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The appropriate price is what the market will bear, and a consentual transaction between buyer and seller is no one else's business. If one does not like the price, one is not forced to buy it. That is fine. So is someone who subjectively perceives the value as fair and makes the purchase. :)
Fair enough, but there is a fine line between this and deception though with many of these "reputable" companies selling someone elses cheap product under their name and implying its better because of this and the higher price...
Like Blichmann kettles

Blichmann kettles are a little different because they actually ARE American made (up to a certain size) and there are not exact replicas of them anywhere else. Sure, other pots are high quality and have pros and cons too, but if you want the exact features of a Blichmann, you have to buy one.
Blichmann kettles are a little different because they actually ARE American made (up to a certain size) and there are not exact replicas of them anywhere else. Sure, other pots are high quality and have pros and cons too, but if you want the exact features of a Blichmann, you have to buy one.

This is true...Blichmann products are all modified/proprietary and not just rebranded generic products like much of whats sold today.
Even the therminator has the water connections moved to the opposite side as the wort connections on the plate chiller making it different than all of the other functionally equivalent plate chillers sold at half the cost or less that are otherwise the same products made by the same oem manufacturers and sold under other brand names.
I've read the owner of Blichmann used to work for Caterpillar and He "Borrowed" their philosophy of not making any of the parts to standard dimensions so they cannot be easily interchanged with universal parts such as ball valve threads/sizes and such. this is a very smart way to ensure that once someone pays top dollar for their product, they continue to have to pay top dollar for replacement parts and added components... it can also limit future availability of such proprietary parts in the future.
Still, like an overpriced car or expensive hunting rifle just as many buy that suff for bragging rights as those who buy it because they believe it is functionally superior... Marketing has a huge impact on their success and the high prices actually help them in this regard more than it hurts just like it does with exotic cars, designer clothing and new gadgets.
So I just learned that even auberins pids are avaliable under different labeling (XMT612), likely by the same manufactuer as auber uses in china.... these are functionally identical to the ones auber sells....
Now I question where auber makes or designs any of the products they mark up and sell?
So I just learned that even auberins pids are avaliable under different labeling (XMT612), likely by the same manufactuer as auber uses in china.... these are functionally identical to the ones auber sells....
Now I question where auber makes or designs any of the products they mark up and sell?

I suspect that some of the value that Auber would say they are adding is in finding these products among the many alternative models out there, and selling them with some degree of in country support (e.g. it's much easier to return a defective product to a US seller than direct to China). Picking a PID out of the hundreds of poorly described options on eBay is a bit of crap shoot, and forums like this that can help end-users do that are a fairly recent development, as is the wide availability of components like this direct to hobbyist end-users via eBay, Aliexpress, etc.

It might also be the case the Auber designed their PIDs and the other ones were produced by the manufacturing company using their design. This does go on, particularly with a small company contracting to a larger one in a country with not much in the way of IP law enforcement.

There's also another possibility for added value, which is that Auber's supply contract with the manufacturer specifies a more rigorous QA system than that used for manufacturing the alternatives. Two products can be made to identical designs using almost identical parts in the same factory, but one product line could have a much better QA setup than the other (e.g. number of samples tested, tests carried out, etc.) for its production runs. You wouldn't be able to tell that without either seeing the certification from things like ISO 9000 for both products, or by gathering statistics on failure rates.

I'm not saying any of these is actually the case, just that you can't necessarily infer that two products have the same value and that the branded one doesn't have any way of justifying its higher price just because they look and work the same. Do you care for the purposes of DIY and hobby brewing? Maybe (probably) not.
I suspect that some of the value that Auber would say they are adding is in finding these products among the many alternative models out there, and selling them with some degree of in country support (e.g. it's much easier to return a defective product to a US seller than direct to China). Picking a PID out of the hundreds of poorly described options on eBay is a bit of crap shoot, and forums like this that can help end-users do that are a fairly recent development, as is the wide availability of components like this direct to hobbyist end-users via eBay, Aliexpress, etc.

It might also be the case the Auber designed their PIDs and the other ones were produced by the manufacturing company using their design. This does go on, particularly with a small company contracting to a larger one in a country with not much in the way of IP law enforcement.

