I like this time at night on HBT

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It was called hydro something or another. I have had the same bottle now for a couple of years. They gave me some oxy something at first and I took those for a day and went back to the Dr and gave them to him and said I wanted something weaker. Man I was way out there taking those pills :fro:

I guess I am just not one for taking pills very much.

I find with nerve pain even they don't do much. But if you take enough of them you just don't care. :D

You have some cute kids there, snaps. I have four of them too, all in college or beyond now though. I figure those of us with superior genetics have a duty to pass those genes on....... :mug:
You got that right RB. You still hurt but just do not care that you hurt.

I think sometimes folks forget the importance of pain. We have pain for a reason and it is not good to ignore it or medicate it away all the time. I got a bum back. 2 surgeries with bone grafts and steel rods. For a few years I was taking pain pills like candy every day and got hooked on the stupid things. When I finally got off them I found I can take better care of myself and that will do more than the pain pills ever did.

But saying that there is a time for the pills. I was going on three days with just catnaps and no real sleep because of the pain so I took them for 2 days just to get caught up with my sleep. Now I do nothing but watch the boobtube and twiddle my thumbs until I am feeling better. That bit sucks
Glad you are at least not hurting, v-man. Nice to have plenty in bottles.

I got up feeling great today so cleaned the kitchen, did some laundry, emptied half a trailer of manure into the compost pile, re-potted my oregano from 1 gallon pots to 3 gallon(realized they were root bound), carried off the trash and recyclables, burned all the paper and card board trash, now I'm on the boil on a batch of brew. I sure get a lot done when I'm not drinking beer!! Gotta go check my brew...
Glad you are at least not hurting, v-man. Nice to have plenty in bottles.

I got up feeling great today so cleaned the kitchen, did some laundry, emptied half a trailer of manure into the compost pile, re-potted my oregano from 1 gallon pots to 3 gallon(realized they were root bound), carried off the trash and recyclables, burned all the paper and card board trash, now I'm on the boil on a batch of brew. I sure get a lot done when I'm not drinking beer!! Gotta go check my brew...

Right on man. I am glad you are feeling better :p
Right on man. I am glad you are feeling better :p

Thanks. I am good, hubby not so good, but okay. But he is home now. He got the ports put in so now he can carry around a Walkmed. So he doesn't have to be at the hospital just to get IV stuff. It's a simple to use interface and fits inside a bag that he can put on his belt loop or on the nightstand, or whatever. The IV bags just go inside the little machine. He's calling himself the bionic man. He's tired, just in general all the time. But okay.

Alright, enough about that, must go catch up on any music I missed while I was away. Good to "see" you guys and gals again.
Someone remind me to remind myself not to over-pitch the yeast next time. I did it again. I pitched yeast, again, for double the ABV I'm at, which is averaging 2.7. I know that's low, but I like beer and want something light, especially when I'm outside sweating. Nephew sold $700 worth of auto parts this week. I told him we'd give him 20% but then hubby told him I'm nuts, he gets 8%. Luckily, he listens to hubby over me. :D

Life is good enough. It's nice.

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Kind of quiet around here. Maybe we need a little music to liven things up?

Don't think we've had any ZZ Top yet....

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Been very busy the past few days. Had four trees dropped in the bak yard. The arborist was awesome. Did it all for $475. One was a 75' liquid amber. He dropped them all and hauled the brush away, then cut it all into firewood size pieces. He said before the job that he estimated it'd be about a cord of wood. So I built a cord sized drying rack. Looks like I need to build two more. Log splitter will be here from the ranch next week some time. Lots of work ahead of me. Four stumps to grind/remove. All while trying to sleep and taking care of the baby. I need a beer...
A neighbor of mine passed away a couple of years ago and the new owner of the property told me to go in and cut down all the trees that had been planted for fire wood. Everyone figured 30+ cord and I figured 80+ cord. To date we have pulled over a 100 cord out of there and still got a solid 20 or more to go.

It takes a LOT of beer to haul that much wood.... And not much wood to realize lumberjack I am not :p
I thought I has seen all of the monty python clips. But I sure enough had not seen that one :D

We used to do that one, and the entire skits for "Buy an Argument" and "The Dead Parrot" walking into 11th grade history class.
Best part is we had a relatively new student, a Brit!

Fun times!
Tradition goes on.
Try singing these out loud at work.
I do!

Huh, speaking of that history teacher we used to prank with Monty Python skits.
He was so square!

But one thing he did to turn the tables was let the class take off on conversations and
Then he would stop the class and make us go backwards through whatever the last comment
Like, how did we get to Hee Haw from Monty Python?
And continue on in reverse until we got back to the first comment.

He thought that was a good way to look at history.
Turns out that "square" was one of our best teachers.
He taught us how to think.
Huh, speaking of that history teacher we used to prank with Monty Python skits.
He was so square!

