Most annoying response when you tell someone you're a homebrewer?

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Slightly off topic but still about ignorance of drinking culture. My SWBMO and I go to this wine fest every winter in Erie. Upon SWMBO telling her mom that there were crackers at every booth, her mom replies “Oh were they serving soup?!”
"wait so you actually make beer?"
"So you grow your own coffee beans, NICE!!"
"Are you an alcoholic at 14?"
"Do you actually drink it and does it taste good?
"You should bring to school so you can give me some!"
When a group of knowledgeable brewers have a conversation and are interrupted by a 14 year old claiming to know about and brew beer.

Please come back in a decade or so.
When a group of knowledgeable brewers have a conversation and are interrupted by a 14 year old claiming to know about and brew beer.

Please come back in a decade or so.

Get off yr high horse. I think it's pretty cool that he's interested in this stuff so early. The creative aspect is really good for your brain, and as long as his parents are supervising properly there's no moral issue.
Get off yr high horse. I think it's pretty cool that he's interested in this stuff so early. The creative aspect is really good for your brain, and as long as his parents are supervising properly there's no moral issue.

Yep, I got started around that age brewing with my dad, and probably would have been able to get away with my own batches if I took an interest to brewing on my own back then. No need to outright discourage the kid.
At a little out of state beer bar, and the owner comes over to talk about the history of the building and the beer that's on tap, when hubby blurts out "my wife is a brewer" and takes a HBC membership card from his wallet too. The owner just rolled with it and referred to me at a brew mistress, as opposed to brew master. Does anyone else think that "brew mistress" sounds a little naughty?
"wait so you actually make beer?"
"So you grow your own coffee beans, NICE!!"
"Are you an alcoholic at 14?"
"Do you actually drink it and does it taste good?
"You should bring to school so you can give me some!"

When a group of knowledgeable brewers have a conversation and are interrupted by a 14 year old claiming to know about and brew beer.

Please come back in a decade or so.

Get off yr high horse. I think it's pretty cool that he's interested in this stuff so early. The creative aspect is really good for your brain, and as long as his parents are supervising properly there's no moral issue.

Yep, I got started around that age brewing with my dad, and probably would have been able to get away with my own batches if I took an interest to brewing on my own back then. No need to outright discourage the kid.

Can’t you afford “real” beer?

HBT rules require that members be of legal drinking age in their jurisdiction. Sprint10 was banned for being underage the day after his post was made.
At a little out of state beer bar, and the owner comes over to talk about the history of the building and the beer that's on tap, when hubby blurts out "my wife is a brewer" and takes a HBC membership card from his wallet too. The owner just rolled with it and referred to me at a brew mistress, as opposed to brew master. Does anyone else think that "brew mistress" sounds a little naughty?
Depends on what you're doing with the beer....
I just had to ask, didn't I? ;)
Depends on what you're doing with the beer....
brewing, then drinking it mostly...

Not sure how to answer, If I say no, will I get bent over your HLT and spanked with that big metal spoon hanging next to your kettle until I submiss?
LOL, naughty. However, when she said that, I have to admit my mind went there.
HBT rules require that members be of legal drinking age in their jurisdiction. Sprint10 was banned for being underage the day after his post was made.
But he lives in Wisconsin. He is legally allowed to drink at 14, both in private and in a public establishment (such as a bar), when accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Could he have his parent or legal guardian make the account, and accompany him when browsing the forums?
At a little out of state beer bar, and the owner comes over to talk about the history of the building and the beer that's on tap, when hubby blurts out "my wife is a brewer" and takes a HBC membership card from his wallet too. The owner just rolled with it and referred to me at a brew mistress, as opposed to brew master. Does anyone else think that "brew mistress" sounds a little naughty?
In a good way. Please give me more mistress
“Are you too good to drink real beer? (As the sip their bud light)”

“Is that legal?”

“Are you an alcoholic?”
My other neighbor (the very nice ones that we go camping with and hang out with), "haven't you brewed that mac n jack clone you promised me last year?" He drinks mostly CL but absolutely loves manny's and mac n jacks....and I finally have one on tap that he'll like. The other comment I get is "holy crap you're brewing AGAIN?" or "I can smell that across the street and it smells great". at least I have a couple of nice neighbors....
I don't know who you 47 pages of people hang out with but when I mention I brew beer, most say "That's cool, when can I try some?" Or, "What kinds of beer do you brew"

I guess the most annoying is "Why don't you sell it?"
But he lives in Wisconsin. He is legally allowed to drink at 14, both in private and in a public establishment (such as a bar), when accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Could he have his parent or legal guardian make the account, and accompany him when browsing the forums?