There's also another possibility for added value, which is that Auber's supply contract with the manufacturer specifies a more rigorous QA system than that used for manufacturing the alternatives. Two products can be made to identical designs using almost identical parts in the same factory, but one product line could have a much better QA setup than the other (e.g. number of samples tested, tests carried out, etc.) for its production runs. You wouldn't be able to tell that without either seeing the certification from things like ISO 9000 for both products, or by gathering statistics on failure rates.

I'm not saying any of these is actually the case, just that you can't necessarily infer that two products have the same value and that the branded one doesn't have any way of justifying its higher price just because they look and work the same. Do you care for the purposes of DIY and hobby brewing? Maybe (probably) not.
You make some fairly known and good points... still most of the time that someone recommends buying from sites like auber and paying 2 to 3 times the price, they also imply the products are superior and are better because they are sold by an American company and that somehow washes them of all sins of being a chinese product... Would you buy the same $20k truck for 40K or 60k just to have a better warranty or support? many wouldnt. although some would (Kind of Like some of those that would buy a deawoo made in korea rebranded as a chevy spark- although most of these people have no idea they are doing this and are basically being fooled by deceptive marketing and this is my main point!) people who know this stuff about what they choose to buy are making a more informed decision.

This is an old argument I know but one that I feel all the cards should be on the table about so people can make informed decisions for themselves...

I would rather do my own homework and share my findings for free on forums such as this than start a company and sell the stuff at 2-4 times MY costs by buying in bulk. Instead I often come under attack for doing so which is why I take the stance that I do. You can bet that many of these entrepreneurs that resell the stuff here use forums like these to weed out junk and get feedback from the products they sell .

Afterall this community should be just as much about helping members as it is about supporting venders right? Thats why many pay for memberships to support it. I belong to other forums which ban price discussion and educating the members about such things because its hurts the business of such distributors that support it...I dont care for these as they are basically propoganda sites.

I would imagine after further research that auber engineers did in fact design the originals and these are clones using different hardware inside... I found another thread here comparing the internals and they are different.
I would rather do my own homework and share my findings for free on forums such as this than start a company and sell the stuff at 2-4 times MY costs by buying in bulk. Instead I often come under attack for doing so which is why I take the stance that I do.

I respect this and I'm glad that information is available. In all seriousness, I would never have bought anything off Ebay before you pointed out the viability of it when I started coming to these forums again 2-3 months ago. Now that I have, I'm glad I did. (Although for the record, I still don't buy anything that takes weeks to ship to me).

But honestly man, the reason that you "come under attack" for what you say is that every time somebody mentions using components from Auber or a similar source, their entire thread quickly becomes about "well you could've spent half the price for [insert product that is similar and is sometimes identical but not always] and that's what you should be doing." It's because make people feel guilty about buying from American companies that may charge higher prices than comparable products that take a couple weeks to ship from China. Often you'll say something along the lines of "this is a hobby so you shouldn't mind waiting or spending the time to source the products." Well frankly, my hobby is brewing, not sourcing parts, and my time is limited and valuable. It's not a hobby if I have to spend so much time to source hundreds of parts to the fullest extent, wait for them to ship, build/assemble, and then finally use the equipment months down the road.

Again, I appreciate the information, but a simple "you could also buy this comparable product for less from [insert website]" will suffice without going into how much percentage a company marks up a product or about how someone else should run their hobby. Honestly, I purposely post my own questions about parts and things on other websites/forums because I do not want my question to become a conversation about those things, and that's a real shame.
For the record, once again, I'd like to point out that Auber sells their most common PIDs for home brewing at $46.50 plus shipping. The stuff I ordered shipped 2hrs after I placed my order and it arrived in excellent condition within 3 days. If I do have a problem I can contact them and we can all communicate with each other in English.

Auber PIDs do not cost 2-3 times as much. They only cost 2x as much if you hunt down better than average deals and count shipping charges. You'll get your stuff from Auber within the week and the shipping I saw on ebay for MYPIN were 2-4weeks. But yeah it was free, because who would actually pay for 1-month shipping?
Some people enjoy spending their time searching for the best deal, saving that extra $1. I don't have the time, nor the patience for that. Not even factoring in all the other stuff, like location, customer service, etc. I don't mind spending an extra $10 or $20 on something from a company that i trust and I know is likely to be around in a year. I have nothing against buying direct from China, but when there's no (or terrible) documentation and I have to do research to figure out if what I'm buying is going to do what I want, then I've just wasted a bunch of time that I could've been doing something else. It doesn't take much of my time to add up to $20.
For the record, once again, I'd like to point out that Auber sells their most common PIDs for home brewing at $46.50 plus shipping. The stuff I ordered shipped 2hrs after I placed my order and it arrived in excellent condition within 3 days. If I do have a problem I can contact them and we can all communicate with each other in English.

