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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2011
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I have been making all Grain batches for over two years now. I use a 15 gallon keggle with a 12" domed false bottom. I usually crush my Grain at the brew store but if I'm rushed I'll grind it in my Corona mill. I usually get between 85 and 90 percent efficiency with my grind and the brew store is about 80.

About a month and a half ago I made an imperial stout with about 30 lbs of grain. I use a Rims and towards the end of the Mash, I noticed my pump sounded strange and there was a slow trickle coming out. After I was done, I dumped the grain and foumd my false bottom had collapsed. I figured it was just to much Grain. A week later I made a beer with 4 lbs of 2 row and 3 lbs of wheat with half a pound of rice hulls. That stuck right away but I was able to clear it. False bottom collapsed again.

Last weekend I was going to make a Saison that had 21 lbs of grain with flaked rye and flaked oats. I ground all the grain for this on my mill. After about 10 minutes I heard a pop and the flow went to a trickle. I transfer the grain to a bucket and popped the bottom back into place. Dumped it all back in and again it collapsed. I was pissed so I committed a sin and dumped all the grain in the garbage.

So my question is... What could be causing this. I'm guessing I should loosen my grind up? Maybe add rice hulls? I really havnt had to use hulls at all I the past until recently. I feel it would just be a band aid to my issues.
So is it a false bottom problem or a sticking sparge problem? IMO even if the sparge gets stuck your false bottom should not collapse. You could try lowering the pump flow.
What is your false bottom made of? I have a hard time imagining the scenario and how this is happening if it is stainless steel.
I think your false bottom might be tired. Metal has a tendency to deform in the exact same way it had deformed in the past and develop a bit of a "memory" when something like that happens. Actually, many materials do that, not just metals.

Can you post photos of your collapsed and uncollapsed false bottom? It might help diagnose.
It is stainless. I'm guessing it's tired. I'm guessing what's happening is its sticking and just collapsing it.
So quick update. I made a Nelson Sauvin Pale ale 3 weeks ago. All went well. Today, I making a Imperial stout with 28 lbs of grain and the ****er stuck again. This time I put some stainless screws on in my false bottom to prevent it to completely collapsing. I put in a lb of rice hulls. I mashed in and could tell it was way to thick at the start. So i threw in another gallon of water. I think I might need to start using a little more water in my grist. 1.25 isnt cutting it for these big beers. Anyhow I started my recirculate like I would normally do. it was flowing great then is slowed a trickle. I ran my full mash and added another 15 minutes. I was able to run off about 5 gallons through gravity. I was hoping my sparge would go better but no dice. So Im slowing trickling the remaining 4 gallons of sparge water. Im not please. Ill take pictures when I dump the mash tun.