Men: Getting snipped. Yay or nay?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2009
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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I'm happily child-free (not sure if I've mentioned that or not elsewhere in the forum) and fully intend to stay that way, as does my wife. I just turned 40, so even if I did change my mind, it's a little late in life, practically speaking, to even consider starting a journey down the parenthood road. A (fellow child-free) buddy of mine got snipped last year and loudly sings the praises of getting it done. If it were painless, guaranteed, and no-risk, I'd already have booked an appointment.

That said, I'm still considering booking the appointment, but I wanted to hear from others who've had it done (or considered it and decided not to). I'm looking for whether or not it was worth it, what kind of complications or long-term side-effects you've suffered, whether or not it was effective, diminished your sex drive, whether or not it was a long recovery, a painful operation, that sort of stuff. I'm interested in your experiences to help me work up the courage to pick up my phone and book the appointment.
A little painful when it happened, took a little longer to recover than the doc said it would, but its been 100% effective and no long term side effects.
It took about 15 mins. Not painful. Iced all weekend with no pain and took it easy for a week afterwards. About 1.5 months later got the all clear. Haven't looked back since. Seems like sex increased as there are no worries now.
I got snipped at 23 or so. Kids being the worst and all that.

It did kinda hurt on one side, immense pressure. Wasn't that bad though, and it was over quick. Iced junk and wore a jock watching movies for a weekend then was back to normal. I do have one side effect though... if I don't blow a load for a solid week or so I'll have a slight pressurized discomfort the next time I have sex. Nothing regular activity or a quick hand party can't solve.
Who thought my 5th or so post on a beer forum would be several paragraphs about this?

I had it done in March. I would describe it as very, very unpleasant. The only part of the actual procedure I'd call painful was when they pull off the tape they use to hold your deal to your stomach while they work. Otherwise it's just awkward and uncomfortable. My nurse was a roller derby girl and we all talked about roller derby the whole time. Kind of surreal.

Post-op is kind of painful. If you've ever taken a solid hit to your junk it's kind of like that. Swelling and bruising. They told me to wear an athletic supporter but lose pants for the weekend (get it done on a Friday). You buy a couple bags of frozen peas in advance and you cycle them on and off.

You alternate Tylenol and Advil. I was never in any serious pain, just kind of tender. My wife took the kids and the dogs to her folks' for the weekend and I binge watched Netflix and ate junk food.

Went back to work Monday and just had to take things a little slow. Not anything anyone would notice. You have to "give a specimen" at 8 and at 12 weeks and they check to make sure you're zeroed out. You're supposed to keep using birth control until then.

They say no activity for I think 10 days. Then they actually want you to. I was pretty nervous about it and we waited more like 3 weeks I think. No issues, no complications, and no more babies so far!
Long term side effects can be a problem if you don't wait the allotted amount of time. Friend of mine had 4 kids and decided to go under the knife since he didn't want a 5th. Had the surgery and the wait period was like 6-8 weeks. He decided to cut that a bit short and ended up getting his wife pregnant with their 5th child. And 6th. Twins. Nature has a good sense of humor.
My buddy that I've known for over a decade now had it done after they decided his wife and him decided no more kids.

He had the surgery Friday (around 10 am), sat around Saturday and was bored Sunday and test some running/push up's. As far as pain he said it didn't hurt, it was just an annoying kind of pain. He was back to running and working out a week later to boot. He did tell me if I was going to get it done to aim for some kind of sporting event like college football playoffs, a huge football game or march madness or something.

He was early 30's when he had it done too, so that might play into his recoup time. Either way, when my wife and I are done having kids I'm going to get snipped based on what he told me (I'm 38). No point in the wife going through major surgery.
Yep, me too. Was actually going to call a doc today to set it up. We've maxed out our insurance deductible for the year so might as well get it done for free.
Yep, me too. Was actually going to call a doc today to set it up. We've maxed out our insurance deductible for the year so might as well get it done for free.

it's not free anyway? many insurers cover the cost 100% regardless of deductible for obvious reasons.

i've been thinking about doing it. but i'm really really scared to. lol.
I need to get it done. Don't know why I'm procrastinating, really.

our kids are 8 and 10, i said the same thing about getting it done but wasn't super-motivated and the mrs wasn't pressing it either. 'later' was always the timeframe. she has been more-or-less a stay-home mom for the last 10 years and was ready to start teaching again this fall. we were all juiced up for a second paycheck and she was ready to get back to work full-time.

well, all that changed a few months back, kid number three is due in about two weeks. why, oh why, did i not do it sooner...:D
it's not free anyway? many insurers cover the cost 100% regardless of deductible for obvious reasons.

i've been thinking about doing it. but i'm really really scared to. lol.