Auber PIDs do not cost 2-3 times as much. They only cost 2x as much if you hunt down better than average deals and count shipping charges. You'll get your stuff from Auber within the week and the shipping I saw on ebay for MYPIN were 2-4weeks. But yeah it was free, because who would actually pay for 1-month shipping?

once again for this example and (for the record)
= $25 including shipping...(5-15 days which equals 2 weeks tops)

auberins wants $54.50 with shipping for thier cheapest equivalent to my door... so slightly over twice the price...

and there are at least three sources for the mypins in New york state including the seller I previously linked for you, all selling the TD4 for under $30 shipped... I got the last one I ordered in 3 days.
I just dont see the same points you make when comparing the actual facts vs your assumptions... you said in the other thread you made these point in that shipping costs shouldnt count as part of the equation, But shipping times should? sound like your bending facts to see them the way you want to me? Seriously, why is it ok for you to exaggerate assumptions for things like shipping times but I have to keep showing the facts to prove my comments like something being 2 times the cost from one source vs another?
when I need something fast I pay extra (within reason) to buy it from a seller with US stock.... otherwise I buy it from a source local to the manufacturer. I have had no problems with these seller not supporting what they have sold me and thats the bases for most people arguements which I also have an issue with... From my experience with all but 2 of 1000 purchases or so these are assumptions based on what people find convenient to believe and not facts.
I respect this and I'm glad that information is available. In all seriousness, I would never have bought anything off Ebay before you pointed out the viability of it when I started coming to these forums again 2-3 months ago. Now that I have, I'm glad I did. (Although for the record, I still don't buy anything that takes weeks to ship to me).

But honestly man, the reason that you "come under attack" for what you say is that every time somebody mentions using components from Auber or a similar source, their entire thread quickly becomes about "well you could've spent half the price for [insert product that is similar and is sometimes identical but not always] and that's what you should be doing." It's because make people feel guilty about buying from American companies that may charge higher prices than comparable products that take a couple weeks to ship from China. Often you'll say something along the lines of "this is a hobby so you shouldn't mind waiting or spending the time to source the products." Well frankly, my hobby is brewing, not sourcing parts, and my time is limited and valuable. It's not a hobby if I have to spend so much time to source hundreds of parts to the fullest extent, wait for them to ship, build/assemble, and then finally use the equipment months down the road.

Again, I appreciate the information, but a simple "you could also buy this comparable product for less from [insert website]" will suffice without going into how much percentage a company marks up a product or about how someone else should run their hobby. Honestly, I purposely post my own questions about parts and things on other websites/forums because I do not want my question to become a conversation about those things, and that's a real shame.
I have to mention the details in defense to the comments that always accompany like "I dont mind spending a couple extra dollars for a product from a repudable American company like auber" and you should do the same... I want it to be perfectly clear that the "couple extra dollars everyone trys to play down is usually actually 100% markup or more over more direct sources for what usually the same product, because yes it suggested that if the buy it from ebay or amazon its cheap junk and if its marked up and resold by a guy in the US its somehow better?? too many assumptions here and some facts or evidence to the truth can only be helpful in clearing up the BS.
I have an acquaintance who was management at GM and later Delphi Harrison in the late 70 early 80s... they told me a story about how the then chevy nova and toyota camry (or maybe corolla) were made on the same platform and were the same besides the interior package... Well back then the toyota had such a good reputation going for it that they couldnt sell them fast enough... and at that same time chevy was taking a lot of slack for selling a substandard quality product.....
Well Toyota was selling their version so fast that they ran out and actually took some of the chevy novas (chevy and toyota were close business partners at the time), ripped out the interiors and replaced them with toyota interiors and sold them to customers who wanted the "Toyota Quality".... just food for thought...
once again for this example and (for the record)
= $25 including shipping...(5-15 days which equals 2 weeks tops)

auberins wants $54.50 with shipping for thier cheapest equivalent to my door... so slightly over twice the price...

