[Initial Release] RaspberryPints - Digital Taplist Solution

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I was just tried to access the raspberry pints website and it looks like its down? Is anybody else having this issue??
Hello everyone, we are so sorry about the website issues. We have been working on trying to get the server back up but in the end I had to move us to a new host. We are now up and running, it may take another 24 hours for the DNS to propagate but most of you should start seeing it soon.

Thank all of you for your patience! to show our gratitude, we are offering $5 off the RaspberryPints software from now until Sunday ;) LOL. All jokes aside, thank you thank you thank you all for your support!!
I have hit a road block I down loaded the latest version using my RaspberryPi. when I go to unzip the folder I get the following error messsage

unzip: cannot find or open RaspberryPints-2.0.1.zip; RaspberryPints-2.0.1.zip.Zip

I used the command unzip RasberryPints-2.0.1.zip as instructed I see the zip file in the location its suppose to be. any advice on what I am doing wrong.
Make sure you're using the exact file name including capitalized letters.
And the .zip in the file name is optional; should work, of course, but you can leave it off and that will work, too...

Create a folder in www called rpints and unzip to that location after chmodding it to 777. It looks like you already have a website up and running.
Yeah I not a programmer by any means I can follow directions on a website but once it deviates from those directions it gets dicey with my ability to understand
Got it.

Assuming you're running Raspian, plus not running xscreensaver (in which case, use its gui to disable it) you can edit /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/autostart and append:

@xset -s off
@xset -dpkm
@xset s noblank

Note that if your Raspian OS install was done in roughly the last half-year or so there will be a per-user autostart file instead of the "global" file referenced above. It's somewhere in the vicinity - but my installs predate that paradigm so I can't point you right at it...

Was going to work on this today, but looks like the website it down :(

Hi guys,

I've just built up my RPints setup. My screen blanking after 10 minutes. I've written the :

@xset s off
@xset -dpms
@xset s noblank
@chromium –kiosk localhost

into the LXDX autostart and also the LXDX-pi autostart

My system still goes to sleep.

Any ideas?
Hi guys,

I've just built up my RPints setup. My screen blanking after 10 minutes. I've written the :

@xset s off

@xset -dpms

@xset s noblank

@chromium –kiosk localhost

into the LXDX autostart and also the LXDX-pi autostart

My system still goes to sleep.

Any ideas?

Did you mean to write lxdx or lxde?
Actually I found the typo and also corrected in both directories. Working fine now. Thanks!
Huh - lookie there, IE does indeed bork the SRM display.
And so does Firefox.

Neither one of them handles the image mask correctly, I guess.

Chrome gets it right. That's all I use these days on all my systems and 'Droids - I've never even tried IE or FF on my own web sites before right now ;)


It's actually mentioned in the README (altho it seems with a incorrect explanation). RPints uses a proprietary mask tag for webkit based browsers (i.e. Chrome and Safari), the other mask tags in the SRM css are bogus.
FireFox implements this the 'standard' way (altho that's a bit of a pain in the ...) via a mask path defined in a svg image.

I fixed it up for my tap list; you can use my svg mask from:
https://github.com/HentschelT/RaspberryPints/blob/Version2/img/srm/pint-mask.svg ,
download as 'raw' and save to 'img/srm/pint-mask.svg'. Afterwards fix up style.css by replacing:
-moz-mask-image: url(img/srm/pint-mask.png);
mask: url(img/srm/pint-mask.svg#maskid);

Should be good as new for FireFox. Not sure how to fix it for IE, don't care much for that browser...

Please forgive me if this was mentioned somewhere throughout this thread but when I go to select "tap a keg" and choose a beer that I have in "My beers" nothing else gets filled in like the SRM, IBU's, etc so I have to refill all these values in for it to show up on the taplist

is this something messed up on mine or is this what it should be doing?

Thanks for any help
when I go to select "tap a keg" and choose a beer that I have in "My beers" nothing else gets filled in like the SRM, IBU's, etc so I have to refill all these values in for it to show up on the taplist

It's a problem for me too. Exactly as you have described. I have in the past gone through and deleted each one of my beers and reentered the info and that seems to fix it.... for a while. Then the same problem pops up again. If I recall correctly if you have any sort of non text characters in any of the fields it will cause the same problem but that is not what is causing mine.
Please forgive me if this was mentioned somewhere throughout this thread but when I go to select "tap a keg" and choose a beer that I have in "My beers" nothing else gets filled in like the SRM, IBU's, etc so I have to refill all these values in for it to show up on the taplist

is this something messed up on mine or is this what it should be doing?