Why isn’t anyone else bringing this up. It’s not like this guy was GaryOak, he is from Wisconsin where legal age is 14 when accompanied by parent or guardian, isn’t banning him likely to turn him away from the homebrewing community as a whole?
But he lives in Wisconsin. He is legally allowed to drink at 14, both in private and in a public establishment (such as a bar), when accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Could he have his parent or legal guardian make the account, and accompany him when browsing the forums?

Why isn’t anyone else bringing this up. It’s not like this guy was GaryOak, he is from Wisconsin where legal age is 14 when accompanied by parent or guardian, isn’t banning him likely to turn him away from the homebrewing community as a whole?
Dougie, can you clarify? ToS seems to say the kid's legit unless the parents told you to kick him off.

3.1. HOMEBREWTALK.COM's Websites are not intended for or directed to persons who are minors (typically persons under the age of 18, but may vary depending on where you live). Use of HOMEBREWTALK.COM's Websites is restricted to persons legally permitted to enter into a binding contract. By accessing a HOMEBREWTALK.COM Website, you represent that you are legally permitted to enter into a binding contract (18 years of age or older in most jurisdictions) or are at least 13 years of age and are only accessing the Website under the supervision and with the consent of your parent or guardian, who agrees to be bound by this Agreement, and that any information you provide us is not inaccurate, deceptive, or misleading.
Why isn’t anyone else bringing this up. It’s not like this guy was GaryOak, he is from Wisconsin where legal age is 14 when accompanied by parent or guardian, isn’t banning him likely to turn him away from the homebrewing community as a whole?
Probably not a big deal. if he's smart he just learned how to fly under the radar -- DADT
Why isn’t anyone else bringing this up. It’s not like this guy was GaryOak, he is from Wisconsin where legal age is 14 when accompanied by parent or guardian, isn’t banning him likely to turn him away from the homebrewing community as a whole?

As a resident of Wisconsin and a homebrewer, I'm ok with the ban. We have no way of knowing if his parents are aware of his activities. When you have to start asking about that then I think we're better safe than sorry.

I would've had to think harder about it if he were 18 or 19.
Working in the bar/alcohol industry, I don’t think parental consent matters, even state to state. If a 14 year old kid came into my brewery asking for a beer, even if it were legal and their parent have consent, I wouldn’t serve them. The likelihood of me going to jail, losing my job, and paying thousands of dollars in fines is much higher than the likelihood that kid gets served legally and everything is alright.

There are many laws in specific states that allow minors to do things with parental consent, like child marriage. Does that make them right? No. When adhering to federal laws, like most websites often do, its better to be safe than sorry.

Plus who wants to be taking brewing advise from a 14 year old? If they want to expand their knowledge, they can easily buy a book, which will be much more beneficial for them.

Sorry, not trying to be an a-hole, I started my passion for beer early in life and I don’t mean to diminish their passion. But as my family members (who work in federal court) say, “ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law.” But seriously, if your kid did something that carries a $5K fine (which is HBT’s fine for a repeat offense of this), would you want your kid to do it?
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Plus who wants to be taking brewing advise from a 14 year old?

If he had experience in something that I didn't, I'd listen to him. I can guarantee I've read plenty of posts on here from people with less smarts. Who knows, he might be a child prodigy, the Mozart of brewing...

But it's not like anything is really stopping him. I'm sure he created a new account 2 minutes later and has been here ever since. He just claims to be 50 now.
... When adhering to federal laws...
Not arguing with your main point, but, this is not a federal law. Rather, since the federal government has no constitutional authority to regulate the drinking age, they used the strategy of holding back the return of your tax money, in the form of state-level highway funding subsidization, to extort the states to all fall in line with what the feds wanted them to do. Wisconsin was the last holdout, and still has some "stop telling me what to do" intricacies on the books.

I know that entire body of law in the US is a ridiculously complex thing with more than anyone could ever learn in a lifetime, but it is always good to know the general high-level things about areas in which one is interested, so I wanted to mention this.