and there are at least three sources for the mypins in New york state including the seller I previously linked for you, all selling the TD4 for under $30 shipped... I got the last one I ordered in 3 days.
I just dont see the same points you make when comparing the actual facts vs your assumptions... you said in the other thread you made these point in that shipping costs shouldnt count as part of the equation, But shipping times should? sound like your bending facts to see them the way you want to me? Seriously, why is it ok for you to exaggerate assumptions for things like shipping times but I have to keep showing the facts to prove my comments like something being 2 times the cost from one source vs another?
when I need something fast I pay extra (within reason) to buy it from a seller with US stock.... otherwise I buy it from a source local to the manufacturer. I have had no problems with these seller not supporting what they have sold me and thats the bases for most people arguements which I also have an issue with... From my experience with all but 2 of 1000 purchases or so these are assumptions based on what people find convenient to believe and not facts.

Auber doesn't have a PID for $54.50 they sell the ones brewers use for $46.50

As many times as you want to unfairly compare their prices using made up numbers and saying 2-3 times as much I will post the correct info.

Other than that I have no desire to engage in further conversations with you.
The price quoted in the previous post was with shipping included. Shipping to California, for me, makes that auber pid(2352) $55.08. I think that's the point augidoggy was trying to make.

Auber doesn't have a PID for $54.50 they sell the ones brewers use for $46.50

As many times as you want to unfairly compare their prices using made up numbers and saying 2-3 times as much I will post the correct info.

Other than that I have no desire to engage in further conversations with you.

$46.50 and you have to pay shipping..... You know? the thing you mentioned as being a factor why you wouldnt buy from overseas.... why does it count then for argument in your favor but not now? Im not trying to be a smartass here and would really like to hear your explanation.

When I compare the cost of something its just that, total cost. The shipping cost for 1 pid from auber is $7.50 to NY state which equals $54 total cost vs $25 total cost you can manipulate the conversation as much as you want but your argument is has no practical basis , I dont care how its broken down... realistically the link I provided was for a $20 pid and the other $5 is for shipping. they just charge a flat rate for shipping and dont tack it on as an additional charge after the fact like auber...I didnt think I would need to explain this again. Its really a silly point to have to argue.
The price quoted in the previous post was with shipping included. Shipping to California, for me, makes that auber pid(2352) $55.08. I think that's the point augidoggy was trying to make.


He knows this, He did the same thing in another thread. He stated shipping doesnt count which is silly IMHO. I guess I have to say 2x3 times TOTAL COST just to be politically correct for him?
He knows this, He did the same thing in another thread. He stated shipping doesnt count which is silly IMHO. I guess I have to say 2x3 times TOTAL COST just to be politically correct for him?

The units you linked to in our previous encounter were not $23 and I was not able to find $23 PIDs when I looked. The ones you linked to previously were $29 and they clearly stated shipping was 2-4 weeks direct from China.

The Auber PIDs cost $46.50. They don't charge shipping per unit but by weight for the entire order. I figure I paid about $1-$2 shipping per PID because I had the bulk of my control panel coming in one shipment, with one CC charge, from one web site, in one box, and it got to my door 3 days after I ordered it.

You continue to compare apples to oranges and you aren't just politely pointing out a less expensive alternative. You continue to berate anyone who doesn't want to spend the time and effort to hunt down each part at the lowest possible price when it can be very hard to tell if you're actually getting an equivalent part to what is offered by a "middleman". If you weren't an ass about it you wouldn't find yourself in the same conversation over and over again in every thread you post in. You're confrontational, condescending and self-righteous.

Some people prioritize saving money over pretty much everything else. Other people don't.

I can spend a few extra hours at work, advance my career and earn more than I could have saved spending the same amount of time navigating alibaba and ebay ordering each component separately and waiting weeks to find out if I got the right thing and if it's even going to work.

I spent the extra money at Auber and picked up an overtime shift to more than make up for the difference. Then I was able to spend my next weekend starting work on my panel because all my stuff was already here and I had free time to do it.
The price quoted in the previous post was with shipping included. Shipping to California, for me, makes that auber pid(2352) $55.08. I think that's the point augidoggy was trying to make.


Auber doesn't charge a fixed price for shipping, so to quote a price that includes a fixed price for shipping without making that explicitly clear is dishonest. Saying that PIDs that typically sell for $29+ on ebay and have shipping of 2-4 weeks actually cost $23 with free shipping is dishonest. Saying 2-3 times as much when there's no way to get the prices to 3x as much is dishonest.