Thanks for any help

It could be that you have a special char in any of the beer names/beer descriptions that the JS code (which fills the form) doesn't like. In the tap form (after pressing 'tap a keg'), before selecting any beer, right click into your browser window and select 'View page source'. Scroll almost all the way down until you see something like:
	$(function() {
		var beerList = {
Copy and paste the following line *verbatim* using the code tags in the forum (otherwise the forum software might mangle whats there). Maybe we can figure which beer is giving you grief (if that's what it is).

The code to copy and paste is not showing up. I'm gonna guess it has something to do with the forum rules not liking the code.

I think you misread my post - and looking at again, I can see why. The way I worded that post is kinda confusing. There was nothing to show up for you to copy and paste.

So here again, hopefully this is better:

  1. you click on 'kick a keg' in your RPints
  2. you right click on the browser, and select 'view page source'
  3. you scroll almost all the way down, until you see 'var beerList = {'
  4. from your browsers page source, *you* select and copy the line that follows 'var beerList = {'. It may be a long line that wraps around a few times. Make sure you get everything up to 'var keglist = {'
  5. *you* paste that line into a new post here on the forum. Make sure to use the code tags, otherwise the forum will likely mangle the content of that line
  6. after all that's done, I may be able to see why it fails to populate your entries, and may be able to tell you which of your beers names or descriptions creates the problem.

Does this make more sense?

  1. you click on 'kick a keg' in your RPints
  2. you right click on the browser, and select 'view page source'
  3. you scroll almost all the way down, until you see 'var beerList = {'
  4. from your browsers page source, *you* select and copy the line that follows 'var beerList = {'. It may be a long line that wraps around a few times. Make sure you get everything up to 'var keglist = {'
  5. *you* paste that line into a new post here on the forum. Make sure to use the code tags, otherwise the forum will likely mangle the content of that line
  6. after all that's done, I may be able to see why it fails to populate your entries, and may be able to tell you which of your beers names or descriptions creates the problem.

Again, thank you for offering to help here. When I 'viewed source" on the "Kick a Tap" page there was no "var beerlist" in the code. However, when I clicked "Tap a Keg" the html did have the variables you spoke of. So, without further ado, here's the code it showed:

var beerList = {
10: {id: 10, name: 'Apri Diddly Cot', beerStyleId: 75, notes: 'A Nicki favorite. A homage to Ned Flanders. As Ned said, Just tell them that God wants them to ignore the things in their body that God is making happen. Nice tart, not too sweet Apricot beer. A great refreshing beer for hot days.', srm: '7.0', og: '1.053', fg: '1.005', ibu: '9', active: '1', createdDate: new Date('2015-05-18 15:30:01'), modifiedDate: new Date('2015-10-03 08:46:54') }, 18: {id: 18, name: 'Beauty and Dread', beerStyleId: 57, notes: 'Complex, enjoyable and entertaining, like the book of the same title. Citrus aroma, very dry finish, complex beer. It has ground pepper in it to offset the sweetness of the yeast. There are no fruits in this beer, all flavors are from the yeast.', srm: '6.0', og: '1.062', fg: '1.000', ibu: '36', active: '1', createdDate: new Date('2015-06-05 08:53:11'), modifiedDate: new Date('2015-07-11 17:37:30') }, 9: {id: 9, name: 'Brown as a Nut', beerStyleId: 38, notes: 'This is a Brown Ale with a medium brown color. Flavor has a gentle malt sweetness with a nutty, lightly caramel character. Finish is medium dry. Fairly low ABV of 4.5 percent.', srm: '18.0', og: '1.054', fg: '1.016', ibu: '6', active: '1', createdDate: new Date('2015-05-18 15:30:01'), modifiedDate: new Date('2015-05-22 10:20:06') }, 1: {id: 1, name: 'Caramel Apple Cider', beerStyleId: 90, notes: 'Caramel apple pie in a glass. Sweet caramel with tart apple flavor. A fairly sweet drink with pretty low alcohol content.', srm: '7.0', og: '1.050', fg: '1.015', ibu: '0', active: '1', createdDate: new Date('2015-05-18 15:30:01'), modifiedDate: new Date('2015-10-03 08:56:08') }, 20: {id: 20, name: 'COMING SOON Black Kolsch', beerStyleId: 10, notes: 'This is not a recognized beer style. It&amp;#039;s an ale that tastes like a lager. A bit of a roasty flavor but with a light body. ', srm: '22.5', og: '1.049', fg: '1.012', ibu: '17', active: '1', createdDate: new Date('2015-10-03 08:52:14'), modifiedDate: new Date('2015-10-03 09:06:38') }, 6: {id: 6, name: 'COMING SOON Blood of the Dragon', beerStyleId: 79, notes: 'A dark caramel flavor backbone with a Oak flavor too. A strong beer with lots of character. Aged with vanilla beans, mild charred Oak chips and a cinnamon stick. Needs at least 2 months to mature in the keg.', srm: '30.0', og: '1.075', fg: '1.010', ibu: '32', active: '1', createdDate: new Date('2015-05-18 15:30:01'), modifiedDate: new Date('2015-10-03 08:47:14') }, 8: {id: 8, name: 'COMING SOON Figmentation', beerStyleId: 67, notes: 'A fig from Iran. The sapling was hand carried from Iran. This beer is pretty high ABV (actually it is a Belgian dubbel). The fig flavor is subtle and goes well with the fruitiness of the Dubbel.', srm: '15.0', og: '1.066', fg: '1.014', ibu: '19', active: '1', createdDate: new Date('2015-05-18 15:30:01'), modifiedDate: new Date('2015-10-03 08:47:28') }, 12: {id: 12, name: 'COMING SOON Little Slice of Hefen', beerStyleId: 51, notes: 'A great beer for hot Summer days. Lemon and lime flavors are fairly strong with both flavors being about equal. A wheat beer so expect some cloudiness. Low to no bitterness. The yeast imparts a tart character and there are some subtle clove and banana flavors present.
', srm: '4.0', og: '1.050', fg: '1.010', ibu: '17', active: '1', createdDate: new Date('2015-05-22 10:13:38'), modifiedDate: new Date('2015-10-03 08:59:08') }, 5: {id: 5, name: 'Curmudgeon', beerStyleId: 49, notes: 'Just a little bitter. Very light color, hoppy aroma does NOT carry over to the taste. Finish is dry and crisp with mostly malty flavor with just a touch of hoppy bitterness. A good Summer beer.
', srm: '6.0', og: '1.071', fg: '1.018', ibu: '35', active: '1', createdDate: new Date('2015-05-18 15:30:01'), modifiedDate: new Date('2015-06-05 07:31:34') }, 4: {id: 4, name: 'Dead Frog Ale', beerStyleId: 48, notes: '...because it is not very hoppy! This is an ENGLISH IPA. The English are more subdued and proper and so are their beers. Malt flavor is medium, but noticeable and pleasant. Despite the substantial hop character, the malt flavor, body and complexity support the hops and provide balance.', srm: '10.0', og: '1.050', fg: '1.010', ibu: '39', active: '1', createdDate: new Date('2015-05-18 15:30:01'), modifiedDate: new Date('2015-05-22 10:05:19') }, 2: {id: 2, name: 'Dunkelstitskin', beerStyleId: 11, notes: 'This is my favorite style of beer. It is a lager so it will be smoother than an ale. Fairly dark with some bread/biscuit flavor mingled with some subtle caramel too. Medium bodied, not very sweet and carbonated at a higher level than most other beers.', srm: '18.0', og: '1.048', fg: '1.009', ibu: '28', active: '1', createdDate: new Date('2015-05-18 15:30:01'), modifiedDate: new Date('2015-05-22 10:06:12') }, 17: {id: 17, name: 'Here Comes the Sun Porter', beerStyleId: 40, notes: 'Wedding porter for Lauren and Justin&amp;#039;s wedding reception.', srm: '27.0', og: '1.062', fg: '1.010', ibu: '33', active: '1', createdDate: new Date('2015-05-25 21:38:18'), modifiedDate: new Date('2015-10-03 08:58:05') }, 7: {id: 7, name: 'Hobbit Hole Hefe', beerStyleId: 51, notes: 'This is a wheat beer so expect it to be a little cloudy. Both the honey and orange flavors are subdued with the honey coming on a little stronger in the finish.