...But seriously, if your kid did something that carries a $5K fine (which is HBT’s fine for a repeat offense of this),...
What!? Citation needed?
My opinion hasn't changed, I'm still good with the ban, but I also hope that he keeps learning about brewing under the supervision of responsible adults who interact with him IRL rather than in an online forum.

But I thought I'd point out that I have a feeling Sprint10 has a new list of the most annoying responses when he tells people he is a homebrewer.
I was talking to a group of folks at a car show and was telling them about homebrew.
there was a psychologist in the group that SCREAMED at me that any one that had TWO beers was a total alcoholic!!
That was kind of the end of the conversation!!
I don't get annoyed really with some of the comments that crop up - in fact most of the time comments are positive or curious, not negative. But the mistaken beliefs about legality do still come up, and I really crack up over them. A couple years ago we threw a BBQ for some friends, customers, and business associates. We put out 8 different kegs of home brew and an assortment of commercial beverages. Everybody gave the HB a go and many stayed with it the whole time - EXCEPT for one guys wife. She was absolutely freaked out, and was POSITIVE we were ALL going to jail. She looked right at me and said, "How can YOU even think of messing around with this stuff? Aren't you afraid THEY will find out? What about your licenses, what about your business?" ( I have several federal licenses and all the attendant scrutiny that comes with them-BTW)

I rather stupidly asked,"Who?"

The cops - the Feds, what if they catch you with all this stuff - they'll take everything!!!!"

"Uhm, brewing your own beer and wine is completely legal."


"My father-in-law is right over there. He is a cop. He is drinking it too."

At this she really freaked out. She just refused to believe making beer was legal. She was sure we were all bootleggers, and that we were essentially doomed. Her poor hubby just rolled his eyes, kept drinking my brown ale. And let her pout about it. My FIL is a pretty kind guy, and he tried to explain that it was all perfectly good, but there was ZERO chance she was gonna buy it. And she sure as hell was not going to be one of those that got busted for using!!

This is probably the most extreme I have seen someone react like this - But i have seen similar on several occasions, and I know I have neighbors that STILL believe this is all bootlegging.
"Hey, if you ever need somebody to help you with taste testing give me a shout"

me: "I could sure use some help tomorrow cleaning everything and getting it ready for my next brew day. We can sample while we scrub. You available?"

"Sorry, man, I'm booked for the next few weeks. You're still welcome to drop some off at the door anytime tho"

I was talking to a group of folks at a car show and was telling them about homebrew.
there was a psychologist in the group that SCREAMED at me that any one that had TWO beers was a total alcoholic!!
That was kind of the end of the conversation!!

Hopefully he wasn't a clinical psychologist. Maybe he just does experiments with rats (poor rats). Either way, it sounds like he wasn't paying attention in class.
I was talking to a group of folks at a car show and was telling them about homebrew.
there was a psychologist in the group that SCREAMED at me that any one that had TWO beers was a total alcoholic!!
That was kind of the end of the conversation!!
I'd have said anybody that screams over talking about beer is a fvcking psycho.

How can some arbitrary rule define somebody's complex behavioral/social problem?

That means if everybody who drinks beer is an alcoholic; Then everybody who eats two helpings of potato salad has a eating disorder. Everybody who drives two miles over the speed limit is a suicidal maniac. Everybody who has two children is sex addict.

That's completely moronic. They must not be very good at their psychologist job if they pedal that brainwashing garbage.
I’m not gonna read 47 pages of this to see if it’s been mentioned, although I’m sure it has...

I can’t stand telling someone I make beer only to get a 30 minute lesson on how it’s illegal.
I’m not gonna read 47 pages of this to see if it’s been mentioned, although I’m sure it has...

I can’t stand telling someone I make beer only to get a 30 minute lesson on how it’s illegal.
Can't be said enough...

It's a 30 minute reminder saying how stupid they are as they spout out crap they know nothing about as if they're smart and need to school you. Imagine living life as an idiot. How blissful it must be. An utterly stress free life.

One disclaimer here, I'm not making fun of special needs people here. I am making fun of people who act like they know stuff but they really don't but think it's ok to lecture you.

New Rule - Post this, every time you hear isn't it illegal.

EM OH OH EN spells smart. - LOL

This is from Steven King's movie "The Stand".

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