How close to GF is this beer? (Recipe inside)

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Feb 9, 2014
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Hello! This is my first post. I have been having some great successes brewing beer for myself, but my wife unfortunately cannot say the same as she has Celiac disease... so one way to settle this is obvious - Gluten Free Beer! Since I couldn't find any 1 gallon gluten free kits, I had to patch together some recipes that I could pull off in my NYC apartment.

I am curious as to know how gluten free this beer is based on the recipe I found. (For those who read Reddit/r/homebrewing this will be familiar as I asked a similar question there). This question is more concerned with gluten levels.

The are from the ingredients I found when researching gluten free recipes. But I don't have fridge space to ferment as a lager...


Note All of the original amounts are for a 5 gallon mix, so I had to tweak the numbers and divide by 5. These are the final numbers.

  • 1.5 gallons tap water
  • 1.5 lbs white sorghum syrup
  • 0.3 lbs Premium Blonde Belgian Candi syrup
  • 0.5 oz Hallertau hop pellets (4.6%) @ beginning
  • 0.5 oz Cascade hop pellets (6.4%) @ last 10 minutes
  • 0.5 oz Chez saaz hop pellets (4.0%) @ end
  • 2ml White Labs clarity ferm
  • 2.4 gms of Safbrew S-33 yeast


  • Boiled water then reduced to around 160ºF/170ºF.
  • Poured in sorghum syrup and candi syrup
  • Low rolling boil for 60 minutes adding hops as ingredients list suggest
  • Chilled down to 55ºF/60ºF
  • Added clarity ferm and yeast, gave it a good shake up and hooked up the blow off.

Hyrdometer reading was attempted but my 1 gallon carboy is not tall enough for the hydrometer to float, it just sinks to the bottom.

Beer was pretty green and after about 12 hours the yeast is going bonkers which is nice... but I really have no idea what type of beer I've made.

Ultimately I want to create my own beers by picking my own grains and hops, but I really don't understand the make up of it all just yet (I have only ever brewed kits).



Looks to me like that beer would be 100% gluten free. The main things to watch for is the malt and yeast, and both of those are fine in this case. In fact you didn't need the clarity ferm for gluten reduction purposes, if that is what it was for.
I realize it isn't part of your question but have you used S-33 before? I don't personally recommend that yeast; I've never enjoyed the results. I haven't used it but I believe Safbrew WB-06 or T-58 would both be better for the style you are going for. But--as the other poster pointed out, the recipe is 100% gluten free.
Thanks guys!

ChasidicCalvinist said:
I realize it isn't part of your question but have you used S-33 before? I don't personally recommend that yeast; I've never enjoyed the results. I haven't used it but I believe Safbrew WB-06 or T-58 would both be better for the style you are going for.

I haven't used this yeast before. I took a wild-stab based on some recommendations, as Wyeast don't make the GF product anymore...

Since this is my first time using this yeast (still furiously bubbling after ~36 hours), what should I expect in flavor?