How do YOU name your beers?

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Early this May, May 4th to be exact, my brother and I brewed an imperial nut brown. Being big Star Wars fans, Star Wars Day(may the fourth be with you) and an imperial style, we named it Vader's Nut Brown. Right now I have a irish stout in the primary but it doesnt have a name. I'll probably wait til bottling day.
I love reading through this thread. It gives me some ideas to work with because I struggle to name my beers.

We named the brewery "Chicken on a Goat" because the day my wife and I were moving into our current house, we drove past a neighbors house who has chickens and goats. My wife saw a chicken literally standing on a goats back. We still laugh about it a year later.

I try to use a farmhouse theme for most of my beers... Old Barn IPA (red IPA) for example. I also have an American Amber that I call Podium Sweep after the 3 US Men who took 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in the Men's Slopestyle competition in the winter Olympics. I brewed it the weekend after.

My wife is pregnant and due this Thursday. When I created my original Wee Heavy, I called it Wee Lad in hopes of having a boy. We still don't know what we're having, though! Baptism Ale is named that because we're planning on tapping it at the christening.

Most of my beers are just descriptive names... Summer Saison because it's a Saison I made for drinking in the summer.

y'all are easily amused.
My only named beer so far is my first. It was a coffee oatmeal stout—a breakfast stout. So I called it "First Meal." Works in a couple directions.
I don't normally name my brews other than to give them a description. IIPA, DIPA, JIPPA (Jalapeno Imperial IPA), SMaSH'ing Saison, Chocolate Sundae Stout, Dirty Bonde, Smoked Scotch, etc. About the most I go is my 3/4 Porter ((Three Quarter Porter) porter brewing with a second running off another beers mash, plus a little extra base and specialty malts to round it out).
Usually something about Ohio where I live. When I brewed the dampfbier, I thought of it's being the original steam beer, according to german beer And the fog on Lake Erie in early spring, so I named it Lake Erie Steam. Or Buckeye Red for my Irish Red.
I'm still pretty novice, so the name isn't too big of deal for me. I usually call it "House Yellow" or "House Brown." The wife thinks my names are dumb, but I just want to make awesome beer. I'll leave the catchy stuff for the commercial guys.
I usually call it "House Yellow" or "House Brown."

I bring you:

PINK (it’s like red but not quite - aerosmith)

By the way. I'm color blind. Is this really pink? :confused:

Great thread!

I am a Deadhead and I have 3 varieties of fruit wheats that I brew that are all Dead themed:

Berry Garcia is my Strawberry Wheat
Dancing Bearies is my Raspberry Wheat
Stella Blue is my Blueberry Wheat
I'll use a new example, since I'm just getting into the habit of naming my beer:

Tweed Cap Porter

I'm sure there are at least a dozen porters by that name, but here's why I chose it: I have a patchwork tweed cap from Ireland, which I happened to be staring at whilst concocting the recipe.

However, I'm not above using music references, like everyone else seems to enjoy doing:

Over The Falls Brown Ale - My favorite Primus album (although, not my favorite song by said band, nor on said album)
The Oath (PTE clone) - Only die-hard fans of KISS, of which I am not one, will appreciate the reference
Bock N' Roll High School - I shouldn't have to explain this one
Between The Hammer And Anvil English IPA - It's a Painkiller, which happens to be Judas Priest's best album (I don't want an argument)

And the one I like the best:

Citra 2CV IIPA - I've grown to ADORE Toppling Goliath's Pseudo Sue, and my attempt to clone it, led to this. The name was inspired by both a ridiculous French car (I'm a VW man), and the fact that I have significantly more Citra hops than I do any other. I need to use them immediately.
I usually come up with good names while I'm drunk... I never could remember them though (go figure),so I started putting them in my phone.

I also thought a about naming beers with movie characters, sort of like a personification of the beer. Like "Steven McCaffery" for an in your face IPA, or "Johnny Utah" for a Cali Common.

Off subject kinda, but back in high school, we had names for our bongs. I think the best name we gave to one was Kurt Warner. It looked awesome, but in reality it was junk.

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I name mine after style and hops used. Citra pale ale. Centennial session IPA

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I name mine after style and hops used. Citra pale ale...

I also had a Citra pale ale I made but didn't discover I had purchased a slightly darker malt than the one I planned on. My dad really liked it and once it was gone, he talked me in to brewing it again. CPA became DPA for Dad's Pale Ale.

Birfday Cream Ale: bottled last night (wife requested a batch in time for her birthday)
D 'n' L: Dark n Light, a session IPA
Jaison: a saison style recipe I made. My name is Jason, so I merged the names
Citrocious Hop Water: a light pilsner malt base with a ****-ton of Citra in it. Basically the beer is a way to drink the hops.

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I'm with a lot of people here. A simple description of the style. My energy and thought is typically consumed with brewing the best beer I can and nailing what I set out to do.

Every now and then I'll come up with a name, but something needs to have happened during the brew process or the beer needs to really stand out in a certain way.

If I'm brewing with someone, a name often comes up. That kind of creative is easier with someone else, but I do my best brewing and recipe creation alone.

I hate that my brain works this way, but sadly I'll sometimes go down a path of...

"look at those ridiculous names"
"What's the goal here, to brew an awesome beer or to have a story to tell"
"Is that guy just looking for attention"
"Does he really need to name every beer"

...Meanwhile, they're just someone brewing beer and having a good time coming up with names.
I usually brew for a reason; even though I brew all the time. Whether it's a seasonal, in honer of an event, in honer of a person, or sometimes I just come up with a funny stupid name.

Just to name a handful...

Priceless pup oatmeal brown ale- in honor of my yellow lab
Lucky Mayan red- in honer of an end of the world party a few years ago
broSesh ale- IPA for a get together with old friends that rarely get together these days
broSeshish ale- an imperialized spin off of broSesh. Same grist but usually add rye, smoked malt, oak, etc, or a new single hop.
Cheer Beer- xmas ale
Brolic strong ale- brolic is slang for strong
Honey Brew Brew- an iipa with honey in it
Ava Ale- single hopped apa named after my first born
poor boy- an inexpensive simple malt single hopped stout aged with cheap Virgina gentleman bourbon oak
SummerSesh- Usually a lawnmower type beer for the heat of the summer. It changes each year. I've done smash's, single hopped blondes, kumquat wheat apa, etc.

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