McRib is back!!!!

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In my yute I was a BK fan, indeed I depended on them when taking the kids up north for weekend ski trips (the non-skiing Spousal Unit stayed home). But I haven't been inside a fast food place in a couple of decades. Somewhere along the way the smell became mildly offensive to me and I just have no interest in it.

That said, I did a McD drive-through for a lobster roll in 2016. It was actually quite good. I could see having another some day...

Lobster Roll!!!! Wow. I'm guessing that was a regional specialty since you're in MA.

BTW, aren't yutes from NYC? Is that also a MA thing? :)
McDonald's has come up with some good combinations that are easy to duplicate at home: sausage egg and cheese on an English muffin (McMuffin?) and the McBreakfast McBurrito. If those were already around before by someone else, then I wasn't aware of it.

Taco Bell was my Achilles heel for fast food growing up but I loved them all--McDonald's, Arby's, Burger King, Tubby's (might be regional), Subway, Wendy's.
Fried Spam is delicious
I had a buddy who had a family recipe for Spam. He would not give it to me--closely guarded secret.
Personally, I only liked it dumped out on a plate, cold with plain yellow mustard. To this day, I don't know what it's actually made of.
McDonald's has come up with some good combinations that are easy to duplicate at home: sausage egg and cheese on an English muffin (McMuffin?) and the McBreakfast McBurrito. If those were already around before by someone else, then I wasn't aware of it.
:drunk: You can't be serious. You really think that McD's "invented" the breakfast sandwich and the breakfast burrito? The breakfast burrito was around for decades before McD's started selling them, and the breakfast sandwich for much longer.
:drunk: You can't be serious. You really think that McD's "invented" the breakfast sandwich and the breakfast burrito? The breakfast burrito was around for decades before McD's started selling them, and the breakfast sandwich for much longer.
Nice takeaway.
Is there a McRib locator? I would hate to be that guy going to different McDs trying to find it.
I'm up to four, four McRib sandwiches!!! Haha haha haha... (queue thunder and lightning).

McRibalicious!!!! So delicious!!!!!
1900 calories (96% DV)
88g of fat (135% DV)
3550mg of sodium (148% DV)
49g of sugar (98% DV)

You'll be pleased to know that all of them have already been "disposed of" - providing happiness with that "light and airy feeling".

You know what they say, 1 a day keeps the doc away.

Perhaps it's time for another McRib!!
You'll be pleased to know that all of them have already been "disposed of" - providing happiness with that "light and airy feeling".

You know what they say, 1 a day keeps the doc away.

Perhaps it's time for another McRib!!

I feel like you should change your user name to sixmcribneck...
I got one for lunch. Needed something quick, McD's is everywhere, and I thought of this thread and considered I hadn't actually had a McRib in several years.

Yep. Still disgusting. Right from the beginning, it didn't even smell good. If you put that much sweet sauce on anything, it's because you're trying to cover up the taste of it. In this case, the lack of taste. Would have been better off with just pickles and onions on the bun. Would have been way better off with a McD's cheeseburger, which is a pretty low bar.

It'll be several years before i forget enough about this experience to even consider getting another. It also doesn't matter how filling it was, after that, I've lost my appetite for a few hours.
It'll be several years before i forget enough about this experience to even consider getting another. It also doesn't matter how filling it was, after that, I've lost my appetite for a few hours.

Don't worry, it'll be gone soon enough.

Hopefully not taking the rest of your GI tract with it...
As long as you don't eat or drink crap every meal, it's meaningless. Math: 21 meals per week. 2 bad meals. Great percentage. The body wants to be resilient and it is as long as you play nice.

In my many years on this planet, I've learned that eating poorly, on occasion, means very little. I think, based on observation, that you really have to tank it, and actively pursue it, I mean spend all your effort toward poor eating, to get screwed up physically. It's a daily/hourly effort.

Throw in a handful of push ups and a some brisk walks and it's easy to stay healthy (if it's your thing) if you eat properly a lot more often than not.

I can't say whether a revered institution such as the McRib is gross or not, but it's a possibility. I'd like to think it will be this tender piece of heaven. In any case, I'm now tempted, more than ever, to try one. Worst case scenario? I point at it and shout, "NO! Just NO!" and toss that puppy into the bin. I highly doubt it but it could happen. But the thing is, the people in charge already know most people like it, by testing, before it ever hits the restaurants.

As I said in an earlier post, cheeseburgers are (or used to be) too good not to order so I'm not at all sure what will happen when I walk up to that counter.

I'm guessing the meat is pieces collected from places on the animal that no one else wants or it's a byproduct . That's not a jab, it's innovation. Besides, I'm already eating the muscle of animals, using its bone marrow and drinking it's blood. I also take solace that people have been eating tongues and doing interesting things with intestines forever.

I'm not partial, however, to the rodents and whatnot that get added (inadvertently) to the mix but it is currently part of the deal unless I decide to DIY.

This thread has been very fun.
Man it was nasty in 1980 when I had my first one. It was the last one as well.
1980??? The McRib should have been better then, right? I'm still game; one's not going to kill me. If it does, my wife will cash in.
I swear, I've never been tempted before HBT but now I am. Maybe there's some fake member controlling all of this without us knowing. I do want to find out (where I couldn't have cared less before) what all the hullabaloo is about. Technically, I don't know that the McRib is being sold in metro Detroit so I'll have to check.
Taco Bell did something local here with a tater-tot-steak burrito thing a long time ago that was awesome but it didn't catch on (sad face).
Kool Aid, believe it or not, made a powder that, hand to God, was 95% as good as real apple juice. I even thought at the time, "Real apple juice is in trouble." Never saw it again. I believe it was too good and the shelved it.
Never had the McRib that I could remember but I did have the BK rib Sandwich about 2 years ago and it was delicious. Long Live the King!!!!
I would say Taco Bell is even better for inducing.... action at the back door.
I honestly don't remember the last time I ate at McDonalds. I try to avoid the big 3 fast-food places. 5 Guys, Smashburger and such is on the occasional rotation (like, once every 3 or 4 months, if that.) Don't know if they're any better for you than the big guys, but they taste a lot better.

I would say White Castle for the win! They don't call them sliders for nothin.

As far as McRib, they never seem to show up in my area anymore, which is fine. I worked at McD's in high school, and I was surprised that we had to actually test the internal temp of the mcrib patty to test that it was cooked.