I was druck enough to drink a bud light!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2007
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Dickinson Texas
Just a bit of rambling rant. I drank enough homebrews tonight that at the end of the evening I went ahead and drank a bud light that someone brought. Mind you, I have not had a BMC since I started homebrewing back in November 07. Even after about 7 or 8 homebrews (summit pale ales) , it still tasted like ass. So as of tonight, I have officially ruined cheap beer for myself. I will never be able to drink it again. My wallet cries, but its OK, it gets opened at the LHBS instead of Kroger!
Yeah. Last weekend, Memorial Day, I was stranded on a boat dock without my cooler full of homebrews so I drank a Bud. It did taste like ass! I had a Miller, also, which was a little better. I am also officially ruined as far as cheap beer goes. Most of the BMC drinkers at the lake would not even try a home brew even though I had brought session beers.
Think that's bad? I just left a Korean restaurant, where I drank two bottles of Hite. That stuff makes BMC seem like high-end craft brew! :drunk:

I gotta go hit the kegerator, to cleanse that nasty beer from my palate. Great Korean BBQ though!
Bud light's not so bad compared to some others. Last night one of my friends came over with a couple cans of Natty Ice, now that **** is awful...

...... and up until a couple of years ago I drank that stuff every day
My curiosity got the better of me and I bought a 12 pack of steel reserve for$5.
Think it might be the worst beer I ever tried. Half way through a can I relized why it was $5. Great ABV though.
So bud is not that bad.
but some are better than others.

genesse cream ale, i can drink the entire thirty pack in a session...:D
enlighten me....what exactly does BMC stand for?...lol


Just like any other style, American Light Lager has its place. You're no less of a beer connoisseur if you drink one every once in awhile. I know I still do. Sh*t, on a hot summer day, if a friend has a cooler full of pbr or bud or something, it's perfect.

I'm watching this thread. Gonna see how long it takes for Godwin's Law of BMC Threads to kick in.
Hmm the other day I went to a friends house to help out on his kitchen remodel. I roughed in his electrical, and when we were done I drank about four of his Old Milwaukee. They were delicious.
we do a lot of rafting here in Idaho and of course you can't take bottles so my boat beer of choice has to be PBR, it did win a gold at GABF 2006 so that ain't too shabby.

Just like any other style, American Light Lager has its place. You're no less of a beer connoisseur if you drink one every once in awhile. I know I still do. Sh*t, on a hot summer day, if a friend has a cooler full of pbr or bud or something, it's perfect.

I'm watching this thread. Gonna see how long it takes for Godwin's Law of BMC Threads to kick in.


Two weeks ago, I went on a golf outing from work. We were warned: No coolers in the carts! Since my foursome was formed specifically as a beer drinking group, creative thinking was called for. As it happens, I have a soft side cooler that looks just like a gear bag. I was able to cram in about 18 cans of Coors Light along with three cold packs. I was called on it - "It's rain and cold weather gear, plus a collapsible umbrella," I explained (the weather was pretty "iffy" that day). We bought some from the beer cart girl once in a while as well (to ward off any suspicion, clever guys that we are - plus she was cute as heck).

Trying to pound down a strong tasting, high alcohol content home brew would have been a disaster. Our beer flavor Kool Aid was perfect for the day - a better rehydrator than Gator Ade and no caffeine or sugar like iced tea or Coke.

There's a place for everything.

And what the Hell is Godwin's Law of BMC Threads?...better try the search...

Ah - here we go: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin's_law

...but I'm still confused...
PBR and High Life are great examples of American Lagers

I still drink BMC from time to time

I look at it as studying the style :mug:
+1 on the PBR. I had a really good craft brew yesterday, White Hawk IPA. It was tasty and had a REAL good ABV at 7%. After trying to run a roto-tiller yesterday afternoon, it was delicious right up until that storm hit. Not to hijack this thread, but was anyone else hit by that storm? Evan, you live relatively close to me, how bad was it by you?
Think that's bad? I just left a Korean restaurant, where I drank two bottles of Hite. That stuff makes BMC seem like high-end craft brew! :drunk:

I gotta go hit the kegerator, to cleanse that nasty beer from my palate. Great Korean BBQ though!

When I was in Korea I drank Hite, what a crappy product rice water beer :eek:
I'll second the Natty lite. My 2 sister in laws are in town this week. Neither one of them wanted to try a home brew so they went to the store and brought back that Nasty Lite. On a positive note - more homebrew for me.
Ah well. I have no problem drinking ANY BMC type brew.
About 23 years ago, all the brewerys here went on strike and it so happened I wasn't
brewing at that time. I drank imported beer ( Lone Star and Old Milwalkee in particular ).
Only thing I found wrong with those was I had to drink so many I treated it like soda and drank it even when I was driving. I have a certain fondness for those brews now and can't get them locally anymore as they were discontinued when the strike was over.

What I don't like is cider.
And what the Hell is Godwin's Law of BMC Threads?...better try the search...

