made friends with the neighbor---NOT

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I think i saw that movie in the 80's. The curly haired guy from slapshot and wifred brimley played in it.
blizzard said:
How many times do you think this guy will go to jail before he gets all crazy junkie on you and tries to get even? Also, where is his father when the music is turned up to 11?

Chances are if he is still living with his parents in his 30's, mommy and daddy have a hard time saying no.
You should get a camera setup to monitor your drive, it won't prevent anything but then you have him on tape.
Meh... Get an Order of Protection like Airborneguy suggested. Then, get one of these:


and the next time he tries to bully you, ***** slap him with the side of the blade. Nothing stops a crazy faster than finding somebody crazier than him.
And I thought I was having issues.

I was in the ICU a couple weeks ago, wasn't allowed to do any work or lift anything. Gutter fell down in a rain storm. EVERY neighbor on the row (Townhouses) said something to my wife, and never ever, said how can I help. I shovel walks for people in snow storms, fix computers, and nothing. I have given up on the people I live near. They can never enjoy my beer. Except for the little old lady that lives next to me and dosen't speak English. She brings us vegetables, so she is in like flynn.

I now dont feel so bad. good luck OP.
I don't know man, I gotta agree with the guy that called on the table for calling the cops 12 times on him. I play in a band and we practice at my buddy's house. I am quite sure we can be loud and obnoxious too.

What exactly are the noise ordinances in your City? Are they being broken? You gotta look at it from his point of view too. Is he playing during the day and every time he starts playing, you call the cops? Or do you let him play for a while until he gets obnoxious?

It sounds like there are two sides to this story. And to me you sound like the grouchy old man.
I disagree.
The OP said he tried to talk to the guy, and he told him to f*ck off. If somebody did that to me, I'd be calling the cops every time he sneezed.

I can understand somebody to play loudly if they're playing drums, or any other, naturally loud, acoustic instrument, but there's no excuse to refuse turning down the volume on an electric guitar. Worst case scenario, if he needs to play loud, headphones are fairly cheap.
I guess it depends on how the OP approached the guy. Based on his posts here, I doubt highly that he went over there and said "Hi, my name is Joe and I live next door. Love the guitar, but my kids are taking a nap. Would it be possible to turn it down a bit so my kids can sleep for a while?"

I'm thinking the conversation went more like "Turn that s**t down or I'm calling the cops", which would elicit a similar response from me and most people.
I don't know man, I gotta agree with the guy that called on the table for calling the cops 12 times on him. I play in a band and we practice at my buddy's house. I am quite sure we can be loud and obnoxious too.

What exactly are the noise ordinances in your City? Are they being broken? You gotta look at it from his point of view too. Is he playing during the day and every time he starts playing, you call the cops? Or do you let him play for a while until he gets obnoxious?

It sounds like there are two sides to this story. And to me you sound like the grouchy old man.

Yes, but "Grouchy old man" does not = F&$K off when approached to turn it down. Reasonable persons would say "Oh sorry about that, I didnt realize it was so loud. Please let me know if there is an issue again." Thats how REASONABLE people deal with disagreements. Not throwing f-bombs and destroying personal property.
I agree if they are approached in a reasonable fashion. Calling the cops 12 times on a "new" neighbor and twice in one night makes me wonder if they neighbor is the only unreasonable one involved.
I don't know man, I gotta agree with the guy that called on the table for calling the cops 12 times on him. I play in a band and we practice at my buddy's house. I am quite sure we can be loud and obnoxious too.

What exactly are the noise ordinances in your City? Are they being broken? You gotta look at it from his point of view too. Is he playing during the day and every time he starts playing, you call the cops? Or do you let him play for a while until he gets obnoxious?

It sounds like there are two sides to this story. And to me you sound like the grouchy old man.

I did not cuss at him and I even introduced my self to him. I explaned how loud it was and he does not care all the other neighbors have asked him to turn it down also, but will not get involved for fear of retrobution. They have made a point of alionating every on in the neigborhood. So if you think I a the grouchy one great. I am not afraid of using the law to my favor.

