Motherf*ckin' Cake Shows!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2006
Reaction score
Charlottesville, VA
Alright, f*ck all these motherf*ckers. Every other goddamned show on the idiot box is a reality show about baking cakes. This fad cannot end soon enough. I guess those stupid channels like TLC had to fill the airspace with something when the real estate bubble burst and their hundreds of "flip this house" shows disappeared, but come on! The only time the cake shows aren't on is either for the "OMFG, I took fertility pills and ended up with octuplets, please film my life!" shows, or the "hey, we're midgets, please film our life!" shows. Both of which are just as bad. Look, if you give a sh*t about some dude baking a cake, or some ******* with octuplets, or a family of midgets, then you seriously need to drop your TV into a lake.


Yeah, wifey's due any day now, so she's been logging more couch time, so I get to see what's on TLC and Discovery more and more these days. :D
Dude, how many channels do you have? I guarantee you there's at least one with a baseball game or something. ;)

It doesn't matter if I have a million channels. Pregnant wife owns the remote. You know this! Which is why I'm hanging at the compy (which is in the same room, which is why I know what she's watching). She hates the cake shows too, but for some reason, she still watches them. :cross:

Oh, and I'm pretty sure that even ballgames these days have something about cakes in them. I think it's federal law or something.
You know, a million years ago when I was expecting, I was told to be ready for "nesting". It's when an almost-due pregnant woman goes nuts and totally cleans the house, and re-organizes all of the baby's stuff in preparation for the arrival.

I wonder if the "cake shows" are the new nesting?

I bet your wife is getting damn uncomfortable, so I think she should be allowed all the cake shows and foot massages in the world. It's gotta be hot in VA, and she's got to be tired of being pregnant. One thing I noticed when I was home during the day recently is the number of Judge Shows. There are about a dozen judge shows.

It could be worse- she could be watching the Divorce Court Marathon!
But the back the 10 story cakes and run it over the obstacle course shows are kinda fun...but sadly their crash to race ratio is lower than Naascar, so the potential for losing 10 hours worth of work is greater than the actual piles of dead confections.

Now the sugar sculpture obstacle course shows are where the greatest number of shattered sugar is.
Even blowing up cakes isn't worth a show. Blowing up the stars of reality shows... now that I might watch.
I must be missing something,
all these "Reality Shows" seem to come from a different reality than the one I live in.

I agree with the idea of blowing up reality show stars. Could be fun !!!
I don't really think anybody would miss them.
I must be missing something,
all these "Reality Shows" seem to come from a different reality than the one I live in.

I agree with the idea of blowing up reality show stars. Could be fun !!!
I don't really think anybody would miss them.

You mean Flavor Flav isn't your next door neighbor, or the guy who works at the deli down the block?

But a show about blowing up cakes would be cool....

A show about blowing anything up is cool in my book.

Anybody see that show about sand castles? I think it was called Sand Blasters or something. They got 8 teams of 2 to build these really elaborate giant sand castles over 2 days and every couple hours they pulled a ping pong ball with one of their names on it and blew up their castle. Then they had to decide if they wanted to change their design or try and rebuild the same thing in less time. The public on the beach voted on the best one at the end. That was a cool show.

Cakes. There's friggin reality shows about. cakes. CAKES!!!! I'm so glad I have basic cable and are not able to watch this drivel.
Lorena, I dunno if it's so much nesting as it is she doesn't feel like channel surfing, and TLC or We or one of the other dozen channels that have cake shows, is what's on when she turns the TV on. But yes, she gets to watch whatever she wants. This is of course understood. I'm not ragging on her (like I said, she thinks they're stupid too), just the simple fact that they exist.
I don't eat cake.

I don't watch much spontaneous TV.

I certainly ain't gonna sit around and watch spontaneous TV about making a cake.

If I sit and watch, it's to go through the recordings of:
  • Deadliest Catch
  • Ice Road Truckers
  • King of the Hill
  • NASCAR Now
  • Anthony Bordain's "No Reservation"
  • Family Guy
  • South Park
  • The Partridge Family
Then again...I'm not preggo. :cross:

You know what new show is awe-****ing-some?

