half a chance of ever making it big enough for this candyland bullschidt he’s talking about with getting piles of real money, someone had him sign a waiver or he won’t be in the film and his claim is prematurely nullified. If he in fact signed a waiver, he knows who the production company is and could call them tomorrow. It is fun, however, to gain insight into the minds of folks like this. Uncle Grandpa Cliff would be proud.

Carry on with the trollery, fart whistle. But, if you wanna own this super successful progressive kale/sewage/cupcake brewery at some point in this fairy tale, it might be wise to learn how to type.

We had a bulldog (looked like the one riding the rocking horse actually). Had to put the little fella down last year, unfortunately.

He was a freaking clown and made us laugh all the time! They are smelly, slobbering and expensive dogs to own but worth every bit of it!

To keep this post on track, if I were a time traveler I would go back to the day we got him and name him Kato!

I'm sorry about your loss, buddy. Our relationships with our pups are like no others. Your little one sounds like he was a hoot.

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