Meet anyone - Who would you...?

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Objects in mirror are closer than they appear
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Jan 18, 2011
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I have been throwing out those strange what if... style questions a bit recently with friends so figure I may as well throw a couple out here and see what comes up.

If you could meet anyone, living or dead, at any point in their life, who would it be, and what would you do?

Alternately, same question, but who would you punch?
My real grandpa Warrick. He was a great cabinet/furniture maker who did beautiful work with all hand tools. When I was an older kid, my grandma showed me his neatly hand made tool carrier of simple tools. He hand carved the moldings, etc. Some years ago now, My oldest son & I were watching New Yankee Workshop, & he showed grandpa's table this guy bought from my aunt that claimed it when grandma died in '74. He made it by hand out of a big chunk of solid black walnut. I ate at that table many times growing up. She died 8 days before my birthday too.
Anyway, I'd love to have him try some of my beers while showing me some of his skills as a woodworker. My grandma smiled when I said to her his simple tools looked like those Noah built the Ark with. Sometimes I'd like to pimp-slap my aunts & cousins for being down at pop's old buddy's house going through grandma's stuff while we were at the family graveyard burying her on top of the mountain. We had to put her coffin in a raised 4 wheel drive F150 to get her up the holler to the grave yard. Greed & avarice can be an ugly thing.
Nobody and lots of people. Maybe Weird Al. I really enjoy his music and have since childhood. I also appreciate John Williams music. I think he is a great composer and a lot of his music is underappreciated as it's mostly movie soundtrack. A lot of it stands on its own.

I don't know. Whenever I meet or see famous people I'm never really excited or intimidated. They are just people like most everyone else. They may be REALLY good at something, or better looking, or whatever, but they have their own flaws as well.

But probably I'd want to go back in time and meet the @55hole who stole my tackle box one night while we were camping. I had a decent amount of $$$ invested in that crap, but what really gets me is the stuff that my dad passed down to me, or bought me when I was a kid. Sometimes the best part about fishing was rummaging through that thing and seeing lures and reels that reminded me of fishing trips with him.

Oh hell, this isn't so hard. I'd go back to see my Grandma and give her a hug and tell her I love her before she passed away.
I got to do that at least with grandma back in 11th grade down in Fairmont. But grandpa died in '59 when I was three. Never got to see him for...stupid family BS reasons. Greedy pricks in the rid of him. But I at least was close with grandma...
Nobody and lots of people. Maybe Weird Al. I really enjoy his music and have since childhood. I also appreciate John Williams music. I think he is a great composer and a lot of his music is underappreciated as it's mostly movie soundtrack. A lot of it stands on its own.

I don't know. Whenever I meet or see famous people I'm never really excited or intimidated. They are just people like most everyone else. They may be REALLY good at something, or better looking, or whatever, but they have their own flaws as well.

But probably I'd want to go back in time and meet the @55hole who stole my tackle box one night while we were camping. I had a decent amount of $$$ invested in that crap, but what really gets me is the stuff that my dad passed down to me, or bought me when I was a kid. Sometimes the best part about fishing was rummaging through that thing and seeing lures and reels that reminded me of fishing trips with him.

Oh hell, this isn't so hard. I'd go back to see my Grandma and give her a hug and tell her I love her before she passed away.

I am the same way. Famous people dont really do it for me. In my opinion the best people to meet would be the interesting ones who view the world differently from everybody else. For example I would love to see what kind of person Nikola Tesla was, same with individuals like Ghandi and even Andre the Giant (who all reports state was a great person) just to see how they think.

Family is a great answer. I never thought of family in relation to this question before.
Tesla, Jesus, TuPac - I think my view on life would completely change, and probably for the better.