"Renovation Realities," I think it's on DIY. Basically, there's a cameraman following behind doofuses like me who are attempting big renovation projects that don't really know what they're doing. Many a time when you think, "shouldn't the cameraman tell them to turn off the gas main, or at least leave the house when they hit that gas pipe with the sawzall?" Comedy ensues; snarky commentary, injuries, bitchy wives, and cob-jobs galore. HIGHLY recommended.
where is the brewing reality show, dammit? everyone can get drunk while making beer and passout in the driveway only to be awakened by boiling protein break, spilling out of the kettle! hello, ratings!?!
I don't eat cake.

I don't watch much spontaneous TV.

I certainly ain't gonna sit around and watch spontaneous TV about making a cake.

If I sit and watch, it's to go through the recordings of:
  • Deadliest Catch
  • Ice Road Truckers
  • King of the Hill
  • NASCAR Now
  • Anthony Bordain's "No Reservation"
  • Family Guy
  • South Park
  • The Partridge Family
Then again...I'm not preggo. :cross:

Come on get happy:fro:
I don't eat cake.

I don't watch much spontaneous TV.

I certainly ain't gonna sit around and watch spontaneous TV about making a cake.

If I sit and watch, it's to go through the recordings of:
  • Deadliest Catch
  • Ice Road Truckers
  • King of the Hill
  • NASCAR Now
  • Anthony Bordain's "No Reservation"
  • Family Guy
  • South Park
  • The Partridge Family
Then again...I'm not preggo. :cross:

So you watch shows about driving trucks in snow and ice (that show is bo-ring) and shows about a bunch of dudes driving around a big oval a bunch of times, and, well, the partridge family...but...cake shows, that's too far?

I just hate fonduit (sp?). I play alot of wedding and it's all over cakes now. It's like eating wax. I hate that crap. :(

Carry on...
I just hate fonduit (sp?). I play alot of wedding and it's all over cakes now. It's like eating wax. I hate that crap. :(

Carry on...

Ladies & Gentlemen, the Wedding Singer!

Srsly, I don't know what that crap is like personally, but I think I know what you're talking about.
Cake shows aren't that bad...... Its still better than watching Discovery Health or TLC.

"!8 Kids and Counting" is the worst show ever." Same goes for "John or Kate plus 8" SWMBO makes me watch them! Those are way worse!

I come from a family of Chefs (although I went to college and said $%&! the restaurant business) and I'd much rather watch Ace of Cakes than some of the other garbage on the other networks.

Besides where else would you see a super Mario Bros Cake!!!!!


Worst show recently viewed: reality show about a tattoo parlor. New definition for inane.

Obviously you haven't seen "Dance your ass off". I'm sure a show about tattoos is Emmy worthy compared to fat people flopping around for all to see.
Sorry - but I think Ice Road Truckers is a pretty stupid show... lots of testosterone induced melodrama.
Deadliest Catch is in the same genre but for some reason I like it.

But the WORST SHOW ever that I happened to see so far was the reality show about the frikkin pawn shop! OMG what the f**k is that all about???
I wish it were cakes. My fiancee is always watching those shows where the wife slowly poisons her husband and she almost gets away with it and they explain how she did it and what she did wrong to get caught. She can watch them for hours. I flat out told her that kind of concerns me, well kind of jokingly and serious too. She said not to worry; it is just like one of those murder mysteries only real like. Yeah, right. Now when I come home she says I can change it but I still know she has been watching them since she got home two hours earlier. :(
Ice Road Truckers fails because nothing ever happens. Oh they drive around on slippery crap for a couple of months but it's mostly low shots of trucks passing and that same under the ice shot repeated ad naseum. At least something happens every once in a while on Deadliest Catch (it doesn't hurt that the people are at least a little more interesting too).

The show I hate, I mean loathe with all my being that SWMBO insists on recording are "The Real Housewive of..." crap. Bunch of whiney old toots riding around getting manicures and yelling at their kids. I'd rather watch a cake being baked (it's close though).
I think they need brewing shows. They could have people develop the recipes (perhaps only give them certain grains or yeast they can use), maybe even have to build or assemble various pieces required for brewing, cut to the brewing process, cut to fermentation, and then come back for judging of the brew.
I think they need brewing shows. They could have people develop the recipes (perhaps only give them certain grains or yeast they can use), maybe even have to build or assemble various pieces required for brewing, cut to the brewing process, cut to fermentation, and then come back for judging of the brew.

....and make it all young female nude brewers! :rockin:

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