I let him play till he cranks it up. It starts off reasonable then as he gets more drunk it gets louder. I am not here to be a dick, but at some point you have to do something.

I bet you can carry a tune all he is doing is getting drunk and being an a double s. One of the neighbors went over yesterday and told him to turn it down. His reply was let him call the cops then turned it up louder. The neighbor walked away shaking his head.
Yes, but "Grouchy old man" does not = F&$K off when approached to turn it down. Reasonable persons would say "Oh sorry about that, I didnt realize it was so loud. Please let me know if there is an issue again." Thats how REASONABLE people deal with disagreements. Not throwing f-bombs and destroying personal property.

I couldn't agree more. Even if the other person is acting like an a$$h0le, that doesn't give him the right to react like that. Bottom line, regardless of the way he was approached, he was bothering other people. He should have turned the volume down, instead of escalating the situation into a war.
I agree if they are approached in a reasonable fashion. Calling the cops 12 times on a "new" neighbor and twice in one night makes me wonder if they neighbor is the only unreasonable one involved.

Did you not read this whole thread before posting?

Good lord.
To the OP:

Get an Order of Protection. While it likely won't stop him from trying to do something to you, it will do a few things:

1. If he even yells at you, which would normally be at most harrassment, he just committed a felony and might see jail time.

2. It gives you the upper hand if you do end up in a physical altercation with him. Even if you win, having the OOP looks good when the cops show up.

3. Depending on your local laws, it may induce police attention. Here, people who take out OOP's get bi-weekly visits from the police without them having to call. When the perp sees this, it makes a lasting impression.

probably the best idea of all.
I agree if they are approached in a reasonable fashion. Calling the cops 12 times on a "new" neighbor and twice in one night makes me wonder if they neighbor is the only unreasonable one involved.

If calling 12 times is what it takes, there is nothing wrong with that. thats why this guy pays taxes. Screw the junkie with the hearing problem, he has disrespected everyone in the neighborhood. And guess what, I play bass. No one has ever complained about me because I respect other people around me.
I am sooo glad that my nearest neighbor is 1/4 mile away.

Living in the woods is where its at:D
Ok, It sounds like you did everything in a reasonable fashion. Sounds like the guy is a twat.

I did not cuss at him and I even introduced my self to him. I explaned how loud it was and he does not care all the other neighbors have asked him to turn it down also, but will not get involved for fear of retrobution. They have made a point of alionating every on in the neigborhood. So if you think I a the grouchy one great. I am not afraid of using the law to my favor.

I let him play till he cranks it up. It starts off reasonable then as he gets more drunk it gets louder. I am not here to be a dick, but at some point you have to do something.

I bet you can carry a tune all he is doing is getting drunk and being an a double s. One of the neighbors went over yesterday and told him to turn it down. His reply was let him call the cops then turned it up louder. The neighbor walked away shaking his head.
If you think twice in one night is to much think of it this way the cop came by told him to turn it down and as soon as the cop left the area he cranked it up again. So once is OK but after the cop leaves it is fine to do it and you should not be bothered by the cops for the rest of the night but I should have to listen to two cats making love coming out of his garage. If he was to close the garage it would muffle most of the noise but he won't
If you think twice in one night is to much think of it this way the cop came by told him to turn it down and as soon as the cop left the area he cranked it up again. So once is OK but after the cop leaves it is fine to do it and you should not be bothered by the cops for the rest of the night but I should have to listen to two cats making love coming out of his garage. If he was to close the garage it would muffle most of the noise but he won't

You sir need to learn how to shut off residential electrical service at the meter . . . It's actually fairly easy
Wow, calling the cops 12 times for loud music? Sounds a little over board. Then telling the drunk that everyone in the neighborhood basically hates him and is afraid of him at the same time. Not exactly setting the stage for a peaceful negotiation. Still doesn't justify having a bottle thrown thru your window. I am just glad I don't live on your street.
There is loud and then there is LOUD. You can play guitar in your home at pretty loud volumes before it gets LOUD at your neighbor's property. Nobody should have to put up with LOUD. But imo it doesn't matter what instrument you play, if a drummer is 'allowed' to play at a certain volume then so is any other instrument.