And punch? Ironically probably any leader who started a war...
Yeah, from all the oral history I got growing up, my answer does reflect that. Definitely have a colorful ancestry. Was working on the family tree at yesterday. I got back to g-g-g grandpa on dad's father's side. Still trying with grandma to get back to the Apache chief, her g-g grandpa. But I'll tell ya what. It gets sketchy at best by the time you get back to 3rd removed. I have yet to read the one or two listings about the other story I've told. About the time of Sir William Wallace, my German ancestors mixed with some highlanders & married into the family of an Irish warlord to keep the peace as I got it orally. I found a post I have to find again about the year 1172 AD pertaining to it. So at least that story is essentially correct. Kinda cool really. Not bad getting back that far. They'd be some others I'd love to chat with over some ales. Although my ESB would likely be considered bad form...;)
I'm not a huge fan of rich famous people. There are only two people I would like to meet:

Anthony Bourdain. I think we have a similar personality.

Michael Balzary. His love for music and sheer talent for making and performing it is beyond amazing.

I would be forever happy to meet either.
Bill Gates, I'd tell him I can save the World (or my little corner of it) by opening another Nano Brewery and ask for a grant to make it happen.

Not punching anyone, they'll probably punch back and going to the hospital will interfere with my beer drinking.
I'm not too big of famous people, 99% have done nothing really meaningful earn their fame.

Right now I would probably want to meet my 5 great grandfather on my fathers side. I can track his journey thru Canada, and know where he came from in Ulster, but can not seem to get any information on the other side of the pond. I have the same situation on my moms side, information just ends this time in Baltimore with one of her relatives. On the up side, I have tracked part of my moms family thru the American Revolution and back to a few who came over on the Mayflower.
I wish I could say I'd like to meet my great grandfathers, but I'm not really cool with the whole Nazi thing. My mother's side though, yeah that'd be cool. Hard working Irishman, all of them.
Meet: Maynard James Keenan... even though he'd probably punch me.

Punch: So, so many people.
Wouldn't mind having a beer with Jesus I'll meet him at some point

I'd also like to smoke weed with Willie but I'd probably only do that once and then never again
Meet: Benjamin Franklin. Where: In a French whorehouse. What we'd do: Guess.

Who I'd punch: dude who stole my girlfriend in HS. I shoulda kicked that guy's a** when I had the chance.
Why would you want to f*ck Ben Franklin? Wasn't he known to have a few STDs?

I am shattered. As smart as he was, you'd think he'd have known about rubbahs. Or at least sheep intestines.

Besides, not exactly what I had in mind. But now that you mention it, anyone can screw a French whore, but how many people can say they sodomized a Founding Father?
Meet - Ernie Davis. He was my absolute hero as a kid. First black Heisman Trophy winner. He died of leukemia before he ever played pro ball.

Punch - Hunter - he stole the Billy-Klubb in the berries line - the ba$tard !
But now that you mention it, anyone can screw a French whore, but how many people can say they sodomized a Founding Father?


Punch - Hunter - he stole the Billy-Klubb in the berries line - the ba$tard !

Not stealing anything. Just letting him know that a man reaps what he sows. :D
I would like to meet Johnny Cash and have some beers with him.

I would also like to meet all of you and punch YOU ALL IN THE BERRIES!!!!! pow pow pow! whack smack thwacck!! flyingelbowbackhandopenhandedchodeslap!!!! bwaqhahahhahahaaa!!!! ker-plow, martha floccers!!! bwahahahahaha!!!
SEE WHAT I MEAN?!?!?!? :eek:

I'm gonna use you to punch no less than three but no more than twelve people in the berries. then I'm gonna make @TNGabe drink 5 bottles of my Pumpkin Ale fermented with WY3711. then when he's all, "Whhhyyyyy?!? *sniff* I hate you, Billy Klubb!" I'm gonna wrap him around my fist and punch you in the berries with him. and he'll probably vomit my Pumpkin Ale on you.:rockin:
I'd like to meet my ancestors (but not have to die to do so), maybe punch a couple of them; at least smack a couple of them in the back of the head & yell "What the hell were you thinking!?!"