', srm: '7.0', og: '1.052', fg: '1.013', ibu: '11', active: '1', createdDate: new Date('2015-05-18 15:30:01'), modifiedDate: new Date('2015-05-22 10:11:34') }, 11: {id: 11, name: 'Honey Badger Ale', beerStyleId: 20, notes: 'Until they amended the German Purity Law in 1993 this beer could not be sold because it contains honey and molasses.', srm: '3.0', og: '1.050', fg: '1.010', ibu: '20', active: '1', createdDate: new Date('2015-05-22 10:12:20'), modifiedDate: new Date('2015-05-22 10:21:43') }, 19: {id: 19, name: 'Justified', beerStyleId: 80, notes: 'The nearly lost beer style. When prohibition was declared in Kentucky 1919,
at least 75% of all beer sold
in the Falls City area was
Kentucky Common. Moderate grainy-sweet maltiness with low caramel, toffee, bready, and biscuity notes. A light easy to drink beer.', srm: '18.0', og: '1.049', fg: '1.010', ibu: '20', active: '1', createdDate: new Date('2015-07-11 17:34:59'), modifiedDate: new Date('2015-07-11 17:35:35') }, 3: {id: 3, name: 'Pirate Ale', beerStyleId: 79, notes: 'Good blend of smoke and malt with a dark amber color, slight barrel aged rum smoke along with a touch of vanilla. Beer is clear with creamy rich head. Moderately hopped with a clean lager finish.', srm: '9.0', og: '1.080', fg: '1.010', ibu: '38', active: '1', createdDate: new Date('2015-05-18 15:30:01'), modifiedDate: new Date('2015-05-22 10:20:36') }, 13: {id: 13, name: 'Pumpkin Wheat', beerStyleId: 51, notes: 'Not only a pumpkin ale but a pumpkin wheat hefeweizen. It&amp;#039;s like drinking a piece of pumpkin pie. Nice pumpkin pie spice flavors with a nice spice aroma too. Not too heavy with just the right amount of pumpkin. Add some Whipped Cream flavored Vodka to take the flavor out of its gourd.
', srm: '13.0', og: '1.046', fg: '1.010', ibu: '17', active: '1', createdDate: new Date('2015-05-22 10:14:15'), modifiedDate: new Date('2015-10-03 09:01:32') }, 14: {id: 14, name: 'Team Smith Ale', beerStyleId: 34, notes: 'Flavors do not push each other down in this beer. Because they are all on the same team. I designed this beer to have all the flavors I like in beer. It does not fall within the guidelines of any particular beer style set by the BJCP. ', srm: '17.0', og: '1.051', fg: '1.010', ibu: '25', active: '1', createdDate: new Date('2015-05-22 10:14:58'), modifiedDate: new Date('2015-05-22 10:14:58') }, 15: {id: 15, name: 'Trap His Tail', beerStyleId: 59, notes: 'A clone of the only Trappist ale brewed in the U.S. Fairly light as far as trappist ales go. Uses a stepped mash temperatures so brewing this beer takes longer than normal. What seems like a simple beer ends up with a very complex flavor profile. Note the ABV is high on this beer', srm: '5.4', og: '1.057', fg: '1.008', ibu: '27', active: '1', createdDate: new Date('2015-05-22 10:15:44'), modifiedDate: new Date('2015-05-22 10:15:44') }, 16: {id: 16, name: 'Troop of Shadows', beerStyleId: 40, notes: 'A post apocalyptic beer. Multiple flavors battling for your taste buds. The ebb and flow of tastes fighting, merging and, in the end, converging into a perfect ending. Okay, it is really a blueberry porter.', srm: '27.0', og: '1.058', fg: '1.015', ibu: '26', active: '1', createdDate: new Date('2015-05-22 10:16:21'), modifiedDate: new Date('2015-05-22 10:21:13') }, };

I know I'm not the only one having this problem so the solution will certainly help some others too.

If you need any other info. please let me know.
  1. you click on 'kick a keg' in your RPints
  2. you right click on the browser, and select 'view page source'
  3. you scroll almost all the way down, until you see 'var beerList = {'
  4. from your browsers page source, *you* select and copy the line that follows 'var beerList = {'. It may be a long line that wraps around a few times. Make sure you get everything up to 'var keglist = {'
  5. *you* paste that line into a new post here on the forum. Make sure to use the code tags, otherwise the forum will likely mangle the content of that line
  6. after all that's done, I may be able to see why it fails to populate your entries, and may be able to tell you which of your beers names or descriptions creates the problem.

I think I have it figured out. I noticed a few hard returns at the end of some of the beer descriptions as well as a few inside the descriptions themselves. I edited out all the hard returns and as if by magic all of the fields actually fill themselves out when I select a beer to put on tap.

Thank you for pointing me in the right direction to figure this out.

Hopefully later this week I will have time to install your system on a new SD card.

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