But one thing he did to turn the tables was let the class take off on conversations and
Then he would stop the class and make us go backwards through whatever the last comment
Like, how did we get to Hee Haw from Monty Python?
And continue on in reverse until we got back to the first comment.

He thought that was a good way to look at history.
Turns out that "square" was one of our best teachers.
He taught us how to think.

My biggest gripe with kids nowdays is it seems they have lost the ability to think critically. Seems as if with the internet everything is handed to them with out having to work for it so it means less and they do not question anything.

Sigh getting old sucks :D
Just finished an experimental 2.5 gallon batch using a can of mr. beer that expired 2 years ago. Steeped some 2-row, maybe 2 pounds, and a little brown sugar with the 2-row for a 60 minute boil, maybe 1/2 cup, though didn't really measure, then turn heat off and added about 1/4 cup honey and the old mr. beer can. Some kind of pale ale. I have to go to see the exact yeast, but pale ale yeast.

Tomorrow gonna brew another 5 gallons if I can. That's be 12.5 in 3 days, in between getting other things done. Friends are all calling now, trying to get me out of the house, go hang out. No!! I'm busy!!! Well, maybe soon.
My biggest gripe with kids nowdays is it seems they have lost the ability to think critically. Seems as if with the internet everything is handed to them with out having to work for it so it means less and they do not question anything.

Sigh getting old sucks :D

Sup guys and gals? Been crazy here lately. I politely disagree, Vman. I think the internet hands them knowledge, which is useless unless they're willing to put in the work to utilize it. And there is a lot of mis-information out there, so the internet isn't exactly a golden goose. Anyway, I think the probelm is all these dang video games :D

Alright, time for the drunken recap. Let's see here......Dan's on sabatical, aka lent. Bobbi brewed a bunch of bee beer and thought it swelled her throat shut, but it turns out it was just the maltose aggravating her thresh yeast infection thingy. Vman takes pills so he can sleep because his back hurts. Bottlebomber is a....ahem......pharmacuetical specialist ;) and Cygnus had to talk backwards in history class. :mug:
Alright, time for the drunken recap. Let's see here......Dan's on sabatical, aka lent. Bobbi brewed a bunch of bee beer and thought it swelled her throat shut, but it turns out it was just the maltose aggravating her thresh yeast infection thingy. Vman takes pills so he can sleep because his back hurts. Bottlebomber is a....ahem......pharmacuetical specialist ;) and Cygnus had to talk backwards in history class. :mug:

Great re-cap.
I do not like trolls, especially the ones that think they are clever rather then being ******-nozzles. Anyway, I bought this tonight. The more I look at and handle it, the better I like it. It's my first gun.

It should be fun to shoot. :)
Leadgolem said:
I do not like trolls, especially the ones that think they are clever rather then being ******-nozzles. Anyway, I bought this tonight. The more I look at and handle it, the better I like it. It's my first gun.

It should be fun to shoot. :)

Great looking gun! Except.. Did you make sure you were able to buy .22LR? It's rarer than hens teeth lately. My local ammo shop says they may be able to get it again NEXT YEAR.
Oh, and I'm not sure what to think about you mentioning your dislike of trolls with you revealing your acquisition of a firearm in the same post ;)
Great looking gun! Except.. Did you make sure you were able to buy .22LR? It's rarer than hens teeth lately. My local ammo shop says they may be able to get it again NEXT YEAR.
Wow, didn't realize that would be a problem. I didn't buy any ammo on purpose. If I had ammo I would be tempted to pull it out and play with it before I've going through safety.
Yikes! Are we troll shooting tonight? I can stake out the north end with my .22 rifle, you guys check the east and west sides. I think the south end is so full of brush, no one can get it. All ready?

Are we expecting an attack?
Oh, and I'm not sure what to think about you mentioning your dislike of trolls with you revealing your acquisition of a firearm in the same post ;)
Troll hunting. :D

Not really, I just made use of the forum blocklist feature for the first time.
We can call ourselves "Troll Patrol". Any intel on the direction the attack is supposed to be coming from?

Put down your weapons!! I'm pretty sure it's a false alarm!
I do not like trolls, especially the ones that think they are clever rather then being ******-nozzles. Anyway, I bought this tonight. The more I look at and handle it, the better I like it. It's my first gun.
it should be fun to shoot. :)

Don't get Bobbi started on trolls again, she has enough to worry about as it is. Besides, it's easy enough to ignore those you dislike.
BobbiLynn said:
We can call ourselves "Troll Patrol". Any intel on the direction the attack is supposed to be coming from?

Put down your weapons!! I'm pretty sure it's a false alarm!

Look out... there's a guy who infatuated with full blown aids
On my way to the northwest end, I saw a nice looking trail, follow me, we are hunting wabbits now.... :cross: