Lightest Color Recipe you know?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2014
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I want to run an experiment this weekend. But I need a base recipe to work with.

Since the recipe should affect the color, I want a very light colored beer to start with.

Any recommendations for an DME extract recipe that still has a decent flavor? (The one I have looks like a Budweiser clone… XP )
"Decent flavor" is pretty subjective. Six pounds of Pilsen DME, any hops for 60 minutes and Safale 05 will make something BMC-ish. Drink it green for maximum BMC effect.
This is what I base my brews on but then I use steeping grains as a rudder to steer into something I can enjoy.
Well, I would consider Budweiser to not be decent flavor. And most Mexican beers to be in the same category.

When you go that basic, malt+hops+water, what kind of flavor profile does that have?
I made a session IPA using Briess Pilsen DME. It is the lightest color DME, I believe at 2 SRM. I added a few pounds of Vienna, also incredibly light. It was almost too light, not much malt flavor, but it was very light in color.
How about a Saison or a Belgian Singel? Pilsen extract and a pound of cane sugar to around 1.055, 30 IBUs of magnum, maybe half an oz of crushed coriander at 5 minutes and half an oz of Hallertau or Goldings. Ferment with Belle Saison or any of the White Labs 500 series (Abbey, Trappist, Saison, etc.).

If you want it on the hoppier end, add 2oz of Sorachi Ace at the end of the boil. Lots of ways you can go with it. Belgian yeasts will give you lots of tasty flavors without needing darker grains.