It could be 100% covered, I don't know. It would make sense if they were. Insurance is paying a whole lot more for a birth than for the procedure.
Here's another funny story from a friend of mine. It's probably funnier if you're drunk.

He has the procedure and then goes back for his test to make sure he doesn't have any live sperm coming out. He brings his cup in and gives it to the woman at the front desk. She asks when it was done. He said "About 15 minutes ago." She said "No, when was the procedure done?"
A comedian once said:

"If someone was going to point a gun at you and pull the trigger would you prefer to wear a bulletproof vest or take the bullets out of the gun?"

Getting a vasectomy is taking the bullets out of the gun. By far the best option for permanent birth control.

I had to have a preliminary visit with the urologist and then the appointment for the operation. From the moment I pulled into the hospital parking lot to the moment I left was 30min.

I've said many times, if you would have erased my memory from just before the operation to three days after the operation I would have absolutely no way at all to know that I had had a vasectomy. I can't see the scars, there is nothing different about my experience during sex, seamen still seems exactly the same to the naked eye.

I experienced a little soreness in the days following the operation but I followed all the advice. I bought some tighty whities to keep things in place. I stayed off my feet. I kept a fresh bag of frozen peas on my crotch most of the time. By the third day I was good to go.

A successful verified vasectomy is the only 100% effective form of birth control other than abstinence.
I have an old friend who had 2 daughters with his wife and then got fixed. Several years later, they decided to try again for a boy so he had it reversed. They successfully had a third girl, and he got re-snipped. For whatever reason, 3-4 years later they decided to try again (they really wanted a son…), had it reversed again, and thank God, they now have Adam.

I’m assuming he went and got re-re-snipped after that, but I never asked. At that point I figured I knew too much about his balls already.
What method everyone use? I had sections of both tubes cut out, then ends sealed. Dr said pretty much no reversing that.
I have an old friend who had 2 daughters with his wife and then got fixed. Several years later, they decided to try again for a boy so he had it reversed. They successfully had a third girl, and he got re-snipped. For whatever reason, 3-4 years later they decided to try again (they really wanted a son…), had it reversed again, and thank God, they now have Adam.

I’m assuming he went and got re-re-snipped after that, but I never asked. At that point I figured I knew too much about his balls already.

Dude just likes people playing with his man purse.
A little painful when it happened, took a little longer to recover than the doc said it would, but its been 100% effective and no long term side effects.

Glad to hear someone else who had issues of some sore; I get tired of the stories from dudes about going back to work two days later with no issues.

The actual pain of the procedure wasn't that bad, but I guess I had a skin reaction to the disinfectant that they slather all over your sack. Four to five days after the procedure, I started getting one mother of a rash that both itched and hurt like hell. I made the HUGE mistake of using anti-itch cream for a few days, which would take all the pain away for a few hours, but encouraged me to walk around and nearly burn through the bottom of my sack, giving me one hell of a raw area that must've taken 10 days to clear up. All I can say is this: Vaseline is your friend. Use the Vaseline. You cannot use too much.

Yeah, and your balls may sag more. They may not be your best friend anymore, either.
I had mine done at 35. My father had my little brother with his 2nd wife at 50. So now, instead of enjoying full retirement in his 60s, he's still raising my little brother. That is what he wanted, and loves my brother, but it is not where I want to be at that age. So snip, snip. I never realized how paranoid I was about it until it was done. My friend drove me to Dennys after waking up, and I got a chub wanting to bang every woman in the place. Then the Demerol wore off... and I felt like I got berry punched for about a week.

Some of these guys doc's told them no activity for a few weeks. Mine told me to rub a few out before being tested to make sure the last of the swimmers are gone.
I did mine years ago. No odd things happened. I shaved just to be friendly. Couple of painless pokes to numb, a tiny incision which I didn't feel, and a bit of tugging on something in there that I DID feel! Doc and I chatted about his photographs. He's a photographer who uses a different size format.

After the surgery wife took me to a GR brewery and I sat on a cold pack and ate dinner and drank a sampler. Then she drove me home and I watched TV with ice packs and beer.

Next day I give it a test drive. Everything worked great. Just had to go gentle.

I was sore for about a week or two, but not real bad. Feeling of aching persisted for a while after that, but very minor.

Really easy procedure. After a brief interlude, things were back to normal or better.
My advice; get it done by a urologist, not a GP. I'd like to think that I have some weight behind my advice since I've had it done twice! I rushed into the first one, we decided about a year later we wanted another kid, had a reversal, then had a second vasectomy.

The first was done by my GP and I did have some minor complications with recurring pain on one side. The second I had done by a urologist and it was definitely a better procedure and no complications.