As an example, when I put one 2352 in my cart and estimate shipping it costs $54.50 total, but when I put three units in my cart the shipping for the entire order only goes up to $12.66, meaning each unit is ~$50. If you were to purchase other components the shipping cost per item continues to get smaller. The price comparison continues to get more dishonest.
The units you linked to in our previous encounter were not $23 and I was not able to find $23 PIDs when I looked. The ones you linked to previously were $29 and they clearly stated shipping was 2-4 weeks direct from China.

The Auber PIDs cost $46.50. They don't charge shipping per unit but by weight for the entire order. I figure I paid about $1-$2 shipping per PID because I had the bulk of my control panel coming in one shipment, with one CC charge, from one web site, in one box, and it got to my door 3 days after I ordered it.

You continue to compare apples to oranges and you aren't just politely pointing out a less expensive alternative. You continue to berate anyone who doesn't want to spend the time and effort to hunt down each part at the lowest possible price when it can be very hard to tell if you're actually getting an equivalent part to what is offered by a "middleman". If you weren't an ass about it you wouldn't find yourself in the same conversation over and over again in every thread you post in. You're confrontational, condescending and self-righteous.

Some people prioritize saving money over pretty much everything else. Other people don't.

I can spend a few extra hours at work, advance my career and earn more than I could have saved spending the same amount of time navigating alibaba and ebay ordering each component separately and waiting weeks to find out if I got the right thing and if it's even going to work.

I spent the extra money at Auber and picked up an overtime shift to more than make up for the difference. Then I was able to spend my next weekend starting work on my panel because all my stuff was already here and I had free time to do it.
the units I linked above in this converstion were $25 including 5-15 day shipping? are you reading the right thread?

The old thread had all sorts of links and some the td4 pid links were $25.99 for staten island new york ... That seller is out of them right now. as well as the seller that I copied and pasted to show they are sometimes avaliable for as little as $20 including shipping from new york. (Remember thats when you mocked me for my thrifty shopping skills and implied it took me hours to search sort by price on ebay?

Again why do you keep changing the topic?
We are comparing the complete "out the door" cost of ordering something from auberins vs the complete cost of ordering elsewhere , otherwise the comparision is pointless. I half to think you have some other motivation behind your comments and insistence to skew the facts as you see fit.
anything $50 or greater in cost is twice the price or more than $25 shipped...

Are you on an apple device? this may be why some of the prices you might be seeing in some of the links are higher? I cant think of anything else that would lead you to your odd conclusions. the numbers clearly dont lie yet you dont see them apparently?
the units I linked above in this converstion were $25 including 5-15 day shipping? are you reading the right thread?

The old thread had all sorts of links and some the td4 pid links were $25.99 for staten island new york ... That seller is out of them right now. as well as the seller that I copied and pasted to show they are sometimes avaliable for as little as $20 including shipping from new york. (Remember thats when you mocked me for my thrifty shopping skills and implied it took me hours to search sort by price on ebay?
Again why do you keep changing the topic?
We are comparing the complete "out the door" cost of ordering something from auberins vs the complete cost of ordering elsewhere , otherwise the comparision is pointless. I half to think you have some other motivation behind your comments and insistence to skew the facts as you see fit.

Yeah, busted! I'm the CEO of Auber and I came here to argue with a petty nitwit over the cost of shipping.
Auber doesn't charge a fixed price for shipping, so to quote a price that includes a fixed price for shipping without making that explicitly clear is dishonest. Saying that PIDs that typically sell for $29+ on ebay and have shipping of 2-4 weeks actually cost $23 with free shipping is dishonest. Saying 2-3 times as much when there's no way to get the prices to 3x as much is dishonest.

As an example, when I put one 2352 in my cart and estimate shipping it costs $54.50 total, but when I put three units in my cart the shipping for the entire order only goes up to $12.66, meaning each unit is ~$50. If you were to purchase other components the shipping cost per item continues to get smaller. The price comparison continues to get more dishonest.
how is it dishonest? if I have $50 I can either buy one auber unit or 2 of the units for $25 for that amount of money!! if for some weird reason I was buying 10 auber pids then yeah you might technically save a dollar or two over twice the cost but who is doing that and honestly your being silly to argue these semantics with unlikely hypothetical situations. And who the Hell cares when at that point you have just spent over $475 with auberins for 10 pids when you could have bought 10 of them for $265 from ebay??? At that point its not twice the price but its still a very large savings and it even makes more sense not to buy them at auberins!
the Other items you would purchase are all right about twice or sometimes more the price as elsewhere too...