I'd like to go back in time & meet my younger self, maybe smack him in the head too. Hopefully make a couple of corrections & pass him the winning lottery numbers on a huge jackpot.

I'd like to meet Gen. George S. Patton, GySgt. Carlos Hathcock, Sun Tzu, Hugh Glass, Liver Eatin' Johnson, Walter Cronkite, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Claude Monet, J.R.R. Tolkien, Jim Butcher, Julia Child, etc...
I'd like to get really drunk with Nora O'Donnell, I think she'd be a lot of fun ;)
Regards, GF.
on a more serious note...

I would like to have met Johnny Cash and have some beers with him. I'd also like to see my grandpa again.

who I'd punch: Willie Nelson, Nicolas Cage, Tom Cruise, my meth head cousin, my mamma's-got-my-balls cousin, anyone I catch in a line at a fast food place that waits to look at the menu until they get up to the counter, my boss, pretty much everyone I work with, they guy at a the gas station that sizes me up, G.G. Allen, a crap load of people I used to work with, Bill Riccio... I'm sure I'll find more.
Meet: My wife's mother when she was in her twenties. No photos exist, and while their lifestyles are vastly different, I want to know if there's any risk of the old adage, "if you want to know what a girl will look like when she gets older, look at her mother." If she was pretty when she's young (there are no signs of it), I might be in trouble...

Beat: Hitler. I keep trying to come up with a good answer that isn't the stock answer, but let's be honest, it's hard to find a more deserving person. Maybe Stalin, but as terrible as he was, I'm kind've thankful for him because a better leader might have lead the USSR into becoming the top superpower in the world or at least kept them relevant longer so we could potentially still be mired in the cold war...

Eat: A juvenile dinosaur. Mmm, stegosaurus veal!
I would love to meet my grandfather on my dads side. He died of cancer when I was three. i hear that he was a very special man and I would love to talk with him. He was drafted into the navy as a WW2 doctor, graduated from Harvard and Brown (MD and DMD), he pioneered the use of 125I (radioactive iodine), and loved to engineer things with his hands.
About the same here. My real grandpa died when I was 3 as well. Never got to meet him. wonderful woodworker. It was his father or grandpa that was in the civil war. Funny part was, he was on the confederate side with his father in 49th Virginia battalion cavalry as a private. You just never know what you're going to find when searching them out! But hand-carved details on furniture shows his level of patience to me. That I would've loved to see.:mug:
I'd meet my father who died when I was 2 and I was left with not even a photograph of him. The only thing I have is the flag from his coffin.
Yeah, like Jim Croce's photographs & memories. I've got some of those myself. Not having anything of your father sucks though. With me, it's not having anything of his father, the woodworker & other old timers.
I used to like havin a beer or two with pop after work or dinner. He'd tell war stories. One time he told stories of the bombs & the USS Indianapolis. He & other Seabees did the work of building the runways & unloading the ships. He helped unload the bombs to put in the B29's. So, anyway, he told me this story before Quint did in Jaws. This is my favorite scene I dedicate to pop & the other Seabees, 111th special battalion... I'd love to have some of my beer with them.
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Meet= Any of the following Ferran Adrià, Thomas Keller, Masaharu Morimoto, Chen Kenichi, Nobu Matsuhisa. Reasons, they can cook, I cant.

Punch= Justin Timberlake. No reason, just want to.
Nikola Tesla.Was he that damned brilliant or was he a whack job. Justin Beiber. I don't want punch him .I want B.K. to berry punch him for me.
Men: Albert Einstein, Carl Sagan, Paul Morphy, Sir Earnest Shackleton, Earnest Hemingway, Teddy Roosevelt, Isaac Newton, Galileo Galilei, Robert Frost, Victor Hugo
Women: Beryl Markham, Marylyn Monroe, Ayn Rand, Martha Stewart, Tsarina Romanov, Mary Magdelane