I play guitar, with some volume, all the time but in the 16 years I've lived there nobody has ever called the cops or asked me to turn it down (a few say they like it). I occasionally crank the 100W Marshall full blast but not for very long. If asked I would turn it down immediately. The druggie in the OP was unreasonable and an *******, no defending that imo.

My benchmark for 'too loud' is if it's louder than your average lawnmower/weed trimmer. If you can mow your lawn and create a certain level of noise at the border of my property, then I can play my guitar and create the same level of noise at the border of your property. It's only fair. Usually the loudest I ever play is WHEN somebody nearby is doing lawn work.

HOA: The claim is that a run-down house lowers property values because it makes the neighborhood less desirable to live in. So that's why we have HOAs. But when I speak to a lot of people, they hate HOAs. And if all these people hate HOAs then obviously HOAs lower the property values because it makes those neighborhoods less desirable to live in. So the notion that HOAs somehow help property values is questionable imo. It could be just the opposite.
Wow, calling the cops 12 times for loud music? Sounds a little over board. Then telling the drunk that everyone in the neighborhood basically hates him and is afraid of him at the same time. Not exactly setting the stage for a peaceful negotiation. Still doesn't justify having a bottle thrown thru your window. I am just glad I don't live on your street.

Oh i never told him the neighbors hated him that is what the neighbors told me. And is calling every time I cant hear my TV inside with the doors and windows closed. Unreasonable? What about it being unreasonable with music. New triple pain windows were put in the house because he is so loud. It did not help.
Wow, calling the cops 12 times for loud music? Sounds a little over board. Then telling the drunk that everyone in the neighborhood basically hates him and is afraid of him at the same time. Not exactly setting the stage for a peaceful negotiation. Still doesn't justify having a bottle thrown thru your window. I am just glad I don't live on your street.

Do none of you people read beyond the first page?
But imo it doesn't matter what instrument you play, if a drummer is 'allowed' to play at a certain volume then so is any other instrument.

Maybe (wouldn't surprise me) I didn't explain myself properly. It's not that a drummer should be "allowed" to be louder. Turning down the volume on an electric guitar is as easy as turning a knob. Then you can play as aggressively as you want. Turning down the volume on a drum set is not nearly as easy. You have to play softly, and at any time you're bound to get riled up, and start playing louder. It's human nature. Besides, you can play an electric guitar on headphones, but you can't on a drum set.

HOA: The claim is that a run-down house lowers property values because it makes the neighborhood less desirable to live in. So that's why we have HOAs. But when I speak to a lot of people, they hate HOAs. And if all these people hate HOAs then obviously HOAs lower the property values because it makes those neighborhoods less desirable to live in. So the notion that HOAs somehow help property values is questionable imo. It could be just the opposite.

I couldn't agree more. I'm, right now, renting in a neighbourhood with an HOA, because I don't have a choice, but if I were to be able to buy a house, I wouldn't even consider an HOA. I rather live under a bridge.
I couldn't agree more. I'm, right now, renting in a neighbourhood with an HOA, because I don't have a choice, but if I were to be able to buy a house, I wouldn't even consider an HOA. I rather live under a bridge.

I'm on the board of my HOA, and I HATE it. We actually looked into disbanding, but since we own the street, its nearly impossible. NYC isn't looking to take over maintenance and responsibility for more streets. HOA's suck and I will never buy a house in one again. Around here, they actually aren't very prevalent. The key is to buy in an old neighborhood.
I'm on the board of my HOA, and I HATE it. We actually looked into disbanding, but since we own the street, its nearly impossible. NYC isn't looking to take over maintenance and responsibility for more streets. HOA's suck and I will never buy a house in one again. Around here, they actually aren't very prevalent. The key is to buy in an old neighborhood with a decent mix of young families (not old folks destined to die soon) that keep their houses, yards, etc. in decent repair.

...with a decent mix of young families (not old folks destined to die soon) that keep their houses, yards, etc. in decent repair.