I provided links and proof in the other thread... the economy heat sink auber sells is for example is $9.65 a piece + shipping yet I can order a 2 PACK of these same heat sinks for under $8 INCLUDING SHIPPING FROM THE USA from ebay (and I have, they took 4 days to reach me)
here are the links
If I cared that much for less effective black painted units they can be bought here for still less than only one unit with shipping from auber.

and If I wasnt in a hurry I could order them for much less from china where they are all made.

The $15 mager brand ssrs they resticker and sell as auber brand are also availiable for $11-12 from multiple sources with a heatsink incuded.... that same combo from auberins would be $27+ plus shipping...(which brings it to close to 3x the cost depending on how much your ordering at one time from auberins.)

I posted links were anyone could purchase these (and many here DID!) for $26 there was no shell game done by me like your attempting to do here..
lets get back on THIS TOPIC

You would think since the other units have to ship all the way from china that auberins would have the clear advantage in shipping costs as well... so why do they charge so much? they use the same delivery methods?
Yeah, busted! I'm the CEO of Auber and I came here to argue with a petty nitwit over the cost of shipping.

I never said that... and whos being petty here? lol seriously your arguments hold no water so you keep changing directions with it..

I think Your just someone who spend more than you needed to with auberins already and cant come to terms with that fact. And you wont be happy unless everyone else sees it the way you do, even when the price numbers clearly are not in your favor.
Wow, guys it's not worth getting your feathers ruffled over.

It the principle here. $53-54 is clearly more than 2x 25. Why Gameface has to keep changing his story and adding hypothetical s to try and disprove this simple fact is beyond me. I disprove one of his comments and he just trys to keep changing the situation or topic completely to discredit the FACTS presented as evidence... Its very unnerving and like trying to reason with a turnip.:drunk:
What do you think?
Would you not say that since a pid ordered from auber costs over $50 to ship anywhere in the US (or even 2 or 3 ordered together) its an acurate assumption that its twice the price as the one I posted above for $25 including free flate rate shipping?
Its a pretty simple statement... and I didnt think it was like a matter of rockets science to understand.

It just proves the point I was trying to make that some people will just ignore everything to defend their own choices as the only correct ones.
It the principle here. $53-54 is clearly more than 2x 25. Why Gameface has to keep changing his story and adding hypothetical s to try and disprove this simple fact is beyond me. I disprove one of his comments and he just trys to keep changing the situation or topic completely to discredit the FACTS presented as evidence... Its very unnerving and like trying to reason with a turnip.:drunk:
What do you think?
Would you not say that since a pid ordered from auber costs over $50 to ship anywhere in the US (or even 2 or 3 ordered together) its an acurate assumption that its twice the price as the one I posted above for $25 including free flate rate shipping?
Its a pretty simple statement... and I didnt think it was like a matter of rockets science to understand.

It just proves the point I was trying to make that some people will just ignore everything to defend their own choices as the only correct ones.

I've only ever taken exception to the fact that you continue to say Auber PIDs cost 2-3x as much. You say it over and over yet there is no way to make the cost 3x as much.

I can get more specific but then you accuse me of changing the subject and changing the story.

I placed a large order with Auber. My shipping cost per PID (I ordered 3 PIDs and never talked about ordering 10 PIDs) was $1.65 when you average my shipping cost across my entire order. So, basically I paid $48.15 per PID. That's much more than your $25 MYPIN, but it's not 2x as much and it's not even close to 3x as much, yet I'm sure you'll be telling people Auber PIDs cost 2-3x as much in another day or two.

In another thread you linked to MYPIN PIDs that cost $29. That's what I was referring to earlier. The fact that then the best price you could find was $29 and today the best price you can find is $25 and yet the number you always quote is $23 is an example of who changing their story?

Also, the fact that there isn't a single source from China always selling the same product at the same price is concerning to me. You're always happy to link to the deal of the day, but I'd much rather buy a known product from a known seller at a set price. That's what I'm comfortable with.

