Kidney hurts after 2 homebrews...

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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2009
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So a few weeks ago I had issues (pain) with my kidneys. I went to the doctor and got urine tests, blood tests, an ultrasound, and a CT scan and everything came up fine. After a few weeks the pain went away.

However, it seems to come back in one kidney whenever I drink homebrew. Today I drank 2 homebrews and my left kidney is in pain. I thought it was from beer itself, however I drank a good bit of microbrew last weekend and had no issues whatsoever. Do you think something in my homebrew could be causing this pain?

Maybe I'm paranoid, but I've been concerned about the fact that I use an Aluminum pot. I got it from Amazon and they sell the exact same pot at Target so it's not like it's generic. Even still, I'm worried that I'm drinking too much aluminum or something.

Has anyone else ever heard of this? I can't find any information about this and I may have to quit homebrewing all together. :(
are you sure its not referred lower back pain or leg pain? if urinalysis and CT scans came back clean it is probably not a urinary issue. However seeing a doctor again would be the only way to make sure.

Bottom line, if it keeps hurting, go back to a doc. Its probably not the homebrew.
Sorry for your pain, but i'm totally speechless. I believe a new hobby is in order

How do you know it's kidney and not back pain? I've thought I was having a kidney issue but likewise it turned out to be back pain from lifting weights.
I have some pain from time to time in my kidney after drinking, but I have issues with my kidney with stones, etc. It's just something I have to deal with. But if your doc has run the tests and all came back OK, I'm with the others and saying it's not kidney pain.
Well the doc did find a cyst on my right kidney (which is never in pain) but they also said it's harmless. They also said I may have passed something as well. I'm pretty sure it's kidney pain though, I can press against my kidney and it's tender.

I'm hoping it's just a case of severe dehydration because that's simple to cure. I love homebrewing and it's a hobby I would love to keep so we'll see how things work out.
I experience the same thing from time to time and it has seemed clearly to me, too, to be associated with the previous night's homebrew consumption. I haven't seen a doctor about it.
So a few weeks ago I had issues (pain) with my kidneys. I went to the doctor and got urine tests, blood tests, an ultrasound, and a CT scan and everything came up fine. After a few weeks the pain went away.

Maybe I'm paranoid, but I've been concerned about the fact that I use an Aluminum pot. I got it from Amazon and they sell the exact same pot at Target so it's not like it's generic. Even still, I'm worried that I'm drinking too much aluminum or something.

Has anyone else ever heard of this? I can't find any information about this and I may have to quit homebrewing all together. :(

So you had a trained and licensed professional run a battery of tests that showed no problems, but now you think that a polling of people that have no medical qualifications and have never met you will be better qualified to reach a diagnosis because they make their own beer?

Come on dude, if you're really worried go get a second opinion from a real doctor.
Negative tests don't mean that there's nothing wrong. It means the tests didn't reveal a problem. Tests also have false negs and false positives; they're not perfect. The OP isn't looking for a diagnosis from a bunch of rummies, he's asking if anyone has heard anything of such a thing. Give him a break.
Negative tests don't mean that there's nothing wrong. It means the tests didn't reveal a problem. Tests also have false negs and false positives; they're not perfect. The OP isn't looking for a diagnosis from a bunch of rummies, he's asking if anyone has heard anything of such a thing. Give him a break.

That wasn't funny at all!

Let's just let him get a second opinion.

Patient:- "Doctor, I think my kidneys are failing"
Doctor:- "Never mind, your liver is getting straight 'A's

This is definitely not a forum to get med advice, it is for homebrewing!
Well, I am a doctor. They call me Dr. Love. I'm also a kidney stone having like a mo-fo mo-foer. If you can pee, hell, if you can type, if you can work anything more complex than the red button that calls a nurse for more pain meds, sweet wonderful pain meds, you aint got kidney stones.

What you have is the homebrew hornies. Bust a nut.
This is definitely not a forum to get med advice, it is for homebrewing!

Hey, my handle isn't just for show! Of course legally I am restricted to animals, so truly the only medical advise I can/have give/given is go see your doc again if you are worried about it.

Of course a bunch of homebrewers on the interwebs cant be too far off from my normal clientele :D
I usd to feel a pain in my lower left side I thought was kidneys. It then crept down to my sciatica (sp). I layed on an ice pack for a while and the pain was gone the next day. Could it me a nerve?
If you are worried about the aluminum from your brew pot ask the Doc to run a blood test to see if it is elevated. I have had kidney problems in the past and a urologist told me to drink beer to help flush my kidneys. Gotta love a doc the tells you to drink more. (He said 1-2 a day would be enough)
So you had a trained and licensed professional run a battery of tests that showed no problems, but now you think that a polling of people that have no medical qualifications and have never met you will be better qualified to reach a diagnosis because they make their own beer?

Come on dude, if you're really worried go get a second opinion from a real doctor.

Either that, or have 6 more homebrews & teach those kidneys who's in charge.
Negative tests don't mean that there's nothing wrong. It means the tests didn't reveal a problem. Tests also have false negs and false positives; they're not perfect. The OP isn't looking for a diagnosis from a bunch of rummies, he's asking if anyone has heard anything of such a thing. Give him a break.

Thanks bro, you summed it up.

Just wanted to see if anyone else had similar issues or at least heard of this. After all, the gist of this forum is for people to share wisdom and learn from each others mistakes right? :D