Around here, its rare to have a bunch of trashy people around you because houses are so expensive. Most trash can't afford a $500k mortgage for a 1900sq house. The key here is to stay away from neighborhoods with renters. They don't usually have access to parking so their cars end up in front of and blocking other peoples houses or driveways.
I'm on the board of my HOA, and I HATE it. We actually looked into disbanding, but since we own the street, its nearly impossible. NYC isn't looking to take over maintenance and responsibility for more streets. HOA's suck and I will never buy a house in one again. Around here, they actually aren't very prevalent. The key is to buy in an old neighborhood.

Here, in S. Florida, they're everywhere. I've had to deal with their BS when I was a DirecTV installer. I sure won't as a homeowner.
With us its a tax issue regarding the street. Right now, we are looking into what would happen if the board members declined to return and no one else elected to take over. We are also looking at stripping the board of all responsibility other than paying the taxes on the common areas and snow removal. In NY, HOA's that own the street do not get public snow removal and are required to have a contracted service for any snowfall over 3 inches. We used to be excluded from garbage pickup also, but a lawsuit changed that because around here, sanitation is part of real estate and local income taxes, which we all pay so the City was forced to provide it.
Ours is all zoning(money). Basically, give us a common area and the houses can be built closer together and closer to the street. So we got 6 acres of swamp. The developer got probably 25% more homes in the development. I'm not mad. It was in our price range and got us out of the apartment.

The part that sticks me is that I am treasurer. I am responsible for money that ain't mine.
I disagree.
The OP said he tried to talk to the guy, and he told him to f*ck off. If somebody did that to me, I'd be calling the cops every time he sneezed.

I can understand somebody to play loudly if they're playing drums, or any other, naturally loud, acoustic instrument, but there's no excuse to refuse turning down the volume on an electric guitar. Worst case scenario, if he needs to play loud, headphones are fairly cheap.

Not true. Amps have "sweet spots" and it all deals with electricity and how the components deal with differing levels of it. Amps will sound different at different volumes. Usually cranking up the volume (amount of electricity) gives you a better sound due to the level of electric going through the components.
Not true. Amps have "sweet spots" and it all deals with electricity and how the components deal with differing levels of it. Amps will sound different at different volumes. Usually cranking up the volume (amount of electricity) gives you a better sound due to the level of electric going through the components.

No wonder they made them go up to 11.
Not true. Amps have "sweet spots" and it all deals with electricity and how the components deal with differing levels of it. Amps will sound different at different volumes. Usually cranking up the volume (amount of electricity) gives you a better sound due to the level of electric going through the components.

You're an audio engineer, and that's the best explanation you can come up with? :rolleyes:

The main difference between running an amp at low volume and running it full steam is in the THD (that's "Total Harmonic Distortion", Mr. audio engineer), and it's dynamic range.
Actually, amps are designed to sound their best at mid volume, where the frequency range is high, the THD is minimal, and the dynamic range (the ratio between the loudest and the (lowest voltage signal, I don't know the right English name) is highest, without trimming the signal. Beyond that, if you play it at too low a volume, you will lose the lower voltage signals, and if you play it at a higher volume, it will crop the louder ones.

So, sorry, that's a myth very popular among amateur musicians. You, as an audio engineer, should know better.
You're an audio engineer, and that's the best explanation you can come up with? :rolleyes:

The main difference between running an amp at low volume and running it full steam is in the THD (that's "Total Harmonic Distortion", Mr. audio engineer), and it's dynamic range.
Actually, amps are designed to sound their best at mid volume, where the frequency range is high, the THD is minimal, and the dynamic range (the ratio between the loudest and the (lowest voltage signal, I don't know the right English name) is highest, without trimming the signal. Beyond that, if you play it at too low a volume, you will lose the lower voltage signals, and if you play it at a higher volume, it will crop the louder ones.

So, sorry, that's a myth very popular among amateur musicians. You, as an audio engineer, should know better.

You say it's a myth, but you just claimed at low volume you "lose voltage signals" and at high volume you "lose voltage signals". That signifies a "sweet spot".

Besides, how many people on here do you think know what THD is? Does your doctor flash his/her knowledge of medical terms when explaining something to you or does he/she use layman's terms?
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