My cat wants to brew!!!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2008
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So I have two amazingly cool black cats who live with me and my wife. I store my brewing equipment and ingredients downstairs on shelving where the temps stay pretty consistent . I recently bought a 1lb bag of priming sugar since I noticed I was out, and also had a 1lb pre-measured bag of chocolate malt sitting on a shelf that I had yet to put into a storage bin. So.. to the story itself.. My wife comes home from her evening classes one day to find, just outside the basement door that has our cat door in it, the 1 lb bag of Chocolate malt sitting in our kitchen. She grinned a little since bringing random presents from the basement is standard practice of one of our cats... She then had a sobering reminder that the bag now half full, was full before it made its way to the first floor. So she opens our basement door to see a trail of chocolate malt, down the stairs, and to the explosion of malt, just below the shelving where I store my equipment. So a groan and some vacuuming later every thing is back to normal. I forgive the cat for the 40 cents worth of grain and have a good laugh. This morning I woke up early to get ready for work and find a bag sitting in the center of our living room. I flip on the light to find the entire bag of priming sugar I had bought a week or so ago sitting right there unopened. I roll my eyes pick it back up, thinking on my way to the basement that I need to put these into better storage, and as soon as I open the basement door, there sits another about gallon sized bag of drams, holding flavorings I add while kegging... full of the 20 or so drams sitting in front of the stairs!!

This has me convinced, along with her frequent interest in my brewing equipment and watching us brew from a window, my cat wants in on a batch!!!

I have since gotten less lazy and put things back where they should be and figured out how she found a way onto the shelves where I store things!

Just thought this story needed to be shared!
So would you use cat as a bittering addition, or for aroma (I hope not)?
I'm thinking more along the lines of a fining addition at the end of the boil...

And to clarify, joking aside, I meant that she wanted to be a part of our brew days, not as an actual ingredient. I am thinking about seeing what else she brings up and creating a batch based on that. if it worked for a cartoon rat in the movies who knows right?
I pity those who never make the cat connection. They are missing out on a lot. Same goes for dogs, of course. What continues to amaze me is how each cat has a distinct and unique personality, much like humans have. There seems to be no two alike.
I pity those who never make the cat connection. They are missing out on a lot. Same goes for dogs, of course. What continues to amaze me is how each cat has a distinct and unique personality, much like humans have. There seems to be no two alike.

+1... er, +5 actually. (I never intended to have five cats; it just happened.)
I am thinking about seeing what else she brings up and creating a batch based on that.

There you go. Not a blonde, not a pale, but a Feline Ale! Or better yet, an FPA?

I pity those who never make the cat connection. They are missing out on a lot. Same goes for dogs, of course.

I couldn't agree more. It's Beagles for us!
my persian/himalayin/siamese male is 15lbs, ~20in long(body), ~12in tall, 9 yrs 8/09. he has to be right at my feet when he's not sleeping which has to be 12hrs/day. he helps me in all aspects of beer.. but soon as i fire up the 200k burner, hes out of the garage.
+1... er, +5 actually. (I never intended to have five cats; it just happened.)

I have one large Orange Tabby male, one small Orange Tabby female, One Tuxedo Tabby male and two all Black males. They do tend to accumulate over time. That's five total for me also, but the landlord thinks I only have two. All were rescued kittens which I had planned to find homes for. Somehow, that never happened. They are now permanent family members and none of us regrets that in the least. Only one of them will sample a little beer with me now and then.