Mumme German festival ale, heavy version

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Homebrewer, author & air gun collector
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Feb 19, 2011
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As explained in the other thread, that recipe is a bit lighter English version of the original English recipe @ 7.2%. This one is a hybrid of bittering hops that replace the Blessed Thistle used for bittering in the other recipe. All other gruits remain.
In that one, the Themes Valley ale yeast died, & was replaced with WLP023 Burton ale yeast. Since the Belgians also brewed gruit ales, I'll be using a Trappist yeast in this one for it's higher alcohol tolerance & dark fruit flavors & such. Might as well brew another batch while I still have the gruits.
It'll be sweeter & have more body, as it was originally intended, with about 3% more ABV @ 10.2%.
***************Monk's Mumme*******************************
PM/PB BIAB transitional hop/gruit ale, 5USG
Style- Old Ale
1lb) Great northern beans or navy beans, dried (mash 60-90 minutes)
4ozs) Chocolate malt, Crisp
1lb) Oats, malted
1lb, 11.2ozs) Pale wheat malt, Weyermann's
2lbs) Crystal 10L, Briess
3lb, 8oz) Pale malt, Weyermann's
3lbs) DME, golden light, Briess
3lbs) DME, Bavarian wheat, Briess
3.75ozs) German Tradition hops, 6.00%, bittering, 60 minutes
**The Blessed Thistle used for bittering in the other recipe has been removed in favor of bittering hops.
2g) Sweet Gale, boiled separately, 15 minutes
4g) Cardamom, boiled separately, 15 minutes
7g) Black tea, boiled separately, 15 minutes
7g) Borage, boiled separately, 15 minutes
7g) Cloves, whole, boiled separately, 15 minutes
7g) Marjoram, boiled separately, 15 minutes
7g) Spearmint, boiled separately, 15 minutes
7g) Thyme, boiled separately, 15 minutes
2oxs) Elder Flowers, boiled separately, 15 minutes
1oz) Anise seed, boiled 30 minutes
2 packets) WLP530 Abbe Ale yeast
Est OG- 1.098
Est FG- 1.022
IBU's- 37.8
Color- 20.6 SRM
Est ABV- 10.2%
Mash- Single infusion, medium body, batch sparge
Fermentation- Ale, single stage
Soak the beans in enough room temp spring water to cover overnight. Bring beans to a boil, reduce to simmer about 30 minutes., Remove from heat, mash coarsely to crush. Mash crushed grains & beans in 2.5 to 2.75 gallons of spring water @ 153F 60 to 90 minutes. Stir often, as bean mash will force the grains to settle very easily. Sparge the bag of mashed beans & grains in a gallon or so of spring water @ 168F for 10 minutes, stirring frequently.
Drain well, straining into boil kettle. Bring to a gently rolling boil
& add the bittering hops. Set the timer for 60 minutes. Chill wort down to 75F, having placed a couple gallons of spring water in the fridge a couple days before brew day to chill thoroughly. for top off to recipe volume. Strain wort into clean, sanitized fermenter to 4.5 Gallons. This will allow for the 1/2 gallon of spring water the gruits need to be sanitized in later.
Take hydrometer sample & record reading. Pitch the yeast & seal it up. On the forth day of fermentation, weigh out all the gruit herbs into a bowl. Crush the anise seed & cardamom pods open first. Add the anise seed to the 2.5 gallon nylon bag in a smaller kettle with 1/2 gallon of boiling spring water. Boil the anise seed for 30 minutes. @ 15 minutes left in the boil, add remaining gruits. @ flame out, cover & cool to primary temp. Add tied-off bag with a weight in it to sink it to primary vessel with gruit tea to 5 gallons recipe volume. Allow to ferment out completely. I'll give the rest as I do it with the other one. BS2 says 2.3 Vco2 for carbonation.
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