If you'd stop saying Auber PIDs cost 3x as much I'd stop taking exception to your posts. I could let it slide if you said they cost 2x as much. That's pretty close and depending on the size of the order from Auber and what sort of deal ebay or alibaba has that day it might be accurate. Otherwise you're being dishonest.
I never said that... and whos being petty here? lol seriously your arguments hold no water so you keep changing directions with it..

I think Your just someone who spend more than you needed to with auberins already and cant come to terms with that fact. And you wont be happy unless everyone else sees it the way you do, even when the price numbers clearly are not in your favor.

I spent more than I needed to with Auberins after I had read much of what you say over and over again. I get what you're saying. I understand it. I opted to spend more. I don't need to console myself. Like I said, I picked up a weekend shift and more than paid for the difference. I spent more not because I believe I got better products but because I don't use ebay or alibaba and didn't think it was worth it to start. Much of why I bought Auber was aesthetic, I think the MYPIN PIDs look like crap. I was also able to buy pretty much everything I needed in one order. Believe it or not that was worth over $100 to me for an order as big as I placed. So the extra money I spent wasn't for better products, it was for convenience and piece of mind. I know you can't wrap your brain around the value that has for other people as you spend your free time hunting down bargains for everything you buy and then scream in people's faces about how little you spent for the same thing they have, but I'm perfectly happy having spent more money for the same thing you have.
I have a hole cut in my control panel for the **** volt/amp meter. Yeah, not need for it other than bling. If I don't put another one in, I'll have to find something "cool" to put in its place.

Just leave the hole and peel the "insert dollar here" sticker off some vending machine and reapply it above the hole.
I've only ever taken exception to the fact that you continue to say Auber PIDs cost 2-3x as much. You say it over and over yet there is no way to make the cost 3x as much.

I can get more specific but then you accuse me of changing the subject and changing the story.

I placed a large order with Auber. My shipping cost per PID (I ordered 3 PIDs and never talked about ordering 10 PIDs) was $1.65 when you average my shipping cost across my entire order. So, basically I paid $48.15 per PID. That's much more than your $25 MYPIN, but it's not 2x as much and it's not even close to 3x as much, yet I'm sure you'll be telling people Auber PIDs cost 2-3x as much in another day or two.

In another thread you linked to MYPIN PIDs that cost $29. That's what I was referring to earlier. The fact that then the best price you could find was $29 and today the best price you can find is $25 and yet the number you always quote is $23 is an example of who changing their story?

Also, the fact that there isn't a single source from China always selling the same product at the same price is concerning to me. You're always happy to link to the deal of the day, but I'd much rather buy a known product from a known seller at a set price. That's what I'm comfortable with.

If you'd stop saying Auber PIDs cost 3x as much I'd stop taking exception to your posts. I could let it slide if you said they cost 2x as much. That's pretty close and depending on the size of the order from Auber and what sort of deal ebay or alibaba has that day it might be accurate. Otherwise you're being dishonest.
OK, again I said auber charges 2-3 times more for the same products as found online elsewhere... MEANING, for example, 2 times more for a pid and as much as 3 times more for other things such as a heatsink ... does everything really always have to be spelled out this much for you or are you just trying to be difficult? you splitting hairs and making your points even less credible I hope you realize that.
when I priced out everything in my sub $300 control panel and compared it to what I would have payed for the comparable items at auber it was $350 more without even including aubers shipping charges... that was well over twice what I paid even without subtracting the costs of the stuff auber didnt have such as the v/current meter and dc powersupply..
OK, again I said auber charges 2-3 times more for the same products as found online elsewhere... MEANING, for example, 2 times more for a pid and as much as 3 times more for other things such as a heatsink ... does everything really always have to be spelled out this much for you or are you just trying to be difficult? you splitting hairs and making your points even less credible I hope you realize that.
when I priced out everything in my sub $300 control panel and compared it to what I would have payed for the comparable items at auber it was $350 more without even including aubers shipping charges... that was well over twice what I paid even without subtracting the costs of the stuff auber didnt have such as the v/current meter and dc powersupply..

Fair enough, man.

And yeah, I get that engaging in discussions about price with you does nothing for my credibility.
The bottom line here is research research research. Some cheap stuff works great, most is crap. We all I think have bought a lump of coal hoping it would be a diamond.