After the procedure always have two beers on hand; one ice cold between your legs and one in your hand!!
OK so you all are swapping funny stories .. I had mine done in Papua New Guinea. We were living 'in the bush', as they say, with no running water or electricity. We went over there with 4 and lo and behold, a 5th was soon on the way. So we decided to get er done and not have that surprise again. The doc was a native of the PNG highlands, but educated in Scotland and had a great reputation. He had an assistant at the time from one of the island provinces, either New Britain or New Ireland. When I've had a few and feel like story telling I insist that they were in traditional face paint, wearing penis gourds, and did the surgery with bush knives (machetes).
I was (and still am) 39 when it was done. Kids 5 and 2. I definitely didn't want to have another child in my 40s. It wasn't covered by Blue Cross, but they did limit the amount charged. It was something like $400 after the Blue Cross reduction.
We had twins on our first attempt at having a child. I decided pretty much the moment I saw the first ultrasound that getting snipped was the next step.

I had it done Friday afternoon by my urologist, awkward but not painful. Spent Friday night on the couch with multiple homebrews. Saturday I brewed and iced the area fairly constantly. Sunday took some Motrin and went to a family function with no ill effects. Monday went back to work.

Now there is no worry of creating another set of hooligans to help destroy the house.

The only cost was that of my copay (i think it was $15), my insurance decided that it was cheaper to pay for me to get snipped than to pay for helath care for two more children!

So my vote is YAY.

Two years later no residual effects, except no more worry while "in the act"
Oh god. I hate these threads.

Mainly because I'm having it done within the next year or so.

I think I'll end up having an anxiety attack on my way there.
Oh god. I hate these threads.

Mainly because I'm having it done within the next year or so.

I think I'll end up having an anxiety attack on my way there.

Just tell the doc that during your consult and they will more than likely give you a valium or something of that nature to help you relax, and boy it made it a lot easier to go through with.
Mine said no activity for a week, but that I had to have at least 7 ejaculations before the 6wk test.

Seven? That's all? My doc said a minimum of 30 for the first test, and wanted me to bring in my first sample a month after the procedure. For a 46 year old dude, this was not exactly feasible.

Long story short, it did indeed work, but I waited 5-6 months before going back just to be safe.

Oh god. I hate these threads.

Mainly because I'm having it done within the next year or so.

I think I'll end up having an anxiety attack on my way there.

Valium is the only thing that got me through the office door.
I got snipped in my late 30's (that's about 15 years ago). No complications, everything still works great. :ban:

To me it wasn't very painful before or after. My boy looked like he'd been in a bad cock fight for a few days; but not really that painful. I went to a Halloween party the evening after I had it done. I didn't do any dancing...but was able to have a good time.

A couple of funny things happened during the procedure. Obviously, they ask you to shave the area first. At my doc's office, they have a nurse come to check the job you did and do any clean up as needed. Imagine my surprise when the nurse walked in and said "Hey Mark! I haven't seen you in forever!" I had my package cleaned up by a girl I'd casually dated in high school! Never could get anywhere close to her touching my junk back then! :)

The other funny part was when they cauterized the tubes. It was a bit unnerving to see smoke rise up from my crotch!

I always encourage anyone that's done with kids to have the procedure. It's very freeing knowing you won't have anyone coming to you with a surprise!
Good experance here. Doctor even let me watch and explained everything he was doing, but I'm weird like that. Follow Ed the doctors instructions. Iced it for the whole weekend and took it easy at work for a week afterwards (auto tech). If I remember it was 20-30 ejaculates over 4-5 week before rechecking for the all clear.
Just nut up and get it done.
Me and the Feyonce have been talking about getting me neutered for a while.
Neither of us want kids, and I'd like to get it done before she changes her mind on that point. Plus condoms suck, and pills are expensive.

But every time I start to schedule an appointment, my Boys start hurting, and I get nervous.

Yeah, yeah, it doesn't really hurt that bad, or whutever, but you're all fvcking liars, as far as I know.

My balls hurt just reading this stuff.


Valium is the only thing that got me through the office door.

Ima need to be really druck or something. Valium might work. Otherwise, I'm probably going to try to fight the Doctor the moment he gets close to my nutsack with any sharp implements.
Yeah, yeah, it doesn't really hurt that bad, or whutever, but you're all fvcking liars, as far as I know.

I'll tell you what, I was a bit worried when I got the standard Vicodin prescription that the urologist gives out filled a few days before the procedure, and the pharmacist gave me a bottle with 25 pills. I was expecting maybe 5, but 25?!?! Holy crap, that's a lot of narcotics.

I chose beer over the drugs, btw, and did fine with the initial soreness.
I highly recommend it, my procedure was 3 months ago no side effects. I opted to be sedated. I woke up no pain, and no problems there after. Do it!
I had it done and ended up very sore for several weeks after. Also got a kidney infection out of the deal. But even after all that it's been great knowing that my and my wife just don't have to worry about any of that anymore.
I would recommend it, but be skeptical when they tell you three days of mild soreness and then back to normal life.