Ah - here we go: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin's_law

...but I'm still confused...

BMC tastes like piss

there we go, the seal is broken on this thread. now do you get it?

its more of a corollary, unless you want to say it tastes like Hitler's piss.

BMC: Wrath of Der Fuhrer :rockin:

its not my taste but BMC definatly has a place in the middle of summer, watching baseball or at a BBQ with friends. Go Cubs!
That's a bit clearer. I was thinking that it was about Hitler and his preference for BMC. But he was bavarian (Austrian, really, but close enough) so he would not have a taste for BMCs.

I was at a shindig a week or so ago and there was this German (no idea what region) dude there and someone (not me) randomly asked him if he liked any American beers. I wasnt really a part of the conversation but I did hear his response. "Yah, I really like Budweiser." I was a tad surprised.
And what the Hell is Godwin's Law of BMC Threads?...better try the search...

Ah - here we go: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin's_law

...but I'm still confused...

Well, as you can see from that link, Godwin's Law states:

"As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."

My adaptation goes like this:

"As an HBT discussion regarding BMC grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving piss or fizz water approaches one."

Think I'm wrong, just wait. :p It's like clockwork. Bashing BMC is the HBT national f*cking pastime.
+1 on the PBR. I had a really good craft brew yesterday, White Hawk IPA. It was tasty and had a REAL good ABV at 7%. After trying to run a roto-tiller yesterday afternoon, it was delicious right up until that storm hit. Not to hijack this thread, but was anyone else hit by that storm? Evan, you live relatively close to me, how bad was it by you?

It wasn't that bad actually. I finished mulching and sat down at our patio table (covered with a patio umbrella, luckily) with the wife just in time for it to open up. We sat under the umbrella and drank my special bitter and soaked it all in while staying dry. It was magnificent---lasted maybe 15 minutes and gave this dried out property a much-needed soaking.
Let me reply before the thread goes south - I have no problems with BMC and even keep Michelob Ultra around. There are plenty of times all I want is something super light or a lawnmower beer to cool me down...
That's a bit clearer. I was thinking that it was about Hitler and his preference for BMC. But he was bavarian (Austrian, really, but close enough) so he would not have a taste for BMCs.

Actually for the record I think Hitler was into Bavarian beer. Likely those served in the Munich beer halls. Gussie Busch served in the US Army in WWII, and it is widely understood that the Busch family were not sympathizers with the Nazi regime.

Adolphus Busch on the other hand was a personal friend of the Kaiser. Oh the hoops lily Busch had to jump through to get out of Germany during the great war.;)
I remember as a 6 or 7 year old, my dad saying that I could not have a drink of his "big boys pop" which was PBR. Which would have been about 1982ish... Just this weekend I bought a sixer of Pabst Blue Ribbon & cracked one open last night while grilling out. I bought it because I was curious and the "ribbon" can caught my eye while I was picking up some Harp. It tastes just like I remember it smelling back in the day. Kinda Bud like... :) Probably will not buy it again... :)
My neighbors only drink BEast, Coors light etc... If I forget a beer when I go over to one of the houses, I end up drinking one of them. It is like water or something. I would ratherdrink one homebrew than a 6 pack of their beer.
I keep an 18 pack of Coors light or Busch around the house. Perfect for yard work or when you feel like drinking a few. Good "while you BBQ" type beers.
In an unnecessary effort to continue this discussion, I've found that after having several homebrews (or any good beer for that matter), if I drink a Coor's or the like it doesn't taste like piss at all. Actually, any BMC is tasteless after drinking a good beer. It just gets easier to drink the crap after you've had several homebrews.
Yes light beers have there place. I personally dont drink them often but on occasion they have there place. Also everyone here is saying how homebrew is "ALWAYS" better. Im being honest with myself here. I have made some real horrible s*&t. I would have happily traded a few of my batches for the beast. Cant win em all.
High Life will always have its place for me. Gotta love the girl on the moon, she is so hot right now!

However.... I have been forced into situations where I was drinking Miller Lite/Bud Light the past two weekends.... I just don't understand it. How can that be such a popular beverage? I hadn't had something like that in years and had forgotten the taste. I just can't get over how bad it was. It isn't even tasteless like everyone says, it TASTES, and it tastes bad. I do like High Life, and MGD/Bud/PBR..... those are fine, american lagers done right. I just can't fathom the Lite thing, why are they sooo popular when they are such a bad product? I realize everything is personal taste, but good god, I just can't believe anyone actually likes that stuff.
It doesn't happen very often, but I was at my sister's halping her with some stuff around her house and she offered me a bud so I took it. It certainly wasn't great, but it was cold and refreshing and right then that's what I needed.
I drank imported beer ( Lone Star and Old Milwalkee in particular ).

Hey my dog likes Lone Star too! :D


Ok, I do to...but it's been at least a couple years since I've had one...

boo boo if you need any Lone Star I'll hook you up...